Hello! I told you that I'd post eventually. First off, this is based around the Underfell AU. I've decided to write Frisk as a female, also in this particular fic, she is 16. I hope you enjoy!

You awoke on a bed of yellow flowers. Light from the hole that you fell through streamed in, hitting your eyes. You shakily stood, and viewed your surroundings. There wasn't really anything interesting about it, just crumbling rocks and a hallway leading to who knows where. But you did know where it led. This was not your first time waking up in this room. You walked a few more steps, waiting for that detestable flower to try to kill you, then for your mom, Toriel to show up.

"H-howdy. I'm Flowey. Flowey the f-flower. Please don't k-kill me.", his petals seemed to tremble.

This is new.

" U-um, kill you?"

" Y-yeah. You must be new here. I-it's kill or be killed here. Only the strong survive in this horrible place!"

This must be a trick. You'd been here multiple times and this has never happened before. The clicking of claws coming down the hallway interrupted your thoughts.

"T-that's Toriel! You'd better hide, quick, Human!"

"W-wha-? Hide from Mom? Why?"

"She'll kill you if she see's you! Years of being in the ruins have drove her insane!"

" But-", you began to protest again. It was too late, Flowey had already disappeared beneath the earth.

He had seemed genuinely scared, which scared you. It got even worse when the clicking stopped and you actually saw her. Her white fur was matted and stained red. Her black robes were in tatters and her yellow eyes darted around the room before finally settling on you.

"Ah. Are you lost, my child?", she said it as more of a statement than as a question.

"U-um...", you weren't usually very good with words, especially when you saw some sort of demented version of your loving caretaker, but it seemed to be good enough for her.

She grabbed your wrist tightly, and her sharp claws dug into your arm. You struggled not to cry out.

"It's been SO long since a human child has fallen down here! Come with me, I'll take you to my home.", she turned and dragged you off, not giving you much choice but to stumble along behind her.

You turned and saw Flowey's head pop up out of the dirt. He looked scared for you, but also a bit...determined?

" There are many puzzles in these ruins that I'd like you to be aware of."

The both of you stood in front of the spikes that blocked your path. You had expected her to lead you on the correct path, as usual, but instead, she just gave you an impatient look. You vaguely remembered what path she usually took, and with simple trial and error (and some holes in the bottoms of your shoes) you safely made it across. She met you on the other side, and looked a bit disappointed that you hadn't impaled yourself.

The rest of the way back to Toriel's house went with out a hitch, besides a certain stubborn rock that refused to sit still. You entered the living room, and heard mumbling coming from the kitchen.


She spun around, knife in hand and gave you the most infuriated look that you had ever seen.

"I thought I told you to .", she snarled. All of the motherly warmth had left her voice, leaving it cold and bitter.

Close to panic, you fumbled to find an excuse.

"T-t-there was a monster, and I-it scared me so I went looking for you!", you lied, wringing your hands

"Poor child. You must have been so frightened.", she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. " I must teach you how to defend yourself, actually, how about we begin right now.", she took the knife that she was chopping carrots with and swung it at you.

You just barely dodged the arc of the knife as it swung towards you. You were now certain that this was NOT Toriel, or at least not how you remembered her.

She swung the knife at you again, a crazed look in her eyes. "How about you sample the soup, dear, after all, I'm going to put you in it!", she cackled.

You yelped, and backed into the living room, hoping to be able to make a dash for the door downstairs. You tore down the stairs as fast as you could go, down the hallway and to the door. Which was locked.