CHAPTER ONE; Blatant Reality

Based off of VK Tokubetsu

Do not be fooled by the wings of the butterfly, for they are only a disguise. Underneath them, you may revolt in what your eyes have witnessed. It proves every beautiful thing is truly ugly. All that one might want is sincerely the opposite. One could not fathom the harsh reality that perhaps may one day come when they gaze upon what they'd thought was a beautiful thing. Disgust would overwhelm them, along with bits of incomprehensible agony, soon to be followed by misery.

There are always two halves that make up a whole. When the whole is brought together, something important happens. It fuses together and becomes one entirely, completely different thing. A metamphoresis into something new, and undiscovered, and never experienced.

Beauty on the outside is one thing; beauty on the inside is another. How many people, animals, creatures in general; are beautiful on the outside. There are plenty. But, how many actually feel beautiful, is another question. Along with this statement, beauty is defined as many things. Perhaps the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, a meaningful design or pattern, or something else. A beautiful woman, or man, or child even. People often see it as a way of power. Something that has a gorgeous appeal will very well be able to take advantage no one looks down upon them. Ugly. It's something else.

Very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance. Disagreeable; unpleasant; objectionable: ugly tricks; ugly discords. Morally revolting: ugly crime. Threatening trouble or danger: ugly symptoms. Most often it is only looked at as an appearance, the word people most use when looking at a person with repulsive features that don't quite appeal to them in particular. A standard that they have set, and the one they're judging has been 'rightfully' judged in a just term, sentenced to always be referred to as 'ugly'. The judges in this specific term fail to realize that their judgment is an even worse form of ugly.

But these are the unfortunate ways of mankind. They've deemed themselves worthy of the title of miniature gods, and roam as they please, making calls they believe is right, rejoicing in their fleshly riches and pleasures, the beautiful ones, and ignore the large amount of the ugliest, who have fallen into deep pits of regret and despair. They starve, and are casted out from society, because of their incapability to reach the bar level standard. Its way too far for them to reach, which forces them to forever remain in the misery, that has embraced their fates ever since the beginning.

Of course, only humans give themselves the rights to live because they are some mystical race, or something far more glorious than any other. They over look the others, believing, though the other species could at any moment do something about this, that they are the ultimate's. They've recently reached their limits. We ourselves could not understand what a human thought since we've never been one. They wouldn't get it. They destroy, and force others to suffer on their own behalf, just because it brings them to a higher point. If an innocent by stander's life was what it took what it took to reach point B, then by all means, the pathetic foolish humans would be sure to do everything in their power to conquer the life of that person.

Another way to put the terminology of the beauty and ugly is the Humans and the Vampires. Indeed, a vampire has far more power than some mere human, but there are much more humans than vampires, and they easily over powered the vampires because of this. It made them dominate the world, and forced the ugliest to soon be considered out casts, and later on, something else. Humans caused the mess the societies of the world are in at the current time. The wretched humans are butterflies.

And there it was, the extreme remnants of what used to be a familiar world full of duties, angst, greed, fear, confusion, and the harsh reality of time and loneliness. What was existence if this is how time poured itself out. It seemed skewed, but it shouldn't be that shocking after existing for what seems as if not even time couldn't count. In this philosophy, life and existence really didn't make any sense. There was no memory of anyone who'd lived. They are all gone, all forgotten. Their time here in this world has completely faded away. But this was what the dormant nature and memories thought of the new creature that met with the sunlight for what was as if the first time. Dear god, it was so beautiful. It was full of vegetation, the surrounding area. Ruins of a building passage way, ivy covering its bricks that held cracks from weathering and tear over its ancient lifetime. The all too familiarity this newly opened-eye'd ancient creature would have known all too well. He didn't know what he was missing. He opened his eyes, and this is life. Nothing to hold him back now. No past to traumatise and haunt him, to hideous dark nature to drive his most inner workings, and no obligations of power. Humanity was pretty simple when put like this. There was no one there to even draw in a familiar shadow from the curtain fallen memories he woulldn't be able to pick back up and recall. There truly, was nothing.

There were two figures watching a few steps away in the shadows of the broken-ness of the building. One was taller, a male, with both silver eyes and hair. He wore a simple jacket. Next to him was a female with brown red eyes and thick, brown hair. She was small, and wore a pea coat in the colour of white. They both seemed distilled, yet intrigued. The female began speaking, "My mother left you a message… 'The one who I love, you who existed with that thirst, may it be quenched',". As he heard these words, he continued glaring at the sky, admiring how beautiful it was. Somehow it was instinctive of him to prepare to shield them from the rays, though it wasn't necessary. He pushed himself off of the place he lay, and opened up the broken doors, as the figurettes followed him out. She began chiming a story, that fed his ears as he admired his surrounds.

"...Anyway, Aidou-San worked around the clock, going over the documents, organising a research team... They finally found a way that vampires can live as humans. Basically a new version of the spell my mother cast. During that time, you slept in that ice coffin for a thousand years. You then lost all your memories and woke up as a simple human". She took a breath. It was as if she were confused. "Uhm, are you listening to me"? The boy like man suggested, "It might be useless, mother did say that he doesn't listen to other people". Indicating they shared the same parent, they looked almost nothing alike, but they both held exquisite poise, composure, and exposition.

"My other father said so too. I know that his memories should be sealed with his vampire genes... but I think knowing nothing wouldn't necessarily mean he's happier. Or rather, if he didn't know what happened during these thousand years of passing. I don't want that, brother..." She coughed. Her light voice gave out a raspy sigh. She and her brother stood nearer the man who woke up who was laying in the grass as the light poured down on him. They got closer, and closer, until they were taken aback by his sudden grab, pulling them into an embrace. He began speaking, the first words heard of him in almost ten centuries. "Tell me more about what happened during these thousand years..."

They stayed there for a moment. To them, it seemed so comforting to be in this stranger's arms. It was warm.

They followed him around a bit as he explored the ruins. "..After several years… no...after the period of entering deep sleep, a lot more time passed.. finally". She gestured to her side, "This is my henchman. He's called Ren". The man repeats the name, Ren. After a moment, the man lets out laughter he fails to surpress. "You've already gotten used to smiling"! The sister chimes. The one identified as Ren says, "She is called Ai". He nods. The man looks around. "The vegetation here are still quit few that there is almost no trees around that are fully grown", he comments.

Ai explains that before, there was a small scale war that happened in the location. The man asks if the work of war reparations has already been done dealt with. Ai confirms it is already done. Ren says, "About that. Could it be that he is recalling something"? "Why would you ask"? "Mother had said that she would bear grandmother Juuri's memories, and that is why". Ai calls out to Ren and exclaims, "No! We promised mother not to talk about that! Kaname is to not know this"! The man keeps a poker face. "Even if I doesn't really understand, this person whom they call 'mother' already..doesn't exist". "Right", Ren says as he is still around. Ai tells the man, "Kaname, mother is within your body". Looking slightly glum, Kaname says, "Yeah..." There is a memory that is still distinctly retained in the heart. Even if I don't know when this thing is, that feeling.. *figure of Kaname holding a scythe* as soon as this war's reparation work is finished, I'll go into a long term deep sleep. In this case.. at this rate, perhaps, *image of Yuuki in her uniform* I can once again see that illusion of that young girl whom I met at the battlefield".

The siblings both are a bit confused. They knew their mother Yuuki used to frequent this place to the maximum extreme staring at this creature. She waited out both Zero's death and Hanabusa Aidou's research before letting her chances of seeing Kaname Kuran alive again go. In every way, she lived pretty much for that chance. She basically turned herself into Kaname so she would be surrounded by him. Her personality became a bit hostile, and she rarely showed her inner heart to anyone that didn't bear Kuran's name. It was hard to watch and grow up with for Ai specifically. She came immediately after the occurrence of the ice coffin, and grew with the people who served this man, and then her mother. Yuuki's presence became more authoritive after her extreme heartbreak, which in return prompted Kaname's followers to respect her more, and in turn she became their new Kuran master. She kept with his ideals, and carried out what it was Kaname aimed for.

In the long run, she just wanted that one person. Her family made her happy, but she was never fully satisfied. "I'll never forget", Ren begun, "How she looked when they put that furnace out. How she swiped that pulsing heart up". "'What didn't make sense was that, it pulsed ten centuries in a furnace, but couldn't pulse in it's rightful home". The angst that came with this existence, Ai thought as she stared at the one her mother stared at. Ten years influenced her entire existence to still. It was unfathomable. It was intriguing nonetheless to watch what her mother had fixated on for so long to be what she wanted.

"Kaname, you can… come home..."