We are finally getting to the end of the long road.

I keep hoping to update quicker but life gets in the way

So if you are still following here it is


Her time here at Alice Springs was coming to an end, Olivia out of hospital most of her team heading back to Darwin.

"Lawson, Leon what are you doing here, you guys are meant to be on your way back to Darwin?" Kerry asked confused walking back into the communications room seeing Lawson standing with his hands on his hips glaring at Leon

"Bloody Leon, we get two or more hours into our trip when he remembers he left something important behind that he couldn't get sent up. In the end we turned around and headed back. The others are continuing on. If we're lucky we might make it to Tennant Creek or further" Lawson replied standing at the door with his hands on his hips the annoyance written all over his face.

"Leon Hurry up" Lawson called out to him

"I can't find it"

"maybe you packed it after all" Lawson called out frustrated

"No, I remember I didn't"

"Kerry" Lawson said gently leading her away

"You and Brian, don't go there"


He could see the intensity in her blue eyes piercing through him, trying to unsettle him

"I know you are sleeping with him, having an affair what ever you want to call it. Don't Kerry"

It's none of your business Lawson" she snapped at him

"It is when it can affect TR"

"Huh, jealous hey"

"What, Kerry you have gained the respect of so many, the whole team respects you, the police, what you did finding Olivia. Don't ruin that just because what ….. the sex is good, or whatever. He has a girlfriend, the one who you came down to find" his brown eyes were so close trying to get through to her.

"I know what I'm doing" she replied defiantly

"I doubt that, just think about it Kerry, don't let it ruin your career, in the end you won't have anything but he will go back to America with Olivia. Do you actually think he's going to leave her for you" he asked gently

"Lawson you have no idea, just go back to Darwin, you aren't meant to be here but heading back" she snapped at him.

"If you don't want to think of yourself, you are smart Kerry, think about the case of Olivia, you are in charge of that case, you are the one that got the warrants, the one who has instigated it all. Don't let this thing what ever it is ruin it all. You aren't thinking straight and if you were, you would realise this, the sex or what ever you are doing isn't worth it. Olivia think of her, a mistrial, think she could cope with that" he pleaded with her.

He could see her eyes moving around the room, side to side anywhere but him, he could only hope he had gotten through to her.

"how are they going to find out" she replied defiantly

"Shit Kerry, you aren't that stupid or that discreet, do what you want but you'll have no one to blame but yourself if this case falls apart and your affair comes out as the reason, think you can salvage your career then" he spat out angrily as he glared at her

"Brian what are you doing here" she snapped at him as she turned around bumping into him

"not hard to guess what he want" Lawson mumbled softly to himself, but was still loud enough for Kerry to hear, turning around glaring at him

"Fuck Off Lawson, smart arse dick head" she seethed as she moved closed to his face "stay the fuck out of my life"

"do what you want Kerry, you always do but don't say I told you so when it all falls apart" he replied shaking his head

She could see Bran's confused face moving from her to Lawson "I'll leave that up to you, get back on the road Lawson, you're not paid to stand around here being the smart arse dickhead that you are" as she stormed out of the room towards her office

"Kerry" Brian called out reaching out touching her arm

"You ok, what was that about"

"Lawson being a dickhead, I don't want to talk about it, what are you here for?"

"It doesn't matter now, sure you are ok" he replied

"I will be shortly" she smiled at him, kicking the door closed with her foot as her hand moved under his shirt.


"Kerry" the surprise in his voice as she walked through the automatic door into the apartment foyer

"you finished for the day"

"No, what you want more, didn't get enough in my office before" she asked raising her eyebrows at him the smugness in her voice

"You can never get enough of me, can you" he whispered in her ear

"Brian, Olivia up in her room?"

"She's resting at the moment, what's this about?" the nervousness in his voice, did he actually trust her, would she tell Olivia

"I just need to speak to her"

"What about" He asked nervously

Closing the door behind him "Kerry punish me not her, for all of this. The first time I slept with you I made a mistake" he could see the smirk and her raising her eyebrows

"A mistake is that what you keep on calling it, how to make me feel good" she smirked watching him squirm

"yeah I know it wasn't just that once and it keeps continuing but I stuffed up, I ….. regret what happened at times but is this pay back, I thought we were fine" his voice seething

Her blue eyes were unsettling him the edges of her mouth turning up in a small smile "You finished yet, gee thanks, how to make a person feel good about themselves. you think Olivia doesn't deserve to know what her boyfriend is up to"

"I'm sorry, I never should of let what happened between us and continue. You know I should stop it but I can't I've tried to but I'm weak" he face dejected she held all the cards and he knew it

"Brian, don't flatter yourself we were just two people who needed something, comfort it was a release from the stress of it all, we both took what we wanted from each other, that is all there is to it, yeah it happened a few times still doesn't mean anything, except I'm irristable and incredible" Kerry said with a small laugh, even as she said it she knew it wasn't true that she took what she wanted from him but she wanted more she wanted him again

"so you're ok" slight hope in his voice

"After all we've been through, the times we've spent together is this what you think of me, is this really what you think I'd do to Olivia" she seethed

"I'm sorry Kerry, I didn't mean … I know you wouldn't but the guilt I'm feeling over it all, and I keep telling myself that I won't happen again but it does. I can't stop and I so wish I could, Olivia doesn't deserve this."

"Brian I know you love Olivia, I saw you during that time, the worry, I know your heart lies with her I'm not a fool but whether you can live with what you've done is something else" she wished it didn't she wished that his love for her wasn't that strong but it was she wished that he looked at her that way "you love her"

"Kerry I do love her you know" he replied honestly even though he had never said it to her, he realised how much he loved her, and wanted her.

"we both got caught up in that moment, had a few drinks, we can both forget it ever happened and stop sleeping with each other"

"I'm sorry I just …."

"for being a jerk, for being an idiot?"

"yeah I deserved that and I was both, I just…., I don't know how this will affect us what she went through….. " hanging his head down sadly, he saw what four days with Lewis did to her without her being raped and sodomised he had no idea how this would affect them how they would work through it

"You just need to be there for her, erase it all from your mind, I've seen the way you look at her, you're not going to give up when the going get's hard you will stick by her again, she needs you even if she pushes you away, you're a good guy Cassidy" wrapping her arms around him she knew she would miss him she wished she wouldn't but she had developed feelings for him.

"I have to go up and see Olivia they want to know how much longer we might need to stay here for"


"Liv" her voice tentative, each time she saw her she had the same reaction wondering how someone would come back from it, how someone could do it, just seeing her injuries her face "is it alright if I come in"

Nodding her head shuffling towards the lounge trying to keep the pain out of her face "yes" her voice soft "what can I do or help you with Kerry"

"Just seeing how you are going, most of my team have headed back to Darwin, well on the road, I don't want to think about what they might get up to. Josh, Michael and myself are staying here until you are ready to head back to America, I'll handle all the press, so don't worry about anything" she smiled at her

'I'll let you rest, I'm sorry your time here in Australia ended like this" Kerry apologised

"None of this is your fault Kerry, if it wasn't for you and your team working so hard I mightn't be here now, I really appreciate all the effort you all went to not just in finding me and not giving up but afterwards too and staying back down here" a small smile on her face

She couldn't look at Olivia her face down blinking back the tears "I don't know how you do it" she could see what Brian saw in her she had strength that she had never seen, she was humble she was an amazing person

"Do what?" confusion in her eyes

"Here you have been through the most traumatic experience assaulted and worse, yet here you are thinking of others, I don't know how you do it, if it was me, I don't think I would be ….. I think I would be angry, wanting to … I just don't think I would be like you, you are so strong" the emotion was in her voice

"If you give up they win, I won't give any of them that satisfaction, knowing they have been caught and going to trial, helps with it all, helps you able to move on slowly I'll never be over it but one day I will be able to live with it again and get my life back it will take time , it will be a long road ahead but I will get there"

"David will be flying up to Darwin soon to the high security prison there he is being accompanied by FBI, Sergeant Joshua, myself and Michael, along with Sergeant Dickinson they will be going through strict security and checked by us again, the other officers have been released on bail, I'm sorry the bail was set high but parent dearest who think their sons did nothing wrong have posted bail, they have to report in each day and have been suspended from the force until the trial. We will need you to come back for the trial, Olivia to testify unless they plead guilty but at this stage it doesn't look like they will, we have collected enough evidence along with the rape kits, and the video camera that they should both be convicted and spend the rest of their lives in jail."

"Do you know when the trial might be" Brian asked his hand protectively on her back as he walked into the room

"we are going to try to fast track it, it can take months/years to prepare for cases like this, David Winters they will be looking for more victims like Olivia here in Australia and look into Sergeant Dickinson too, there will be an investigation in the Alice springs police force too, I'm sorry I don't know, as soon as I have an idea I will let you know"

"As long as it takes I will be there to testify, I won't be letting either or any of them get away with it" the determination in her voice "If I need to come back to see justice not just for me but for the others he killed, I was one of the lucky ones" that word lucky despite her injuries and all she was alive and able to move on and help what others couldn't


"Kerry" Angus McMillan said tentatively walking into the squad room, he could see her blue eyes piercing through him, wondering what he wanted

"I want to say I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt Olivia and I broke your trust in me"

"Why, Angus, why did you do it?"

"I got caught up in a vicious circle, I have debts, my wife left me, he offered me money to get Olivia to say she wasn't raped by him. Its no excuse I know but I didn't see a way out, he bribed me. I tried to say no, but he had stuff on me that could ruin my career. I felt I had no choice. I am so sorry Kerry, i know you trusted me."

"How did he know you were here?" she asked, there was something she just didn't believe.

"You don't know how deep this goes, it wasn't hard."

"I am going back to Darwin shortly, and I was hoping to have a goodbye drink with you to say I'm sorry. You chose or dinner or I understand if you don't want to. If you are free tonight I would love to catch up properly or even lunch tomorrow" he said sincerely.

"I can't tonight, how about lunch in about an hour, just let me know where and when, I have stuff to do, see you then" as she was saved by the phone ringing.

"thanks for letting me know" she replied the colour drained from her face

"Kerry, you ok" he asked her

"There was a plane crash, no survivors, Constable Patterson was on the plane"

"Do they know what happened" he asked Kerry

"Too early to tell, the plane is in pieces, bodies burnt in the inferno" she replied in shock.

"Take care Kerry, I'll see you tomorrow for lunch" he replied as he walked out of the room.

She watched his retreating back despite him sounding sincere and his excuse plausible there was something that she didn't trust, was he telling the truth, lunch was the safest way she hoped, somewhere public.

"Kerry you ok" Brian asked as he walked into the room

"yeah, what's up" she asked distractedly as she walked towards the office she just couldn't shake the feeling and hoped she wasn't walking into a trap


" Is Brian still with Liv" Leon asked no one in particular

His mind kept drifting back to what he saw. He opened the door to say goodbye to Kerry never imagining that his boss would be having sex, but there she was sitting on the desk her legs wrapped around his waist her hand moving down his back pushing him further into him. He didn't move for a few seconds as her hand moved up wrapping around his neck moaning as his lips found hers and nibbled her neck. He stood still as her hand pushed his face to meet hers, as she moaned his name softly

He closed the door quietly still unable to believe what he saw that Kerry would be sleeping with Brian Cassidy, his boss

"Why do you ask? You want a crack at her do you" Stella joked as he pushed the car faster along the highway

"Why do you say that?" Lawson asked him even though he had a feeling he knew why Leon asked, he could tell that he was slightly shaken as he got back to the car, despite his constant warning to Kerry she was going to get caught, he couldn't believe she could be so stupid as to do it at work. He had no doubt she was going to get caught and he had no idea why she kept trying to jeopardise her career, was she actually in love with Brian

"Just what I thought I saw, heard" he quickly tried to cover it up

They pulled over at the rest area as Lawson practically pulled Leon out of the car and over to him

"you better not tell anyone what you saw" he threatened him

"so you know that Kerry is screwing Brian Cassidy, how long has it been going on for, and he hasn't broken up with Olivia?" Leon asked him

"It doesn't matter how I know or how long but if you tell anyone about it you will with that you were never born and will be out of TR so quickly, understand" Lawson threatened him glaring at Leon

"Kerry should keep the door to her office locked if she is going to sleep with Brian, anyone could walk in"

"Leon, if I find out that you have told anyone including Stella this you will be out of here so quickly, no one is to know about his this, you get that" Lawson warned him moving closer to him pushing him against the wall

Leon nodded seeing the anger on Lawson face

"Lawson" Stella yelled pushing him off Leon

"What's this about" she demanded looking at both of them

"nothing" leon mumbled

'you know I will get it out of you so spill" she said with curiosity

"Leave it Stel, its none of your business" Lawson snapped at her

"it is when you start bullying and pushing someone against the wall, what about the coms, what do you think Kerry will say?"

"nothing Stel, as she is not going to find out, so butt out" as he started to walk away

"There are people around Lawson, did you forget that, what happened last time you and Josh got into a fight, people called Kerry" she reminded him

"Stel I made a stupid joke about Lawson, I shouldn't of said it, he took offense and I didn't stop, no biggie, he's just got no sense of humour like you and me. I need to stretch my legs before we continue" Leon said walking away hoping that she would accept that.


"Kerry" Brian called out as he saw her walking along the river back to the apartment

"Stalking me now" she laughed as she turned around as he ran towards her

"I try to go for a walk every afternoon or day along the river usually or around town. Let Liv rest and gets me out for a run"

"Enjoy it, there are some nice walks along the river further down too, and gardens. I jog around there at times after work to clear my head"

"Kerry" his hand on her arm as he eyes pierced through him moving off the path

"I'm sorry about earlier on. I know you would never say anything to Liv and at first it was a mistake between us but now, its like at times I'm making you do it, pressuring you and I don't mean to…"

"you're not pressuring me or making me or anything. I want to have sex with you, I can't stop" she whispered as her hand lingered on his arm

"I know we should stop and I want to but I can't. I'm drawn to you and I don't know why. I wish I could stop, I feel weak at times but you are amazing not just in bed or anywhere" he laughed

"you're not too bad yourself. I have never done anything like this before, I know we should stop but …." His lips found hers interrupting her sentence as he pulled her behind the trees.


"What did you do Angus?" Kerry tried to focus, tried to move away from him she had hoped by meeting him today he wouldn't have time to do anything he had hoped he had changed but she was wrong.

"I'm sorry Kerry but I had to do it, I'm not going to jail and you need to pay for what you have done, I'm going to help you out to the car and we are going for a drive. Don't worry it will wear off in a few hours, by then you probably wish it hadn't"

She fumbled with her phone as he pushed her into the car, hoping he wouldn't see or know what she had done.

She tried to wriggle and move as they headed north out of Alice Springs, but he had tied her hands tightly behind her back and chair.

"Angus you don't need to do this, where are we going" she asked him anything hoping that Josh had answered the phone

"you will find out Kerry, until then just relax you don't need to know the destination" as his hands moved to her crotch.

Come on Kerry" Josh whispered he had wondered why Kerry had rung and said nothing, just as he was going to hang up he had heard her voice and noises as she was pushed into the car. He had put his phone on mute to be safe.

"heading north, any hints at least Angus, the Stuart highway takes us nearly anywhere, Darwin, Queensland, Western Australia"

"What and spoil the fun Kerry, has anyone ever told you, you talk to much or is it nervousness of what is going to happen. So many dirt tracks off this way too" Angus said smugly to her

"this isn't the way to Darwin, are we taking the short cut to Western Australia" as she saw the sign to the Tanamai track

"Lawson, we need Leon to be able to triangulate Kerry's phone and find out where she is going. Angus McMillan has taken her. She has called my phone, I need Leon to put the call through to the coms, to hear it only, see if he can track it through the gps on her phone if it goes out of range" Josh said through his com

"We are turning back now" he said motioning to Stella to turn around, we are only at Ti Tree roadhouse so will be an hour or so still.

"Sit back Kerry you might even enjoy the scenery" Angus said to her watching as she squirms in her seat

"What scenery, it's the Tanamai track, it the desert and outback"

"You think you are too good for me, but you will put out for anyone else, you are nothing but a slut. You cried rape when you got drunk in the shower, fucked him and cried rape. You are all the same" he said bitterly

"What are you talking about Angus" she asked confused

"Don't try to act dumb Kerry, you are smart"

"I don't know what you are talking about Angus, I'm not interested In you is that what this is about?" she watched as he pulled the car over on the side of the road, as he pulls out his phone showing her a video

"Ring a bell, about you and Cassidy, I'm sure Olivia would want to see this and know what her boyfriend and so called inspector in charge of it all get up to during the day and night. Might even sent it to public integrity too" he said smugly

"how did you get that" she demanded as she wriggled trying to get her hands free

"you really should learn how to lock a door Kerry especially when you are going to fuck someones brains out when you shouldn't or hide more than just a tree out in public. You never know who could walk in especially when you are so caught up in the moment" he said gleefully

"What do you want" she replied with resignation in her voice

"What every guy wants and you are going to give it to me" as he pulled back onto the road.


"Leon, do what you can from the car, can you triangulate the phone" Lawson said to him

"I'll get a satellite signal and go from there, it will just take longer when we are driving, but I can do it" he said firmly as he opened up his laptop setting it up.

Lawson could see Stella's eyes on him her mouth open.

"you knew didn't you Lawson"

"Just concentrate on driving Stella, and none of this goes out of here, understand" he said firmly to everyone in the car

"That's so wrong" she said shaking her head

"it's none of our business Stel" Lawson reminded her

"yeah except Olivia is recovering in her hotel room whilst her boyfriend is out banging the person in charge of it all instead of being with her"

"look we just need to get back and find Kerry before it's too late"

"That's what you and Leon were fighting about, he caught her or found out" as Stella's eyes moved in the rearview mirror to Leon on the back seat.


"You don't have to do this" Kerry said trying to remain calm

"I know but I want to, I want you to feel what its like when I'm inside of you. To fuck you senseless, so you can't move. Then I'll decide what to do, until then we will have fun." He said gleefully

"That's the only way you could get someone to fuck you, isn't it, you couldn't get anyone any other way"

His hand came off the wheel and slapped her hard across the head "you think you are better than me don't you?"

"I know I am"

"you are not that smart are you" as he pulled over the car and angrily got out opening the passenger door.

He yanked her hands around the front, undoing one of them before tying her up again. Her eyes moved as he unzippered his pants pulling out his member.

"You make one wrong move or bite me, that's the end for you" he threatened her as he moved closer to her.

"I'm not going to give you what you want, if you think that is going in my mouth, think again" her eyes defiantly moving up to his

"yes you are, and if you bite it or anything you will regret it" he warned her

Her hands stayed by her side as her eyes met his

"I'll shove this gun down your throat Kerry, do it now" he yelled at her.

Her eyes moved up to his in disbelief as her hand shakily encased his cock.

"We don't have all day Kerry" as he pushed her head towards his cock.

"open you mouth Kerry, or I will make you" he demanded

She gagged as he entered her mouth pushing all the way in. Her hand shakily holding his cock as he pushed back and forth before withdrawing.

"Oh that was so good" he said gleefully as he looked at Kerry's shocked face as he pulled her hands tightly behind her.

"just before we go" as he pulled a bottle of vodka from behind the passenger seat, twisting the top open "I know how much you love your alcohol so open up"

She felt him force her lips open pouring the liquid down her throat it was coming too fast as she started to splutter, she could feel it dribbling down her chin.

She could feel her body tense up as he leant over doing up her seat belt, the slight relief she felt as he closed the passenger door before starting the engine and driving off

"Sit back and enjoy the scenery"


Brian kept opening and closing his fist, clenching it wanting to punch something, anything

"Can't you go any faster" he asked frustrated

"Leon, have you found the location of Kerry we are on the Tamanai track now" Josh asked the intel officer

"Its moving now on the track Josh, the internet reception even with the satellite is sketchy I'm doing my best Josh" Leon told him

"How far away are you Lawson?"

"still about 20 minutes from the turn off of the track, Stella is driving as fast as she can"

"Brian, this affects us all you know, just because you are sleeping with her, we have known her longer, she's our boss. You think that we want to hear all of this, we are getting there as quickly as we can, but this is the outback now, a flat tyre or anything will delay us even further" Josh replied trying to keep his anger out of his voice


"Where are we going, can't you tell me that much" Kerry asked him

" Somewhere nice, remote, isolated somewhere no one will hear you scream, where no one will find you in days, months even maybe never."

"you won't get away with this" she spat out

"That's where you are wrong I already have. No one is looking for you, no one will find you. Oh they will look for you eventually but by then its too late" he replied smugly.

She glared at him, she hoped he wouldn't find the phone and that Josh had answered and was looking for her otherwise he could be right.

"Before we get to that special place we will have a bit of fun first" he replied as he pulled the car over.

She looked up at him defiantly as he opened the car door, pushing her out onto the ground "Get up Kerry" as he grabbed her hair yanking her to her feet

Her eyes moved quickly surveying the area, trying to find a way out, there was nothing around just the way he had planned, she was trying to control the fear she was feeling. She had to get him off guard, try to get the gun off him, she could feel him close behind her, the gun shoved into her back every few metres.

He watched as she stumbled to the ground just in front of him, "Get up Kerry" as he kicked her in the ribs hitting her across the head with the gun "Or I could do you just here"

She winced as she tried to get up, before she felt his foot on her back pushing her back to the ground "here is a good place as anything" as he grabbed her arms pulling her hands above her head as she winced from the pain as he pulled her along the ground. He tied the ropes tightly around her wrists to the tree

"I just don't trust you Kerry, you understand that"

Her body frozen with fear as she felt his hands moving to her zip hearing it being unzippered as his hands moved under her body pulling her jeans down her legs

"Don't please Angus don't do this" she begged him

She could hear his laughter echoing around her as he unzippered his pants and pulling them down "I'm going to enjoy this so much Kerry" he replied gleefully.

His hands moved up her chest gropping her breasts, pinching twisting them painfully as his hands rubbed her clit. She could feel herself starting to climax and she hated what her body was doing

"Come one Kerry, you know you want to" he teased her, enjoying watching her arch her body.

She tensed as his mouth went down as he licked and sucked whilst his fingers went back to her breasts, she wanted the ground to swallow her up as she climaxed.

"That was so good" he told her after he had finished sucking her "now for the great part"

She stiffened as she felt him at her entrance her body shaking, she didn't want to see his face the joy on it. As he painfully entered her a single tear rolled down her face as he thrusted in and out hard, fast.

She had tuned out, her eyes staring blankly up to the sky, she wanted to forget what was happening. She didn't know how long it had lasted when he withdrew for the last time.

"That was just as good as I had imagined it to be, we will be doing that again" as he pulled up his pants.

"Now walk back to the car, one wrong move and I will shoot you" he demanded her shoving the gun in the back

She wasn't even able to think about doing anything still in shock "Can I pull up my jeans" she asked meekly

"No, I might want to do you again when I get back to the car" so walk now.

She could feel the blood dribbling down her legs as she hobbled back to the car pain radiating down there, she felt torn inside.

She actually felt relief when she made it back to the car, would they be coming would the find her.

As they finally pulled away, she was lost in her own world, he had forced himself into her again as they reached the car, before pouring vodka to disguise the fact her had repeatedly raped and sodomised her.

She felt nothing but pain at the moment, her whole body ached. He had forced more vodka down her throat, her head was becoming foggy she didn't know if it was from the alcohol or the knocks to the head

"For a slut I wouldn't of thought you would bleed let alone so much and you'd like it rough, you better not bleed over the car either I don't want to clean up your mess"

"you're going to hell Angus" she said through gritted teeth

"Am I, someone has to find you first, I'm going to enjoy more fun. I can see what Brian Cassidy sees in fucking you especially when you orgasm" he replied laughing


"how much further" Brian asked

"we are on the Tanamai track now, he has an advantage he has a 4WD, we have don't so have to go slower now on the track" Josh replied how far ahead could they get, he knew they had stopped and hoped that they were now much closer but they could of turned off anywhere.

"We would have been here quicker if we hadn't stopped twice" Brian snapped

"This is the outback Brian, firstly if we got a flat tyre or two we would be no use to Kerry we wouldn't be able to get there, so we had to stop and get the spare and we had to lower the pressure so we could go faster over the track and not worry as much for a puncture. We know what we are doing, and we are all worried about Kerry here and have known her a lot longer than you, you might be fucking her Cassidy but we have been part of a team with her for years now, so you are not the only one worried" Josh said trying to contain his anger.

"how long have you and Kerry had an affair" Michael asked him

"it's not an affair" Brian said quickly

"oh a one night stand, I can understand why she is hot, we would all do her given a chance" Michael laughed

"its….. I don't know what it is, I love Liv, but….. I ….. its more than once… we just need to find her. Yeah she is hot"

"you are lucky, I'd do her"

"Michael, just concentrate on driving" josh reprimanded him


She wondered why he had started a fire, were they going to be there a while.

He had moved her roughly so she was lying on her stomach with her hands tied to a tree and her legs tied up.

She tried to move her head to follow his movement as he walked over to the fire kneeling down in front of it.

She heard his footsteps as he neared her, kneeling down, as his warm hands moved the back of her shirt up her back.

"This is so you will never forget this moment for the short time you have left"

She squirmed, screamed wriggled to try to move it off her back, she could smell the burning skin under the metal as he held it firmly against her back.

"What have you done" she finally managed to spit out as the tears fell from her eyes in pain

"so the whole world knows what you are"

Her eyes widened in shock as she saw the words Slut on the piece of metal

"you're going to hell Angus" she hissed at him as he walked away towards the fire.

"I'd be careful Kerry what you say now, my hands could so easily fall in the fire with this again to warm it up" he replied gleefully

She could still feel the burning sensation on her upper back as he pulled the shirt down slightly just enough so it rubbed and irritated the already sensitive spot.

His arm snaked around her body, as he moved her to a kneeling position, tightening up the restraints "it's not that I don't trust you, actually I don't but the next part is going to be pretty intense, I don't want you escaping"

His hands moved to undo her zipper, as he moved them down her leg

She struggled against the restraints that held her tightly, as she watched his movement.

"Please Angus, no don't please" she begged as he walked back from the fire

"What are you Kerry" he asked her

"You've gotten what you wanted, you have had sex with me, please Angus don't"

"Kerry you didn't answer the question, so you must be punished" he admonished her like a school girl

Her whole body was shaking from what she knew was coming, she could feel the heat this time as he lingered above her skin, the heat already radiating onto her skin.

He lowered it slowly just leaving it cm above the skin, enjoying watching her body shake and tremble, as he quickly lowered it pressing it against her lower back

"This one everyone can see, see what you really are a slut and a whore"

"What are you Kerry" he asked as he pulled back her hair with his other hand

"A slut" she replied shakily as she blacked out from the pain

She was awoken by the liquid poured over her, before her head was forced back with the bottle shoved into her mouth.

"now for the fun part" as she heard his zipper being undone and could feel him at her entrance, his hand digging into her waist as he entered her brutually thrusting back and forth.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, she would feel the pressure of his thumb on the newly burnt part of her skin

He finally withdrew from her "Oh that was so good, I know what Brian sees in you, you have prime fuck holes" as she glared at him

He carried her back to the car, tying her hands up to the seat

"We better make sure infection doesn't set in, we don't want anything to ruin the new brands on you" as he opened up the bottle of vodka, pouring it over her back and inside of her, as she screamed before blackness succumbed her.



There had been nothing from Kerry's phone for a while now, the panic for Lawson was setting in they were still 15 minutes from the Tanamai track turn off

"Josh, can you hear anything" Lawson asked trying to remain calm

"Not for about 15 minutes, he seems to stop … then he'll come back" Josh replied neither of them could say why, even though they both knew the reason from when they got back

They heard Kerry's scream coming through her phone

"you really do like your sleep" Angus laughed as he tossed Kerry into the car

"oh well, rest up sweet Kerry, you are going to need your strength for our next stop, but whilst you are sleeping"

"Lawson, you getting this now" Josh asked him seething

"yes" was all he managed to say wondering what he had done to Kerry

Angus kept one hand on the steering wheel, whilst the other moved down under Kerry's underpants, he had moved her closer to him, so his hand could move up to her breasts and down to her clit

He could feel her starting to climax as his hand moved faster rubbing her clit

"That's it Kerry come for me, you know you want to"

She started to stir, the clothes irritating her burns, she felt something else, his hand, no he wasn't, but as much as she tried to squirm she couldn't move away from him.

She could feel her body start to respond to his touch, she was trying to resist but her body had other ideas, she hated herself again as she felt herself climax

In the back seat Brian was opening and closing his fist, it was taking all his self control not to punch something "I'm going to make that bastard pay' he mumbled to himself as he saw Josh's eyes meet his in the rearview mirror


"Devon Downs Station?"

"Its now abandoned Kerry, some pastoral company will eventually buy it before it goes to ruin. But for now it is perfect. The track away from the homestead so no one will find your grave for months nearly years."

"Josh did you hear that" Lawson said, "we have arrived at the track now, Leon is looking at the property now and will send through shortly. He's got the location on her phone now too"

His arms snaked around her body as carried her out of the car before quickly dropping her onto the ground. He felt heavy on top of her, she was struggling to breathe, she winced in agony as he entered her roughly, as soon as it was over he yanked her into a sitting position. She tried not to scream as he poured vodka over her as it stung her.

His hands squeezed her cheeks forcing her mouth open, the vodka forced down her throat, it was coming faster and faster as she started to splutter.

"Come one Kerry you can drink more than that, you are going to hold the bottle and drink the rest of it. If you do anything stupid I will shoot you now" he threatened her

Kerry was starting to feel the effects of the vodka as she finished the bottle

"now dig" he demanded shoving the shovel in the hand.

"I don't know if I should shoot you first but then that will show something happened, push you in face first or get you to hop in and lie down then fill it up with dirt and bury you alive. I like the sound of burying you alive, hearing you scream as the dirt goes above you, now dig faster" he replied pushing her hard to the ground.


"Lawson how far away are you, we are at the turn off now" Josh said

"Wait there Josh, we are 15 off" Lawson replied.

"you're not going to wait are you Josh, we are nearly here" Cassidy said

"Lawson we're going in, it could be too late waiting for you"


Kerry froze as she heard him unzipping his pants

"one more for good times, something to remember you by"

She gripped the shovel harder as she tensed up, where was Josh, did he get the phone call from her. She was starting to wonder if they would come, if they would find her.

She could hear his footsteps nearing her, as her hand moved further down the shovel her breathing becoming faster. She waited until she thought he was behind her and with all her energy she turned around swinging the shovel, hitting him, causing him to lose his balance as she lift it up hitting him again and again.

Her eyes searched the ground finding the gun near by, as he lay lying on the ground, bringing her leg back kicking him hard inbetween his legs watching as he wriggled around in pain, he knew what Kerry was going for, she just hoped she got their first.


Hearing a gun shot echoing in the distance, their mouths wide open. Josh turned around glancing at Brian, none of them wanted to think they were too late

"Michael Hurry up" was old Josh managed to say