Hello Ladies and Gents, thank you for clicking on my fanfic!

Please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. If you spot something that you believe needs to be corrected send me a message.

This is the start of something new, and I'd like to thank Mimosa Evans for cooking up this wonderful idea! She's bloody brilliant. Check out her page for more fanfic ideas.

All characters from harry potter and OHHC belong to their respective owners aka not yours truly.


CH1: Chosen Ones...

They had all been told at one time or another of the power of words.

She for one knew the tongue had no bones, and yet it was strong enough to break a heart in mere seconds. She was one of the few that chose to wield her tongue like a sword, slashing down anyone that dared to stand in her way…and sometimes just for fun. But nothing had had the ability to affect her…especially her the way those five little words did.

You are all being transferred.

Her mind short-circuited the moment those words left her headmasters lips, even when her face remained blank and impassive.

She watched the others…they didn't seem to take the news well.

"T-Transferred? We're being removed from Hogwarts?" Potter recoiled her large green eyes widened like Dumbledore himself had reached across his desk and slapped

Weasley was shaking her head, her scarlet locks floating around, her hands against her ears like if she didn't listen to his words then they wouldn't be true. Her younger sister's reaction was better, the copper haired girl clenched her fist and grit her teeth, but her eyes were filled with confusion and hurt.

Granger for once seemed speechless, no smart or witty comeback. She looked as if she'd been once again petrified, that would have had her worried if she didn't notice the trembling of her hands and the quivering of her bottom lip.

Lovegood, the bloody lunatic was the only one that seemed unbothered…

She mentally scoffed. Figures…

"You six have been chosen to represent Hogwarts in this student exchange due to a number of tests, it is a great honor. You will all attend Ouran Academy and learn a great many things, this is not up for debate." With a flick of his wrist a folder full of information appeared in front of us before dismissing us out of his office without a second word.

Her lip curled as she saw the name. Ouran Academy.

"Ouran is an elite private wizarding institution based in japan, it's well known, but relatively under the radar compared to Hogwarts. So that's all I really know about it." Granger said with a frown as the group of six walked down the corridors.

"It's a school for witches and wizards that come from only filthy rich families, pureblood families from all over the world, from what I heard." Ginny said gazing at the folder of information.

"They're a good school but dad said they rarely ever give scholarships or have transfers, it's curious isn't it." Luna spoke, her voice lite and airy.

"Malfoy you've been pretty silent. This school seems pretty much up your alley, full of arrogant pureblood elitist snobs." Veronica Weasley said attempting to rile up the blonde that had been too quiet, for her liking. She knew from past experience when the Malfoy was quiet a Malfoy was plotting…

Said Malfoy turned sharply her platinum blonde hair fanning around her; silvery blue eyes narrowed in annoyance as the scarlet haired Weasley.

"If I wanted to attend Ouran Academy I would have attended there in the first place instead of coming to Hogwarts, now shut you filthy mouth weasel while I try to figure out a plan to get us out of it." The Slytherin sneered.

"Bloody ferret," Veronica muttered even as Ginny grabbed her arm holding her back. "Say that to my face!"

The blonde ignored her by flipping her hair over her shoulder; her mind going a mile a minute. There was no way in hell she'd just let that old geezer just cart her off across the water like she heard muggles transported other muggles.

What did Potter call them? Immigrants? There was no way she'd be deported like an immigrant, not if her father had anything to say…

"I don't think you or your family name will be able to get us out of this one Delilah." Hermione said practically seeing what the blonde was thinking.

Delilah's head snapped towards Granger.

"And here I thought you Gryffindor's didn't back down from a fight, what a cowardly little lion you are."

Hermione narrowed her hazel eyes in return. "Watch it, all I'm saying is that Dumbledore wants us to go for a reason."

"And what reason could that old geezer possibly have for exiling us to Japan?"

"Don't be so dramatic Lilah, we're not being exiled." The younger Weasley said softly trying to placate her friend.

The blonde rolled her eyes. "But we are Ginny, don't be fooled so easily. We're being sent off to a place without any reason or choice; that is my definition for exile." She said to her copper friend before her eyes locked on Granger. "Tell me I'm wrong Granger, if you're so clever."

"I don't know." she said with a sigh looking away.

"Exactly. We do not know, we don't know anything." The Slytherin princess hissed narrowing her icy blue eyes. If there was one thing she could not stand, it was not knowing.

"Well then maybe we should find out…"

Everyone turned to potter. Harriet seemed to be in deep thought.

"Finally Potter something we can agree on." Delilah said nodding her head for her to continue. "What's the plan?"

"We do all the research we can, I'll try and talk to Dumbledore and Haggrid…there must be a reason he's sending us there..."

"I doubt the geezer would tell even you Potter, I'll ask my family and use my connections to gather everything can about the students that attend."

"I will do the same." Luna nodded and the two blondes quickly left together.

"I think Fleur mentioned having a cousin that attended the all-girl school that was also in Japan."

"Oh yeah I think she called it Lobelia, we can ask her what she knows, and if she knows anyone that went to Ouran."

"Well come on then…" Veronica said grabbing her sister's arm.

Ginny looked over her shoulder flashing Harriet and Hermione a grin. "See you too back in the common room."

Harriet then turned to Hermione and opened up her mouth only for Hermione to cut her off.

"You don't have to tell me how to do research Harriet."

"I know Hermione. I was just going to ask if you wanted to get lunch." She said with a cheeky grin.

"Honesty you and Ron eat like starving boys." The brunette snipped but pulled the onyx haired teen towards the great hall.

Two Days Later…

"Two days. Two days of long and hard researching, and this is all we have to show for it? We're bloody doomed." Veronica snapped as she paced back and forth.

The girl didn't learn much more about the school than they already knew. The only difference was that Delilah had been able to get the names of the students going there. When questioned about how she got her manicured fingernails on such classified files she merely gave a very death eater worthy grin and told them not to worry about it.

They were all waiting in the room of requirement, they had long ago claimed as their secret spot. After all there was no way a Slytherin could enter the Gryffindor common room and the same went for a Gryffindor in the Slytherin den. It just wasn't done, no matter if they were good friends.

"Easy weasel especially considering you didn't bring much to begin with." Delilah snipped from her spot behind Luna.

"Bite me ferret!" Veronica snapped her face as red as her hair. "At least my parents weren't ready to ship me off when I told them, too bad I couldn't say the same for yours…"

Delilah bared her teeth in response.

"Enough guys, let's just wait from Harriet, she's the only one left." Hermione said suddenly jumping between the two.

Merlin knew the room would be turned into a boxing ring if the two weren't stopped now. Hermione shot Ginny a pleading look as the girl poured hot tea into a china cup.

"Mione's right, let's just settle down." Ginny said giving her older sister a pointed look, before looking at Delilah who looked like she was two seconds away from using one of the unforgiveable curses. "Delilah look I made your favorite tea, drink some with me."

Delilah and Veronica huffed turning away from each other. Veronica plopping down on the couch by her sister as Hermione began to whisper in her ear and Delilah by Luna who then offered her some of her Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.

Delilah refused more than content to sip on her cup of tea that Ginny had made for her, while they all waited for Harriet.

They didn't have long to wait, and Harriet came running into the room.

"Guys, you're not going to believe what I found out…"

"Well don't keep us all waiting Potter spit it out." Delilah snapped impatiently, the suspense was killing her.

"I found out…that there's a group of students that…." Harriet said trying to catch her breath.

"Yes yes…." Delilah said eagerly waiting for the answer.

"That…" Harriet trailed off. "I'm not sure if it's good to know…"

"I swear I'll use the Cruciatus Curse if you don't tell me now…" Delilah snapped.

"A group of student that are bewitching the minds of young girls, making them do all sorts of things." Harriet sighed running a hand through her curly hair.

"What?" The teenage girls said with confusion.

"Why the bloody hell would you want to keep that information from us Potter?"

"Whatever magic there using, it's dark and its very powerful…I've heard they're even intertwined with the dark lord…the girls all seemed to be under their influence, they could be persuading them to join his army. The group has apparently bewitched over half the academy."

"What?" This time they all shouted in shock.

"Is that why he's sending us?" Luna asked with a thoughtful expression on her face as she popped another jelly bean in her mouth.

"If they can cast that kind of magic they must be powerful." Veronica said with a frown, Hermione nodded showing her agreement.

"It doesn't matter how powerful they are, we must end them. We can't let the Dark Lord gain not even one more supporter." Delilah said her voice as cold as ice as she stood to her feet and began pacing.

"Delilah's right, but we can't go in their wands blazing." Ginny said softly.

"Why not?" Harriet asked.

"Because if our research is correct, there are muggles that attend the school." Hermione said picking up where Ginny left off.

"What?" Delilah said recoiling very much like a snake.

Hermione and Veronica shot Delilah a look as they had already revealed this news before Harriet got there.

"Lilah you knew this already?" Ginny and Luna said simultaneously unbothered by the blonde's dramatics. They were far to use to them by now.

"That doesn't mean it still doesn't shock me to hear it again." She shivered.

"Having to attend school with mud-bloods was taxing enough no offence granger, but now we will be reduced even lower, to attend with muggles? It's disgusting, barbaric and just plain cruel…" The Slytherin princess looked like she was going to be sick.

"Yet your parents approved-"

Delilah whipped out her wand and had it pointed at Veronica neck before she could even finish.

"You want to have a go little weasel, I'll be happy to show you your rightful place."

"Lilah calm down." Ginny said placing her hand on the arm, trying the move the wand away from her sister's throat.


Silver slits meet Green and slowly the wand was removed.

"For the record little weasel, my parents do not approve of my attending schools with filthy muggles, however they do approve of my flying off to Japan, they think it's a vacation of sorts, get your facts straight."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure Zabini isn't copying my potions essay word for word." She said coolly before walking out of the room.

Ginny sighed mentally noting to talk to her friend later before turning to glare at her sister who had the audacious nerve to look innocent.

"What?" Veronica asked gazing at her with similar green eyes.

"Why must you always goat her?" Ginny asked sharply causing her sister to snap.

"Bloody hell Ginny sometimes I secretly wonder if you're even a Weasley or not, running off making best friends with a Slytherin."

"And what have you to say of everyone else here, were all friends with Delilah." Ginny retorted crossing her arms across her chest.

"But everyone else isn't my sister." Veronica said as if that explained everything.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Shut up Ron."

"So Harriet, what are we going to do." Luna said cutting the siblings from fighting and drawing eyes to Harriet.

"Lunas right, we need a plan, a good one too. Delilah, devilish as she may be got us files on all the students, we can start there. We have till the end of the week before we are apparated to Japan." Hermione said looking towards Harriet.

"Then let's put our heads together and get down to business, this is our mission. We were chosen and we can not fail, lives will be at stake." Harriet said seriously, the heads of the three witches nodding once to agree.

This was very serious indeed.