
"Rise and shine!" A familiar voice rouses me as I'm lifted from my bed, and my eyes slowly lock onto the source of my awakening. "Good morning Damon." I respond sleepily, brushing a strand of tousled hair away from his face without really thinking. His cheeks colour a touch, and his warm teal eyes seem to glitter mischeviously for a moment. "My little brother is returning today." He informs me, answering an unspoken question, his expression now serious, "Do you fancy taking a trip out of Mystic Falls?"

It's too early to process this thought logically, a glance at the clock on my bedside table confirms that without Damon, I'd still be sleeping soundly. Though as it clicks into place, my heart clenches painfully and a small whimper escapes my throat. If Stefan's back today, then Damon's right, I need to get out of here as soon as possible. "Sure." I try to make my voice sound upbeat, but it's difficult when your body feels like lead, "Where are we going?"

Looking between the two, I retreated further into the corner of the room, and Stefan snarled viciously at me. "Matt isn't right for you, Elena. You belong with me. He's just a fragile little human who's fun to play with." He reaches out a slender hand and beckons me with a finger, "Come on now, stop this nonsense, we're going home." I swallow uneasily, clinging to Matt as he shields me with his body, his arms wrapped tightly around me in a protective stance. "No! I choose Matt, I've always chosen Matt! Please just leave me alone!"

The sickening snap of bone being twisted sharply, echoes in my ears as my best friend and boyfriend falls to the floor, blood steadily pooling around his lifeless body. "You should have chosen me." Stefan smirks darkly, now holding out both bloodied hands to me, advancing with each slow, taunting step. I close my eyes tightly, shivering and choking back tears, waiting for him to pounce... Before hearing another crack, and being pulled close to a warm body. "Shhh... it's okay, he's gone now..." The familiar voice whispered soothingly, his breath tickling my neck. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I snuggled into his chest, my body shaking uncontrollably. "I promise, I won't let him hurt you again." Damon stroked my hair softly, "You can stay with me, I swear I'll protect you."

"I think Las Vegas is pretty good at this time of year." He responds cheerfully, a naughty smile playing on his lips, "Drinking, playing games, fine food, and you know, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Giving me a teasing wink, his eyes sparkle with hope. I pretend to think it over, before beaming and nodding eagerly. "I'd love to!" One day and night of forgetting my pain, escaping this life and sampling the highlights of a new venture, all with Damon at my side. "What should we pack? What's the weather going to be like? Shall w-" I pause as I notice him proudly leaning against two full suitcases, that smile never leaving his eyes, "Relax, I've got it covered. Now come on, Vegas awaits!"

AN: Updated! Heh, about time. So we're headed to Vegas in the next chapter, where fun, flirting, and an unexpected surprise awaits. See you there! ;)