Ruby Rocked

Chapter 1: A Cherished Encounter

-Remnant; Juniors' Club- A young black haired male sat at a counter, looking at a photo of a blonde haired girl.

"She's the one I'm looking for, right buddy?" he asked a small yellow mouse with rosy red cheeks and a lightning bolt shaped tail.

"Pika... Pikachu!" the mouse called to him and nodded.

"Arceus better be right on this one... A soul mate for me, huh? I should've went with my gut on this one," he sighed. The mouse creature tilts his head to the side and looked at the male.

"The girl will think I'm crazy and run away from me... That's the last thing I want to happen," he sighed as he shook his head, "I've never had to do this kind of thing before... Why am I doing this, anyway?"

"Pika Pika... Pika Pikachu," the creature said to the male.

"Man, I sometimes wonder what goes on in Arceus' head when he scolds me," the male sighed, "Don't you think, Sparx?" Sparx nods and hops onto the boy's lap.

"Strawberry Sunrise, no ice," a girl's voice called beside him. The girl from the photo the male had on him walked up to the counter and sat down beside the male.

"Oh, and make sure it has one of those mini umbrellas inside of it... I love those things," the girl smiled.

"How about you, young man?" the bartender asked the male.

"Um... I don't have that much to spend at the moment," the male said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, "A glass of ice water for me and my little buddy here." He pets Sparx's head.

"Ka!" Sparx smiled.

"Coming right up," the bartender said with a smile. He walked off somewhere. The girl looked over at the male.

"So, you're new around here?" the girl asked him.

"You could say that, yeah," the male said as he looked over at the girl.

"Got a name, sweetheart?" she asked with a sultry smile.

"Phoenix... Bradley Phoenix," he said.

"Yang Xiao Long," she smiled.

"That's a name," Bradley smiled, "Can I get some advice?"

"Sure... Whatcha need?" Yang asked.

"Um... How do I put this? I'm looking for this girl. Someone told me she was my soul mate," Bradley said as he showed Yang her photo. Yang looked up at him and grabbed him by the shirt collar.

"Whoa! Wait a sec!"

"Who told you what?" Yang asked seriously as she glared at him.

"I'm not from around here, I swear!" Bradley told her as he looks into her blue eyes, "Listen... I know this seems weird, I know. But, I'm really from another world... Trust me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here. I have an inkling of how strong you are, anyway."

"Hmm... Really? How much do you know about me?" Yang asked.

"Uh... Actually, I know you're a thrill seeker like me and you lost your mother like me," he told her as Yang lets him go.

"What? H-How'd you..." she asked in shock.

"I know... Someone told me this as soon as I came here," he told her.

"Huh... I see... Well, you know your stuff," she said as she nodded her head, "Just don't try anything funny, got it?"

"Trust me... I wouldn't even know how to in the first place," he told her.

"So, you know how to fight?" Yang asked.

"Mmhmm... Me and my little buddy here," Bradley smiled as he pets Sparx's head.

"Ka!" Sparx smiled as he nudged Bradley.

"Cute little guy you've got there," Yang smiled as she pets Sparx's head.

"Chu!" Sparx smiled.

"His name is Sparx the Pikachu," Bradley said.

"Sparx, huh? With an X?" Yang asked.

"Nice," Bradley smiled, "Everyone from home thinks its a K and an S for some reason."

"Idiots," Yang smiled.

"I know, right?!"

"Your drinks, everyone," the bartender said as he brought Yang, Bradley, and Sparx their drinks.

"Aren't you 2 a little young to be in a place like this?" a voice called to them a a middle aged man walked up to them.

"Aren't you a little old to be called Junior?" Yang retorted as she took a sip from her drink.

"So, you know who I am... Got a name, sweetheart?" the man smirked.

"Hold this, sweetie," Yang told Bradley as she hands him her Strawberry Sunrise.

"Sure..." Bradley said as he took her drink. Yang wiped her hands on a nearby napkin and stood up.

"I've got plenty names... But, I'd prefer if you call me SIR," Yang smirked as she grabbed the man where the sun don't shine. The man lets out a pained yelp and bent over.

"People say you know everything... So, tell me where to find this woman and I'll let you go," Yang said seriously as she held up a yellow phone with a picture of a long black haired woman.

"I-I've never seen her before, I swear!" Junior squeaked.

"Excuse me?" Yang asked as she tightened her grip.

"Ack! I swear, sir!" Junior panicked as he a few tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Put any more force into that, and he won't be able to go to the bathroom correctly," Bradley said as he took a sip of his water. Sparx sucked the water from his red straw as he and Bradley watched this unfold.

"I know... Just making him see who's boss around these parts," Yang smirked. Suddenly, several of Juniors' cronies came up to the counter and surrounds Yang and Junior.

"Looks like we have an audience... This must be so embarrassing for you," Yang smirked.

"Listen, Blondie... Sir... If you and your boyfriend want to get out of here in one piece, I suggest you let me go. Now," Junior growled.

"Aww... I was starting to enjoy hurting you," Yang smirked as she lets Junior go. Junior groans with relief as he backed away from Yang.

"You'll pay dearly for that, Blondie," Junior snarled as he pulled a pair of red sunglasses from his pocket.

"Dude, you already lost so many man points when she grabbed your junk," Bradley sighed as he shook his head. Junior puts the pair of sunglasses on and walked away from Yang and Bradley.

"Wait here," Yang told Bradley.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said as he took a sip from his glass. Yang followed Junior and shook her head.

"Aw, come on Junior... I was only playing with you. Come on, let's kiss and make up... I promise," Yang told him as she followed him to the dance floor.

"Huh? Well, ok then," Junior said as he stopped and looked at her. He and Yang leaned in towards each other to kiss... When a fist punched him halfway across the club and into a far wall. Junior had hearts swirling around his head as he groaned in pain. Then, a bottle lands on his head and fully knocked him out.

"I was gonna do that," Yang told Bradley as he lowered his fist.

"I know... But, that wouldn't have been very boyfriend like of me," Bradley joked as he looked at Yang.

"Funny," she giggled as she winked at him, "Looks like we've got a fight on our hands, huh?"

"Pretty much," Bradley smirked as he cracked his neck, "Sparx, let's do this!" Sparx puts down his glass of water and rushed over to Bradley's side. Sparks of electricity surged from his cheeks as he got on all fours.

"Wow... Impressive," Yang smirked.

"Like it? It's his nature to be ready for battle," Bradley smiled as he got into a fighting stance.

"Well, I've got something to show you... Watch this," Yang smirked as her yellow bracelets grew onto her arms and a shotgun shell came out of one of them.

"I call them Ember Celica," Yang told him, "Shotgun Gauntlets, to be precise."

"Nice... That looks and sounds amazing at the same time," Bradley smiled.

"Right? We are on the same wavelength, huh?" Yang asked as she looked at the black haired teen.

"Yep... Soul mates, remember?" Bradley said.

"Oh... That's what you really meant," Yang said as she lightly blushed. She shook her head and glared at the thugs that surrounded them.

"Are you ready, Yang? Here they come... Uh, Yang?" Bradley said as he looked behind him.

"Might wanna move, dude!" Yang called as she jumped above him. He looked up to see her above him with her right fist reared back behind her.

"Oh... Got it!" Bradley said as he picked up Sparx and jumped out of the way. Yang came back down to the ground and punched it, causing fire and pieces of the floor to come up and knock the thugs back. Bradley skids to a stop and reared back as a thug swung an axe at him. Bradley then tossed Sparx onto the man's face and kicked the man in the stomach. Sparx zapped the man into unconsciousness and smacked him across the face with his tail. Bradley grabbed an incoming axe and threw it to the ground. He glared at the thug who threw the axe and walked over to him.

"That wasn't very nice, now wasn't it?" Bradley asked as he grabbed the thug by the back of the head, "You could kill someone with that, you know... Too bad I can master Aura now or you could've had me there." Bradley held up one hand and a blue sphere of energy appeared in his hand.

"Aura Sphere," he said as the sphere blasted the thug into 3 of his friends, "So stupid... Do you honestly think that's gonna work against me?" He then punched another one who was coming towards him as Yang punched and kicked several more that surrounded her.

"Sparx, give 'em a Thunderbolt!"

"Chu!" Sparx called as he hopped off of Bradley's shoulder and shot a massive yellow bolt from his entire body at the thugs.

"Thanks!" Yang called to him.

"No problem," Bradley smiled. Then, bullets raced at them from the DJ stand.

"Seriously?" Bradley asked as he puts up a large blue shield. The bullets ricocheted off of the shield and onto the ground.

"I got this," Yang told him as she ran around the shield and used her Ember Celica to launch herself onto the DJ stand and kick the DJ in the throat. She lands beside the DJ and slammed his head onto the turntables and picked him up by his belt and shoot him down to where Bradley and Sparx were.

"Nice... That was flawless," Bradley smiled as he clapped his hands, "Could you teach me how to do that sometime?"

"Maybe... But, thanks for the kind words," Yang smiled as she bowed to him. She then stood up and looked behind Bradley. 2 girls wearing red and white dresses walked up behind Bradley and grabbed him.

"Hey, what the..." Bradley called as he looked back.

"Zip it, pally... If you don't want your throat slit," the girl in the red dress told him as she held up a Qatar to his neck.

"Bradley!" Yang called. Bradley then lets out a small chuckle.

"What's so funny?" the same girl asked him. He looked at the girl in red with a devilish smile.

"It's hilarious to think someone like you has got me subdued," Bradley smirked as he turned to Sparx, "Thunderbolt."

Sparx nodded and shot a massive bolt at them. Bradley flips the twins in front him and tore his hands out of their grip. The twins dodged out of the way of the Thunderbolt and skids to a stop.

"That's the reason why you're going to lose this fight... You're too overconfident." Bradley looked up at Yang and nods. Yang pulled out 2 strings of shotgun shells and reloads her gauntlets.

"I got Red... You take care of White," he called to her.

"Got it!" Yang called as she began to shoot several flares at the girl in white.

"Come on, Red... Show me what you've got," Bradley called as he puts up his fists.

The girl in red began to slash at him and Bradley dodged side to side. He punched at her and she also dodged as well.

"I knew you were better than that! Come on, show me what you're made of!" Bradley punched her in the stomach and drop kicked her in the face. She slid across the floor and quickly got back to her feet.

"Geez... Can't you go easy? I'm a lady," she told him.

"Really? And, you're the one who tried to kill me," Bradley said as he raised his left eyebrow. She charged at him, swinging her claws in front of her.

"See?" Bradley sighed and jumped above her. He lands behind her and slammed her to the ground.

"If you were a little nicer, I would've gone a little easier on you," Bradley said, "You're disappointing me, Red."

"It's Milsha," she groaned.

"Milsha, huh? Wow... That's not a bad name," Bradley said as he picked her up, "If it was as cool as Yang's name is, I would've chosen you. Sorry to break it to you... But, you're not my type." He threw her into a glass pillar and cracked his neck.

"That didn't take long," Yang said as she walked over to him.

"Yeah... Usually, at this point of time..." Bradley said as Sparx hopped onto Bradley's shoulder. Then, the lights on the dance floor turned to the left of the stage, pointing at Junior, who was now awake and fully aware. He held a rocket launcher over his shoulder as he glared at them.

"You 2 are gonna pay for this," he told them as he points the rocket launcher at them.

"Wow... Isn't that overkill?" Bradley asked as he took a fighting stance. Yang did the same.

"And, punching me wasn't necessary?" Junior snarled.

"You were about to kiss my girl," Bradley said as he shrugged his shoulders. "YOUR girl?" Junior asked in surprise, "You 2 just met each other just 10 minutes ago!"

"Love at first sight, Junior boy," Yang smiled as she looked at him. Bradley looked back at her.

"He knows me... That's good enough for me."

"Tell you what... When we're done here, I'll tell you everything about me," Bradley smiled as he looked at her.

"Deal," Yang smiled.

"Oh, stop with that!" Junior groaned as he shot rockets at them.

"Here we go!" Bradley called as he and Yang dodged out of the way of the rockets. Junior shot more rockets at them.

"Sparx, you know what to do! Thunderbolt Counter Shield! Sky Arrow Barrage!" Bradley shot several wind arrows at the rockets as Sparx surrounds Bradley and himself in a surrounding electric force field. Yang shot several of her shots at the rockets and blew them up. Then, Junior stopped firing and the rocket launcher changed into a large red bat. He charged at Yang and swung the bat at her. She parries the attacks with her gauntlets and pushed him back. Then, Junior smacked her with the bat across the face and then in the chest, knocking her to the ground!

"Yang!" Bradley called as the force field went down. Junior smirked and hoisted the bat over his shoulder.


"I'm fine, sweetie," Yang called as she got to her feet. Suddenly, her hair began to glow brighter.

"What?!" Junior yelled.

"Is she... Nah," Bradley said to himself.

"How are you doing that?"

"I'll explain later! Stay back, okay?" Yang told him.

"Ok," Bradley said. He and Sparx stood back. Yang charged at Junior and punched him several times. Then, as she punched him one more time.. Her eye color changed to red. Then, she knocked him clear across the club. Junior slowly got back to his feet with a now broken bat in one hand and a clump of Yang's golden yellow locks in the other.

"Wha... You bastard! My hair!" Yang snarled as the golden aura surrounding her exploded.

"Whoa... That's not a good sign," Bradley said as he shielded his eyes from the bright light. Sparx did the same.

"That's bright... Hey, Yang? Uh, Yang?" Bradley called as the light disappeared... And, Junior and Yang were gone!

"Oh, no! Yang?!" Bradley called as he looked at the now ransacked nightclub.

"Pika!" Sparx called as he points at a broken window nearby.

"Maybe outside?" Bradley said, "Come on, buddy."

-Outside- Bradley and Sparx jumped out the window and looked outside and saw Yang and another girl wearing a red dress with a large red hooded cape talking.

"Hey, Yang... What happened just now?" Bradley asked her.

"Huh? Oh, right... Ruby, this is my boyfriend, Bradley. Bradley, this is my little sister, Ruby Rose," Yang smiled.

"Rose? But, your last name... Oh, wait a minute. Half sister?" Bradley asked.

"You're good," Ruby smiled. "I know," Bradley said as he looked at Ruby.

"Oh, and about earlier... That's my Semblance," Yang told Bradley, "Every time I take damage or I get really pissed off, I get stronger."

"Like how a bull sees red and it goes berserk?" Bradley asked.

"Kinda like that," Yang said.

"I see... Well, a promise is a promise," Bradley told her, "First, I'd better find a place to stay in the meantime."

"Chu! Pikachu!" Sparx told Bradley.

"Oh, yeah... Ruby, this is my buddy, Sparx the Pikachu. I can explain everything later," Bradley told her, "If you don't mind me asking... Do you 2 have a place to stay?"

"Yeah... We live with our uncle," Yang said.

"You're welcome to stay with us," Ruby told him.

"Really? I don't want to be a burden," Bradley told her.

"Don't sweat it, babe! Come on, I'll treat you right!" Yang told Bradley as she grabbed his left forearm and pulled him along, "Let's get going, Ruby."

"Coming!" Ruby smiled as she followed Yang.

"Oh, boy... This might be a lot stranger than I previously thought!" Bradley thought.

"Might be fun, though!" another voice called to him.

"Not now, SirKnight!" Bradley thought in a panic as he sat behind Yang on her motorcycle.

"Watch the hands, sweetheart... We're going for a ride!" Yang told him as she starts her motorcycle. She rode off with a panicking Bradley riding with her. Sparx looked up at Ruby and hops onto her shoulder.

"Aww... Ok, you can go with me. Hang on!" Ruby smiled as she pets Sparx's head. She took off after the bike into the night.

-End Chapter 1-