Hello! I do not own Skip Beat! Let me know if there are any mistakes please! Enjoy.

I knew all along…

She sat there twirling a strand of her hair, having a calculating look on her face, as he walked in, seeing her like that, he couldn't help but think she looked very attractive in a frightening way.

"Hey babe!"

"Hi…" she lazily greeted.

"Is something wrong?"

"Why would you think that?" she smirked, making a shiver run up his spine.

"It's just that you look…different."

"Oh?" she kept looking at him and with every passing moment he couldn't help but feel trapped, his every instinct telling him to either run, or play dead.

"Did something happen?" he nervously asked.

"You tell me!"

"I'm not sure I follow…"

She suddenly broke in a cruel laugh "Ahahaha~h, Oh, you're good, sticking it up til the end I see…" she said getting up from the couch, she walked towards him and with a very calm, smooth voice she added "You lying, cheating bastard!" all the while she had the same cruel smile, and the ice that matched it in her eyes, her expression said one thing clearly 'I'll destroy you, and enjoy every single moment doing it!'

He swallowed, there was no escaping it now "How did you…?" he asked.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice?" she said "I knew since day one…I could smell her perfume" she took a sip of her drink "Her very cheap perfume, you could've done much better, love."

"Natsu, I-"

"Shhht…" she stopped him "Shut up…don't say anything." She looked down, let out a heavy sigh and looked up, her smile was gone, the only thing that graced her face now being wrath "Get out." She said in a very calm voice.

"Natsu-" he tried one last time.

"OUT!" she yelled "Get out and I won't do anything to you, promise!" she smiled.

Not wanting to push his luck, he obliged and just as he closed the door behind him, that twisted smile was back on her face "But I can't say the same about her…"

"And cut!" the director yelled "Very good Kyoko-chan, Tsuruga-san!"

They both bowed to the director, and went to join Yashiro-san for the lunch break, Ren was making a guest appearance in Box 'R' as Natsu's boyfriend, in that scene she confronted him about a girl he was fooling around with.

"Perfect! Kyoko-chan, you were amazing, if I were in Ren's place I'm sure I would've died on the spot!" Yashiro praised.

"Trust me Yashiro-san, you don't want to be in my place, Natsu-san's very…intimidating!"

"Isn't she? Even being the one playing her, I was terrified!" Kyoko shook her head furiously, rubbing the goose bumps off her arms.

"Still, boyfriend-san had it coming, what would you have done if your boyfriend cheated on you Kyoko-chan?" Yashiro asked.

"Hmm? I wouldn't bother dealing with it, I'll just leave it up to Natsu-chan and Mio-sama!" she said with a cheerful smile, walking ahead of them to the cafeteria.

Yashiro put a hand on Ren's shoulder "Good luck dealing with that combo, buddy!"

A/N: I wrote this at 1AM, don't even ask!

Thanks for reading, please review! (thanks for reviewing in advance XD)

I had first said in the summary that this is aweful, but then a sweet reader (Ketria) said that I should take that part off, so, thank you for ecouraging me!