Hello readers before you scroll down to see the story please note this is my first time ever not only sharing my story with anyone but writing a fanfiction as well. I'm nervous and also quite scared about what you may think. I'll add more chapters if you like the story. And of course I do not own Haikyu!

Please bare with me when it comes to possible slow updates or a slowly progressing story plot. I want to ease into it seeing as it is my first. Time!

It had all started with a game against Nekoma. Hinata was more then excited his energy was practically bubbling over. He found it hard to to stand on the sideline waiting to start. It wasn't just because he was going to get to play against Kenma again but both his parents and sister were finally going to get to come see one of his matches. This had never happened before his parents had busy schedules. His mother busy with her job as a real estate agent and raising his little sister that she hardly had any free time to come watch him play.

It was no different with his father his schedule was more hectic than his mothers. Being a pilot Hinata hardly got to see his dad and when he was home he spent a good amount of time helping his twin brother Aki build his new home. Hinata didn't mind though he understood why his parents were so busy and he wouldn't complain anytime they apologized about not being able to come see him play. But tonight was a whole different story his parents both had time off and were headed this way now to see Hinata in his zone.

He couldn't wait to let his parents see his and Kageyama's insane quick's that left his opponents gaping at what had happened. He knew Nekoma's reaction wouldn't be as shocked as other teams they had never played but the crowed would get a good kick out it. Hinata bounced in place trying to contain himself. His bright orange hair fell into his eyes as his stomach gave a nervous flip. Hinata frowned holding his stomach. This was no time for his belly to be acting up. He didn't want to have to make a mad dash to the bathroom seconds before they were to stand of the court and face the opponents.

The whistle blow as Neko got done with their drills walking to the net both teams bowed yelling to have a good game. Hinata took his place wondering if his parents were watching but to caught up in the start of the game to check the stands to see if he could spot them. Hinata didn't know how long they had been playing when the whistle blow, both teams stopped confused as to why there was a sudden stop in the game.

Hinata's name being called made him jump in place. He frowned to himself. Had he done something wrong? Had he made a mistake that upset Coach so much that he was going to pull him from the game. Hinata glanced nervously towards Kageyama hoping for some time of help from his partner but the damned raven hair boy only shrugged his shoulders his same annoyed expression still in place as it always was.

"Come here Hinata." Hinata's sweat dropped at the way Coach Ukai's voice sounded. He slowly shuffled his way towards the bench catching Suga's sad eyes that were trained on him.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked quietly his hands balling into his shirt with his nervousness.

Ukai smiled at the boy sadly it wasn't until Hinata finally got the nerve to look his Coach in the eye did he see the two police men standing just inches away from them tossing pity glances towards the boy with hair the color of the sun.

"Hinata those police men would like to have a word with you so why don't you walk out to the hallway and speak with them okay?"

The boy didn't like the sound of that he knew they were the Police and they wouldn't do anything to him but the thought of going out to the hallway alone with them scared him. He quickly glanced towards Suga who was still looking at the boy sadly. The rest of the team just looked confused as did everyone in the stands.

"Do I have to go with them? We are in the middle of a match." Hinata was nervous he didn't know what was happening.

"Shoya you need to speak to them right this instant. You don't have to do it in the hallway but you need to talk to them now." Hinata flinched at harshness of the blonde mans voice. He had never heard him sound like that before.

"How about I accompany you Hinata." The boys eyes brightened at the sound of Sensei Takeda's voice he nodded eagerly liking the sound of someone he trusted going with him. Takeda smiled sadly putting his hand on Hinata's shoulder guiding him towards the to cops waiting patiently on the sidelines.

"Hello Hinata Shoya I'm officer Sato and this is my partner Takahashi." Hinata took his time looking the men over both were tall and well built so much so that authority radiated off them in waves. Shoya took a step back suddenly feeling very small in front of those two men. A gentle hand on his back kept the boy from retreating farther back away from them.

"No need to look so anxious Hinata you're not in any trouble, but I am afraid to say we have some rather bad news to tell you if you would like to step outside with us for a few moments, Or better yet how about you accompany us to the police station so we can talk to you there more privately."

Hinata understood that Officer Sato was speaking he could see his lips moving could even make out what he was saying but there was suddenly a loud wailing in his ears. His eyes started watering for no reason what so ever. He was afraid, scared beyond belief at what they could possibly want to tell him. He didn't want to go with them he didn't want to hear what they had to say. The now panting boy took a few more steps backwards easily pushing Takeda's arm out of his way as he back pedaled.

"Hinata come here please they need to speak to you." He knew that soothing voice, knew Sensei was trying to calm him but he was to agitated to listen.

"I'm listening just tell me here I don't want to leave. I don't want to." The boy whispered shamefully to nervous to even look at the three men in front of him.

"It would be much better if we told you at the station." Officer Takahashi chimed in pulling the boys focus to him instead of his retreat. The man's voice sounded a bit on the annoyed side which though Hinata for a loop, weren't cops supposed to have a good bedside manner when it came to talking to people who weren't in trouble?

Hinata shook his head roughly his orange locks bounced in his eyes clouding his vision for a moment. Then it finally dawned on him the cops were here and wanting to speak to him. Suga's worried eyes and Ukai's sad smile. Hinata frantically looked into the crowd hunting for his parents. It wouldn't be hard to spot them with Natus same bright orange hair and his dad's darker shade of orange, but no matter how hard he looked he couldn't find them. If the cops were here and his parents had been here sitting in the stands surely they would have come down to see what was going on. Wide brown eyes swam with tears as they looked once more at the cops standing in front of him.

"Where are my parents?"