"I think that's all the evidence we're gonna get, Athena."

Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes had spent the last 6 hours investigating the crime scene, gathering evidence, questioning witnesses and having blood and fingerprints analysed, thanks to the help of Ema Skye.

"It's all I need!" Athena smiled, Widget lighting up green.

"The bus is gonna be here in about 5 minutes, so we better hurry." Apollo told the girl.

"I should be telling you to hurry, Apollo! I still haven't forgotten that jog we took together this morning, Mr. Sweat bucket!" The girl chirped, starting to jog towards the bus stop.

"Whatever, Athena." Apollo's horns slumped down.

"Tell you what, I challenge you to a race!" Athena said, getting in a ready position.

"W-What?! A race?!" Apollo yelled, taken back by shock.

"If you win, your prize is..." Athena thought, tapping her earring. Then she lighted up.

"A kiss!" She said.

Apollo didn't know what to say.

"Are... Are you serious?"

"Gotta get the motivation, Apollo!" Athena said. Apollo sighed.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Alright, Apollo.. Ready.. Set.. Go!" Athena yelled, and took off. Apollo started sprinting, and ran as fast as he could. But Athena was too fast for him. By the time he was halfway there, Athena had already finished.

"How..?" Apollo gasped out when he eventually reached the finish line, leaning over and putting his hands on his knees. Athena, however, simply grinned, placing her hands on her hips.

"Practise." The girl said.

The bus pulled up to the two of them. They both boarded. It was fairly empty, so they found some seats.

"It's about an hour to home, right?" Athena asked, taking a seat next to Apollo.

"Yeah, it is.." Apollo said.

"I might get some sleep then. This athlete is tired!" Athena teased. Apollo raised an eyebrow, before smiling to her.

"If you plan to join the Olympics, you got a gold medal for weirdest hair" Apollo joked.

Widget lighted up red, and Athena held both her fists out.

"Yeah, says Mr. Demon Lawyer!" She yelled.

"Hey, my normal hair isn't that bad!" Apollo defended.

"You know... I've never really seen your normal hair." Athena said.

She immediately started ruffling up Apollo's hair, trying to return it to normal.

"ATHENA! NO!" Apollo desperately tried to get her to stop. It was too late, the spikes were gone.

"" Athena gasped. Apollo's hair was curly, and it was pretty thick. He looked so.. Normal.

"Well, how about you untie your hair? Since you just ruined mine." Apollo huffed.

"Oh, get over it, you dope. You got a date or something?" Athena teased.

Athena undid the band in her hair. Apollo was surprised at just how LONG it was.

"That's... That's beautiful.. I mean, long! Long!" Apollo stuttered. Athena giggled.

"Thanks, Apollo" She said.

"You should get some sleep, Athena." Apollo commented.

"Yeah, I guess" Athena said. Apollo leaned back and closed his eyes. Then he felt a weight on his left shoulder.

Athena was sleeping, on his shoulder.

Apollo looked at the sleeping girl, softly breathing. Apollo couldn't help but notice how absolutely.. Gorgeous she was. Her long hair spread on her chair, and on Apollo's chest. Apollo smiled, and ran his fingers through her hair.

He was glad to have her.

He put his arm around her, and looked outside. He noticed rain starting to hit the window. Apollo sighed. That won't make things easier. He felt Athena adjust herself a little, and she put her legs up on the chair, putting the back of her head on Apollo's shoulder. Apollo put both his hands his lap, and leaned his head back, and fell asleep.

"Hey, last stop! You two gotta get off!" The driver called out from his seat, waking Apollo and Athena up. It was raining heavily outside.

"Great.." Apollo moaned. The two walked outside, and rain started hitting them. Apollo pulled his jacket over his head, but Athena walked ahead in the rain.

"Apollo, get that jacket off your head!" Athena called out

"I don't exactly like the rain, Athena." Apollo replied. Athena smiled.

"Let's just get to my apartment, alright?" Athena said.

Athena jogged back to Apollo, and grabbed his hand.

"Athena?! Wh-what are you-" Apollo called out.

"The race is still on, Apollo!" She said, cutting him off. She dragged Apollo to the middle of a park.

"From here, to that Apartment building over there! Okay?" Athena said to the man.

"In the rain?" Apollo yelled back.

"Make it more interesting!" Athena said.

"Alright... Go!" Athena yelled, before sprinting. Apollo started sprinting alongside her, actually keeping up with her. Athena noticed, and tried to pick up pace.

"Where'd you get the sudden energy, Apollo?" Athena asked, still running. Apollo didn't answer, focusing ahead of him, doing his absolute best to keep up with Athena. Even she was finding it hard to stay ahead of this man.

"Well, I know what'll stop you!" Athena cheekily said, before tackling Apollo into the wet grass.

"A-Athena! What are you doing?!" Apollo yelled.

Athena got up and started running, but Apollo grabbed her foot, causing her to trip.

"I don't think so, Tiger." Apollo teased, starting to run.

Apollo ran before turning back. Athena still hasn't gotten up. She looked hurt. Apollo jogged back.

"You alright, Athena? I'm really so-" Apollo got cut off by some mud to the face, thrown by Athena.

"Gotcha!" Athena yelled, starting to run.

"You little cheater!" Apollo called, grabbing a mud ball and throwing it at her. It hit the back of her yellow jacket, but she continued running, ignoring the stain.

"Dammit, Athena.." Apollo muttered, and sprinted after her. He eventually reached Athena, who was outside her door.

"You little cheat.." Apollo panted.

"Same to you." Athena said. Although she seemed mad, Widget lighted up green.

"I'll.. See you tomorrow, then." Apollo panted as Athena opened her apartment door. Before she entered, she grabbed Apollo's jacket and pulled him in for a kiss on the cheek. It was quick, but surprised Apollo. Athena smiled at Apollo.

"There's your reward for getting gold medal in weirdest hair."

Apollo slumped over, but managed a smile.

"I guess it was a good reward" Apollo chuckled. Athena entered her apartment, and closed the door.

Apollo turned around, and headed back home.

Apollo walked in the rain, a smile printed on his face.

It was the best reward he could get.