A/N: I love Hinata and Gaara, and I wanted to try my hand at pairing them. Hopefully it doesn't suck, but here goes nothing.

On The Coldest Night
Chapter 1

"You're to be married."

It was amazing how such a simple sentence, could bring such a dry stillness to her heart.

Her father offered only a cold understanding to the panic she displayed on her features. "It's sudden I know."

"I-I-it is more than sudden." She took a breath. "Father, it is unorthodox."

"So it is." He agreed darkly, not allowing any emotion to show on his face. "I've received a request from many suitors over the years, but none greater than the Kazekage of Sunagakure. Gaara no Sabaku himself. I could not deny such an honorable request."

Spoken by her father, in a tone of voice that begged for no argument, she had never felt a fear so strong in her life. Her mind ran rampant with the implications, and wide-eyed, she could do no more than still her tongue between her teeth. She didn't want to say something she would regret. There was one glaring question though, one she could not, would not silence. "W-why father?"

"Why not?" He returned, though the question was anything but rhetorical. "You are old enough now. I've found a suitable husband. I see no reason to wait any longer."

"…I see."

The elder Hyuga frowned. "You are displeased."

She was, she wouldn't deny it. She lifted gray eyes to her father. "I have already promised myself to Naruto. It was my desire to be at his side."

He knew this and nodded. "You've held him in high regard for years. He has potential, and has a history of greatness no one will soon forget. Under any other circumstance, I'd allow your union to him, ill-begotten past aside. However, this was not a choice that I, alone, made. It was a request of Konohagakure, Sunagakure, and a question of your own abilities. I chose to agree, you will be married, and that is simply the truth of the matter."

She couldn't fight it.

Try though she might, she would be powerless, and Hinata chose to quietly accept the choice made for her. There would be a time and place to argue the semantics of this political marriage, but her father was not the man for the task.

"So, I shall be married to the leader of the sand, to appease those who view me as a weakness." Hinata sighed, a deep bow to her father her agreement. "I understand."

"Do not think so poorly of yourself." The man said, before gathering his things to leave the room. Back to her, he knew she was still stunned and confused. It was best this way, because he was tired, and didn't want to answer any further questions. "Sunagakure doesn't need a powerful leader, their leader needs a suitable wife. You are highly prized for your demeanor and breeding. This is why you were chosen."

It wasn't a marriage out of love, or duty. Some might even say that it wasn't fate either. It was just the way things were.

Merely the will of two families coming together in a show of honor, faith, and loyalty. The head of the Hyuga family, a stern man, had already written her off as a failure to the family name. As further insult to his clan, he had named her younger sister, Hanabi, the heir. Many murmured about his choice from the shadows, but it was no question who was more capable.

Hanabi was simple the better choice for the Hyuga clan.

This was certainly the mindset that many took, at least. They could hardly blame Hiashi for his decision on the matter. Hinata was a powerful ninja, but, she was not suited to the cruelty that the leadership of the Hyuga demanded. It was her attitude that posed the largest problem, it restricted her greatly. She was too gentle, too kind, and too willing to be hurt for the sake of others.

That kind of self-sacrificing mentality belonged only to the branch families. Those of lesser status. It pained him greatly, but it was the choice he made, and sadly, Hinata complied with it.

That's what bothered him the most. No defiance, no show of strength, no demand of rightful power...no, only sadness and remorse.

Hinata Hyuga was a useful bartering tool though, because she was a woman who carried Hyuga blood. Laced within their genetics was an ability worth immeasurable power. Normally, all Hyuga stayed within the clan's walls, married within Konohagakure, and lived their lives as ninja, proud and able. However that was not to be her fate, and Hinata accepted it with the same reaction as she always did.

A quiet little nod, and tears at the edges of her eyes.

…and as always, when Hinata was too compliant, her ex-teacher and still confidant, Kurenai, was the one to fight back.

"This is too far." The woman's voice ranted from beyond the thin paper wall. "Hinata should be able to make her own choices. An arranged marriage should be out of the question!"

Hiashi sighed, his fingers lifting to rub the bridge of his nose. This woman, Hinata's old teacher, did nothing but cause him strife. Kurenai tried to act like the girl's mother, a place that in all honesty, the woman didn't belong. "The Kazekage is a good man, an honorable one. He will do right by her."

"Be that as it may, Naruto is equally a good man." The exotic jonin rebuked, hands on her hips, ready to spit fire. "The boy is a little scatterbrained maybe, but she loves him. For what it's worth, he has started to take notice of her too. She's worked hard for that. I've never seen a woman as devoted to a single man as she is to him."

"It's not as if I'm the only one facilitating this wedding," he muttered lowly, his displeasure clear. "Honestly, Hinata hasn't been my concern for years now. Even you should know that much."

"You…" A scowl formed on Kurenai's beautiful face. Rage...pure unadulterated rage darkened her features. "You don't even have the decency to realize what you're doing, do you?!"

He knew all too well. That was the entire problem at hand, not that he would ever speak of that. He cleared his throat. "Kurenai…drink with me."

Surprised at his slumping shoulders, a rarity for the man on principle, she followed his lead. He took her to a small tea room, poured for each of them some sake, and then folded his hands in his lap. For a long time, they locked gazes in the same manner as they had in the main meeting room. However, Kurenai noticed something then. The tired gaze in his eyes, as if he hadn't found sleep in nights.

As if he had toiled long and hard over this issue, finding no solace.

After a few more moments, he spoke again, his words terribly grating against her ears. "The village elders asked this of me. Personally, and with great ceremony."

"So you chose to agree?" The woman hadn't any clue what was worse. "You've always been accommodating to the village's requests, but never in response to either of your children. Never once have you wavered, neither in response to your late nephew, or to your daughters."

Hiashi lifted his gazed to hers, but said nothing to this.

"I knew," she went on to say slowly after taking a sip of the drink in her hand. "You care deeply for Hinata. I've never doubted your feelings on the matter, only your methods. Even now, I know that you feel as if you're looking out for her best interests, while keeping your clan strong."

"You understand so well," Hiashi noted, "yet, you oppose my decision so greatly?"

"For Hinata's sake." Kurenai murmured, well aware that her former student wouldn't put up such a fight. Someone surely had to. "As a woman and a mother now myself, I can only think the worst of this idea. I don't understand what the village elders are thinking. Why are they choosing to do this now?"

"Gaara must provide for his village," Hiashi explained curtly. "Hinata would make a poor leader for the Hyuga clan. However, given her qualities, she will make a wonderful mother. Her bloodline limit, her personality, and her skill were taken into consideration. Hinata is without a doubt of remarkably fine pedigree. The village elders see this. It's an honor for her to be chosen."

"Shit," she cursed, shaking her head. "Naruto is going to be furious when he finds out."

"He will learn to accept his fate, if he so wishes to become Hokage as he states so freely." Hiashi sipped his sake then, and tented his fingers upon the table, resting his chin there. "I need not explain the details further, but, this was not the first request I received. Yet, of all the eligible men to request my daughter's hand, I chose the one most willing to accommodate the future needs of Konoha."

Red eyes hardened once more. "And what about Hinata's needs then?"

He chose not to speak. He simply didn't know. He could hope for the best, expect it from the man to wed his daughter. He knew all of it would never be more than speculation. "My hands are tied," he said. "There is a rudimentary courting period, as expected. If you would like to accompany her as an escort to Sunagakure, you may do so."

"I'm unable," she shook her head. She just couldn't, not with her little girl toddling about.

"On her own it is then," Hiashi concluded, as if his words were law.

Perhaps, in some ways, they were.

She had to leave her home, her family, and her friends behind. Even her forehead protector would be in a tiny little box in Naruto's apartment, left to collect dust, a final nod to her past. Most of all, she had to leave Naruto behind, and that parting would be the most painful of all.

"How long will you be gone for?" He had asked as carefully as he could.

Hinata, who had been dreading this discussion, brought dinner to the low table. "As long as my betrothed deems necessary. Weddings among the Hyuga are often quiet affairs, so, I assume my clan would forgo a large ceremony. What the customs are like in Sunagakure, however, I remain unsure."

"Guess I was too late." He said it with a bitter smile, sitting on the edge of his bed, eye looking out to the blue sky above.

"You weren't." Even as she said this, she could only look at the stewpot in front of her, ladling him a bowl. It seemed so final. "We both made the decision to wait before speaking with my father. That's not your fault any more than it is mine."

"I should talk to Gaara." Naruto murmured. "He would know what to do. Maybe he could just pick a different wife."

"Would he? Does he have that luxury?" Hinata felt as if somehow it would not be enough. "Naruto…listen…I have always been a person to try and become honorable. I want to be well respected, but, more so, I want to do what is best for this village." She looked to him and found his eyes staring gently back at her. "You want that too, don't you?"

Carrying himself heavily to the table, his hand found hers. "You know I do."

"Then, know this: I am a woman of noble birth." Hinata told him quietly. "Some families don't worry about bloodline, but mine does. Your bloodline is equally high in standing. That is the only reason my father even allowed me to fawn over you for as long as he has. Yet, and we both know this, in his mind it is merely innocence."

Naruto grinned at that, if only Hinata's father knew the truth. That they'd been intimate several times before, and Hinata Hyuga was no longer the virgin everyone thought her to be. His smile fell at the thought of losing the warmth he had come to expect from her. "You're going to Sunagakure, aren't you?"

"I must, even as only a formality. It may strictly be that, once the truth is spoken in earnest." Hinata told Naruto, hoping to ease him, and in turn herself as well. "The Kazekage will need to know about my impurity before the wedding. That alone, it may just be enough to get him to deny me."

"Gaara wouldn't do that." Naruto said knowingly. "He isn't that kind of guy."

That Naruto said it so easily, that he seemed to look at their joined hands on the table instead of meeting eye-to-eye, it bothered her. He wasn't the kind of man to lie, and he treated dishonesty as if it were a sin. His aversion to her stare only made her worry more. Her voice became even softer than before. "How can you be so sure?"

Naruto sighed at length. "Because it's Gaara."

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Hinata murmured. "How wouldn't he take my impurity as a grave offense? I am a woman who had already been taken by your hands."

"We're the same…guys like us…we're too thankful to throw people away." He tried to look amused at his own thought, but it seemed only like deject sadness to Hinata. As if Naruto was resigning himself to step back. That was not the man she knew, she fully expected him to make a rucks. The he was so composed was unnatural, especially for a person such as him. "I don't really know about this whole marriage thing. It's not something I've really thought much about. Hmm, but I guess it'll be fine."

"Somehow," Hinata swallowed hard. "I doubt that."

"If it's him, he'll look after you. There's nothing to worry about." Naruto said with a nod. "Either way, you should give him a chance. Gaara, he's my friend, and he deserves that much. If I can't give him that much respect, I've messed up somewhere."

"If he deems me unsuitable?" Hinata asked.

"Then I'll still be here when you get back." Naruto shrugged as he took his bowl and began to eat, but not before sending Hinata one of his perching gazes. "He's a good guy. Remember that."

That final discussion between them had hurt her a great deal. She knew deep down, it hurt him too. He'd said it for the good of Konohagakure, and for her too. Naruto was always strangely perceptive about the things that really mattered. She mattered to him in a way no other woman did. The village mattered dearly to him too, and so did Gaara. He cared about everyone, and he didn't want to cause great pain to anyone.

That's why she didn't fight it, because if Naruto would comply with the village's whims, so would she. Packing her bags, Hinata left Konoha quietly, a nearly silent end to her abilities as a ninja of the hidden leaf.

Naruto's words then had been so clear. A completely blind, but loyal trust in Gaara.

For three long days she traveled without her forehead protector, gliding through trees, crossing the sands, until she came to her destination.

Sunagakure was large, just as big as Konohagakure, if not bigger. What made it worse was that Hinata felt like an outsider here. In truth, she was. The only indication of her status rested within the fact that she now stood before Gaara no Sabaku as an offering. At least, that's how she felt. Like it or not, she would spend an unknowable amount of time learning about her future husband. Unless their time together turned out truly unbearable for the both of them, chances were good that she would indeed marry him, as that was the expected outcome of this whole charade.

She lingered in her place, trying desperately to remain calm.

Green eyes studied her. "Hinata Hyuga, was it?" His voice was low, a near growl of pure contemplation. It was as if spoken word was near impossible for him.

She nodded, eyes kept low, answering quietly, "Y-Yes, Kazekage-sama."

"Informality," he said then, the single word order gentle, yet strangely powerful.

"Apologies, Gaara-san…" She said then, restraining the urge to bow.

He further disregarded it. "Gaara. No subtext. No title," he concluded for her as his eyes returned to the papers strewn around his desk. "The practice is unnecessary."

He was such an impassive, stoic man. So unlike most of the other men she had come to cross paths with in her life. Even Shino was easier to understand. Once again, she had to steady her mind before she traveled down a path of sadness and longing. She could have complied to marry Kiba or Shino because they cared about her, loved her in their own ways, as she did them.

She always dreamed of Naruto surely, but Kiba and Shino were the two boys she had grown close with. She had always assumed she'd be promised to either one of them. That was a fate she would have been content with, found some measure of happiness with, but this…

This man…

Could she love this man even a fraction of the way she loved Naruto? Could she bring herself to care for him, just as she cared for Kiba and Shino, people she viewed as family within their own right? Could she even bring herself to think of Sunagakure as her home?

She lifted her eyes to Gaara, and swallowed down a ball of ice that had wedged into her throat.

"If you insist, Gaara…"