The trees are dead. Their long branches twist and turn away from the knot that roots its lifeforce to the earth. They are afraid of the monster it has become. It's useless to try and hide away from it and so they are forced to watch as the tree sucks the life from the ground and drowns it in the shadows. They feed until nothing is left, until all the animals have fled or died, until all people mortal or not are gone and rid of. It is in the nature of evil to attack like a parasite and flood out the light and for a time whether it be great of short, it works. Eventually the light will pierce the heavy hanging clouds through the shimmering sword of a hero. Eventually both the light and the dark will die only to be replaced by another. The cycle of our universe is as infinite as the stars.

Hollow Brown eyes snap open at an instant to the sounds of the screams. The body just continues to lay there on the bed contemplating whether or not the noise is one that would sound out of a dangerous terror for someone who will soon sleep with the fish or if it is a scream of fulfillment like if one were to win a prize or destroy something of a darker entity.

It can be determined that after a while there are no other noises that follow after the scream, no gunshot-no hissing or sizzling- not a sign of any danger.

The mind from the body has pertained the thought that this sound was the later of choices where it was the scream of a hardened battle warrior who had finally won the fight and that there isn't any danger in this place(not anymore at least).

In the instant tan hands rush forward to the face where it spends the next half minute trying to rub the sleep out of the lifeless eyes. Eventually the body will stand to face a mirror where it will observe the reflection of a woman-girl-who has seen too much, who has fought too hard and for the reward was gifted the minorities of old age.

Standing on the inside of the mirror is a girl around the age of twenty-five. Her features were youthful, but her eyes and mind were what drew people to believe that she was older and the beginnings of wrinkles over her mouth with the crow's feet below the eyes didn't help much. She observes the reflection in the awfully dirty mirror and what she sees is something she wished she had seen all those years ago. Her lips are a light pink that somewhat mismatch the hispanic origin that covers the rest of her features. She observes the lengthy eyelashes that would make Bambi whimper out of defeat. She has thick black curls that hang limply and messy down to her shoulders.

Sound filters into her ears and she is drawn towards a window to her left. The first things she noticed were the spidering cracks filtering from the base of the glass and onwards, next she noticed the dust and the grime that slicked over the surface with very little light shining forth. The second thing to be noticed were the smaller pieces of paper badly taped to the glass in the middle of the window. On the notes are quotes written in curvy handwriting, they are motivational quotes much like those from famous inspirational movies but mostly from the comedic ones. At the end of one it is signed by her. Alissa Small. That's her name. She remembers that now but the place she is standing in is still one of unfamiliarity.

Her hands grasp her head tightly as she fails to keep the thoughts passing in her head furiously still. She hates the noises outside the window now, the laughing of children who have just wandered outside the flat from next door. The noises remind her of those children that died, they would never laugh now and it was all her fault. A stream tears from her throat as the memories of 'him' reach her eyes. No longer in that bedroom she remains inside a memory and lost to passing time. She sees the day she first managed to piss off the unspeakable lord. Sees the first time they shared a real genuine laugh at one Hufflepuff's expense, and then she remembers the first time that she died. All that time spent screaming she sees Tom Riddle's baby doll face flashing over and over again and again. Then all is lost to the darkness.


She wakes up to the sounds of the train as it whistles to the wind harshly berating it like some kind of animal. The compartment that she sits in is empty and yet the glass on the window still fogs up when she exhales the breath that she has held onto during her slumber. The red velvet seats across from her sparkle in the light coming from the raindrops. The cold September air is like a slap to the face because it instantly wakes her mind to a numbing sense that she has had since the day she was born. She oftens finds herself thinking ordinary thoughts and today wasn't much different. Alissa had never really been much of a deep thinker when it came to some subjects. 'I wonder what it is that mom and dad are doing. Are they worried about me? About the war?' She was worried about the war, about Grindelwald and his followers. Her town had been one of the most recent targets for the bombs. Her parents nearly cried at the joy that if they died at least their legacy would continue to live on. Naturally her father cared more about the pureblood line of her family continuing than he actually cared that she survived. It wasn't like it mattered anyways since both her parents had been purebloods meaning that Grindelwald would want them alive rather than dead.

The compartment door slid open with a soundless swoosh but she still looked up to see a boy almost the age of twelve come walking in. His footsteps had fall short when he realized that someone else was in there as well. The boy looked at her with a wicked looking grin "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that there was already someone in this compartment." A blush was crawling up his face but he managed to keep the redness from completely setting in.

Alissa looked at him with her hollow eyes ranking him up and down trying to find something to classify if he was dangerous. She came to the conclusion that he was virtually harmless aside from the flirty parts he couldn't quite keep in his own looked like a pure blooded wizard to her with his combed back hair, relaxed demeanor, and cocky smile. He wasn't even close to a threat

"It's fine. I was looking for some company anyways but, be warned my weirdness may send you off." She giggled at him. He smiled too. That was all just a part of what her mother called a very happy personality but she liked to call her attitude a very happy unicorn. Her mother constantly rephrased it to tell others that she had extra personality and that she was just trying to find herself. Her father said that if she didn't just decide on an emotion he would be forced to send her to the madhouse with the dementors. It was an empty threat so she didn't truly take it to heart, he needed her in order to continue the family line.

The boy sat slouched down in the seat in front of her."Name's Kal by the way." He winks at her. "Might I ask what yours is m'lady?"

"Just call me beautiful." She smiled at him playing along with the game Kal was playing. Alissa could tell they were going to be friends quickly since both had super flirty personality. If it was possible he shrunk even lower into the seat shock ridden on his face. Something caught his eye and he stopped smirking his face soon became doused in red from the top of his widows peak down to the dimple in his chin. Alissa continued to giggle, "You know if you keep blushing like that your face is gonna match your hair right?"

"I wouldn't be blushing so badly if you had normal clothes on." He says looking down at his feet and shuffling his finger in his hands.

Alissa looks down at her clothes to find that her skirt had ridden up to her knees during her slumber. She glares at the boy before standing up and thoroughly smacking him upside the head with a nearby potions book. "Why-didn't-you-tell-me-earlier!" She shouts in between the thumps that the book made. Kal squeals loudly and screams out apology after apology.

Eventually the two tire themselves out and instead sit back down on the seats breathless. "Y'know you ain't half bad shorty." Kal breathes out.

It was all fun and games until he walked in. Tom Marvolo Riddle stood in the door frame looking rather perfect. Little did Alissa know her life was about to change. For better or worse she didn't know.

Fun Facts To Share:

Sticky notes would have been used as the notes on the window, except they didn't come around until the year 1977 whereas our story starts around 1945 in September so instead, Scotch tape was used since it was invented in the 1930s.

For a motivational quote on those 'sticky notes' I would have used the popular phrase "Hang in there, Baby" but it was also invented around the 1970s and couldn't be used.