No one thought Riley Matthews could fall, or just how hard she would fall.

It happens roughly six months into her freshman year at high school. By then Lucas and Maya are happily dating, Zay is happy and Smackle finally transferred over to JQA High School. Everyone's happy, well except her.

When she and her friends went to high school something changed. Maya started to hangout with new people, Farkle and Smakle started to take on more classes, Lucas and Zay join the football team.

And Riley stayed the same. In the fist month she wasn't worried, her friends were sailing smoothly across the ocean that was high school an she was proud. Since her friends were always so busy, she took up photography.

(It was one of the best decisions she made in those six months.)

By the second month, she was a little more than slightly worried. Their group hardly hangs out, it's just that everyone's so busy.

Maya has her new friends and art club. Lucas has football and advance classes. Farkle and Smackle were in their own little word, filled with equations and big words she didn't understand. She and Zay are the only ones who hang out on a week-to-week basis.

She's so glad for that, he slowly was becoming her best friend. Not that Maya wasn't her best friend, but she was allowed to have another close friend, right?

(She starts to want to go back to middle school, everything was so much simpler.)

By the third month, Zay is the only one who knows where she is most of the time. He also knows that she's amazing with a camera, and goes with her to Central Park all the time. It was there when he asks her if she knew.

"Riley? Can I ask you a question?" His voice was almost fearful.

After taking a photo of the rocks in the shallow creek she turns to face Zay, "Sure? Is it something bad, becau-"

"Do you know if Maya and Lucas are dating?" He rushes out. She almost falls when she understands what he is saying.

"T-They are? I didn't know." She looks dow at the camera in her hands, "I'm happy for them. They deserve it." She refuses to acknowledge the tear sliding her face.

She's happy for them, really she is. They both deserve happiness and she always knew that the fire they had was stronger than some summer rain. She doesn't realize that she's sobbing until Zay is hugging her and telling her it's alright. But it's not alright because she lost both of them to each other.

(That's when she really starts to fall.)

By the fourth month she isn't talking to anyone, Zay tries but he just doesn't understand, so he takes a step back, even though he doesn't want to. Her camera is the only thing she interacts with. She stops eating as much as she used to, but that doesn't bother her. Neither does the worried looks her parents give her and to each other.

The only two things that bother her is how much she cries and how tired she is. The bags underneath her eyes seem to be getting darker everyday, which really isn't helping her self-esteem.

She doesn't see any of her old friend group until Maya knocks on her window at three in the morning.

Maya's crying, and Riley's heart breaks.

"Maya, what's wrong?" She asked her sister? Best friend? Riley wasn't sure where they stood, but Maya was Maya and she's Riley so she was to help right?

Maya tells her that she and Lucas got into a big fight and she didn't know where to go and Riley let's her complain and yell at the world.

She doesn't tell Maya that she really didn't care. Why would she? Maya, her best friend was talking to her, how could she give that up?

(She's eating less, smiling less, but she's crying more.)

By the fifth month, Riley is really close to the edge of the metaphorical cliff in her mind. Maya only comes to her when she and Lucas have a problem. Old Riley would've made them sit down and talk their differences out, but she isn't her anymore, so she let's Maya rant and yell about Lucas. Well majority of the time, sometimes she makes sure Maya doesn't see her so she can get some alone time from Maya. Her mom tries to talk to her more, but Riley pretends she's fine, Zay tries to talk to her too, but she pushes him away.

She pushes almost everyone away. She's just tired and wants sleep, but Maya's knocking on her window, crying again. She sighs and let's Maya in. Maya talks for a while and Riley listens, chiming in when Maya looked at her.

Things change in the sixth month.

Maya doesn't talk to her anymore, Lucas and her figured out what was wrong between them and were happily dating.

(It doesn't bother her, she swears.)

She saw Frakle and Smackle in the hallway and smiled for the first time in four months. They don't see her though, but that's okay too.

(It wasn't okay, but no one is making her fess up to the little white lies she tells herself.)

She doesn't see how much she's changed. Her parents do, though. Auggie does too, so he starts to leave her little presents that bring a smile to her face.

(It doesn't matter that she only smiles because he can see her.)

It does matter when, in the sixth month of her freshmen year, she found laying on her bathroom floor, sobbing about how no one needs her and that she hates herself. Sobbing about how she should just die, because no one will miss her.

Her dad is the one to find her. His heart breaks once he sees her, so he grabs her and hugs her like when she was five. She sobs into his shirt, only faintly aware of Auggie asking their dad if Riley was okay, and only slightly aware when he tells her mom to call the hospital.

She wakes up to a white room.

A/N: Hoped you enjoyed- MissFrancisSalazar
