So, please, please, please don't hate me. I know it's been a month since I updated but A LOT of things have happened since I started working on Chapter 10. Before I explain what's been going on, I'd like to thank you all for being so very, very patient and for all of your favorites and follows and review.

To booknerdallie, thank you for the follow. To Supred and bvbgirl562 for not only favoriting me, but following me as well. To Imaginativequeen101, thank you for not only favoriting and following me but for letting me know that you think my story is really, really good. I promise a new chapter will be up… eventually. There's just been a lot going on.

Alright, so explanation time; you don't have to read this if you don't want but I feel like you guys do need some kind of explanation, crappy as it might be. Oh and if it seems like I'm being a bit… blasé with certain situations, it's all a coping mechanism.

Firstly, my dad was supposed to come up to visit me and my little brother (I say little only because I have four years on him but he still TOWERS over me, the jerk) the same day that I posted Chapter 9 only to get a call from the hospital that he fell down his stairs and broke both his hip and shattered his leg. Being that he's sixty-years-old with major diabetes and poor circulation, that's a big deal. I had him moved into an assisted living home where they then found polyps in, well; let's just say he needs help going to the bathroom at all times now. Luckily they're not cancerous but he still needs to have surgery to have them removed then I'll have to help him move back into the assisted living home and we'll play it by ear from there.

On top of that, I've been doing a couple of college courses online (English, History, and Math). I don't think I was fully prepared to do all of my assignments, since it's been back-to-back-to-back and I end up constantly on the computer researching and typing to get everything done on time for my teachers and my TA is only just kicking in.

Work is pretty busy with drills and increasing of security measures. In the last week we've been doing hurricane drills so we've been running around making sure everyone is attaining a specific level of hurricane preparedness. We're also doing something called a PRT (Physical Readiness Test) or PFA (Physical Fitness Assessment). I don't know what the difference is since they're the same thing but either way, I'm overweight and have been working out five – six times a week and been doing the Atkins diet (which is actually really unhealthy for anyone but if done right has wonderful results) to try and get back into my weight bracket.

And the final nail in the coffin that has made my month the worst – my boyfriend cheated on me. I won't go into details but, it was bad. There was screaming and crying and a few things being thrown. With that being said, I find myself to be an emotional writer and I don't want to fuck up Growing Pains with my absolute hate towards men at the moment, so, once again, please try to be understanding why I'm going to put the story on HIATUS for a while. I promise, I will be back. Just give me time to get myself emotionally stabilized and everything else back under control. I still have so many ideas and I will write them out, just, not yet.

So, until next time, I wish you all good health; good weather and I promise that I will talk to you later.

Oh, so P.S. I also promised free advertising for a Dark Matter fan-fiction. If you don't know what Dark Matters is, it's up on Netflix and it's a sci-fic action tv series. It's totally awesome and I wholly endorse it. Speaking of, kuhakukitsune's Lucky Number Seven is really, really awesome. Chapter 13 just got uploaded and I am stoked to read the next one, whenever it gets posted. Alright, signing off.