Chapter 1 1/2
A/N: I haven't really had time to write, but I didn't want to keep anyone waiting and so I will publish what I have done. Just keep checking for updates every now and then since I plan to finish the entirety of chapter two sometime this month
Tom's 5th Year- Hogwarts- 1942
I have always found it odd that people will turn a blind eye to the chaos that so blatantly was happening before them. How quickly do people turn away from someone who claims to be fine even if they see the scars that mark their arms or the bruises that wrap 'round the neck. Society is, by all right, cruel.
Tom Riddle stood in the door frame of the compartment. A light pink dusted his cheeks and his ruffled up appearance held a sense that he was flustered from a different exchange that must have happened before getting on the train. "Hello Tom." Alissa nodded to him curtly before returning her attention to the window. Tom straightened himself his hands smoothing over his school robes. Tom's prefect badge gleamed out in the semi-brightness of the room the silver serpent looked almost life-like when the light bounced off of its engraved scales. No smile laid on his features when he greeted her but his eyes burned brightly with knowledge as he took his seat beside Kal.
"Good day Mr. Young." Tom nodded to Kal who just looked Tom up and down as if this wasn't a thing that Tom did normally. He was of course, correct. On a normal day, the only way you could get any acknowledgement Kal just returned back to his normal posture and began speaking the words of a small child with a very short memory span. It took him but a few seconds to think of what else he was to say. Alissa had known when that moment was since when it hit him like a wild baseball bat, he stood and rushed to her side hopping down onto the cushioned leather.
"Have you seen the Middlestone twins yet?" Asked Kal snuggling closer to which Alissa shook her head side to side for no. "If you do, don't ask for a dance or anything, Larry is a bloody dead hoofer and Willie is just a plain old fat-head."
"I'll be sure to take a note to that one Kal. How, can you be so mean to people, haven't you ever wondered what people say about you?" she questioned mimicking what her mother used to do for her when she was but a small child creating hurt in the world.
"Oh, I can imagine," To which he clutched both hands together and lent them up to his chin and began to bat his eyes as he spoke in a high-pitched voice, "Isn't Kal just dashing! I bet he's a real kicker." Alissa smacked him upside the head.
Tom sat in the corner his face holding a placid look keeping his shoulders hunched inward to keep away from Kal's emotional hands that continued to fly just about everywhere. If he was uncomfortable he didn't say anything up until the point when Kal practically threw his arms over Tom's shoulder. That's pretty much when everything went badly.
When the skin to skin contact happened, Tom's body jumped into the air. His cheeks continued to remain their pale color beside the anger that shone strongly in his eyes. His fists curled at his sides clenching and unclenching the clammy flesh. He looked quite ready to sock Kal in the face but before her could there came the high pitched squeal of the train whistle. The fifth years had arrived. Alissa jumped up exclaiming, "Oh crap! I forgot to put on my Hogwarts Robes." Both boys looked at her confused. "Well, get out so I can hurry up and change." She shoved Kal into Tom and then harshly threw them into the unforgiving hallway of stampeding students left only to the mercy that they would get up in time.
She turned to the shelf currently holding her lemon colored duffelbag and dug through tossing clothes, books, and ink wells all about the room. It seemed as though the bag would continue to give her useless things for forever. "Where are they? I know you have them you stupid bag now hand 'em over!" She hissed through her teeth. Oh, how wild she must have looked with her throwing of things and the wild strands of curly black hair waving in non-existent wind her eyes probably showed what many would assume had a feral cat gone wild look about them. Her fingernails scraped the bottom of the bag making a medium sized noise sounding somewhat like a broken nail on a record player. In a fit of anger she heaved the duffelbag above her head aimed for the door and- there were her clothes.
Black Robes and a grayscale shirt were strewn in front of the door. They must have been mixed in with the other clothes she had thrown moments before. With her anger quickly fading out now, she made of move to get dressed and once she did she would rush out onto the platform and into a random carriage. Who knew maybe this carriage would have a handsome and rich prince just for her.
She swung open the glass doors of the compartment not bothering to lift the pearl colored blinds from their spot at the bottom and she stepped out onto the mahogany floorboards of the train. Following the fancy maroon rugs laid out like a runway she crossed out of the threshold and raced towards the carriages. Blurs of pastel oranges, yellows, and reds passed by her running figure as she raced towards the carriages getting there just in time to hop on the coattails of the last one.