As he stepped through the gate into the sunshine, Steve took in a deep breath which he felt like he'd been holding for three years. His first breath as a free man.
The brunette looked over to see Danny a few feet away to the side, leaning against his car with his arms crossed and a huge grin on his face.
"Wow, sexy..." Steve licked his lips, and Danny looked down at his tight short-sleeved t-shirt which, admittedly, he may have chosen specifically to show off his abs and biceps.
"Thanks. Not so bad looking yourself, babe." He stood up straight and took a couple of steps towards the other man, only to have him walk past him.
"I was talking about the Camaro," Steve grinned and ran his fingers over the silver hood.
"Oh, that's charming... so I'm driving off and leaving you here to fend for yourself, correct?" Danny teased right back.
The taller man grinned at him. "Can I drive it?"
The blonde let a manic giggle escape his chest. "Er yeah, right! I can tell you now, that is never going to happen."
He popped the trunk and Steve dropped his bag in there, leaning back on it to close it and giving the shorter man a beckoning head movement. The way he was slumped against the car with his legs out at an angle put him at roughly the same height as the other man.
Danny went to stand in front of him, and Steve took hold of his shoulders and brought him in for a steaming hot kiss. He slid his tongue along the cop's lips, and the blonde opened his mouth to him and sighed contentedly, moving further forward to stand in between the taller man's thighs and press himself up the length of his solid body. His hands went to Steve's hips and squeezed, and the brunette huffed a hot breath against his skin.
"Get a room!" one of the guards called good-naturedly across the yard, and the two men laughed against one another's lips and broke the kiss.
"Please tell me that's the plan," Steve whispered hotly, and Danny smiled at him.
It had been a year, just as Five-0 had promised, and Steve's information had led to a successful conviction on the government official. He'd known Danny would follow through, but he still found it hard to trust life would work out the way he wanted, so he never fully believed it until he was collecting his meager possessions that morning and walking out into Hawaii's fresh air.
But it had also been a year of no conjugal visits, because Danny's 'means' didn't stretch quite that far, and with them not being a married couple, rules were rules. So it had been twelve months of exchanged letters, personal visits where touching was monitored and limited, and semi-regular phone sex... but none of the real stuff, for either of them.
With the detective on the outside and him still trapped in prison, Steve had been convinced he would find someone else and leave him by the wayside, but his lover had proved himself loyal as ever. And the brunette knew he could trust that nothing had happened with anyone else. There was something about Danny which told him that once you were in with him, you were in it for life.
And so when the two of them pulled apart, after only a few seconds of their bodies being pressed against each other, they were already hard and pretty desperate for more contact.
"Hell yes, get in the car," Danny growled, and they were quickly on their way.
"So tell me more about this job, then?" Steve settled back into his seat and watched the gorgeous sights of the island whizz by. He had longed to see every inch of his home again, and yet right now he just wanted to get back to Danny's place. They could explore the islands' offerings together, and the brunette could introduce Danny to his old haunts while he re-introduced himself. There were other things he wanted to explore first.
"Well it's working at the garage, long hours but the pay is good and weekends off, and they are willing to overlook your criminal record because I gave them my word you wouldn't piss them about," he smiled at the brunette, "So don't make me look bad, babe, or I'll never get my car fixed again."
"That happens often?" Steve gave him a curious look.
The blonde rolled his eyes. "Meka is... not the safest of drivers. He took my keys a couple weeks back to chase down a perp in this baby-" he patted the dash, "-and ended up hitting him with it. Had to get the dent ironed out..."
Steve just snorted and watched the scenery for a few minutes. He liked the sound of Detective Hanamoa more and more with every ridiculous story.
"Thank you, Danny. For getting me the job, and for taking me in. I know... I know things have been complicated for you with your ex and work, but I'll make it worth your while." He grinned suggestively and ran his hand up his lover's thigh, making him moan softly.
"Whereas that is more than welcome, babe, I don't expect anything in return from you, you know that right? You'll make it worth my while by doing well at your job and being happy. You're not my rent boy..." he sighed and grasped Steve's hand in his, flicking his gaze to him and briefly away from the road, "What I'm trying to say is... This is a relationship, not an arrangement, okay?"
Steve gave him a warm smile, his chest tightening at the words. "Okay." This was something he was going to have to get used to.
They pulled up outside Danny's house, and Steve fetched his bag from the trunk. They were barely in through the door before he was flinging it to the floor and grabbing the blonde, backing him up against the wall. Zero to sixty, McGarrett style.
The shorter man gasped as the brunette's mouth closed over his throat and licked over the stubbled skin, sucking a mark there, but he pushed at his shoulders. "Babe, we don't have to rush this y'know. It's only Saturday morning. We've got all weekend."
His lover pulled back. "I know we have. So we can do it now, then this afternoon-" his teeth nipped at Danny's jaw to punctuate each part of his sentence, "-and this evening-" nip "-and tonight-" lick "-several times, because who needs sleep, right?" His mouth travelled down his neck and his teeth grazed over his pulse point, nibbling and sucking.
The cop's moans were getting louder with each bite, and he gave up on the formalities. Why take things slow when they already knew each other so well? Why wait any longer when they'd gone twelve months craving one another? His hands were already on Steve's hips, and he slid them under his shirt to feel his warm skin.
"Oh god, Steve... We do need to go out and buy you some- oh Jesus -some new clothes..." Danny's practical mind was still trying to take control, but it was fast losing out.
The other man's voice was muffled against his throat. "I have some for Monday, and I'm not going to need any this weekend, neither are you..." He tugged the blonde's t-shirt over his head, "and I don't care what clothes I get, as long as there isn't an orange jumpsuit in sight."
Danny pushed him back and grinned. "But, babe, orange is totally your colour!"
"Shut your mouth, Williams," he growled, fumbling with his jeans fly.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure you don't want me to do that..." The detective pulled Steve's shirt up and clamped his lips down over a nipple, flicking his tongue over the hard nub, and the taller man ground his hips against the blonde's, groaning.
"Fuck, okay you make a good point..." Then they were wrestling each other's jeans off, Steve pulling his shirt over his head, and gripping and squeezing and grasping whatever flesh they could get their hands on. Boxers were dropped to the ground, and Steve pushed Danny up against the wall again. "Stop one on the grand tour of Casa del Williams, the living room. It's lovely. Now where the fuck is your bedroom?"
The blonde grasped his hand and dragged him through the house, not stopping until they stood at the end of Danny's king sized bed. Steve backed the blonde right up to the mattress so his calves were against it, and began his journey from the man's mouth to his chest again, leaving little red marks behind. Even after a year, the carefully constructed and intensely researched treasure map of his lover's body came right back to him. The sensitive patch behind his ear, how he moaned when his earlobe was assaulted, the way nails grazing the back of his neck made him shiver, the gasps Steve could pull from him if he sucked marks onto his abs... Every spot marked by an X in his mind, and he planned to revisit every single one.
And Danny had made similar notes, wanting to rediscover every inch of his lover, recreate every experience. The brunette liked getting his hair pulled, his nipples was oh so sensitive and fun to attack every now and then when he wasn't expecting it, he loved the feel of Danny's hands on his stomach as he went down on him, and the sensation of nails scraping down his back while they made love. He had an entire To Do list in his head of how to remind Steve that he was wanted, needed.
But his turn was going to have to wait, because Steve was taking control and shoving him down onto the bed. He leaned over him, gripped his hips and flipped him onto his front, and then he was straddling the blonde's back. His sharp teeth were on Danny's neck and his breath was skating over his shoulder.
The cop moaned and arched his back, pressing his ass up to meet his lover's, and Steve moved his hot mouth over his shoulder, administering little bites as he moved across his back and down his spine. He'd forgotten how Danny tasted, how good his skin felt under his lips, but everything flooded back as he took stock of the strong muscles in his back, traced every inch with his tongue, making the man writhe beneath him.
Steve moved down his body so he could besiege his lower back with bites and kisses. Danny flexed under him, gasping and jerking a little whenever Steve's sharp teeth pinched his skin, and when the brunette reached that perfectly curved ass, he planted a soft kiss on one cheek, before biting down on the other. The detective grunted and stiffened, grasping at the sheets, but he didn't complain, and Steve ran his slick tongue over the raised marks his teeth left behind.
He knelt up and spanked the unbitten cheek hard, enjoying the little 'ah!' noise that Danny made, and looked around the room. He decided the bed side cabinet was his best bet, and climbed off the bed, pulling the drawer open to reveal a large, full bottle of lube. And some handcuffs.
He hummed happily. "I am so glad you stocked up," he looked at the bottle, which should probably last a good few weeks with an average amount of sex, and decided it was his mission to use as much of it as possible over the weekend.
He stood over the blonde and took in that glorious body, his for the taking. "Turn over." His voice was low and husky, just the thought of taking his old cell mate again was such a turn on, his cock was almost uncomfortably hard.
Danny flexed as he rolled onto his back, but left his hands where they were, over his head, submissive. Steve licked his lips and climbed onto the bed to nudge the cop's thighs apart, lifting his knees so his feet were flat on the bed before settling between his legs and dripping lube onto his own fingers and cock. He hunkered down on all fours over him, let his breath skate over his chest, shoulders and jaw, his mouth hovering just over Danny's. His hazel-grey eyes met his lover's steel blue gaze, their pupils blown with lust.
"I am going to fuck you so hard. You're going to be screaming my name and begging for more while I bury my cock in your ass, Williams..."
The detective closed his eyes. "Oh god..." he whispered. He hadn't ever forgotten the blisteringly hot, tantalising beast that was Steve McGarrett, but it was something wholly different having him back over him like this. He'd missed his all-consuming presence, and the way it always felt like he was being hunted when the brunette looked at him. This teasing was going to be Danny's undoing all by itself.
Steve bit the blonde's lower lip and reached down with his hands, and his tongue slipped into his mouth as his first finger pushed inside his hole. Danny whimpered against him.
He felt glorious. Steve was never letting this go, ever again. He slid his finger deep into his lover, working him until he relaxed around him while his tongue investigated Danny's mouth thoroughly. He pulled back to watch the man's face as he added another finger, revelling in the sounds he made once his lips were free, the way he pushed against Steve's hand, how he flexed his fingers where they were fisted into the bedding, obediently keeping them in place. He could watch him all day.
He kneeled back and placed a flat palm on Danny's stomach, and thrust a third finger in to him. The blonde arched his back and opened his eyes, watching Steve, biting his lip, gasping in air when he began thrusting harder and rougher, stretching him in preparation. He'd missed that eye contact, the things spoken silently in the air between them.
Then Steve pulled his fingers out, hooked his hands underneath Danny's thighs and lifted them so they were against the blonde's chest, ass up in the air, and positioned himself at his entrance, reaching for the bottle to drizzle more lube onto his cock. And he froze in place, savouring the moment he'd been waiting for for a year now.
Danny whimpered and wriggled a little, and Steve gripped his thighs tighter to hold him still, wanting to take his time and ignore his own impatience as well as the detective's. He leaned down, hands going to the bed and steadying his biceps in the crooks of Danny's knees, and he kissed the other man deeply.
And then he was pushing forward and down, into his lover, fast enough to draw a longing moan from both of them which broke their kiss apart, but slow enough to avoid the pain that might ruin it for Danny.
"Oh fuck, Steve!" The Jersey man's hands moved to the brunette's shoulders, and the Steve took a moment to grab each wrist in turn and hold his arms down to the mattress by his sides, before driving deeper into his lover, filling him up inch after inch with his throbbing cock. The slow glide was torturous and delicious at the same time, and when he was finally completely buried inside Danny, Steve couldn't help but release a groan of raw passion.
The brunette pressed his forehead into Danny's chest, and the cop allowed himself to adjust to having the man back inside him. The stretch was uncomfortable, but that was quickly easing as he relaxed, being replaced by the exquisite feeling of profound completion that only this man seemed to be able to give him.
He'd been akin to a monk while Steve was still in prison, having only his own hands and the odd sex toy for company, but none of that could possibly compare to this. He needed this man more than life itself.
His lover was huffing heavy breaths against his skin, centering himself, before he finally lifted his head to make eye contact with Danny. The blonde nodded and bit his lip, communicating that he was ready for Steve to move.
He slid almost all the way out of him, leaving just the head of his cock inside, and again he paused. The heat in those steel blue eyes was mesmerising.
"God, Danny, I..." he couldn't quite put it into words, didn't know what to say, or even if he could say it.
"I know, babe," the blonde held his gaze intensely, his voice breathy but soft, "I know."
Unable to cope with what was being unsaid, Steve screwed his eyes shut and braced his shoulders, before thrusting back into the man below him. Danny gasped out and flexed his hands under the taller man's grip, fisting the bedding. They both cried out wordlessly, the feel of one another so powerful after such a long time apart, and the emotional connection reinvigorated, there was no way they were going to last long.
Steve plunged into his lover, finding a rhythm which brought them both to boiling point in minutes, leaving them both gasping.
Danny was shouting his name in amongst swear words and unintelligible noises, and in contrast his own exclamations were hoarse and guttural, as he gasped and moaned and nuzzled his lover's thighs.
He could feel the heat in his belly build, had to bring his lover to completion before he could allow his own, and he let go of one of Danny's arms to grasp his cock between them and pump his thick shaft in time with his thrusts.
Danny screamed his name and came hard, muscles convulsing and contracting around Steve's cock. The brunette followed him over the edge within seconds, collapsing on top of the blonde and thrusting hard into him to pulse his heat deep inside his lover.
As the detective slowly began to register reality again, he slid his now free hands around Steve's heaving back and rolled his heavy form off him, pulling him into a lazy kiss as they lay facing each other. The brunette sighed, his eyes still closed, and kissed his lover in return, stretching out his muscles and flattening himself down the length of Danny's body. They intertwined their legs and pressed their foreheads together, exhausted.
Danny woke with his tacky chest stuck to Steve's. He cringed a little at the feeling and untucked his head from under his lover's chin.
"Babe," he whispered, planting a light kiss on the gorgeously soft lips, "I'm gonna have a shower, you want one?"
Steve peeled his eyes open and blinked slowly, looking a little disorientated. It had been a long time since his showers weren't scheduled in advance, and it was an odd feeling to be able to just decide he could wash himself.
"Erm... yeah?"
Danny understood the feeling, he'd found it strange after only four weeks to adjust back to being in control of his life again, and he knew it would be magnified for the brunette after three years.
"C'mon," he slid off the bed and reached out a hand for his lover, "next stop on the tour... the en suite."
Steve grinned and let Danny lead him across the carpet to the bathroom, marvelling at the expanse of white tiles, cupboards full of products, fluffy towels and shiny chrome shower. Danny slid the door to the glass double-enclosure open and switched the shower on.
"These are yours," he gestured to a pile of toiletries on the counter top; toothbrush, washcloth, electric razor. Just the basics, but the taller man felt stunned.
"Toothpaste, shaving foam, etcetera are all in the cabinet. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, on the shelves in the shower-" the blonde continued, waving his hands around the room, not noticing that Steve's gaze hadn't left the wash kit, "-and I got you a robe too."
The brunette turned to see the detective gesturing to a soft navy blue bathrobe hanging on the back of the door, along with a red one.
He didn't know what to say, how to respond. They were things he simply hadn't thought of upon his exit from Halawa, and the kindness was so foreign to him that all he could do was nod and rub the back of his head.
"You alright, babe?" Steve realised he'd been silent for a long time now, and that Danny obviously had no clue about the rush of emotions swirling in his mind, and the tears pricking in the corners of his eyes.
"I don't... I... you got me a robe?" He eventually managed.
Danny approached him, a soft lopsided grin gracing his beautiful face. "Yeah, only the best for you..."
Steve shook his head and gathered Danny into a tight hug, burying his face into the crook of his neck. Words escaped him, and he just hoped that the Jersey man understood that actions were more his forte. He'd show him how much this all meant by proving himself to his lover.
But Danny understood already. He could feel the shaking muscles under Steve's skin, and he'd seen the tears and the unsure look in his eyes. It was all a shock for the ex-con, even something so simple as having an electric razor and a bathrobe, but the detective intended to ease him back into a real life and help him every step of the way.
He couldn't wait to show him the power shower.
Just five minutes later, Steve was moaning with pleasure as hot water pummeled his shoulders and Danny knelt at his feet with his mouth surrounding his lover's cock. His hands were on the brunette's stomach, pushing him back against the tiles, and the taller man had his fingers tangled in his blonde hair.
It had started off lazy, with sweet kisses and washing each other, and then Danny decided the man in front of him looked too heavenly with water and bubbles cascading down his tattooed skin, and he'd needed to have him right there and then. So screw his bad knee, because the way he was working the brunette, he wouldn't be down there for long anyway.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" Steve shouted as Danny deep throated him and swallowed around his cock. He hadn't had a blow job from his lover in six months, not since that guard had been kind enough to give them ten minutes alone on that visitation session and the blonde had leapt on him. He'd not even had enough time to repay him, not that Danny had asked for it, but now he was out and living with the detective, he planned to make the man's pleasure a high priority in their daily life.
The blonde moaned around his cock, and he pressed his head back against the wall and revelled in every sensation available to him, loving the man's powerful fingers digging into his abs.
Danny pushed his nose into the brown curls at the base of his lover's dick and swallowed hard again, letting his throat muscles pull the orgasm from Steve's belly. The brunette gasped as his release took him almost by surprise, letting out a long keening groan as Danny drank him down and licked him clean.
As the blonde stood, Steve grasped his wide shoulders and pushed him to the wall, biting at his earlobe as his strong hand wrapped around Danny's hard cock, massaging him.
"Oh, fuck..." The Jersey man sighed and slid his hands around the taller man's back as Steve crushed him to the wall and assailed his ear, jaw and neck with his tongue and teeth, gripping his hair and pulling his head to one side so he couldn't escape even if he tried. But there was no way he was going to try to get away from this.
It was perfect, heavenly, and the slide of the large, talented hand on his dick, combined with the fervent and concentrated attack on some of his most sensitive areas dragged him over the edge within minutes, bucking into Steve's hand and arching his back under the shower spray.
After their come down, they required a second shower, and Danny really couldn't find anything to dislike about the mutual cleaning. It was relaxing, affectionate, sensual, and involved a lot of kissing, which was fast becoming his new favourite hobby. He'd learn to live with the almost permanent crick in his neck.
They dried off and pulled on their robes, Steve luxuriating in the feel of the soft towelling material against his skin, and Danny led him back through to the living room, pointing out the spare room, family bathroom and Grace's room which led off from the hallway, and the kitchen which was open plan off the living room. Steve had barely noticed it before, but to be fair he'd been a little focused on attacking his housemate.
"I'm gonna order take out because we need to refuel. Anything you want babe, I'll get it in. Free man's choice." Danny shoved his lover down onto the sofa and collected his cell phone from his jacket pocket.
Steve thought for a moment, options spinning through his brain, before hitting on an idea and smiling. "Pizza?"
Danny's grin matched his. "Got you covered, baby."
He called up the order while Steve switched the TV on and looked blankly at the frankly massive choice on the satellite menu, before giving up and pulling some DVDs from the rack next to it. He was still finding it hard to deal with the autonomy and fullness of choice now he was free. He'd missed out on quite a few new movie releases, and wanted to catch up, so he heaped up a selection of interesting titles and chose Captain America as the first option.
Snuggling on the sofa was a new experience in itself, and for something he'd never really done with anyone before, it was surprising how natural it felt with Danny tucked under his arm, head on his shoulder. And when the pizza arrived and the cop had ordered a ham and pineapple topping for Steve despite his obvious feelings about the combination, and a pepperoni for himself, the brunette was pretty sure he'd died and gone to heaven.
He wolfed down his treat and tried to get used to the idea of being able to drink beer again. As much as he wanted to indulge, he knew he'd get drunk way too easily, so he stuck to one Longboard to chase the pizza down.
They laid around, waiting for the food to digest, and discussed Steve's job, and having the team around for a barbecue the following weekend to celebrate Steve's release and first week of work. Danny teased him, saying it would be useful to have a live-in mechanic, and he'd always enjoyed seeing Steve come back from his shifts in the prison with grease smudged on his face. Before they knew it, the combination of stodgy food, relaxing alcohol and the TV droning in the background had sent them off to sleep.
Danny woke from a pleasant dream to be met by an even more pleasant reality. He was laying on Steve, his head on the brunette's chest and his back pressed in a long line against the taller man's stomach. Steve's long legs bracketed Danny's stomach and hips, and he had reached down to untie the blonde's robe and was now massaging his cock to life. This was his favourite kind of wake up call.
He moaned and stretched his back out, simultaneously rubbing against his lover's cock under him and being rewarded with a slightly desperate sigh. A second hand joined the first under his robe and gently cupped his balls, rolling one between careful fingers.
"Good morning," Danny murmured, running his hands over Steve's knees where they poked out either side of him.
"Actually it's 2am, but either way it's good," Steve ducked his head down and nibbled around the shell of Danny's ear, making him shiver.
The blonde twisted in his lover's lap and got up onto all fours, crawling up so he could take the brunette's lips with his own. He sighed against him, and pressed their chests together, enjoying the heat of the other man while his tongue delved into his silky mouth and explored lazily.
"I want to test a theory..." Steve whispered huskily when he eventually pulled back from the kiss.
"Oh yeah?" Danny kissed his neck and started a line down to his collarbone, shifting the open robe out of the way.
"Mmmm... I once wondered that, if we ever got out of that hell hole, whether we'd be able to wake up the neighbourhood with our activities..." he gasped as Danny sucked on his erect nipple, "and I think now we can be as loud as we like..."
The detective snorted against his chest. "Mrs Snyder is ninety-two and partially deaf, I doubt we could wake her and if we did in would just be mean." He ran the flat of his tongue over the other nipple and smiled when Steve moaned quietly, but then the brunette was pushing him up off his body and dragging him through the house to the bedroom.
"Challenge accepted," he growled.
Steve slid Danny's robe off his shoulders and threw him down on the bed, shedding his own and pulling the drawer open, picking up the lube and waving the handcuffs at Danny. "And don't think I forgot about these." His grin was devilish and sent a shudder down the blonde's spine.
Then he was climbing over the detective and ravishing his throat with his teeth and tongue, shoving and tugging with his rough hands until Danny complied and moved up the bed. He felt like his whole body was a live wire; wherever Steve touched him left tingles and goosebumps as evidence, and he was touching him everywhere. Once he was where the brunette wanted him, backed up against the headboard with his head on the pillows, Steve once again dangled the handcuffs over him, allowing the cold metal to slide up his stomach and chest, letting them catch on a nipple to elicit a gasp, and leaning his face down to hover over Danny's while he scraped the cuffs against his stubbled cheek.
"Put your hands up," he whispered.
The detective licked his lips and put his hands on Steve's abs as direct disobedience, wanting to get a rise out of his lover. The taller man looked down at his roaming fingers and growled low in his chest, dark eyes flicking to his conquest's face.
"Bad boy," he whispered, low and dangerous, "If you don't behave, you won't get a treat..."
Danny bit his lip and loosened his grip, curiosity getting the better of him. "What would that be?"
"Fucking do what I tell you and you'll find out," the brunette gave him a dark look, and he shivered and complied with the man's orders, slowly raising his arms up over his head.
Steve quickly had one wrist cuffed, slipping the metal around two wooden slats in the headboard before clicking the other one into place.
"Much better," he smiled as he ducked down to kiss his lover, and Danny leaned up hungrily to kiss him, but he shied away at the last minute making him groan. Then he tweaked the blonde's nipple, drawing a hiss from him. "Don't disobey me again, or you get punished."
Danny whined and closed his eyes, not sure if that was a threat or a promise. He saw it as both...
He heard the cap of the lube bottle pop open, and he opened his eyes to watch Steve smooth the clear liquid over his fingers, while he still straddled the detective's hips. Then he reached back, watching Danny's face with hooded eyes, and slid a finger into his own ass.
"Ho. Ly. Shit." Danny breathed. He looked so gorgeous. Oh god, this was beautiful, agonising, erotic torture, watching that muscled adonis of a man prep himself and being unable to touch him, caress him, lick him. He whimpered, and he didn't care how pathetic he sounded, because Steve was closing his eyes and leaning his head back and moaning as he pushed two fingers inside himself.
Danny tried to push his hips up toward his lover, but the brunette's powerful thighs had him in a vice grip against the bed and he couldn't move. Without even looking at him, Steve reached down and trailed his fingers lightly up the line of hair on his belly to his chest.
"I told you to behave," he said quietly, and then pinched Danny's other nipple sharply enough to make him yelp. The blonde stopped wriggling and bit down on the urge to answer back, not wanting to risk losing out on where this looked like it was progressing.
He watched his lover slide a third finger into himself, the way his pecs moved as he pushed his shoulders back and arched his spine, Danny flexing his own fingers against the wooden bars which held him back from being able to touch the man above him. His cock was now painfully hard and leaking pre-come from viewing this wet dream in action, laying heavy on his stomach and twitching. He was desperate for that man, and he didn't care who knew it.
Dark hazel eyes met his again. Steve's pupils were wide with lust and he knew his own were as well. The brunette brought his lubed hand around to massage his own cock, watching the man below him carefully and biting at his lip.
"Do you want to be inside me, Danny?" His voice was hoarse and full of heat, and the detective moaned and had to close his eyes.
"Do you want me to fuck myself on your thick cock?" His fingers brushed up the blonde's shaft and Danny gasped and his eyes shot open.
Steve leaned down and licked his slick tongue across the blonde's lower lip. "Do you want me to ride you?"
He couldn't take it anymore. "Oh god... yes! Fuck, yes Steve!"
The taller man smiled slyly. "Good," he whispered. And then he was shifting forward, bringing Danny's cock to his entrance, and sinking down onto his lover in one long, smooth motion.
Danny could hear someone yelling a string of curse words in a Jersey accent. His brain told him it was coming from his own mouth, but he didn't care enough to try and control it. Steve took his whole length, until his ass cheeks were flush against Danny's hips, and even then he only paused for a moment before lifting up slightly and lowering himself back down.
The detective was gripping the bed so tight, he thought the wood might snap, and he honestly didn't care right now if he had to buy a new bed, because he was fighting the need to explode inside his lover as he glided up and down his cock with ever increasing speed. He panted hard and fast, trying to get his breathing under control and screwing his eyes shut so he could concentrate on the flood of sensations from being buried deep inside the other man's tight channel as he rode him.
Steve leaned forward to change the angle slightly, and grasped the corner of the bedside table as he rolled his hips and fucked himself on his lover. The lamp toppled off the table with a crash, but neither man really noticed it.
Then Steve suddenly raised himself up and stopped, breathing hard himself, as he slid down onto Danny again slowly. The blonde groaned at the loss of friction when he bottomed out again, but didn't buck upward like he wanted to, behaving himself. The brunette leaned down and gently kissed his lips, over his jaw, down the side of his neck and onto his shoulder, tasting his sweat and nibbling the over-sensitive skin.
"Your cock feels so good inside me, Danny," the words whispered against his ear felt like velvet, so erotic and dark, and the man's wicked tongue darting out to flick over his earlobe brought him closer with the tiny movement. Fuck, he was going to come just from Steve's filthy words if he carried on.
"You're so thick, so hot, you fill me up so well, like you're made just for me." The hot breath drifting down his neck tore a long lascivious moan from his chest. Steve tensed his muscles ever so slightly around him, but still didn't move against him.
"I want you to come for me, baby. Deep inside me. Fill me up, because I'm yours."
"Oh J-Jesus, Steve..." Danny could barely get the words out.
"God, Danny, you're so perfect, and you're all mine. Do you even understand how much I want you, need you, to scream my fucking name, sink your dick into me, take my cock inside you, night after night?"
His skin was on fire, unable to move and the heat in his belly building, twisting, dragging him to the edge.
Steve's teeth nipped his collarbone, he was teetering on the brink of ecstasy, and the bastard wasn't even doing anything to his cock anymore.
"Come for me." Those final, barely audible words, finished him off. Danny howled out as he came, waves of pure ecstasy pulsing through him as he spilled deep inside his lover, all of his muscles convulsed and he vaguely registered the sounds of splintering wood above his head. He shouted Steve's name over and over, interspersed with a few inventive swear words, as he was dragged through one of the most intense orgasms of his life, brought on with just the power of the spoken word.
Steve moaned at the feeling of Danny coming inside him, bucking up into him, and he rode his still-hard cock vigorously while his hands slid over his own throbbing dick, and he brought himself to completion seconds later. His own wordless cry tore from his chest and stole all his breath from him, and he pulsed his hot come in spurts over the heaving chest of the man below him, and his world went white.
"I'm very sorry again, Mrs Snyder," a very red-faced Danny Williams stood at his front door, wrapped tightly in his robe, trying to smooth his messy hair down as if it wasn't a completely lost cause.
In front of him were a rather concerned-looking ninety-two year old lady, and a very entertained young female HPD officer, who had been called out at 3am to what had sounded like a murder, only to discover the head of Five-0 apologising profusely to his elderly neighbour, with a pair of handcuffs still dangling from one wrist.
"As long as you're okay, dearie," the old lady gave him a knowing smile, and hobbled back to her house, and Danny looked at the officer.
"I will honest to god pay you not to tell anyone about this... that goes for your partner too, when he's recovered," They both glanced over at the uniformed man leaning up against their cruiser at the end of the path, practically coughing up a lung after his laughing fit. At least he'd had to decency to walk away first.
"Don't worry, sir," the young lady tried and failed to keep the amusement from her voice, "You've pretty much made our night, so I won't tell on you and neither will Dickson." She leaned to one side to take in the image of an overly-proud Steve, sprawled on the couch in his robe, and gave him a little wave before patting the blonde's shoulder reassuringly. Then she eyed them both and bit her lip. "Good night, gentlemen."
Danny closed the door and leaned his forehead against it, wondering if there was any chance of arranging for the ground to swallow him up.
"Shit, she was definitely hot for us," Steve muttered from the couch.
The detective turned to face him. The cocky bastard just raised an eyebrow at him.
"Are you fucking kidding me, right now?" Danny was trying so hard to be angry, the embarrassment still fresh in his mind, but as Steve grinned back at him, the smile reaching his hazel-grey eyes and crinkling the corners in a ridiculously adorable manner, he couldn't honestly find it in himself to be pissed off.
Instead he sagged against the door and burst into a manic giggle. "You're going to be the end of me, Steven... I don't know why I love you, but I do."
And then his heart stopped in his chest.
Wow. Those words had just come out of his mouth, hadn't they? He risked a glance up at Steve, who had sat up and was now staring at his own hands and looked like he was having a minor aneurysm.
He watched as the brunette rose to his feet, some unreadable emotion etching lines into his brow as he took two steps toward the kitchen and then turned back in Danny's direction, still not meeting his gaze.
"Um," Danny managed. 'How to completely ruin everything good in your life', that was going to be the title of Danny's first novel.
The taller man approached him slowly, coming to a stop just a couple of feet away. His eyes finally met Danny's sharp blue gaze.
"Say that again," he whispered.
The blonde gulped, fear tugging at his heart, but he'd promised he would always be honest with this man. "I, uh... I love you..."
Steve crushed him against the door as he closed the gap and cupped his lover's jaw, kissing him deeply and tenderly. He knew tears were winding hot tracks down his face and he didn't care. Because Danny Williams loved him. As if his actions hadn't proven it already; waiting another year for him, taking him in, getting him a real job and a robe and a fucking electric razor...
But hearing the words. That... that was something better than heaven.
He finally broke the kiss, still holding Danny's face, and pressed their foreheads together. His voice was gravelly and broken, but it didn't matter.
"I love you too."
Sunday came and went, and by the end of the weekend they had begun to understand what the phrase 'sexual exhaustion' truly meant. Danny had added lubricant to his shopping list before they ran out again, and his knee was killing him, and it was glorious.
7am on Monday morning had Steve meandering into the kitchen after his shower, dressed in some sweatpants and his open robe, while Danny dressed himself in the bedroom for work. The plan was to grab coffee and malasadas on the way to dropping Steve off at the garage, then they would meet for lunch, and after their respective shifts Steve would actually explore some of Hawaii with Danny.
He raided the fridge for orange juice, finding it mildly amusing that he'd been locked away in Halawa for three years, only to shirk his freedom for a further two days to lock himself away again with his boyfriend. He snorted, nudging the fridge door closed again. Boyfriend...
"Oh," he jumped, "Um, hi?"
A pair of huge brown eyes stared up at him from the kitchen doorway, and a moment of silence passed before both occupants of the kitchen yelled "Danno!"
Seconds later, the blonde skidded into the kitchen, mostly dressed but still bare foot with his tie half knotted and hanging loosely around his upturned shirt collar.
"Grace!" he squeaked, as his daughter ran towards him and grasped his legs, hiding behind him. "What are you doing here?" She wasn't meant to meet Steve until the barbecue at the weekend; it was supposed to be done in a nice, calm, controlled environment, not with her finding a tall half-dressed stranger in her daddy's house on a Monday morning. Thank god he was wearing pants!
"Mommy tried calling you, she had to go with Step Stan to a conference and she had to drop me off here so you could take me to school. She said you weren't answering your phone!" Her large shiny eyes gazed up at him and made him feel unbelievably guilty. His phone had been charging overnight in the front room.
He squatted down next to her. "I'm sorry baby, we'll get you dropped off at school on our way. This is my friend, Steve," he gestured to the taller man who was tying his robe tighter around him and looked suitable embarrassed. And then to his delight, Steve crouched down to Grace's height and smiled, giving her a little wave.
"Hey Gracie, I've heard a lot about you."
She recoiled a little shyly, but smiled back at him. "Danno talks about you too," she said softly.
"Oh, really?" Steve cocked his head and looked at the blonde curiously.
He shrugged his broad shoulders. He may have mentioned Steve a few times in the past couple of months… okay, more than a few times, but he'd had to discuss the situation with Rachel and acclimatise his daughter to the idea of Steve living with him. Now it was going to be interesting to see her reaction when they eventually announced it was a relationship… that was for another time, however.
"It's a father-daughter commiseration thing..." he muttered, but gave him a wink.
The brunette focussed his concentration back on the little girl with her arms now wrapped around her father's neck.
"It's really nice to meet you, Grace," he offered his hand out to her, and she moved towards him tentatively when Danny gave her a little nudge, the detective's heart constricting when his little girl took his boyfriend's hand and shook it lightly. She flushed a little when she made eye contact with the handsome man, and giggled. Apparently it was a Williams trait to have a crush on Steve.
He stood and finished putting his tie on, distracting himself before he straight out fainted. "Okay, I believe that malasadas were on the menu for breakfast this morning. Everyone get ready, we have to go as soon as possible if we're gonna have time to pick them up before school." Grace squealed at the mention of the sweet treats, and Steve rose and watched her run into the living room, gathering her back pack up.
Danny smiled at him, proud of how good he'd been with his precious daughter. That really had been his biggest fear, and now it had been put to rest.
"Everything okay, babe?"
Steve looked over at him and a grin formed on his face. "Yeah… I think we're gonna get along just fine."