Author's Note: Sorry for the lack of updates. Something unexpectedly happened that took a while to come to terms with. My decision to not updated thi story was affected but I do plan to finish it eventually. I hope this isn't bad, since it's been a while since I've updated this story at all. I've included something from the chapters before. I'll be adding further onto it.

Born in the pits of hell

I grew with no fear

Taught in the ways of war

I soared

My speed as quick as a serpents

My eyes as sharp as an eagles

I have the eyes of the devil

And with that more blood was spilled

And the ways of war

Once more became my game

Until I met her

Not only did my fear begin to rise

So did the flames of my wrath

For a moment all was fine

But then the nightmares began to occur

With each year passing by only the words

and the warmth of my mother greeted me

My brother's distance began to raise a wave of concern

Among my people

And that concern grew until my father's reassurance began to fall in line with all those who no longer saw the brother I grew up with

The concern I felt was when his eyes landed

On the only daughter of Zeus and Demeter

In the pits of hell

I grew with no fear

I sorad in war

My speed was as quick as a serpents

My eyes as sharp as an eagles

I have the eyes of the devil

And with that more blood was spilled

And with that the ways of war

Once more became my game

In battle my coat was stained with the blood

Of my enemies

Yet in Olympus

Until I met her I knew nothing of fear

In her home

I learned to fear

I learned and felt love

I began to hate more

As the days went by

I began to fear

As my brothers eyes watched her

I began to feel

For a moment I was sure

I grew with no father ot mother

I was sure that the elders watched over me

Yet the people around me smiled

Yet the look of horror on Persephone

Along with the threats of Poseidon

Made the doubt once more rise

As did the fox I dreamt of

His words that my reality

Was merely an illusion

Cracked the veil of loyalty

To those rulers of the sky

During my life

I learned two very important things

None of which matter at this moment

The dreams I had felt too real

To just be considered dreams

They were too realistic

That I began to understand that instead of that

they were the past

It rose the question if Hades was truly my husband

Which also brought a assumption

I believed to be true

my mother is the reason for our separation

Yet as the days grow by my isolation

from all those within my age began to grow

Until I once more found myself before the very oak

I saw last

Persephone P.O.V.

'Lover? I am not his lover. I do not love him. Not like that at least. He is nothing, but a dear brother to me. Who told him such a lie? Could I ever love him like that? Apollo, my dear friend you are wrong. I do not love you, and your love for me is not true. I wish you could see that your love for me is nothing more, than for a friend or sister, and you Hades? Trying to get rid of me. Is it only to protect me like you say? Or is my mother truly that terrifying? Still your reasoning does not make sense. You are strong. Stronger, than most.

Isn't that why they fear you? Heartless and brutal, that's who they claim you are. You do not feel for anyone, you show no concern. You truly are a ruler of the dead but I feel like you're hiding something. Something, you don't want either of us to know. What are you hiding?'

As I walked towards them. I felt the immediate change in the air. It went from dark, and gloomy to carefree in a second. 'Apollo, you can truly work wonders, but you forget that I know you all too well. I am not that naive. Still, I don't know you, do I Hades?'

Pushing, past Apollo, I stood as tall as I could before Hades. Ignoring the fear that slowly began to consume my very being as my gaze found his, I took another step forward. Squinting, I couldn't help, but decide to risk it. Placing, my hands on his shoulders, I smacked my head against his. Almost immediately, he pulled back snarling, while I cradled my head. Raising my eyes, I ignored the throbbing beginning, at the base of my head and I found myself captivated with the blood red color that overtook his onyx eyes. 'There beautiful.'

Silently, I watched just like before as tomes began to appear one by one. All three were spinning rapidly as his emotions were displayed. Eyes widening I found myself captivated, the raw display of emotions one I had never expected to see. Quickly, I was hidden. Peering around my dear friend I felt myself now weary. Apollo of course tried to reason with him. He tried calming him down, but it was as if he heard not one word. As he approached me.

Part of me wondered why our heads often collide with one another besides what I had done moments before. Where we really that different from each other...or was I starting to believe my narrow minded mother? Yet I couldn't find an answer. No matter how hard I tried. Yet that was soon forgotten. Winching slightly I moaned. All while trying to ignore the fast approaching pace of Hades himself.

When the feeling of his hands roughly holding my shoulders tightened I found myself trying desperately not to lower my eyes to the ground beneath us. I could hear the rapid beating of my heart as soon as panic began to set in. Thump ….thump-thump ..thump….thump-thump. I believe it was out of fear. I could feel his nails sinking into my gown, prickling my flesh. Biting my lips to suppress a whine I kept an angry face. All while ignoring the small punctures he was leaving, I looked at him. Actually looked at him. 'This is what mother warned me about. Their anger. Their rage, it was-it's dangerous.' Waiting for him to lash out even worse than now I braced myself. I was slightly taken back by his control. His eyes slowly lost their burning rage as they began to fade to their original color.

For a brief moment I found myself staring heatedly into his dark grey eyes that seemed to show so much in just a second. Yet after several seconds of nothing happening I saw him closing his eyes as he began to breath in and out. With that he began to let go all while uttering a small apology. His hands leaving a burn behind as they left me.

Before I could even answer him. I found his back towards me. As he began to leave a part of me felt bad. I knew right then and there that I was the one who had to apologize. Not him. I was the one provoking him, I was in the wrong. As I slowly followed after him I heard him say, "And many wonder why we don't get along."

Those words were the ones that stilled me. As the shadows moved to blend in and hide him from prying eyes. I felt an unease creep along my heart and clench it in a surprising amount of force that it left me breathless. I'm a hypocrite. I'm always saying we should all get along, and I finally meet someone who's not from Olympus and I lash out at him, and to do what? Prove my mother right. Dishonor my father...yet all I did was prove myself wrong and let them him believe I was just like everyone else. I have created an even bigger distance between me and the prince of the dead. The small delicate bond that had began to become a friendship between the two of us seemed to be no more than a hanging thread..if there even was one now.

'I'm sorry.'

Hades P.O.V.

As I continued to walk through Persephone's garden my eyes began to take in each flower. 'What are these?'

Kneeling down I gently touched the soft pink petals. 'Amaryllis? No their chrysanthemums.' Glancing to the right a path was weaved into the stoned path following it I took in the purple petals that were aligned by each stone carefully. 'These are mother's favorite, these are the one's she prefers above all else but they only grow in the underworld. How'd she...get them?' Behind the chrysanthemum, and white Calla lilies lied a dozen beautiful white roses and blue petals. Plucking the blue flower I let my hand curl around it before letting my fingers enclose around it as my eyes landed on the patch below.

'Cypresses that's their name. These are another of mother's favorite as well. They shouldn't be that hard to grow except for the chrysanthemum's. She shouldn't have these, unless someone gave them to her? This does not make any sense. Nothing does?'

Breathing deeply in I let fire reign down upon each flower from the Underworld. 'She'll be devastated.'

Silently I watched them burn until they slowly crumbled down against one another. The smoke that rose brought a sensation of calm. Opening my hand I stared at the flower that laid destroyed. Turning my palm over I let it fall onto the remains of the patch below it. It owns burial. 'Flowers are so delicate….they are just like the mortals.' The sound of branches breaking, and claws digging into the earth was my warning. Moving into the shadows the blur of white fur burst into the hidden path. Looking up into the sky the sun slowly began to submerge itself in the ocean on the other side. 'Just like me the Jumbee thrives in the darkness.' Moving into a stance fierce yellow glowing eyes mocked me as we both waited for the other to make a move and the curl of his lips let me know that it was only about to get worse. 'I'm on my own. I won't lose to you, Thanatos.'

Those who resided in the Underworld did not forget about what had happened in Olympus quite as fast. The young Prince of the Underworld was punished harshly, by his father last, the punishment inflicted by the others Gods nothing compared to the ones inflicted in hell. It was only when the words of his wife sunk in at the realization, that the boy was merely reckless and after, hearing his son reassure him several times, that it would not happen again that Erbeos let his youngest go. As the Gods began to forget yet, the boy's anger, was not quenched. He remembered the pain his father had inflicted. His screams, the cicatrixs aligned his back, that had slowly begun to heal a constant reminder that nothing good came from the living land.

The blood that fell down along each wound, leaving a burning, trail in its wake, the memory was fresh and familiar. Hades remembered his mother's pleas, and remembered his brother's look of pity and guilt. He couldn't forget, nor did he want to. He wanted to remember everything, especially, his father's snarls, his anger, his brute fo words. He was going to remember everything. It would be his motivation to become exactly, who his father wanted him to be. As he shook with rage, his mother nor his brother could still his anger, as they had forgotten what was the source of his pain. As he thought about the girl who gave him nothing but grief he let the flames of hell rise higher around those of the damned. Who in, turn, wailed louder at the amount of pain the boy was inflicting, upon their souls and already melt burnt flesh. The skulls of the dead remained silent. Their gaze, knowing and seeing all the boy had endured did not utter a word of protest. For the boy was once more becoming who he was meant to be.

His cruel nature reeking in waves as his sceptre formed, the kindness his mother often spoke of leaving him, his compassion and honor fleeting, as he let the parts of his soul bring pain onto those who had the unfortunate time of being guided, and the curses he spat at the mortals bringing cries of pain and pleas to those of Olympus. He let his yell of anger shake both realms. The stench of fear lingering in the air in his wake. The small pendant around his neck glowed upon feeling his owner's grief in power and conceal.' That was its job, but for once it had failed him. If only he had remembered, then, perhaps, his blood would not have spilled, his tears would not have soiled the ground and his cries would not have fallen on deaf ears, but for now, no one would know about the monstrosity that had begun to take control. The darkness that had surrounded his clan once more emerged, it no longer laid dormant and just likes Cronus, Hades would bring chaos.

The young prince of hell would slowly begin to follow his grandfather and the shadows danced in the night.

Deep within the Foloi Oak forest the two children of Olympus and the ruler of the dead stood. The dense forest surrounded the three from the prying eyes of their parents. What they neglected to remember at this very moment was that the Pholos and Dryads lived in the very forest they stood.

○●○《 》○●○

Before Apollo, Persephone stood rigidly, her posture seething as she gritted her teeth, before me. Gaze flickering to the sun god I ignored the pleading gaze.

Calming her features, Persephone tucked a single strand of her hair behind her ear as she replied with as much boast one could manage, "I think the devil is full of himself."

Upon hearing those words I couldn't stop the small twitch at the corner of my lips as I calmly replied, "I'm not your father."

As soon as those words had registered to the young maiden she was quick to lift her hand only to clinch it before the curious eyes of the devil. Her surge of power expanding as she moved toward the still figure who moved at the last second where the ground crumbled beneath her hand. As she threw punch after punch the ground continued to crumble quickly one after another with a slight expression of fear showing, as her rage continued to take control. In one last surge of energy, she dived towards Hades only for him to grab her arm and twist it behind her. Her ragged breathing matching his as he tried to calm his raging nerves. As he pulled her closer, his chin placed between her neck and shoulder, he placed his mouth near her ear as he asked, "Are you always so annoying?"

Her immediate response lost all traces of anger as she breathlessly whispered,"Like you aren't."

Pulling himself back from Persephone, Hades backed away until he had created a safe distance never letting his eyes part with hers and he continued, "Others tend to be a horrible influence on my princely behavior. You are no exception."

Narrowing her eyes, she angrily spat, "You don't need me to show you what it is like to be a swine, you are its very meaning!"

"Oh, really and what does that make you Goddess? Are you hoping to catch my eye? If so, don't bother, I would never fall for the likes of you."

Her mock laughter seemed to bother Hades who in turn tensed as if he was a coiled spring ready to attack, "I'd marry a cyclops before ever letting myself indulge that very idea."

His look of anger was not missed, as Apollo finally seemed to gather his wits he spoke, "HADES, PERSEPHONE ENOUGH!"

Turning towards Apollo the two refused to look in one another's direction. As he approached he sent a small smile towards Persephone as he sent a small glare of annoyance towards Hades who refused to acknowledge his friend. "I believe it would be best for the two of you to apologize to one another."

"He started it."


As they continued to ignore each other the soft sound of fluttering wings did not register until an arrow embedded itself behind where Apollo stood and then it began.

Sasuke's/Hades P.O.V.

As I walked down the crumbling path out of my father's home. I ignored the wails of the damned and the whispers of those under my father's rule. Having attempted to find answers I never received any. Knowing that everyone was keeping a secret was one that I found annoying. Unlike all those from Olympus it seemed like no one quite realized that our parents were lying to us in a way. Having spoke to Poseidon earlier I was relieved to learn he may have learned something new after my query.

Having yet to decide when we would me left me feeling restless. Deciding that I have had enough of hell I slowly made my way to Tartarus. Having heard many stories about the forbidden place of the first generation of the Titans I couldn't help but feel curious. 'Why do they warn all to avoid the abyss? Why seal it away?"

Glancing over my shoulder I couldn't help but narrow my gaze. Once I was sure my brother or any of the servants that had been assigned to look after me where not following I once more began to walk. With the minutes going by I had plenty of time to recall the sudden changes in my father. His anger from before hardly present and his attention while not often directed towards me was there. He was much more attentive then before. As much as I wanted to ask Thanatos what had happened to father, I knew my elder brother would not tell me. Everyone in the underworld had made it very clear that after my sudden slumber due to the unknown power that I was to remain in the dark.

Startled out of my musing I couldn't help but glance around. Seeing no one I felt confused until I heard it again. Moving forward slowly I narrowed my gaze forward. Focusing my gaze on the torch a few meters ahead I began to walk slowly. As I approached the very seal the wails and screams could be heard much more clear. Keeping my distance I took several steps back at the deep voice that reached my ears.

"Hades, my grandson. Where have you been?'

Eyes widening I couldn't help but ask, "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

Tensing at the sharp laugh my brows furrowed at his reply. "What have they done to you?"
"I don't know what you are talkng about. Are you going to tell me who you are?"

"You already know me. Ah...I wouldn't be surprised if they tampered with your memories. They already have before why would this time be any different."

Licking at my chapped lips I refused to ask the burning question on my tongue. As a sudden black blur moved I leapt back.

"Don't worry my boy, I'd never hurt you. I'm your grandfather Cronus but why don't you call me Madara."

"Where are you? Are you behind the door?"

"No, they would have never been able to imprison me. I'm a mere shadow for the moment. I can't let anyone know Im back yet."

Feeling unsure I took several steps back from the silhouette before me. 4

"Sasuke, don't you want to know who you are? Why they erased your memories and the other childrens?"

Sakura's/Persephone's .

As I sat in the middle of the fields the memory of the falling petals wouldn't leave my mind. Bringing my arms up, I couldn't help but look at them. The small chills that we're there before were no longer present, as if it had never happened. Looking up at the trees, flowers and pink petals from the cherry blossoms I couldn't help but narrow my eyes.

Did I just imagine my petals falling and wilting away?

Frowning I slowly rose to my feet. Making my way back to the temple I frowned at the lack of sound. Peering into each room I walked around aimlessly looking for my mother. Calling for her I waited, at the lack of response I began to move. Once every room was searched I was quick to look for any near-by servants. It was only after learning that my mother had gone to a meeting with my father to see the other gods that I was once more filled with an aching pain in my heart. Angry tears began to blur my vision. 'Why are they never here?'

Hands shaking I began to cry the loneliness consuming as I made my way to my room. Standing before the threshold my thoughts strayed to Apollo. Wiping away at my tears I couldn't help the wave of anger that slowly began to consume my being. Recalling that it had been some time since I've spent time with the sun god I began to make my way to his temple.

Naruto's/Apollo's P.O.V.

Alone I sat, under the shade of the very same tree I took shelter under from the very thing I protected. The gentle breeze of the wind did little to ease the burning sensation I felt. With the heat against my skin and the cup of water empty. I waited and waited. Only to see the sun begin to settle as the day turned into night.

For a moment I thought I saw him, but instead I only saw a shrouded man light the lanterns on the side. As soon as he left I was once more alone. As the dark voice began to whisper I was no longer outside. Standing before the red fox I felt lost. Taking a few steps forward my gaze followed the placed seals.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a part of you."