NA: And now we are getting things rolling for this story! Enjoy!

And here is the list of Jaune's sisters.
Violet – Age 30
Anya – Age 28
Maia – Age 26
Aura – Age 23
Jaesa – Age 18
Thea – Age 13
Diana – Age 7


Morning came and the Diamond Dogs were still getting settled in as equipment funneled in by air. It was a slow day as more and more equipment were being prepared. Several anti-IS emplacements were being installed on the island's most vulnerable areas. It was a surprising sight for several of the people in the academy, many of them had never seen such an imposing sight of well-armed and organized soldiers. Some of them had never even seen soldiers thanks to the current state of the world.

The girls of the RWBY and JNPR on the other hand were getting ready for their once in a lifetime shopping spree in another world. It was at this moment that a Stryker APC with the words 'We Have Yours' painted on the hull pulled over, followed by an MXT-MV. Coming out of the Stryker was someone Jaune just had to laugh at.

"No fucking way!"

Pyrrha and some of the girls gasped at the choice of language their friend used. "Jaune!"

The blond on the other hand just ignored them and approached the Diamond Dog. "Are we that desperate for cannon fodder that they clear out the sick, the lame, and the crazy?"

"Look at you boys!" The Diamond Dog shook Jaune's hand with a grin before greeting the rest of the unit.

"How's it goin' man?" Ichika shook his comrade's hand, earning curious looks from his own set of friends.

"What's up, dawg?" One of the other Diamond Dogs greeted the newcomer with a Hispanic acent.

"Look at these guys!" The newcomer laughed.

"How the fuck did you find us, Swarr?" Jaune asked, earning more frowns from his friends due to his choice of 'advanced vocabulary'.

"I…" Swarr clicked his tongue. "Just came from an 'educational' trip in Syria with Delta Company of the US Army.

"Shit." Ichika swore, earning shocked looks from his friends. "Those fucking reservists, dude?"

"Ichika!" Houki gasped. She had never heard her childhood friend swear before, and caught her and the rest of the girls completely off guard.

"Bruh…" Swarr began and looked at his buddies. "You're not gonna believe it. It has been madness since day one."

"What?" The Hispanic Diamond Dog asked. "Clusterfuck?"

"What happened to your cushy liaison job at Al Jabar?" Jaune asked.

"Fuck that." Swarr snorted. "I hadn't had a war since the Precipe. But I never would have got the job if it meant rolling with Delta."

"They're off the hook!" The newcomer exclaimed. "Dude, they don't got any gear or food. They were pulling escort duty just to eat. And then they got to rollin' into these hamlets and doing these shows of force, you know, cowboy shit for fun. Like this one time, I swear to god, they thought it'd be funny to give these little kids, like, porn mags, like Hustlers and Maxims and shit, show the little Hajjis what we're fighting for."

The soldiers laughed at that, including Jaune and Ichika. But the girls with them frowned that people would do something like that to children.

"This old Iraqi comes storming out, starts screaming at our interpreter about how we're fucking up their morals or some dumb shit, right? And he's super fucking pissed. The old man's got an RPG."

"What?" The soldiers gave him incredulous looks.

"Delta fucking freaks." Swarr then had a look of distress. "They lob like twenty-six Mark-19 rounds. They fuck up the whole hamlet."

"Jesus." Ichika shook his head.

"Fuck." Jaune spat and had a look of disgust.

"Bull-fucking-shit." One of the other Diamond Dogs said.

"Ollie North filmed the whole fucking thing."

Ichika and Jaune raised their eyebrows at the name. "The Oliver North?"

Swarr nodded. "Oliver fuckin' North was standing there with a camera crew from Fox News filming the whole thing like it was the turning point in the fucking year. These Delta fucks are like LAPD cops and DEA agents and fucking Air Marshals. You know what I mean?"

"What's the casualty count?"

"Aside from that old man? Even the kids got shot up."

"What the fuck man!?"

Pyrrha looked absolutely horrified at what she had just heard. Soldiers killed children? "Why would they do something like that? That's horrible!"

"These guys are trigger happy fucks." Swarr told her with a shrug. "They'll find any reason just so they can shoot. The line between soldier and civilian is just so completely fuckin' blurred in the Middle East. All Fox News did was film the whole thing and saying that their army was doing good work out there."

"War does not determine who is right." Jaune said as he looked at his friends. "Only who is left. Wars here are fought over many reasons, some significant… and some not so. Earth's history is riddled with one war after another, and I fear that will never ever change."

"Preaching to the crowd my brother!" A Diamond Dog exclaimed, earning nods and yells of agreement from the rest of the Diamond Dogs.

It was sad but true, war has become a source of profit for so many people this past decade. "We wouldn't exist without the war economy."

"War…" Weiss gulped. "Economy… war has an economy? That's absurd!"

Jaune nodded. "The world right now depends on war. Can you imagine what would happen if war just disappeared overnight? The stock market these days depends on the war economy and the war price."

"Think of it this way." Ichika added. "The war price, it's like a market price but for war. It fluctuates to demands not only for PMCs and military industry… but for the production, distribution, and energy supply networks that support them."

Charlotte had to nod at what her boyfriend had said. "I can attest to that. It's been growing by leaps and bounds, and investors are just starting to take notice. Even my father has dabbled himself in the trade. The Dunois Corporation hasn't been doing so well with IS production… so a part of the company had shifted to arms development for soldiers. In a way it saved the company from bankruptcy."

Ichika nodded as he continued. "For example: As the fighting in any given area becomes increasingly intense and prolonged, the war price goes up. The longer and bloodier the battle becomes, the higher service prices are going to get. To put it another way, the quieter things are, the better the bargains."

The teams of RWBY, JNPR, and SSSN, had become disturbed by that. In Remnant wars are nothing but terrible events. But here… war is welcomed, but not only that, it is profited. And Jaune had decided to get himself involved in such a horrible way of making money.

"That's pretty much how I do business as well!"

All the soldiers turned their eyes towards the Stryker and saw an African man with a diaper-wearing monkey emerging from the hatch of the APC.

"Drebin!" Jaune grinned as he approached the dark-skinned man and shook his hands. "Good to see you man!"

From the looks of the Diamond Dogs, this Drebin guy seemed to be a good friend of theirs as they all approached him and either shook his hands or patted him on the shoulder.

"I knew I recognized that Stryker!" Ichika patted the monkey's head before shaking the man's hand. "What are you doing here of all places?"

"I thought I might do a little sightseeing." His eyes roamed towards the three huntsman teams. "And my sources told me that other Outworlders like Jaune here just came in."

The three teams went stiff as Jaune chuckled and shook his head. "Nothing gets past you, huh?"

The man ran his hand over a scar on his head. "It's my job to be well-informed." He chuckled at the outfit Jaune was currently wearing. "Look at you, all dressed up."

Jaune right now was wearing a long black bulletproof trench coat that went down to his legs, beneath that were his combat trousers and boots coupled with a black high neck sweater with even more bulletproof weavings. And within that was his harness that fitted several of his pistol magazines along with his two favored guns. He was dressed in pseudo-civilian clothing, but that did not mean he didn't come packing.

And then there was his friend.

Drebin, or more specifically Drebin 893. He is a well-known arms dealer around the world that runs a company with the other Drebins roaming the battlefields. They started their own company called DREBINS, selling guns to PMCs, state armies, paramilitaries, and revolutionary groups. With the advent of the IS and guns practically collecting dust, this gave several militaries units to do some backdoor dealings in order to keep themselves funded.

"Hell…" Drebin grabbed a can of soda and drank it. He made a little belch that earned him disgusted looks from the girls. "This whole war economy is practically a license for us arms dealers to start printing money."

"You're an arms dealer!?" Blake exclaimed. She had horrible encounters with arms dealers, Torchwick of course was one of them as he was the one who sold weapons to the White Fang.

"There's a whole lot of us out there, missy." Drebin said. "Heck even the Diamond Dogs has dabbled in a little of arms dealing."

"We supply and sell weapons to state armies of third world countries." Jaune informed them. "It helps keeps us funded, and Drebin here helps us with selling our locally made weapons. He gets a commission depending on how many of our products he sells."

"The whole world isn't black and white." Drebin ruefully said as he drank his soda and let out another belch. "You're all standing in front of a bunch of 'green collars'. Those who make money off of the war economy."

Diamond Dogs

Chapter 5: The War Economy


Beacon Academy, Kingdom of Vale

Professor Port had returned to Rmenant by bullhead and immediately made his way to Ozpin's office. Once there he was met with Glynda Goodwitch, Qrow Branwen, James Ironwood, and the Arc family. "Good afternoon to you all."

"Port." Ozpin raised an eyebrow and stood up before shaking the teacher's hand. "I wasn't expecting you so soon."

"Well our search per say has immediately bore fruit."

Violet Arc, Jaune's eldest, widened her eyes. "What? You mean-"

"We found your son…" Port rubbed his mustache. "Well… to be precise, he found us."

"What do you mean?" Anya, one of Jaune's other sisters, narrowed her eyes.

"The moment we sailed north towards land we were attacked by pirates of all things."

"Ui?" A little girl under a year old with snow white hair and little wolf ears tilted her head while being carried by one of the women in the room. This was San, a wolf Faunus, the latest addition to the Arc family as she was adopted sometime this year. "Ai?"

Port chuckled at the little girl's attempt to talk before continuing. "They were pirates from a country called Somalia, thus the term Somali pirates. Jaune detected us by some sort of unmanned aerial vehicle that is designed for reconnaissance. He came to our aid… but he wasn't alone."

All eyes were on the table as Port produced several pictures he had taken as well as several other photos that was given to him by Miller out of good faith. In a way Miller wanted to advertise the company to Remnant, and he thought Port would make the excellent advertiser.

There they saw pictures of the blond who had been missing for four years, he looked much more mature wearing that military uniform and the red beret. Elias and his eldest daughters then went over to several more pictures of Jaune with several other men wearing the same red beret, but what they observed that only a few of them wore it.

"His arm…"

"The people that took him in built him a new one to replace the one he had lost."

"What is the meaning of the beret?" Violet asked.

"The Ocelot Unit." Port replied.

"Ocelot Unit?"

The professor nodded. "From what I have found, the Ocelot Unit is an elite unit of soldiers, specializing in asymmetrical warfare."

Ironwood raised an eyebrow as his curiosity was peeked. "Asymmetrical warfare you say?"

"Indeed. Their way of fighting is nothing like I have ever seen. Their training is brutal. They are some of the most disciplined fighters I have ever seen. And Jaune… the boy seems to be one of their best and brightest."

"What?" Elias widened his eyes.

Port showed them a picture of Jaune in action alongside several of his comrades, he wasn't wearing the beret this time but instead wore a hood over his head. His uniform was coloured in desert camouflage that blended him in the desert sand. In his hands was an assault rifle of conventional design. His eyes were different, no longer the kind and naïve Jaune that they once knew. More pictures showed him directing orders and targets, another showed him wielding a large caliber sniper rifle.

"The Ocelot Unit is commanded by this man." Port then showed them the picture of a white-haired man wearing a brown duster jacket and reddish-orange shirt, black pants, and cowboy boots with spurs. "His real name is Adamska, sometimes Shalashaska, but he is mostly known as Revolver Ocelot, or just Ocelot. He is also Jaune's mentor, and the person responsible for turning Jaune into what he is today… a Diamond Dog."

"D-Diamond Dog." Violet was getting increasingly worried and fearful for what she is about to find out.

"One of Earth's fastest growing private military forces." Port informed them. "They are an organized form of mercenaries with not only training, but the equipment and firepower to make them a force to be reckoned with."

Ironwood didn't like the sound of that. "You're telling me a bunch of mercenaries have the strength to take on a nation?"

Port nodded. "They are unlike anything I have ever seen. Their world is in a state of slight disarray due to things I have yet to find out, but all I know is that private military forces are much more prominent than what we are used to."

"Wonderful." Ironwood let out a frustrated huff. Just what he needed, a headache that could most likely challenge the Atlesian military.

Diana, one of the other sisters, picked up a photo of Jaune standing with other soldiers, smiling at the camera. It was a smile she had never seen before. It was a genuine smile, not like the ones he gave them when he was younger, one filled with pain and loneliness. He really looked happy here. She shifted to the next picture of a still smiling Jaune, only that he was with a dark-skinned man who looked much older than he was.

"That would be Stubborn Boa as he is called. I didn't learn his real name but… he and Jaune were close, almost like brothers. He died nearly two weeks ago due to a parasite outbreak in their quarantine platform. More than a hundred men died that day."

"Oh my goodness." Violet lightly gasped. "And what happened to Jaune?"

"He was devastated. In fact him and his comrades were equally devastated." Port then pulled out his scroll but then looked at the little Faunus. "I would advise that the child be excused from this… the recording and footage I am about to show you… is disturbing."


They had watched the video of Huey Emmerich's trial, the man responsible for the death of more than a hundred Diamond Dogs. They had witnessed Jaune spout out two words that they never thought they would hear him say.


The cries of each Diamond Dog was heard as they poured out all their hate and anger towards this scientist who had done a heinous crime. They were so angry that they wanted this man to be put to death. It was a concept that none of them were really used to since humanity here in Remnant was united. The Diamond Dogs had lost brothers and sisters in that outbreak, and they all looked at Huey to blame. They then realized that Earth is a violent world with its history filled with even more bloodshed than Remnant's.

Jaune's eldest sisters were just watching as their baby brother spouted out two powerful words alongside the soldiers. He had completely changed from the inside out and it was almost too much for them to take. But then that wasn't the worst part… no… the worst part came what they would see next.

"Oh Oum…"

They watched Jaune hold a pair of electric prods. He stood beside Ocelot as they interrogated Huey after the trial, trying to squeeze out whatever information he had left. The poor man was shirtless and had a cloth bag over his head.

And then…

The sisters looked away as Jaune began electrocuting the man.

Glynda's eyes were wide that such a sweet young man would do something like this. "He's torturing him…"

Port just looked on with sadness as he crossed his arms. "Their method of extracting information – while crude – produces results in an efficient manner. It seems combat wasn't the only skill Ocelot had taught Jaune. And what shocked me the most was that Jaune willingly learned all of them."

"Why?" Violet was now on the brink of tears as her breath became shaky.

"I do not know the reasons why… but if I made a guess… it had something to do with four years ago."

"Oh merciful Oum…" Maia, one of the other sisters gagged at the sight of Jaune waterboarding Huey. Her own brother… pouring water over the cloth bag, making the man feel like he was drowning. "This can't be happening. This… this isn't Jaune… it just can't!"

"Miss Arc." Ozpin examined the video and sighed. "That is your brother."

"This isn't like him…" Maia whispered. "I remember the times he would tell me he wants to be a hero when he grows up. But this… this is not what a hero does!"

Unfortunately for them, Port played for them something else. This time it was a personal video log Jaune had made. It was there the image of a weary Jaune was shown, and the date showed that it was recorded nearly four years ago. It was there they finally got a close look of his mechanical arm."

"I uh…" Jaune began as he rubbed his face before letting out a sigh. "I've been here for more than a week now. Boss told me that it would be good for me to spend my first month just recuperating. So far it's been good… I'm already learning how to use a gun and other stuff. It's definitely not huntsman business that they're doing here but it's definitely interesting to say the least."

He let out another sigh and leaned onto his seat. "All my life… all I ever wanted was to be a huntsman. When I was a kid all I ever did was watch my older sisters train into becoming powerful huntresses. And when I got older I was able to finally train… but…"

They saw the distressed look in his eyes, they the disappointment, the pain… Elias then began to feel guilty as he remembered the painful memories of his son trying and failing every single time.

"I just don't know…" Jaune's voice became husky. "I don't know what went wrong, and why I couldn't accomplish simple tasks. I tried so hard… but…"

"You just couldn't cut it?" The voice of Ocelot came in as he finished the sentence, earning a nod from the blond.

"My dad just… I think he just gave up, you know? Just one day he decided that the training would stop."

Elias sat down on the couch with a defeated look while Violet came to her father's side and rubbed his back. The pain in Jaune's words struck their hearts like a poisoned dagger.

"I don't blame him though." Jaune said with a bitter smile. "I mean… there's no way he should be training a fuckup like me."

The fact that he had begun to use such crude language to describe himself had broken all of their hearts. It was becoming far too much for them.

"But here… I won't be training as a huntsman…"

"No you won't." Ocelot said. "Here you will learn what it means to be a soldier. We are Diamond Dogs, mercenaries, dogs of war… here we do the devil's work because we have to. Earth is an unforgiving world but…"

"It is a land ripe with opportunity." Jaune said. "A land where I can be whoever I want to be."

"That's right… so what is it that you want to be… a hero?"

To their shock, he shook his head. He did not want to be a hero.

"I was fooling myself. The day I lost my original arm was the day I realized that I can never be one." He lifted his mechanical arm and clenched his fist. "Maybe a huntsman was something I never was cut out to be. Maybe… this is it. Commander Ocelot, I want to learn what it means to live."

Ocelot gave him a smile and nodded. "The road you decided to take is not an easy one, Jaune. Are you ready for it?"

"Yes… sir."

The screen then jumped to the next one, this time it was a few months later.

"Alright… Personal Log 01, Jaune Arc, Diamond Dogs." Jaune said to himself as he adjusted the camera, and this time he was wearing his full uniform. "So! A lot has happened and uh… wow… just wow… training had never been more awesome. Commander Ocelot really knows what he's doing when he started teaching me. The guys here are great… a lot of trainees here who are my age but the Boss told me that because I had 'some'…" He made an air quote with his fingers. "Prior training, everything was just coming in naturally. Another thing… sword training… was completely never my thing."

Elias just stared at the video as his son made a sheepish look.

"Turns out I'm a lot better with a knife and gun than I am with a sword and board. Heck even Ruby noticed it right away…"

"If only we found that out." The Arc patriarch whispered. "I failed him..."

"And not only that… the martial arts of this world are incredible. Some of them even reminded me of the ones Ren would use, and then there's CQC, which is sort of a combination of Judo and other types. I can't believe I'm saying this but… I just can't get enough of it." Jaune made a grin as he got even more excited. "I can't wait to see what I get to learn tomorrow. And then… once my training is done… I'll be on my first deployment."

The blond let out a chuckle and tapped his mechanical fingers. "Everything that I am learning here is just a different kind of experience for me. In just a single month I soaked everything that was taught to me. It's like everything just came naturally, you know? I mean just three months in and I am already in the advanced courses for SPECOPS training. SPECOPS by the way stands for Special Operations. You have the regular grunts… which the closest thing to describe them would be the sledgehammer. But then you got SPECOPS… which is the scalpel, delivering precision strikes and your enemy doesn't even know it until it's too late. That's how hardcore it is. The training is just absolutely brutal… but it's all worth it."

Jaune then clapped his hands and grinned. "So yeah! That's it… uh… well… I guess I'll see you later. Hehe."


"Yeah Ruby?"

"Dinner's ready!"

"Are they…?" Violet widened her eyes. "Living together?"

Once the video ended Port saw the family who were clearly all disappointed in themselves. "Jaune has effectively built a life of his own there. A life that he would rather die than give it all up." He then placed a folder on the table by the couches where the Arc family was sitting. "This one… shows the still tender side of the young man. A side that he still holds close to his heart."

Violet shakily grabbed the folder and opened it. Her breath hitched as she saw the first picture, her daughters gathered around and widened their eyes as they saw something so unbelievable, it completely defeated everything they had seen. What they saw was Jaune in the sunset, and with him was a beautiful young woman with long dark red hair tied to a ponytail. Their arms were wrapped around each other with loving smiles on their faces and their foreheads pressed up against each other. Their eyes were closed as they relished in each other's company. But most of all… they looked happy.

"Young Jaune… has found his own happiness through her."

"W-What…" Elias tried to hold back the tears. "What is her name?"

"Ruby." Port said. "Her name is Ruby… daughter of Summer Rose and Taiyang Xiao Long. She was the other student that went missing four years ago."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Qrow Branwen, Yang and Ruby's uncle, stopped them for a moment. "You're telling me my own niece is with him?"

"In an intimate relationship to be exact." Port told him.

Qrow groaned and rubbed his face. "Tai is going to freak…"

"Understatement of the century." Glynda said while adjusting her glasses.

Violet went over the other photos and found one where Jaune was laying on a bench with his head resting over her lap. While this happened she was playing with his hair while giving him a loving smile. The girl was beautiful, incredibly beautiful. Flipping to the next photo she and her sisters could not help but smile. There he was with Ruby… kissing each other in the rain.

Qrow sighed as he looked at the picture. "She really looks like Summer… practically a carbon copy."

"They're so in love." Anya said. "Jauney's all grown up now."

"Still doesn't make me feel any better." Elias whispered.


"I should have paid attention to him more."

"I can arrange for you to come with me once I get back." Port told them. "They are currently in a country called Japan on a security mission. The three teams are also there for some rest and relaxation as the Diamond Dogs' Mother Base has no facilities like shops and whatnot. From what I've been told Japan is quite an exotic country. I can arrange a trip immediately if you all wish to come."

"Of course!" Elias stood up and nodded. "How soon is the next flight?"

"It can happen tonight if you wish. But I must warn you, Earth can be quite hostile if you're not careful. But with the care of the Diamond Dogs everything should be alright."

"We will prepare." Elias said in a determined tone as he nodded. "It is time I make things right for once."

The three eldest daughters, Violet, Anya, and Maia, all nodded as well.

"I want Jaune to at least see his nieces and nephews again." The eldest said. "And meet the newest addition. This family needs to be whole once more."

"Madam?" A maid peeked through the door. "Young mistress San is getting fussy."

"Send her in." Violet ordered.

"Yes madam."


A limousine, or more specifically a Hummer Limousine. And the boys of SSSN were enjoying themselves with the drinks that came with the vehicle. The girls felt glamorous of course with Yang having stars in her eyes. Pyrrha was of course enjoying herself but looked a little jealous with how Ruby was just enjoying herself, resting her head on Jaune's shoulder.

Ruby was certainly a beautiful young woman with her lithe frame and stature, standing at 5'5. Her red and white summer dress and cotton blazer complimented her natural beauty. She wore no makeup whatsoever, and that certainly set the bar.

"Jeez." Yang whispered to her best friend. "Ruby's really rocking that dress. I mean… she used to hate prettying herself up."

"Four years is a long time, Yang." Blake whispered back. "But you got to admit, she's gotten much more beautiful."

"Yeah… she kinda looks like… mom…"

"This is awesome!" Sun exclaimed, earning a rolled eye from his girlfriend Blake.

Jaune on the other hand certainly looked regal with that trench coat of his and sunglasses. All he did was sit there while his girlfriend used him as a pillow.

"Hey Jaune!" Sun turned to his fellow blond. "Thanks for this, man! This rocks!"

"Just make sure to keep your tail hidden." Jaune said. "Can't have you drawing attention."

"No worries man!"

The Diamond dog just gave him a small smile before relaxing himself.

"Jaune." Blake spoke up as the vehicle stopped due to traffic. "Is it true about this country? About people being accepting of… my kind?"

The blond just smiled at her as he drew his hand and pointed out the window. "See for yourself. Welcome to the Akihabara district of Tokyo."

The cat Faunus didn't know what he was talking about, but the moment she turned her head her eyes widened in utter disbelief. All around the area were several cartoon advertisements and cosplayers going about their business. And then she finally saw it, cartoon characters with animal ears and tails, the most common of them were cat and rabbit ears.

"If people saw you and realize you are a real cat girl… they could go crazy over you."

"I…" Blake was speechless. Seeing people buying headbands with cat ears and wearing them. This place… it was Faunus paradise.

"There's a popular animated series here called Dog Days." Jaune informed her. "You should check it out. Japan's culture is unique compared to the rest of the world."

Yang saw her best friend just stick her face to the window and could have sworn that she shed a few tears. "Blake… are you crying?"

"N-No!" The cat Faunus was by now bawling her eyes out as she had just witnessed what could be the future of her entire race. "This place is paradise!"

Moments later, and after Blake had finally calmed down from her drama, the vehicle stopped at a certain high-class hotel in the middle of Akihabara. It certainly looked the part. As the group got off Sun grumbled as he tugged the shirt that Blake made him wear. "Babe, do I have to wear this?"

"Yes." The cat Faunus gave him a mild glare. "The last thing I want is you getting unwanted attention."

"Since when do I ever get attention?"

All Blake did was just mildly glare at him while the bellboys got everyone's bags and escorted them into the hotel. Her teammates – minus Weiss – were certainly excited that they were getting into such a classy hotel. It was after all their first time getting into such a place.

"Mister Arc." A dark-skinned receptionist greeted the blond Diamond Dog who had his girlfriend's arms wrapped around his. "It is wonderful to have you here in the Continental Japan once again."

"Hello Abioye." Jaune nodded to the African receptionist as he handed the man four gold coins. "I would like to have four suites for all of us. We'll be staying here for a week."

"At once." The receptionist nodded and handed the blond the key cards. "Your usual room plus three. Enjoy your stay Mister Arc, and thank you once again for choosing Continental."

"Of course."

"This place certainly as it." Weiss said as she was impressed with the service.

"Continental is known for their excellent services. Aside from Japan they have one hotel in the US, Russia, and Britain."

"And they're certainly not cheap…" Weiss mumbled as she didn't even bother mentioning the gold coins he used.

"No… no they are not."

The suites were certainly not disappointing. They were large rooms with separate bedrooms. It was more like a penthouse than a hotel suite. This was the world that Jaune was living in, and that made Weiss impressed. While the teams sorted out where they would be sleeping, the couple made themselves at home in the usual suite that they always had whenever they came to stay at the continental. It wasn't as large as the other three since it was only for them.

"This really is becoming a tradition for us." Ruby said as she looked out the window with Jaune hugging her from behind.

"Well the Continental does offer excellent services. And I only want the best for you."

"Keep this up and I might end up getting spoiled."

"Is that a bad thing?"

She giggled and sighed as she felt her lover's lips nibbling on her neck. She yelped in surprise before going into laughter as he brought her down to the bed and kissed her some more. Tongues lashed and battled in a passionate dance with hands roaming around. But that moment was ruined when they heard a shaky voice. At the door were their friends, all of them with extremely flushed faces. Well for Yang's case… she went completely catatonic.

"Uh…" Nora gulped and tried to loosen the tightness in her neck. "Hehe… uh… is this a bad time?"

Blake on the other hand was hiding the blush behind a Ninjas of Love book, volume 33.

And Weiss… "D-Do you two realize what you're doing!? This is… indecent!"

Jaune sighed while his lover rolled her eyes.

"It's not like we haven't done it yet." Ruby said.

"W-What?" Pyrrha's breath hitched when she heard Ruby's words. "Y-You two…"

Weiss's mouth was wide open and her blush deepened. "You… actually… when!?"

"When was it?" Jaune asked in a hushed tone.

Ruby pursed her lips. "Mmm… I think it was right after our fifth date. I can't exactly remember when…" She then gave him a sultry smile and poked his chest. "But I do remember how it went."

Jaune grinned and pecked his lips. "Of course you do…"

"EHEM!" Weiss's face was so red you could see steam coming out of her head.

"Yang!? Yang, get a hold of yourself!" Blake on the other hand tried to keep her best friend in the conscious world.

The couple got up with a sigh and straightened themselves, although they did looked slightly bashful.

"Well then…" Jaune spoke up and decided to break the ice. "Who's up for some lunch?"


"So nice to see you again, Jaune my boy." A British man well into his mid-fifties greeted the young Diamond Dog with a smile as he shook his hand.

"Likewise, Winston."

"And Ruby." Winston turned to the golden beauty as he took his hand and kissed it. "As radiant as ever."

"Ever the charmer." Ruby just gave him a smile.

Weiss could not believe what she was seeing. Her old partner Ruby was acting all… elegant. It just couldn't be possible. It just…

"Snow Angel?" Neptune whispered. "Are you alright?"

The Schnee heiress nodded.

"I thought you would be in the US?" Jaune asked.

Winston shrugged. "I wanted a change in scenery for once. And who might these young people be?"

"Old friends of mine who came here to visit."

"Ah." The Englishman nodded as he guided them. "Now please, do come. We are having a buffet tonight."

"This is Winston." Jaune introduced the man to them. "He owns the Continental hotels around the world."

The older man gave them a smile. "We pride ourselves in excellent service."

"A pleasure to meet you." Weiss snapped herself out of her stupor and responded to the man's greeting, offered him her hand. "Weiss Schnee."

Winston of course kissed the hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Schnee. Now please, I shall personally show you to your seats."

Once they were seated, Winston of course joined them with the guys well into their meals. The couple sat down with glasses of liquor and their meals right in front of them. While the Continental is a hotel, it is a hotel that is popular for usage among the PMCs and… assassins. In fact that was really the sole purpose of the hotel, to provide a haven for them. Winston of course set up the rules that no business is to be conducted on premises or suffer heavy consequences. But other than that the Continental is a hotel that prides in providing excellent service, earning it five stars from the several reviewers around the world. Prices of course were high but that is to be expected for such a prestigious hotel.

And of course, the currency used. While normal currency is fine, PMCs and contract killers use a unique way of paying for service. They were similar to the South-African Krugerrand coins as they were made from pure gold. It is in this way that they can transfer untraceable money around the world, this in itself formed just a small part of the war economy. It is a side the UN has absolutely no idea about. Nobody knows who creates and mints these coins, but all they know is that it has become a part of this underground society.

"These are good times we are living in, my boy."

Jaune chuckled as he dug into his nice beef steak. "You're doing pretty well for yourself."

"With what the war economy and all, product is coming in by the truck load. Business has only started to truly boom this year."

"I hear some bigtime investors and amateur entrepreneurs have been wanting to dabble in the war economy. Roughly 50% of the world's stock market is controlled by it."

"Indeed." Winston nodded as he poured himself a glass of Bourbon. He then looked at the blond's empty glass and smiled. "Bourbon?"

"Please." Jaune moved his empty glass forward.

"And for you, Miss Ruby?"

Ruby waved her hand. "I am fine, but thank you anyway Winston."

"Of course." The Englishman just smiled and lifted his glass as he turned back to Jaune. "This world would be nothing without it. A toast… to the war economy."

Jaune smiled and clanged his little glass up against his friend's. "To the war economy."


Violet, the eldest daughter of the Arc family, sat with her two other younger sisters as they privately watched one of the other interview footages of their little brother. Out of all the ones they had watched, this one was the one that hid them the hardest.

"So…" The voice of what appeared to be a UN interviewer was heard speaking to the blond. "You and Ruby have been with us for almost two years and you already logged about five thousand hours of combat, most of them in Afghanistan. You've been recognized by the international community, more specifically the military aspect, as not one of the deadliest soldiers but one of the deadliest snipers in the world."

"Yup." Jaune reclined in his seat, now wearing a full battle dress.

"Can you tell me, what was it like taking your first life during your first mission?"

"Oh it was hard." Jaune replied with a nod. "But… I realized I don't have the time to reflect about the lives I took."

"Why not?"

"That's not me."

"What do you mean?" The reporter asked. "What's not you?"

Jaune twiddled his thumbs for a moment as he took a deep breath. "The thing that bothers me the most… are all the lives that I couldn't save."

"I see." The reporter nodded. "So… Mister Arc, or should I say Captain?"

"Either is fine."

"Alright… can you tell me, what it is like to be on the field? Personally I mean."

Jaune hummed and rubbed his chin for a second. "I can't get enough of it."

Maia's eyes widened when he heard those words. "What… what did he say?"

"You… what?"

"I don't know how to explain it but… the moment you step into a battlefield, you get this sudden surge of adrenaline, and it never leaves until the job is done. I don't what exactly how I feel when I'm out there, and I certainly can't explain it completely. But all I can say is that whenever I leave the battlefield when the job is done, I just prepare for my next operation. I can't wait to get back out there."

The sisters just stared at the screen after they had watched the video finish. None of them could say anything.

"The rush of battle is a potent and often lethal addiction, war is a drug." – From the book War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning by Chris Hedge

NA: It's just small talk like that and it gives me shivers. Overly polite people and yet they're extremely dangerous. So yes… I incorporated the underground economy of John Wick with those coins… and of course added Winston.

But hey, our man Drebin is finally here.

And as for San, who can guess where the reference is from? White wolf… and a girl. I'll give you an obvious hint, it's a movie from Studio Ghibli.