Okay. So. This is my story. I have a rough outline of 23 chapters planned out. I have 11 written at the time of this posting.

I will- do my best to -post each Friday, USA time. As a college student and shitty time keeper, I hold the right to change this should a need be there.

As per the usual, any character you recognize does not belong to me.

I would love some feedback. Healthy criticsm. Just a "You did good".


This chapter is rather short and introductory. I will be posting the second chapter right after this one to get things going.



To The Stars and Back

Chapter One; Yavin 4

A Fanfiction written by TheObsessory

"Poe, I'd like you to meet my daughter, Sidra."

I felt my father's large hand put a little pressure into the skin between my shoulder blades as he pushed me toward this new child who stood before me. I reluctantly took a few steps forward, but stopped before I got too close.

This stranger, Poe, held a lopsided grin as my father spoke to him. He stood a couple inches taller than me, had dark waves that were nearly into his brown eyes, tanned skin and a dirty look about him like he had just been playing in dust.

"Hi, I'm Poe Dameron, I'm seven and I'm going to be the best pilot in the galaxy!" He said enthusiastically, his hand springing from his side as he held it out to me.

I jumped at his sudden movement, taking a cautionary few steps backwards into my father's hand as I eyed Poe.

"Poe, dear, don't be too headstrong. Can't you see she's scared?" A woman came to kneel on the carpet next to Poe, nudging him gently with her shoulder. She shared Poe's wild curls, but had lighter skin and golden brown eyes that seemed trustworthy.

"I'm Poe's mother, Shara. I'm sorry about my son, he's just like his father, loud and obnoxious. To be honest, I wanted a girl instead!" The last part she fake-whispered to me with a wink. I felt a small smile pull at my lips as my heart throbbed longingly.

"Mom! That's not true!" Poe whined, only acting half hurt by the comment.

"Yeah, Shara, that's not true, I'm only half as obnoxious as our son!"

The pouts both Poe and Poe's father wore were identical.

"She doesn't talk much does she?" Shara spoke to my father, her eyebrows raising.

"She hasn't much since her mother passed away." He said lightly. What little smile I wore was gone, "And I can't blame her. It hasn't been easy without Cerys. Speaking of which."

A three month old baby's scream filled the house, and I felt myself glare back toward the room it was coming from. My father left to go get my ugly baby sister.

"Poe, why don't you go show Sidra around outside? Don't forget all the best hiding spots!" Shara must have seen the look on my face, for she gave me a kind, but sad, smile.

"Okay mom!"

In an instant, Poe's rough little hand had found mine and he was dragging me out the door into the bright sunlight.

What had probably started out as a few houses was now a bustling settlement. Where we had just moved to was on the outer ring of housing, the tree line of the forest only a few feet from where we lived. The houses on either side of ours were identical. In fact, they all were. The only buildings that held different shapes were the stores where we would buy food, water and other supplies that were shipped into our small colony from who knows where. But other than a few changed shapes, each building was relatively uniform: gray, filled with windows and small.

The environment was extremely peaceful and green, unlike our previous home which had been in a distant city. The nearby mountain range towered over our small homes, taller than the biggest skyscraper I had ever seen.

While I admired my surroundings, Poe was busy talking. About what, I wasn't entirely sure. A little bit of everything, most likely. I allowed him to drag me around and show me what he found interesting. I payed little attention, but still caught a few pieces of information: his house was the one with the A-Wing parked in the front, one could often get a free cookie from the bread shop just down the street and both his parents had fought with the Alliance to restore the Republic.

"When they were doing that, I lived with my Grandpa Bey while mom and dad fought. Mom's one of the best pilots that the Alliance had and my dad was a great soldier. But after the Battle of Endor, they came and got me and we moved here!" Poe just kept on talking as he pulled me through the long grasses near the edge of the forest, his hand firm, but gentle, around mine.

I glanced up to see we were headed for a small tree that seemed very young still. It looked like a normal tree, but the closer we got to it, the more uneasy I felt. It didn't feel normal. I felt a pulse begin near my heart, a beating just like my heartbeat, but to a different tune. The unease sank with the pulse, and I felt myself grow calm as we stopped before the sapling.

"The Luke Skywalker gave this tree to my mom." Poe sounded like he was still in awe, even having known this information, "He called it a force-sensitive tree. My mom told me this is one of two branches that were taken from the tree in the courtyard where the young force-sensitive younglings like you and me trained to be Jedi. You know what a Jedi Knight is right?" He turned to me, his eyes wide with the story.

I nodded my head enthusiastically at the menion of Jedi's, my eyes drifting back to the branches of the sapling. They seemed to be glowing ever so slightly.

"Well my mom helped Luke on the mission and for a thank you, he gave this to her. Cool, huh?" The wide, lopsided grin had returned to his face, "It's beautiful too."

I looked up at Poe with a smile, squeezing his hand lightly to grab his attention, because I couldn't help but agree.


As I said, introductory. Stories have to start somewhere.

For a bit of more info, this story follows the growth of both Sidra and Poe from where they've started in this chapter (age 7) to where "The Force Awakens" takes place (late 20's). A lot of skipping is bound to happen. I try to mention ages as often as possible so no one's lost, but if you are, of course, feel free to message me any questions.

But yes, I hope those of you who start will finish with me!
