This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. Further more all characters are created and owned by her, and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of Harry Potter. I am grateful to Ms. Rowling for her wonderful stories about Hogwarts, for without her books, my story would not exist.

Oliver was sitting on the stands watching his team seeker do a bit of extra practice. The extra dills had not been mandatory, but Harry wanted to go for a fly to clear his head, and Oliver volunteered to accompany him to the pitch.

With Sirus Black having escaped from Azkaban, and being after Harry for the killing of his master Oliver thought it be best to not let Harry go by himself. He knew his constant following, and having the team tail him everywhere was getting on Harry's last nerve, but he was just concerned for his friend.

Oliver took his eyes off of Harry's flying and looked around for anything that might be a threat. Sometimes you can get lost in watching him fly, he is such a natural. Oliver surveyed the field and didn't find anything off, until his second look around.

There in corner at the bottom of the stands was the Ravenclaw Captain Roger Davies hiding behind a tapestry. At first Oliver assumed he was trying to spy on his team, and figure out some of their plays. It wasn't to concerning since Harry was only running your typical everyday drills for a seeker. However when he saw Hufflepuff Captain Cedric Diggory hiding in the opposite corner behind a bottom tapestry, Oliver immediately whistled for Harry to return.

Oliver had no idea why those two were there staring up at his seeker like that, but he was going to get to the bottom of it. Oliver sighed they were going to have to up Harry's protection just in case those two have some plan to get Harry injured before the next game. Oh Harry's going to love this…thought Oliver.


Marcus Flint was watching Harry Potter fly from his usual spot well hidden from any prying eyes, when he noticed the buffoon Wood start whistling and calling Harry back. Why is he calling him back so soon, he usually flies a lot longer than this. Flint looked around the pitch searching for any danger that Wood might have seen. That's when he noticed Davies hiding in one corner and Diggory hiding in the other. Marcus glared back and forth between the two of them, and closed his fists in fury. What are those two gits doing here, and why are they looking at my Harry like that? Marcus wondered.

After studying the two other captains for a while and seeing the disappointed love sick looks on their faces when Harry quit flying Marcus figured out exactly what they were up to. His and Harry's relationship was new, and truthfully he felt a bit threatened seeing those pretty boys look at his Harry like that. He knew that Harry was extremely beautiful and well liked by others, and he who wasn't much to look at all, and was hated by everyone on account of being extremely unpleasant didn't deserve Harry at all.

I'm going to have to scare those two away from him somehow, without actually doing it myself. Since we decided to keep our relationship a secret and I made that stupid promise to Harry that I wouldn't keep going around and threatening people for no good reason. I know I see this as an excellent reason, but I'm not sure Harry will, Marcus thought.

Marcus decided to head inside and make his way to Harry and his nightly meeting spot. Maybe after a good snog from his boyfriend a plan will work its self out.