A/N: HEYLO GUYS! WAII! I wanted to thank for those who reviewed *^*

BlueSkyQueen: Thank you so much for reading~! xD I'm trying my best to update so i hope i can post it can finish this soon xD

Mission 24 Love: Lol, thank so much~! xD I can't wait too, i'm still thinking on how Rein would react but I'll soon write XD Thanks for reading!

FushigiRAITA: I was smiling at your review the whole time xD Thank so much~! And yesh its a Shein. xD Its really been a while since i have updated. Thank you so much! And you just don't know how happy i am now to read your reviews too x3.

xowinterbellsxo: Wow, thank you so much xD And meee toooo! I use FB all the time XD I owe FB a lot since it gave me the inspiration to make a story like this XD Thanks for reviewing~!

Sguest1: Thank you for reviewing~! And yes its a Shein xD it might lack some Shein moments but oh well, I'll stick to my plan xD Thank you so much!

Once again thank so much for reviewing~! X3 And without any further redo! Let's start! :D

Rein's P.O.V.

*sigh* How weird... I wake up around 5:30 a.m. and i arrive at school at exactly 6:50 a.m. but now, i am currently listening to Mrs. Ramirez's sermons on how to be more early 0-0. Isn't 6:50 a.m. early for her? I wake up early, i still need to prepare my lunch and breakfast, i have more chores to do at home, and worst of all i have to walk from house to school, i'm torturing myself here but in Mrs. Ramirez's opinion, she thought that i was being lazy on waking up 0-0

Why am i at her Faculty? Well, i did mention that i'm a Student Assistant right? So my job is to do some paper works and deliver it in each classrooms. Mrs. Ramirez said that i still need to deliver 5 paper works, i look at the time and it was exactly 7:00 a.m. great, my time got small due to Mrs. Ramirez's sermons.

But anyway i am now walking to the hallways, i rarely see students passing through the hallways, meh, i bet they are all in the cafeteria since the Royals are there, i saw them earlier, and as always they were crowded. Huh, another spotlight...

Yesterday afternoon, Toma said that there are still looking for me and they still see me as a friend, so it hit me, i said to myself that i should stop being jealous with the Royals, but heck i can't help it! I'm still angry with them, why? Since they got everyone's attention! Popularity, students idolize them, students praise them. Is this a stage for them? Have i entered a concert? Is this a school for Rich Kiddos? Oh wait, erase the rich kiddos since they are rich 0-0.

But somehow, even if i curse them in my head, i still have the fact that Fine and Toma are beyond my reach, tsk. Thanks a lot Royals -.-

I was spacing out when i didn't notice that i bump someone.


I opened my eyes and saw the papers that is now been scattered... Oh no, i am so dead to Mrs. Ramirez... Ugh, first i get sermons now what?! Detention? Scholar ending? 0-0

The guy stood up and said. "Hey! Watch where your going!" I look at him, okay 2nd weirdest thing i have seen in this day. He was wearing wig, brown curly wig that made him look like a clown, and he wore those weird circle glasses, he is like a nerd, wait more than nerd. 0-0 Is he a clown nerd or something?

"What? Something wrong with my face?" He said coldly as he stood up.

"Umm, why are you wearing those wigs?" I ask blankly as i pointed to his hair and stood up.

"I-i-its none of your business!" He said as he started to walk out.

"Wait! Aren't you going to help me?" I asked out of blue.

"Why would i?" He said coldly.

"Because you need too." I said and shot him a glare.

"Are you perhaps, commanding me?" He shot me a glare too.

"No, i'm asking for you help, Mr."

"What if i don't?"

"Oh come on! Just help me with these paper! I appreciate it more."

"I don't care if it appreciates you or not for the fact that your blind that you didn't see me."

"Excuse me?"

"Your excuse." He said as he smirked.

And with that i sigh in defeat, i ignore him and i went on my work; picking the papers, and to think i still need to rearrange them again by classroom and class numbers , oh great this might took a while, i might get late in cla- Huh..?

My eyes widen, umm, did this bastard just start to pick the papers? I look at him suspiciously...

"What? Something on my face again?" He asked kind of annoyed.

"Umm, why are you getting those?" I asked blankly as i pointed to the papers in his hands.

"Oh, i'm helping you what else am i doing? Don't you wanted to be help or not?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh, i thought you don't want to help me." I said as i started to pick the papers.

"And besides, you might cry if i don't help you and i don't want to get in trouble." He said while snickering. I stop and look at him, well glaring somehow.


"I'm was just joking okay, your too hot headed, here." He said as he handed me the papers. I look at him, i eyed him suspiciously as he walk out, somehow, i think i saw him before, i can't just remember. Hm, weird, well anyway i need to deliver this things first! I don't wanna be late!

~Time Skip 7:30 a.m.~ 0w0

*sigh* Finally, i took a seat and look at the clock, *sigh* Too close... I look at Shade and i think he is sleeping, wah, he is lucky, he can sleep before classes while me? I still have to deliver the paper works, grrr, why are rich kids so lucky?! And why, a poor like me is so unlucky?!

I planted my head to the desk, geez, its only the 2nd day yet i already felt tiredness, and i can feel the glares from the girls again, and i think they are gossiping about me again. Tsk, ignore them, ignore them Rein.

And with that the class started.

~Time Skip To Lunch~ 0w0

(Sowwy for time skipping a lot XD i don't have much to write on there class XD)

DYK? Fine and Toma are inviting me to eat lunch with them! Wahh! It feels like a dream come true, but then again, i feel uncomfortable with them if the Royals are there *cough* *cough* I'm not saying that i'm jealous okay! I'm also not saying that i'm ignoring them but... oh okay, i'm ignoring them since they are with the Royals, *gulp* but don't get me wrong okay! I just feel awkward when i'm around with them 0-0

So what i did was to reject there offer and said that i was meeting someone. Toma eyed me suspiciously, okay, he must be noticing that i'm lying again. Fine sounded sad... But she give in anyway. I smiled and she smiled me back. 'I'm sorry Fine, i'm just not in the mood to eat with the Royals' i said to myself with a guilty tune.

So i went to my original place, the garden near the playground, i use to go there under the tree with the swing and enjoy eating lunch , alone... I rather eat alone, besides, its not like i have anything to do at the classroom nor the cafeteria so its best to be alone... For now... I walked to the garden and to my surprise, a guy sat to my place already, wait, if i look closely, wait he is the guy from earlier! He was that guy who i bumped! I don't why but i feel sort of happy, i went to him directly.

"Um, hey!" I said happily as i pat his shoulders, he turn around and somehow he was surprise.

"W-w-what are you doing here?!" He asked, yep he is surprise to see me.

"Coincidence? This was use to be my place when its lunch time, you know, quite peaceful and a perfect place for lunch!" I smiled and sat beside him.

"..." He didn't say anything instead he averted his gaze and look at the plants instead.

"Um, have you eat lunch already?" I ask. He only nod, okay this is getting awkward... 0-0

"Um..." I said, okay, the atmosphere seems quite, why did i come in the first place anyway? Ugh stupid stupid...

"Say, do you hate the Royals?" He asked out of blue, i think he is emphasizing the word Royals.

"Huh?" I said, surprise.

"You do?" He asked again.



"...To be honest i am." I said as i open my lunch box.

"Wait you are?!"

"Why are you so surprise on that?"

"Well... Its not like everday i hear someone says that *cough* they hate the Royals." He said coughing.

"Well, here i am, heh." I said.

"Why?" He asked, hmm, why?

"Hmm, its because they are popular? And you know, they are special in the school, like say example, Sophie, they said that she is sweet, but i think she is not, to think, what if she is just faking it to gain attention, what if behind those smile she is hiding something? And also Auler! The Gentlemen Prince? Huh, how lame! Don't make me laugh please! I don't see him that gentle!" I said as i stared at the plant.

"Hmm, interesting." He whispered something.


"Huh, *cough* continue, w-w-what about Bright?" He said coughing again.

"Bright? Hm, i think he is good with Fine." I said as a mischievous smile carved to my face.

"*cough* You think?" He said.

"Yeah, but thats what i'm angry at! What if Bright is a playboy?! What if he would hurt Fine! Or worst! Also! Altezza! Those stern look! Don't you think its a bit odd? You know? Why does she have that rude eyes? Gah, this is why i hate Royals! There is something odd about them! Something tells me that they are hiding something strange, i can feel it." I said as have this serious face. But then he only laugh, wait, did i said something funny?

"Is something funny?" I shot him a glare.

"Ah, no! Continue! What do you think about Toma?" He asked again, *gulp* I can feel my face heating.

"Hm? What's the matter?" He said as he looked me, oh great, i'm blushing hard.

"T-t-toma? He seems f-f-fine and nice and a gentleman..." Oh crap my voice is losing...

"Oh, now i get it, you like him do you?" He smirked. I avoided having an eye contact, crap, i'm not good at lying after all, i sigh.

"Hey, would you believe that me, Fine and Toma are best friends? Hmm, probably not right since we have different life style, they are rich, and i'm just a commoner here." I said as i face the ground.

"That's the reason why i hated the Royals, since then on, when Toma and Fine went here, they become someone else, they become popular and all, it feels like, i became a stranger to them, but Toma said that were still friends like before, i felt relief but until now, i still hate those Royals..." I bitterly said.

"Hm, your too bitter, hey the ground is innocent, don't glare at it." He mock.

"W-what?!" I asked surprise, with all my drama he only care about the ground? What a jerk. I punch his shoulders slowly.

"Idiot." Then we laugh.

"Continue," he said.


"Continue the thing you hated about the Royals, what about umm, *cough* Shade?" He asked out of the blue.

"Hm, him? Well i see him as a mysterious guy, did you know that he is my seatmate? And all he did was sleep! Is he multi tasking when he is sleeping? I don't get him! And what's with Cold Prince? Does he think that he is cool? Na- ah, to think... you know what i think Shade is somehow the silent one, do you think he is keeping something?" I asked curiously.

"W-what do you mean by that *cough* ?" He asked.

"Did you catch a cold? Why are you coughing?" I asked, seriously, his cough seems annoying. 0-0

"Ah, no! Eherm, continue." He said clearing his throat.

"Hmm, about Shade, do you think he is..." I said as my voice darkened.


"Do you think he is a gay?" I asked curiously.

"WHAT?!" He said, oh more than said, he screamed, hm, what's up with him? 0-0

"Uh, did i say something bad? Oh wait, do you like Royals? Did i offend your idol?! I'm so sorry!" I said as i looked at him with a concern face.

"Ah, n-n-no... What the heck were you thinking...?" He whispered something under his breath.

"Hm? Pardon?" I asked but then the bell suddenly rang, oh great! Its already 1!

"Oh i need to go now!" He hurriedly said.

"Ah yes!" I said as i started to pack my lunch.

"It was nice meeting you Rein." He said. Wait, how did he know my name?!

"Umm, how did you know my name?!" I asked surprise. 0-0

"Hmm, hunch?" He said as he shrugs then he started to walk away.

"Ah! Wait! I wanted to know your name!" I said loudly, enough for him to hear.



"Sh-shawn!" He said back.

"I hope to see you again Shawn!" I smiled widely as i waved. Well, i think i just met my first friend! I'm so happy! I need to tell this to them! I get a feeling that I would meet him again! I'm feeling that this would be the a great year ^^


I directly went to my PC to check if i have some messages, i became guilty earlier since i didn't join Fine and Toma (again) I already said to never get jealous with them but i fail (again) Wahhh, my life sucks! I immediately open my FB account and saw 2 messages from Toma and EclispeBlack101 0-0

I first pick Toma's since i have a bad feeling about EclispeBlack101 0-0

January 29, 2016 4:21 pm.

Toma Komatsu: Are you seriously ignoring us Rein?

*gulp* Bad choice, I think Toma is really angry with me now... 0-0

Think Rein... Think of a good and nice, innocent reply 0-0

4:27 pm.

You: H-huh? I was not... I was just enjoying being a loner xD

Toma Komatsu: Your lying again -_- I can sense it.

I am currently hitting my head to the wall, moral lesson, NEVER LIE TO THE GUY WHOM YOU THINK THAT CAN OUTSMART YOU ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR NOT A GOOD LIAR. 0-0

Now my eyes are blank staring at the desktop, crap, those bad feelings should have shifted to Toma instead of EclispeBlack101 so that I can see a warning 0-0

Bless me... I'm trying to figure out a nice, innocent reply again. Which to think, I guess I don't need too. He suspected me already, oh great... Should I reply? Of course I have too 0-0

You: Umm, okay? 0-0

Toma Komatsu: Rein are you angry at us? Be serious now.

You: H-huh!? Of course not! Why would i?

Toma Komatsu: I don't know, it feels like you do, every time we ask you to hang out with us you always say that your busy.

You: Eh? Umm, I'm sorry if I'm like that in front of you, and to your group...I'm really sorry 0-0

Toma Komatsu: Rein, you know, you should at least a make friend.

You: Oh yeah! I did! I make one earlier!

Toma Komatsu: Wait you did?

You: Yeah! His name is Shawn! Heard of him?

Toma Komatsu: Uh no.

You: Oh, you know you should meet him sometime! He's really nice and can be funny! ^^

Toma Komatsu: ... Yeah

You: ^^

Toma Komatsu: Umm.. I need to go now...

You: Oh already? Um.. Okay?

Toma Komatsu: Bye, I'll see you tomorrow

You: Bye~!

*Sigh* Finally it ended, now time to check for EclispeBlack101's message 0-0... I took a deep breath before i pressed his name...

January 29,2016, 4:00 pm.

EclispeBlack101: I'm not a stalker okay. I'm not that bad.

Oh, he admitted that he is not a stalker, now what? What should i reply 0-0


Okay, i have to reply him! I'll just say okay or something!

4: 36 pm.

You: Um, okay? So your not a stalker, that's good to hear.

EclispeBlack101: Yeah

Now i didn't reply, that should end our convo right? I still need to do my home works and, oh great he replied back.

EclispeBlack101: So still having a problem with your school?

You: Frankly, no.

EclispeBlack101: Oh? How come?

You: I met someone earlier! I think i just found my first friend ^^ I hope i can meet him sometime.

EclispeBlack101: Oh, is he nice?

You: Yeah! But i sense something odd about him, like i saw him before.

EclispeBlack101: Oh?

You: Yeah somehow...

EclispeBlack101: Your just imagining things.

You: 0w0 hm, probably, do you know , he wear those weird wig and those weird glasses, it made him look like a nerd clown XD

EclispeBlack101: Its bad to gossip on someone you know.

You: Oh sorry xD

EclispeBlack101: Do you still have Home Works to do?

You: Yeah

EclispeBlack101: So do i, i need to go now.

You: So your also a student like me!

EclispeBlack101: Of course! What do you think i am?

You: Umm, a human? XD

EclispeBlack101: Tsk, i'm also a student okay.

You: Okay, okay :3

EclispeBlack101: Bye.

You: Bye~!

End of our Chat! Conclusion: He is also a student like me ^^ Good grief i thought he is a stalker ^^

I still need to do some paper works and some Home works so i turn my PC of and went to my works, another day has ended, luckily i survived *sigh* Tomorrow, hope i can survive, i have a bad feeling that tomorrow would be the start of my rough experience...

YAY~! FINALLY DONE WITH CHAPTER 2! XD So what do you guys think? Any ideas on who is "Shawn" ? XD I know i lack some moments with Shade and Rein , well, i guess, but i'll try my best in the later chapters! Please look forward! Thanks for reading! Please R&R! XD

*Spoiler Alert* On next chapter, i'll be doing Shade's P.O.V. or Toma XD Some secrets are going to be unfold next chapter, i doubt this is going to be complicated XD And its going to be long? I guess XD So please look forward!