Hello Ashes! I'm keeping the fan name for the sequel because it's freaking awesome! Anyway, some of you may be confused to why this is a sequel. This is considered a sequel because some of our beloved characters will make a few quest appearances from time to time. So this is a sneak peek for the sequel… Whisking Shadows! That's the name of the sequel! I really hope you guys like it; it took a long time to come up with! Anyway, there won't be a clan page because… OMG Majesty don't spoil anything! Sorry guys, but there isn't a clan page, but I still need OC'S. Without further ado, Whisking Shadows!

Whisking Shadows: Chapter 1

Pouncer walked through the valleys of Starclan, pondering about the choice he just made. The choice that will affect his kits lives.

A few Moons Ago…

Pouncer had just meeting with Cinderblaze, her words still echoing in his head. Stop seeing her before something happens! Pouncer remembered scoffing at her when she talks about his Keeper like that. Nothing will come between us!

Pouncer walked over to see his beautiful Keeper sitting by the river. Her jet black fur glistened in the moonlight, and her piercing midnight blue eyes. Her eyes still had the same haunted look in the. Her black feathered wings blended into her fur. Her wings He still remembers her story about how she was gifted with wings.

Pouncer's heart fluttered when he caught another glimpse at her scars. Her most beautiful feature. "Keeper! You look extra beautiful today," he cried out happily. She blushed and tried to hide herself.

"P-Pouncer you scared me!" Her voice was full of self-conscious, whenever her tone sounded like that, Pouncer's heart crumbled.

"Keeper you look beautiful. Never hide yourself," Pouncer's voice rang out trough the valleys of Starclan. Keeper flinched at his tone, but that quickly faded when she found herself in his tight embrace. Pouncer touched noses with her, and traced her scars with his paw.

I wish I had the chance to kill that two leg that did this to her. He will pay for the pain he caused her! Pouncer could feel himself get angrier as he thought about his love being scared and tested on by two legs. The reason they gave her wings, the reason she speaks so many tongues, the reason why she is so emotionally scared! Pouncer's claws were now deep into the soft earth.

Keeper looks up at him. She glanced at the clawed earth. "Don't be angry. It's in the past now, it doesn't matter," her voice cracked. She is brave like her father and beautiful like her mother. Suddenly, an idea popped up in his head.

"Keeper, I think it's time that you get a name you deserve." Her eyes grew wide with shock. He smirked at her. "Keeper, from this day forward you will be known as Keeper of Starry Night! Starry for your mother Star. You have inherited her beauty and grace. And Night for your father, Night. You have also inherited his strength and wisdom." Pouncer licked her forehead as he announced her new name.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked into his amber eyes. "Thank you Pouncer, this means so much to me-" her sentence was cut off by Pouncer nuzzling her. I will never leave your side, my preciouses Keeper of Starry Night.

Present Day in Starclan…

Pouncer walked over to Keeper sitting by the same river where she received her name. Still so beautiful, and so wise. She turned around around to see Pouncer walking towards her. "Pouncer, I really need to tell you something!" She bounded over to him, and nuzzled him. "Pouncer, I'm expecting kits!" Her voice was full of happiness, yet deep fear.

K-Kits?! How is that possible! Starclan cats don't have kits, it can't happen! Pouncer's head was filled with confusion, but his heart was filled with love and happiness for his precious's sweet heart. "I'm so happy," he whispered to her.

"Pouncer, it doesn't make sense! Starclan cats don't have kits, what happened?! Wait! It must have been form the spill in-" she stopped. The bitter memory of being taken away from her family, and being tested on. She will have to tell our kits her story one day, because Keeper isn't a normal Starclan cat, hence her wings and intelligence.

"It's ok my love," he hushed her by wrapping his tail around her belly. "We will find a way to make this work. No matter what happens, we will stay a family!" She smiled and snuggled him. Pouncer settled into the soft grass, snuggling his beautiful mate. She soon fell asleep, but Pouncer was wide awake.

He stared at Keeper. She was so broken, so damaged by those cruel two legs. Our kits will never have to face that harshness, ever. He stared at all of her scars, and pawed the long one along her back. He traced her tongue along her scar, showing his affection for her. He lied his head on her belly, where he felt a tiny kits kick. He smiled to himself.

"I will love you and our kits forever and ever, my Keeper of Starry Night," Pouncer vowed silently before drifting into a deep sleep.

Hey guys! I hoped you liked this sneak peek/ chapter one of Whisking Shadows! If you couldn't already tell, that was Keeper's special OC. I hope I portrayed her character ok Keeper! I know she has a devastating backstory, and it will come out soon in this book. I hope you all liked the chapter, ciao Ashes! –Majesty

P.S.- don't forget to give me any OC's or ideas. Fox I hope this plot is ok!