Note: I do not own the characters or Scorpion. Based off the plot line of "Fractured", but NOT a prediction fic. Inspiration just hit and I thought I would type it up. A multi-chapter story. It will probably be 5 chapters and I'll try to update daily. Let me know what you think! I love feedback! :)

Chapter 1: The Calm

"Toby! What's taking you so long?" Happy yelled from the living room, "I want to start this movie before I'm old."

"Just a second, babe. You know it takes time to reach perfection."

Happy rolled her eyes, "Goddamn it, it's just popcorn, you idiot. Just put it in the microwave and, voila, it's done."

She threw off the blanket that was covering her, because at only 50 degrees out she was freezing (something Toby often made fun of her about), and started to get up, when she heard Toby behind her.

"Took you long en-" she groaned as she turned around, but trailed off when she saw Toby holding two steaming mugs in his hands. "Is that what I think it is?" a smile forming on her face, eyes opening wide.

Toby smirks, "I told you, perfection takes a long time." He hands her a mug, "A hot chocolate for you, m'lady. I can tell you've been a little cold today."

Happy eagerly wraps her hands around the mug and pulls it to her nose, "Mmmm, it smells like perfection. Just the right amount of chocolate and mint." Happy takes a large gulp and sighs contentedly, "Honestly, I don't know how I liked any hot chocolate before this. You've spoiled me."

Toby chuckles as he settles into the couch next to Happy, wrapping one arm around her to pull her close. "Careful there, I'm getting jealous of that hot chocolate."

Rolling her eyes, Happy turns her head and presses a kiss to his jaw, "Thank you. I don't say this often, but you're the best."

Toby turns to look questioningly at her, eyes comically wide. "You're up to something, I know you are. You don't just say things like that."

"I'm not up to anything, numbnuts. Just take the compliment and shut up."

"There's the Happy I know and love."

Toby presses a kiss to her head as Happy curls her feet up next to her, leaning her head in the crook of his neck. Toby pulls the blanket over the both of them and starts the movie. A few minutes later, Happy tilts her head up to look at Toby, a question in her eyes,

"How did you know I was cold today?"

Toby smiles and looks down, "I know you, princess, probably better than you know yourself."

"That doesn't answer my question. I didn't say anything about it being freezing outside today."

"It wasn't your words that told me, it was your actions."

Happy raises her eyebrows telling him to continue.

"You turned up the heat in the car when you thought I wasn't looking, you stood closer than normal to me -"

"Maybe I just wanted to be closer to you," she interrupted.

Toby shook his head, "It's you we're talking about. If you had it your way, we would still be a secret. Not only that, but you actually gave me hugs today. Like at the garage, where people could see, and you held on like you didn't want to let go. At first I thought maybe you were warming up to PDA, but then I realized that your arms were in my jacket and you had buried your face in my chest. You don't do that around people. Ever." Toby shrugged, "But you secretly liked it, which is why you found any excuse to do it again. I bet you were wishing we were at home each time so you could do what you really wanted to do. I mean, come on, I felt you kissing my chest."

Toby winked at her. Happy blushed.

"Then, when we finally did get home, you went straight for the dresser and pulled out my sweatshirt. Which you have had wrapped around you ever since. And not to mention the blanket. It was pretty obvious."

Happy remained silent and settled back against Toby. It wasn't until after she finished her drink that she spoke again, quietly.

"You were right, you know."

"This has been said before, plus, like I said, it was obvious."

Happy rolled her eyes, "I mean, you're right. I did like it. Being that close. It made me feel safe and protected. Happy. I wasn't afraid of people seeing us. All I cared about was you and me."

"Who are you? What have you done with my Happy Quinn?"

"You're ruining it, Doc."

Toby looked sheepish, "I'm sorry. Continue."

"It's because of you, you know. You've helped me. Made me realize that I don't have to be afraid of having something good. I've never been good with words or feelings, but I'm getting better and that's all because of you." Happy leaned in to kiss him. When she pulled away, there was a mischievous look in her eyes, "Also, just for the record, I was this close," she held up her fingers about an inch apart, "to pulling you back to my workshop, closing the door, and having a repeat of last week." She leaned up to whisper in his ear, "That was hot, Curtis." She gently bit his ear and kissed his jaw before pulling away, a smirk on her face.

Toby cleared his throat and looked at her, eyes wide, speechless, "Um, uh, did you-"

Happy put her arms around his neck and pulled his face to hers, "Just shut up and kiss me. There are more fun ways to stay warm than this blanket."

And Toby did just that. He smashed his lips against Happy's and pulled her on his lap. A smile formed on his face when he heard that little moan that he could always elicit from Happy when she was lost in the moment. One hand went to the back of her head to tangle in her hair while the other wrapped around her to her back, pulling her impossibly closer. Happy deepens the kiss as she grinds down on Toby, anxious to get to her favorite part. But, Toby knows this, and as much as he wants to get Happy naked and beneath him (although in all honesty, he would probably be the one underneath her), after what she said earlier, he needed to slow it down. He wanted to cement the change that just took place, with Happy admitting she was happy with him and didn't mind showing it. He wanted take his time and cherish what was going on, but Happy obviously didn't get the memo. She quickly moved her hands to the bottom of his shirt, ripping it off over his head, then placing her lips on his neck, she gently kissed and sucked, as Toby let a small moan pass through his lips.

"Baby, we can slow down," Toby moaned, "We have all night."

"I don't want to wait," she said between kisses. She looked up and a devilish smile grew on her face, "Plus, the faster we go now, the more time we'll have later to do that one thing you like."

"You win," he mutters, pulling her to him once again.

Toby's hands grip the sweatshirt she has on and pulls it over her head, the shirt underneath quickly following. His lips move from hers to her jaw, then trail down her neck. She rolls her head to the side, allowing Toby more access, and her hands go for the belt around his waist. Gently, almost tickling Happy, Toby moves his hands up her sides to her ribs, before moving to the clasp of her bra in the back.

"Damn, baby," Happy mutters, "that new surround sound you got is intense. It's shaking the couch."

Toby pulls back and looks at her like she has lost her mind, "What do you mean, Hap? I haven't set it up yet. You told me, and I quote, 'If I'm moving in here with you, I do all the installation and fixes.' You apparently didn't want to live in a place with messed up things because of me."

Happy laughs, but quickly stops when the rumbling of the couch grows stronger. "Is that what I think it is?"

Toby nods as he quickly grabs Happy, pulling her off the couch and under the coffee table, covering her body with his. They hear a couple pictures fall off the wall and one of Toby's many bookcases fall over. About 30 seconds later, everything stops shaking. Toby feels Happy trying to get up underneath him.

"Get off me, you big dope. I think we're safe now."

Toby smiles, but moves to get off her, assessing the damage around the room. It doesn't look too bad, nothing they can't fix. Happy rolls out from under the table and leans against the couch. All of a sudden, Toby hears laughter coming from Happy. He looks down at her,

"What's wrong with you?"

Happy just keeps laughing, so Toby kneels down next to her.

"Care to share?"

While still laughing, Happy manages to get a few words out, "Just imagine if the building fell."

"Well, that's dark."

Happy is able to compose herself to tell him what made her laugh so hard. "No, I mean, what if the building fell and they had to dig us out. Imagine what they would've found. You on top of me, neither of us wearing a shirt. People would've thought we were having sex during the earthquake!" She starts laughing again.

"I mean, we were about to."

"Can you picture their faces? It would be priceless, but so embarrassing. Oh my god, so embarrassing." Happy starts turning red, realizing what didn't happen, but easily could have. "Oh, that would have been horrible. Not funny, not funny at all."

"Way to make a guy feel good about wanting to have sex with his smoking hot girlfriend. You do know people do that all the time, right? What's so embarrassing about it?"

Happy shakes her head, realizing that she hurt Toby's feelings, "That's not what I was saying, idiot. I'm not embarrassed to be with you." She stands up, offering her hands to help Toby up. "I love being with you, I thought we covered that earlier. I'm sorry," she starts to pull him down the hall to their bedroom and gives him a smirk, "Let me make it up to you."

Toby grins, "Best sorry ever."

Happy just rolls her eyes, pulling his head down for a passionate kiss before falling on to the bed to continue what they had started earlier.