
Sakura hurriedly looked around, but the only thing visible was Syaoran. "W. What's happening?" she said, stumbling over the words. Syaoran was already in his fighting stance with his eyes surveying the room, searching for something he could use. Sakura started to think, "It can't be a Clow Card as I've sealed them all. But I'm sensing the same sort of feeling." "It's definitely a form of Clow Reed's magic" Syaoran informed her. "I can feel his aura."

Both of them froze as a something appeared in front of them. A gasp came from Sakura as a spirit came into view. Without giving it time to cause any harm, Syaoran started to lunge for it. Sakura watched and screamed his name as just before he made contact with the spirit, he too disappeared into the darkness.

"Sakura!" he replied as he realised he was no longer part of the battle. He tried to run forward to her but bumped into a force field which held him back. His rage was bubbling inside as he turned to see his mother. "What's going on! Why have I been taken away?" Placing a hand on her son's shoulder, Yelan urged him to calm down. As he started to regain composure Yelan started to explain, "This is Sakura's test. The Clow Masters want to make sure she is ready for what is to come." "But she's not prepared for this!" he argued in Sakura's defence. "She can handle it. Look." Turning his gaze to where his mother was pointing, he saw two huge wings start to grow out of Sakura's back.

As soon as Syaoran has disappear, Sakura has started to panic, but the spirit gave her no time to think as it started its attack straight away. Streaks of light where heading straight towards her, compelling her to take out the Fly Card. As fast as she could she repeated the chant which turned it into a Sakura Card before dispelling it's magic. Wings grow out of her back and she managed to lift herself high up in the air where the spirit's power was weaker and therefore she was out of reach from its attacks. Raising the wand above her head, she called upon the spirits with the power given to her by Yelan Li. "Grant me knowledge!" she calls, closing her eyes, before asking "What is the source of power behind this spirit?" Her eyes opened wide as she realised the answer.

Taking her wand, she transforms the card before calling upon one of the elements, Metal. Straight away it encases the electricity being thrown at her by the spirit, as well as encasing the spirit as well. By using the Freeze Card on this metal casing she manages to weaken the forces further. As a final resort, she reaches for Shield Card, but fortunately the spirit has no strength left once the Freeze and Metal Cards return to Sakura. Putting away the Shield Card, Sakura raises her sealing wand and commands the spirit to "Return to your power confined!" Trying to struggle, but without success, the spirit reforms into a small ball which drops to the floor.

Lights refill the room and Sakura is left looking down on a small golden sphere. One of the Clow Masters walks over and picks it up as Sakura floats down from her place by the ceiling. As her feet touch the floor, the wings disappear and the Fly Card returns to the others. "I'm sorry we had to put you through that" Yelan whispered to her as Sakura falls back into her arms. She is still conscious as she looks at Syaoran, "Are you okay?" he asks. Nodding, her head falls to her chest and she is asleep.