"Phil?" I called from my room as I heard him walk by. I twirled around in my rolling chair to face him.

"Yeah, Dan?"

"Can you come here for a sec?" I asked. He nodded and walked in, stopping right next to me.


"Well," I began, turning back to the bills that were lying out across my desk. "I've been doing the math for the last couple of months, and with my share and yours put together for the rent, we're beginning to run short, and if we don't do something soon, then we won't be able to afford this place anymore." I stated, turning back towards him. Phil sat down on the edge of my bed and rubbed his chin, thinking.

"Well, what can we do?" he asked. I sighed.

"Actually, I have an idea, but I don't know how much you would like it."

"Well, let's hear it." He said, crossing his arms. I sighed, running my hand across my mouth, than rested it on my chin.

"Well, I was thinking… what if we, you know, got a new flatmate?" I asked. Phil sat there staring at the wall for a second, thinking. After a couple of seconds, he looked back at me.

"Is that the only thing we can do?" he asked. I crossed my arms and lent back in my chair.

"Well, it sure is the thing that will probably bring in the most money, otherwise we would have to get well-paying jobs." I said. It was silent for a minute, until Phil stood up, smiling.

"Well, I guess we're getting a new flatmate!" he stated. I bit my lip nervously, thinking about the consequences this could possibly bring us.

"Are you sure we should do this, Phil?" I asked.

"Yeah! I mean, we need the money, and it would give us another person to hang out with! Well, if they're social. Besides, it was your idea." He said, pointing towards me. I rolled my eyes. "The thing is, where are they going to stay?" he asked.

"Well, they can have the guestroom."

"Okay. That sounds good."

"Well, I guess I'll get started on an ad or whatnot."

"Great!" Phil said, than started for the door. He stopped and turned around in the doorway. "Dan?"


"We're not bringing in a fan, right?"

"Of course not!"

"Good. That would just be weird." He said, then walked out of my room to go do god knows what. With that, I turned back around towards my computer and found a website where I can look for a new flatmate. I opened up a new post and began to type;

LOOKING FOR FLATMATE. If interested, please call this number…