"Were there any other necessary repairs?"

Green scribbled across the paperwork on his desk and cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder. He could think of a few other things the gym might benefit from fixing but none of which were presently necessary. "Just the one light, and I've already been docked."

"You'll get it back," a man on the phone promised. "Just needed it temporarily."

"Good," Green grumbled.

"Don't get mad now," the man laughed uneasily. "Everything's fine. Oh! And I almost forgot. The big Association dinner is scheduled for the end of next month, so keep your schedule open."

"Will do," Green said. "Anything else?"

"I think that's it," the man replied. "Are we still good for next weekend? Daisy's excited to show you the new soup she's been working on."

Green couldn't help a smile that lifted the age from his face. If there was one anomaly to his usual schedule that he didn't mind, it would be his sister's visits. Daisy and Bill had finally (to Bill's denial) married within the past year, and even before then, she would bring him to see Green every now and then. She often chided her brother for being a workaholic but never without a gentle undertone. Green appreciated that she never tried to stop him from doing what did, even if she had no room to. With Bill working at the Pokémon Association and Daisy furthering her own medical career, the three of them were too busy to reprimand each other without sounding hypocritical. So reciprocal support was all they gave.

"I would never deny her meals," Green admitted rather warmly. "I'll just have a guest this time."

There was a pause. "You're bringing someone to meet your sister?"

"No, Bill." Green passed the phone between his hands in a nettled fashion. "She's just staying with me for a while. It's Blue."

"Blue?" Bill queried. "It'll be nice to see her again. Alright, I'll let Daisy know. We'll see you next week."

Green bid his in-law farewell before ending the call and attacking his papers once more. As with Daisy's visits, Bill's calls were not uncommon; Green had come to expect them by now. Especially seeing as how Bill worked for the company that ran the gym. Which would be closing soon, and he still had one last challenger record to document.

He had written half of the next word when the intercom on his desk crowed. Irritation laced both his sigh and the hand that answered the call. "Yes, Jan?"

The secretary on the other end cleared her throat. "Temper, Mr. Oak. I'm closing up shop and going home, but you have a visitor."

Groaning inwardly, Green droned, "Send them in. I'll see you tomorrow."

The intercom down fizzled out abruptly, and he leaped at the chance to complete his dangling sentence. His mind whirled among everything he still needed to complete that evening, some of which included the current paper and a truant who would likely claim his bed again if he didn't beat her to the apartment. For a guest, she had been making herself perfectly at home. So, of course, he couldn't help brooding over this mystery visitor. And brooding soon took a turn for the worse when he recognized the pikachu that skidded across the office threshold.

"You're late," Green greeted.

The laugh that escaped Red fell as anxious as the hand rubbing his neck. "Yeah, I know." He observed as his childhood rival scoffed and continued the report with a controlled ferocity. "But I still made it!"

"Two days later." Green penned his signature with the flourish of a gym leader behind on his paperwork. "Did you get mauled by an ursaring or something?"

"Ah, no," Red said. "Thankfully. Sapphire stopped by for a challenge, but then it became best two out of three and three out of five and-"

"You lost track of time," Green finished, righting his paperwork with a rough jostling. Red's pokegear had a clock function; it was a wonder if the guy ever used it.

Said guy smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

Shrugging, Green filed the papers and stood to remove his jacket from the back of the chair. "I'm not responsible for you. You may want to save that for Yellow, though."

The guilt plaguing Red's eyes then could have extracted forgiveness from just about anyone. Maybe even Green. "Yeah. I will. Is it still too late for coffee?"

"No," Green said. He passed the raven-haired male's side and felt his stretched lips smooth out. "Come on. We'll go pick them up first."

Puzzlement shrouded Red's demeanor as he trailed after the brunette's routine night closing. "Them?"

"Blue's here, too," Green answered while Pika scampered out after them. With the gym secured, he took the liberty of becoming directional leader.

"I thought she was visiting Sinnoh," Red said, fingering his bangs as he often did when pondering.

"Things happened," was all Green gave him. "She can explain it better than I can."

Red, uncontent with such little knowledge, started to ask more questions when Pika sprinted ahead. The Trainer watched as a similar creature approached from the opposite direction. They collided, and the latter nearly lost her flower.

Red chuckled. "She must have sensed we were here."

"Well, the shop isn't much farther ahead," Green reminded him.


Green noticed that Red's neck nearly snapped as his attention diverted. The blonde that appeared, grinning at the pikachus, captured his eyes so acutely that Blue could have pitpocketed him with the least of her abilities and he wouldn't have noticed. Or more likely wouldn't have even cared.

Blue seemed to contemplate the idea as she stopped next to Yellow, raking her eyes over his enraptured physique. However, she missed her chance when the blonde engaged him instead.

"Red!" Her greeting was a signature concoction of relief, eagerness, and coy.

He decided to play on the eager component with his own excitement. "I'm back! Sorry I'm a little late."

"No, but you're here now," Yellow said with quick dismissal.

Blue pursed her lips as the two conversed fondly. Far be it from her to tell Yellow how to feel, but the girl didn't seem even the least bit upset. She hadn't even requested an explanation.

"They just met up again," Green muttered, stalking past. "Don't scheme."

Blue stuck her tongue out playfully before falling into a pensive pace next to him. "Don't you think it's weird that she's not even mad at him, though?"

"She's just happy to see him," Green said. The sternness in his eyes surprised Blue.

"What is it?" She asked. When he didn't answer, she released a reluctant sigh. "She's blind to her own pain, isn't she?"

"No matter," Green replied. He glanced at Yellow unnoticed. "She'll just keep waiting."

Blue didn't like the sound of that. "He may not come back one day."

"Then I suppose she'll have to come to terms that day."


"No," Green said slowly. "Yellow is a grown woman."

"But," Blue drawled out in return, "a matchmaker is good for something."

"Trouble," Green answered grudgingly.

Holding a finger to her lips, Blue nearly pranced the last league unto the coffeehouse. Green trailed behind, holding the door to preserve Red and Yellow's private atmosphere. They seemed to notice barely but with a second thought of thanks. Blue managed to convince them to a booth and disparaged Green's twisted lips as she slid onto his bench.

"I can't separate that," she protested with a gesture at their friends' interlocked attention. She smirked, smoothly leaning over with chin on hand. "Besides, isn't this great? All of us together again."

Green narrowed his eyes, unflinching. "Maybe a little too together."

Blue rested against his shoulder and pouted toward the other pair. "I think I'm beginning to see what you mean."

"I don't think so," Green said pointedly. He recognized her conscious obliviousness towards his personal space and felt himself rigid at the mischievous pressure.

She redirected her pout to him, returning the bench to a seat for two. "You're no fun, Greeny."

He merely scoffed. "Pesky woman."

She noticed his immediate return to a state of relaxation with a settling of muscles. Blowing out the puff of her cheek, she painted her smile of ecstasy again for Red. "So where have you been off to lately?"

It took a moment before he registered that it was Blue, not Yellow, asking him the question. "Oh, just training. Sapphire wanted to battle right before I left."

"The wild child," Blue jested. "Has she beaten you yet?"

"No, but she's been getting a lot stronger," Red admitted, missing the jab.

Blue leaned forward eagerly, prompting the roll of Green's eyes. "And Ruby? Did he go as well?"

"I'm not sure where he was," Red said. "Sapphire didn't seem to want to talk about him."

"It sounds like they're fighting again," Yellow observed disappointedly.

"Maybe," Red agreed. "I feel bad for her sometimes. He always seems to be busy off somewhere."

"She must be lonely," Blue said flatly.

Red blinked at her rapid change of tone.

Sensing a warning glare from Green, she quickly smiled again. "Say, you're gone a lot, too, Red. Do you videochat while you're away?"

"Uh, no," Red said hesitantly.

"Well, you stay near a pokemon center to take care of your team, right?" Blue prompted. "They have video phones there. You should try it sometime."

Yellow lit up slightly, but Red maintained his vague confusion. "Yes, but I still try not to go that often."

Blue waved the comment away like an annoying gnat. "Still! You should try when you can. I mean, wouldn't you answer if he did, Yellow?"

"Of course!" The blonde retorted, creasing her eyes as if she'd been offended.

Gesturing at Yellow's conviction, Blue stared at Red. "See?"

The male blinked. Blue could deal with his obliviousness on most days, but this was not one of them. She was keen on snapping when Green sat her back in the booth.

"Just call more often," Green demanded.

Red nodded, slowly before picking up speed. "Sure, I can do that."

Blue nodded once back in finality. She crossed her arms but soon loosened up when she saw Yellow's resulting excitement. As long as her friends were smiling, her mission was complete.

So she clapped her hands and let the topic flow elsewhere, to days of old and days of new, places she knew well and places she could speculate haughtily. The coffeehouse sat witness to a performance of exuberant rekindling that beat all the previous attempts of the months. Viridian residents who knew Green better than most would peek over their booths and spy from their tables at the miffed crease of his brow. Yet their pity smoldered to amusement when they found that his companions knew just how to break the emotion out of him. Many of them wondered why he didn't bring these people more often.

The sky began its usual kaleidoscope, but for once, Green hardly noticed. Blue dominated the tide of conversations, but often Yellow would jump in with Red to finish her thought until Blue stole the wheel again. Over and over, and Green their private audience. He might have smiled but only to himself. His social façade didn't allow for excess shows of inner emotion. Especially not when Blue might catch them. It was their endless version of cat and mouse.

As the time neared closing, Yellow yawned softly. Green took the opportunity and rose to his feet. "It's getting late."

Red watched Yellow yawn again with a smile that spoke his reluctance for him. "Right. Thanks for the coffee."

"Yes, thank you, Greeny," Blue agreed, innocently slapping the check in his palm.

The brunette glowered but couldn't argue when he had expected nothing less from her. That was the thing with Blue; either learn to go with it or tire yourself out trying to fight it. Regardless, she was going to get her way.

Which is why he let her usher the other two outside while he paid the bill. The cashier girl proved as compliant as ever. He acknowledged the tinge to her cheeks but not as Blue would. A crush she would call it. Ask the girl out on a date she would say. Instead, he bowed his head in thanks and departed with the chime of the hour.

"I'm telling you," Blue said. She jumped him faster than a ninjask, but this he had also known her to do. "That girl has a crush! Have you asked her out on a date yet?"

"No," Green affirmed with growing agitation.

"She's a nice girl," Yellow put in gently. "I've seen her around the store before. She likes the color green."

"In more ways than one I'm sure," Blue said, waggling her eyebrows at the man of implication.

Green's eye twitched slightly while Red just blinked. The latter gave his friend a sympathetic smile before saying, "And you have to live with her for the time being."

"I know," Green growled. "I know fully well."

Giggling, Blue caught Yellow's hand and skipped her to Red. "Now since it's late and I don't want any bad people getting ahold of you, Yellow, I'm having Red escort you home."

Which of course set the blonde's face ablaze. "N-no! He doesn't need to do that!"

"I don't mind," Red told her cheerfully. "You still live in Viridian Forest, right?"

She nodded, hesitant to agree. "You really don't have to, though."

"I know," he said as she hurried to conceal a yawn. "Come on. You'll have to remind me of the way."

She turned to Blue and Green who shooed her along and gave a fraction of a smile respectively. With a weary sigh, she nodded to Red. "Thank you."

He grinned. "Any time."

As they bid farewell and went their way towards the forest, Blue's fraud of a yawn met Green's back. "I'm feeling sleepy, too. Won't you carry me home, Greeny?"


Blue nudged her lip out. "Why can't you be sweet like Red?"

"Because he's an infatuated idiot," Green answered effortlessly.

Blue watched as she walked behind him towards the apartment. The slope of his shoulders rested parabolic, curving easily into the bulge of his arms. She didn't remember them being that prominent. "And you're not?"

His shoulders rose from their negative parabolic to horizontal linear in a manner only she would catch when paying attention. "Do I look like one?"

"Oh, avoiding the question," Blue cooed. "That tells me all I need to know. It's that cashier girl! I'm telling you; just ask her out already."

"I have better things to do than go out on a date," Green retorted.

"Like paperwork?" Blue provided.

He snorted. "I do more than just work."

"Oh?" She sauntered to his side. "Enlighten me. What makes up your daily routine?"

He closed his verdant eyes to sum up the bullets. "In the morning I train before getting ready for work. I watch the news and head to open the gym. Then after closing, I finish papers for the day and grab a coffee."

"See? You're working before and after you even clock in," she nagged.

"It's not like that's a bad thing," he protested.

"People need breaks," she said matter-of-factly. "Continuous stress is not good for body, especially the skin."

"My skin is just fine," he replied with a voice devoid of any emotion but austerity.

"But you're going to wear yourself down," she combated, placing both hands on her hips. "You need to take a vacation sometime. I can't believe you've lasted this long without one."

He shook his head. The last thing he wanted was a life lesson from a girl who needed one herself. "I am also just fine."

"It looks like I'll need an intervention in order to get it through that head of yours," she muttered with a huff. "If only I could get a hold of your sister."

"Speaking of which, she and Bill are coming over next weekend," Green said as they walked through the front door. He kicked his shoes in a corner, and hers landed haphazardly on top of them.

"Perfect!" Blue said happily.

"For dinner," Green clarified. "Not an intervention."

She waved a hand. "No matter. I'll make do."

Then she darted into Green's room and launched herself among the rumples of blankets and pillows. She nosed herself beneath the covers, burrowing until all but the length of her hair was concealed. Green merely spectated with crossed arms. He stood in the doorway unamused. "That's mine."

"You haven't complained about it the past couple of nights," came her muffled response.

"No, but it's still mine." When she didn't budge, he sighed heatedly and marched back out to the couch. There lay a few discarded snack packages that were efficiently swiped from the cushions. He found a semi-comfortable sleeping position in the remnants of daylight and wondered how many times he could say, "Pesky woman" until it would be enough.

A/N: Slowly getting better. Only a month break this time. Neat-o.

Just got back from college visiting and still have a month of hectics to handle so I can't promise the same time break.

Oh, and P.S.A.! I have officially moved to Tumblr as well. There's more info on my profile if you're interested. I haven't quite figured out what I'm doing there yet, but at least it's made and ready to go for when I do.

Thank you for reading and hopefully be back soon.
