A/N: who would've thought, I'm alive.

Hermione mulled over her options as she slowly wandered back to her new room and began unpacking the few belongings she had shoved into a bag whilst making her hasty retreat from the burrow. My my, who would've thought the terrible twins would ever be interested in the girl who had always managed to land them in hot water. And to think, now she would be living and working with them too... She grinned wickedly. This could be fun...


She woke with a start. Who on earth was screeching her name with such lack of consideration for the fact that she had been passed out on her bed, the exhaustion of the last few days having finally caught up with her. Hermione stomped out into the kitchen, her gaze murderous.


George looked at her with considerably less confidence than just a few seconds previous.

"Well uh, you see... that is..."

Fred came bounding up the stairs that led to the shop, obliviously to the vicious look on Hermiones face as he spoke to his twin in excited tones.

"Have you asked her yet Georgie?"

George cleared his throat awkwardly. Hermione had been glaring daggers at him since he had failed to respond to her question, and a this point he wasn't sure if he would be able to speak even if he could think of what to say.

"Someone better have died for you to have woken me up by screaming my name so half the city can hear." She said softly, her voice menacing.

Fred looked between the two of them and seem to grasp that George had zero control over the current situation.

"Well you see, we had some rather exciting news and I'm sure George was just so eager to share it he didn't think. Right, George?" He nudged his brother.

George shook his head, snapping himself out of it.

"Right, exactly." He muttered. His cheeks were pink, and Fred couldn't help but wonder if it was because Hermione looked particularly magnificent when she was angry. Her eyes positively glowed, and the pink flush to her cheeks made him think of things that he really shouldn't be thinking about when Hermione wasn't still standing there, impatiently waiting for one of them to tell her what the hell was going on.

"Uh anyway." Said a flustered Fred. His twin eyed him knowingly, his former discomfort fading away as he realised he wasn't the only one having trouble focusing on the matter at hand.

"Yeah, anyway."

Hermione raised an eyebrow at the usually exuberant twins lack of response. She smirked inwardly. If they were this easy to distract, this might be even more fun than she'd anticipated. She sat down with a huff on the enormous fuschia sofa the twins had in their lounge and crossed her legs daintily.

"This is getting ridiculous, boys. If you don't hurry up and say something, anything, I'm going to fall back asleep right here." As cute as they were and as much as she like rendering them speechless, she really wasn't a patient person.

"So basically Katie - "

" - you remember her from school right, Katie Bell - "

" - is opening her own place - "

" - she refuses to let it be called a pub even though it's basically a modern version of the Three broomsticks - "

" - but anyway, she invited us for opening night but said we had to have plus ones."

"Apparently she doesn't trust us to come alone and not do anything stupid." Fred tried to look hurt by this statement, as though they hadn't blown up the cake at Katie's 16th birthday when trying to figure out a spell that would allow them to see what was inside all the presents.

"Can't say I blame her." Hermione shrugged. "What exactly is it that you're asking though? Not sure if you've noticed, but there's only one of me and two of you."

The twins grinned at one another.

"Oh easy, no one can ever tell us apart but you."

"We'll just both be George for the night, since apparently he's the responsible one." Fred rolled his eyes. The responsible one, my arse. George was just better at hiding his mischievous ways.

So that's how they were going to play it, she thought.

"Why not?" She replied, thoughtfully. "It might be nice to have an excuse to dress up for once. Can we bring Ginny though?" She was going to need the other girl to make sure her plan went off without a hitch.

The twins grumbled about having to brong their baby sister along just long enough for Hermione to remind them sweetly that they could always not go. With that parting shot, she walked away, mind working furiously.

Fred looked at George. George looked at Fred.

"What are we getting ourselves into?"