Kagome glared at Naraku. This was it, the final battle. It was going to be either him or them. It was getting hard to tell who was going to win, they had been at this for hours. Through the years they had gained many allies. Koga and his two remaining clan members had joined their group. Sesshomaru had also joined and naturally Jaken, Rin, and Ah-Un followed. Of course Rin wasn't anywhere near the battle, either was Shippo for that matter. Rin, Shippo, and Ah-Un were back at Kaede's village for their own safety. One other ally they had gotten was one of Naraku's own incarnations, Hakudoshi. They had learned through Hakudoshi that Kanna also wanted to join them, but she was made with no free will. If they killed Naraku both Kagura and Kanna would be set free. That was another thing Kagome was fighting for, to free them from his evil.
Kagome took a look around the field. Miroku was down, he had used his wind tunnel too much. Sango was protecting the passed out Monk along with Kirara and Kohaku. Inuyasha had a bunch of small injuries from rushing blindly into battle as always. Sesshomaru was still standing tall; like always, not a hair out of place. Koga and his boys were pinned down a ways away. Kagome narrowed her eyes, she only has one arrow left. If she could get close enough without Naraku noticing, she could finally end this. With a determined look in her eye she called to Kirara.
"Kirara help me get in close." Kirara acknowledged her human friend and made her way over. Kagome hopped on Kirara's back. They flew down low to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha get his attention and cover me. I'm on my last arrow and I'm going to see if I can take him down."
Inuyasha nodded "Alright, good luck."
Kagome gave him a smile "Thanks." Then they took off towards Naraku. Inuyasha gave a warrior cry and started charging Naraku once again. Kagome got into a good position and steadied her breath, she had to make this shot count. There would be no second chance for her. Once more breathe and then the glowing arrow was speeding towards Naraku. Unfortunately Naraku had foreseen her plan. He had guessed she would play the hero and planned for it. Right before the arrow hit Naraku; Kanna, who had so far been missing from the fight, stepped out and absorbed Kagome's arrow into her mirror. Kagome flinched and closed her eyes, waiting for her arrow to come flying back at her. It never happened however. Naraku's evil laugh made her eyes snap open.
"Did you think that plan would've actually worked Miko? It was so transparent it's almost sad. I really must thank you though Ka-go-me. Your sacred arrow was the last piece I needed to make the spell work." An evil smirk appeared on his face "You are going to meet your end today Miko!" with his last word he sent a tentacle straight at Kagome. It came so fast Kirara didn't have time to dodge it completely. It tore through Kagome's side and Kagome fell of Kirara with a scream. Thankfully Kirara caught her again before she hit the ground.
Kirara set Kagome onto the ground gently then shrunk with a worried mew. Kirara jumped onto Kagome's chest and started purring to relax the injured girl. Kagome struggled into a sitting position and looked at Naraku "What spell?" she asked worriedly.
Naraku sneered at her "A plan to finally get rid of you, once and for all. I figured a portal to another world would work splendidly. It is not a very nice world either, it's almost constantly at war. With what I plan to do to you, you will not last long there." Kagome watched with wide eyes as Kagura and Kikyo appeared on either side of Naraku. Kikyo, that traitor, had sided with Naraku. The same being who had killed her. "Now Kanna." Naraku barked.
Kanna nodded and a glowing green portal started appearing. As Kagome started fighting the pull of the portal she saw a glowing aura appear around Kikyo. Then to her horror she felt the jewel shards she held start getting pulled towards the dead clay pot. She was summoning the jewel to her! Kaede had started teaching Kagome the method, but she wasn't sure if she had enough power to do it. She had to try though, she couldn't let Kikyo win. Kagome cried out in pain as she was dragged a few feet towards the portal. The sudden movement tore at her wound. She felt Kirara's claws dig into her skin as to stay connected to her.
As Kagome closed her eyes to focus she heard a few things. First off was Naraku's laugh, he thought he was going to win. She wouldn't let him. She heard Inuyasha cry out her name desperately. Tears sprung to her eyes, even if she succeeded in getting the jewel from Kikyo she would still get pulled into the portal. No matter what happened here she wouldn't get to stay with her friends. Kagome pushed all other thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on the Shikon jewel. It became a tug of war between the two that shared a soul. While Kagome might have a larger portion of her soul, Kikyo had years more of experience.
The moment that Kagome thought she was going to lose the tug of war she felt a warm sensation flow through her and it gave her strength she didn't even know she held. Two things happened at once. The jewel, the whole complete jewel, came flying at Kagome. The second thing was Kagome lost her grip and she went flying into the portal. A grin of satisfaction appeared on her face as she heard Naraku scream in anger. She won, she got the jewel.
Naraku screamed once more, that little brat had outsmarted him. Now he would have to follow her into that world of ninjas. How irritating, this put back his plans. He turned to look at the carnage that had transpired the past few hours. A smirk appeared on his face as he saw an enraged Inuyasha trying to reach him. Well conquering a different world could be interesting. From what he had seen when he visited briefly there were many strong beings that he could absorb to become stronger. Decision made he turned to his two allies. "Kagura, Kikyo let's go. We are going to follow the young Miko." Without looking at back he said "Kanna as soon as we are through you are to self-destruct so no one can follow us." Kanna gave a solemn nod as she watched the three evil hearted beings enter the portal.
Kagome's hand clasped down on the marble, her friends were safe. That was all that mattered. The moment that she entered the portal her entire body felt heavy and weird. The pain from her wound and the pain from the portal made her pass out. In doing so Kagome missed her entrance into her new world.
Kirara however did not. She had clung onto Kagome for dear life. Somehow knowing if they got separated something bad would happen. The girl she was clinging to however was shrinking, and fast. When the shrinking stopped Kagome had reached the age of a toddler, the portal disappeared with a flash of pink and they started falling. Using the last of her strength Kirara transformed and made it so they landed onto the forest floor safely. Kirara couldn't hold her large form any longer though and as soon as Kagome was safely on the ground she transformed back to her kitten form. Even though she was completely exhausted she sensed four beings coming towards them, and fast. Four human teens appeared in the small clearing. Not knowing if they were friendly or not, she put herself between the now child Kagome and the four others, hissing for all she was worth.
Kakashi and his three friends; Guy, Kurenai, and Asuma had been out practicing when they came across a glowing green circle. They all decided that they should find out what it was, it could be dangerous. When they got to the area they were all surprised with what they found. There was an injured child on the ground. Right in front of the child was a small cat with two tails, hissing at them in warning.
Asuma took a quick step towards the injured child only for the cat to start hissing even louder. Suddenly a bright pink flash practically blinded all of them. Then standing before them was a ghost, or at least she looked like it. She was a tall woman, she has long black hair. She was dressed in ancient warrior armor. On her forehead was a star like shape. The most prominent thing though was that she was completely see through. She turned to look at the four before calming the cat.
"Be still Kirara, they are not the enemy." The cat calmed instantly. She then turned back to the group of fifteen year olds "My name if Midoriko, this child here is Kagome. As I said the nekomata is called Kirara. What I am about to tell you is very hard to believe and I do not have much time here to tell it to you. Kagome is not originally the two year old you see her as now. She was until a few moments ago an eighteen year old from another world. You see she has a most evil enemy that has followed her through to this world." Kurenai was about to interrupt her but Midoriko held up her hand.
"As I said I do not have a lot of time here as there are things I still have to do. Her enemy goes by the name Naraku and he is very dangerous. In her world he has caused thousands of deaths and was on the brink of starting a war between humans and demons. Yes there were numerous demons in Kagome's world. In fact demons by far outnumbered the humans. Naraku himself is a half-demon who is closer to a demons than a human. He has numerous abilities that make him deadly.
"He also has two allies with them. Two woman who are called Kikyo and Kagura. Kikyo is a revived priestess who feasts off of the souls of dead woman. Kagura is a wind demoness. Though I do not doubt he has thousands of different demons at his disposal. You see one of his abilities is to absorb other beings to become stronger. The thing is though he can use the beings he's absorbed to his control. He can change his shape to his will and he can emit a poisonous miasma.
"Kagome is the protector of a very powerful jewel that he wishes very much to possess. It must never fall into the hands of, well, anyone other than Kagome. Now I have glimpsed slightly into this world's future and I must say you all hold important parts. There are four things I must do before my energy runs out."
Midoriko took a deep breath, she felt bad for what she was about to do but she wanted Kagome to have a chance at living a normal life. "First off is locking away young Kagome's memories." She knelt down to Kagome and put a glowing pink hand to the child's head for a few moments. "The second is to put the jewel back inside of her, it is the only way to keep it safe." She grabbed the jewel out of Kagome's grip and making it glow the same bright pink as before. In the next instant the jewel disappeared inside of the child.
"The third thing is to give you the images of her allies, who will most likely be coming for her." She held up four glowing orbs and launched them at the teens. The images of a bunch of people entered their minds. "The fourth and final thing." She turned to the white-haired teen. "Kakashi Hatake I implore you to take Kagome on as your sister. In the future she will become very important to a lot of people."
Kakashi's eye went wide, she wanted him to what? "Uh, look lady. I'm not exactly kid friendly."
Midoriko got a serious look on his face and went into a deep bow. "Please I am begging you. You are the only one who is able to protect her." Her form flickered and a slightly panicked look appeared on her face "I am running out of time. I have used up far too much of my energy today." A scroll appeared in her hand and she passed it over to Kakashi. "This will explain everything to your leader. I do hope that you will choose to protect this young child." She looked over to the child and the cat "Kirara, my beloved friend, look over our young Kagome." The cat mewed in response and then the woman just disappeared.
Asuma rushed to the girl now that her cat was allowing it. Asuma's eyes went big, the injury was really bad. "She needs medical help immediately. Kakashi why don't you go deliver that scroll to Lord Hokage. Explain to him what happened. Actually Kurenai go with him. Guy come with me to the hospital. If we don't get her healed soon she is going to die."
They all gave a quick nod and jumped into action. Asuma scooped Kagome up and Kirara jumped onto the shoulder of the weirdly dressed boy green. Even as Asuma and Guy turned towards the hospital Kakashi and Kurenai were already gone. Most likely well on their way to the Hokage's.
Asuma ran as fast as he could to the hospital without injuring the child more. Guy had gone on ahead to warn the nurses that an emergency was coming. Asuma looked at the child as he ran. She was very cute. She had long black hair that fell to her butt. She had a button nose and slightly flushed cheeks. Well that was most likely because she was running a fever. He was curious to see what color her eyes were. As the hospital came into view Asuma made a decision. If Kakashi wouldn't take in the child he would.
The moment he reached the hospital he was swarmed by concerned nurses. They took Kagome from him and rushed her into surgery. He saw Guy sitting on the floor playing with the cat and a smile came on his face. With all that happened in the last hour it was nice to see Guy still acting like Guy.
Kakashi and Kurenai had just finished explaining what had happened "Here is the scroll she gave us Sir. By now Asuma and Guy will have her in the hospital."
The third Hokage sighed. Sometimes he wished he was a Kage to a village that had normal problems, but he really wouldn't change his village for the world. He took the scroll from Kakashi and unraveled it.
"To the leader of this village. I am writing this to inform you of the importance of my dear Kagome. At the age of fifteen she time traveled for the first time. She was dragged 500 years into her past and her journey began. She has a title given to her by the Gods themselves. She is known by the title, Shikon Miko. Kagome is the strongest Miko with the largest and purest soul since myself. Her enemies Naraku, Kagura, and Kikyo will be after her. I beg of you to take her into your village. If you could somehow convince young Hatake to take her in as his sister that would be best. When I locked away her memories I put in two release triggers in as well. The first one is when she turns eighteen as that is the age she was before the portal de-aged her. The second is if she comes in contact with Naraku himself. Even on of his puppets won't unlock her memories. It has to be the half-demon, the original. For now the jewel is safely back inside of Kagome. As long as it stays there it will harm nobody. You must grasp the danger of the jewel. It is able to grant any wish, you can see how catastrophic that could be if it falls into the wrong hands. Kagome is the only person alive that is capable of keeping the jewel pure. So once again I beseech you, protect the Shikon Miko. -Midoriko."
The Hokage took a deep breath and looked up at the two teens. A small smirk appeared on his face, the woman wanted Kakashi to watch over the child huh? This could be good for Kakashi, to get him out of his depression. At the very least it would be interesting. He could tell that the child would be no direct threat to the village.
"Well Kakashi, it looks like you now have a two year old little sister, congratulations." He could see Kakashi was about to complain so he continued "Thank of it as a mission to begin with if you must. Though I am sure after a while of looking after her you'll come to love her as a little sister. Her name is now Kagome Hatake, though with your many enemies Kakashi she will be known just as Kagome. Well at least up until she graduates from the academy."
Kakashi looked at the Hokage in surprise "We're going to be putting her in the academy? We don't even know if she has chakra or not yet."
The Hokage looked at him calmly "If her enemy is as dangerous as the woman said, she needs to learn to protect herself. Yes she is going to attend the academy. Now Kurenai I'm sure you know this information will be classified; but you are free to go home, it's getting late. Kakashi I think you should go check on your sister."
They both bowed "Yes Lord Hokage." They chorused.
As soon as they walked out the door Kakashi turned to Kurenai "You sure you don't want her?"
Kurenai let out a laugh "Kakashi you can't just pawn her off. She is your responsibility now, better get used to it. I'm gunna head home. Good luck Kakashi." Then without waiting another second she disappeared with a poof.
Kakashi let out a sigh, what had he gotten himself into this time? As he made his way to the hospital he realized that the woman had shown them pictures of her allies, but she had forgotten to show them what the enemies had looked like. Great how was he supposed to know who to protect the kid from? He hung his head, this just keeps getting better and better.
When he got to the hospital he found Asuma sitting in one of the chairs, the cat curled up asleep in his lap. It looked like Guy had gone home.
Asuma saw Kakashi and waved him over "So what is the verdict?"
Kakashi sighed "Well it looks like I now have a secret little sister."
Asuma raised an eyebrow "Secret?"
"Yeah the Hokage said her last name will be classified until her graduation from the academy." Kakashi told him "What room is she in?"
"She's in twenty-three. She got out of surgery pretty quick. Who knows, she could be awake by now. I was only staying until you go here, and because the cat kept trying to get to her. Here." he passed Kirara over to Kakashi. "I wish ya luck Kakashi."
"Uh thanks, I guess." Kakashi said while staring at the cat. The cat was giving him a look that said 'get moving.' He made his way to Kagome's room and peeked his head in. She was awake. She was sitting up in bed looking around confused. Well here goes nothing, Kakashi thought and entered the room.
Kagome looked at the person who entered her room. She was really tired, but she didn't know where she was. In fact she couldn't really remember anything "Who you?" the two year old asked.
Kakashi watched at the cat leaped to Kagome, it immediately curled up in her lap and started purring. Kakashi started telling the lie "I'm your brother Kakashi. You had an accident and you have amnesia. Ah the cat you are petting, her name is Kirara."
Kagome tilted her head to one side "Kashi-Nii?"
Kakashi simply nodded and sat down in the chair next to her bed. When he looked at her again she was already asleep as was the cat. Kakashi noted that her eyes had been a very bright blue. He sighed once more as he thought 'Why me?'