On a scale of one to ten, Jack would rate chores a 'one' on how fun they were.

When North had asked for his help with Christmas this year, Jack had initially been excited - maybe a really white Christmas was on the schedule! Little had he known, that wasn't quite was North was looking for. No, Jack had been completely off the mark. Rather than spreading snow days across the globe, the winter spirit found himself making blocks of ice for North to tinker with between toy-making. Sure, he enjoyed making ice, but uniform blocks?


With a sigh of irritation, Jack looked over at the clock. Could he use his work as a winter spirit to get out of North's request? The jolly old man would probably see right through his attempts, but maybe it was worth a shot. With a shot from his staff, Jack created one last small block of ice, sliding it into its proper place in the chilly storage building with some well-placed frost. Pleased with his handiwork, he left the building, the door swinging shut with a 'bang' behind him. The wind rushed around him in greeting, and his mood lightened considerably.

Maybe the chore wasn't really all that bad, he mused, but a fun little break never hurt anyone.