
You're Only Given A Little Spark Of Madness
you mustn't lose it. - Robin Williams

Harleen Quinzel's eyes shoot open as she wakes up.

Her veins humming, her heart racing, her vision sharper. Everything seemed more alive, clearer. The sound of a child's screams fills her ears and she sits up slowly. She's in a silk, white night gown that reaches her thighs. She looks around the room with furrowed brows, and cautiously makes her way to the door. When she opens it and slowly walks down the hallway, she follows the cries to another room that holds a baby crib. She looks in it to see a crying new born baby. Her brows furrow in utter confusion, her memory blurring tremendously. She tries to remember everything that happened before she woke up, but couldn't.

Where was she? How'd she get there?

The child that lied in the crib bellow her kept whining. It wasn't very loud, but it still made her heart ache. It's pale skin and blue eyes memorized her, reminding her of someone else. When she leaned forward and got a good glimpse of the child's blue eyes in the dim lamp light, her memories flood back to her.

"Lucy," she whispers, picking the infant up. Lucyfer stops crying immediately, looking at something over Harleen's shoulder. She feels someone's presence behind her, and she almost turns around until tattooed, sickly white fingers brush over the babies head, making the child calm even further into a light sleep. Harley's eyes light up upon seeing the hand and She smiles widely.

"How do you feel?" Joker asks her, his lips brushing against her ear, making her shudder.

"Fine." She breathes softly. "What happened?" She furrows her brows and he smiles to himself, gently taking their baby from her, to lay her back in the crib.

"I have something to show you," he chuckles, kissing her temple, wrapping an arm around her waist to lead her to the joining bathroom. He places his hands over her eyes and stops when they reach the mirror in the bathroom.

His hands fall from Harley's eyes and she looks at herself.

But instead of screaming like Joker expected her to do. . .

. . .she laughed like a mad woman.


I'll start on the next book tomorrow, I'm excited about itxD

Yes, there will be a third book;) and they recommend you wait six weeks if you give "natural" birth and 8 weeks if you have a c-section before you start having sex again just to make sure everything's healed. I've had a friend who got away with only waiting 2 weeks after a c- section. So, she basically Just waited until she wasn't unbearably sore. . .i'd probably do the same thing:3 thanks for your support, your reviews always make me smile:)

Thank you! And yes I know it doesn't feel like 2 months to me either. Time flies when you're having fun, I guess:) thank you for your continued support Hun, I love you!

Thank you so much! And don't worry about it, call her whatever you want to. Some people in the story call her Vitani, some call her Hadlynn. Joker might call her Hadlynn to mock her because she views Hadlynn as her "weaker self", Jason and Barbara and Harley might call her Hadlynn because they don't want to let that caring and loving girl go - they're in denial sometimes basically. The animated series was my favorite as well because I grew up watching it - it was the first Joker and Harley I ever saw and they never get old. The new 52 isn't my favorite, I don't hate it or anything, though. I like that in the new 52, Harley doesn't coward around him as much, she has her moments but over all, they're both going at each other's throats at some point. I'm so glad my writing makes you feel that, I know I absolutely love when stories take me to a different world as well. Thanks again for your constant support, your reviews are always so sweet - I love you, and yes, I'm smiling:)

She is adorable in my mind! I think you guys will enjoy Harley as the mommy type, I'm excited to write her in that element. I always thought he did because let's be honest, he views her as a joke because of how ironic it is that she fell in love with him and became insane when she was his doctor, but who would spend that much time trying to break someone down, or manipulate them, if you didn't care at least a small amount? And he gets jealous and territorial, no their relationship isn't healthy what so ever and he doesn't care for her as much as she cares for him, but that doesn't mean he's completely numb towards her - he likes her company:) thank you for the support, it means a lot to me. I love you, I don't know you, but I love you:)

A little fuzzy at first, but she'll remember everything soon enough. You'll definitely be seeing a different side of Harley in the next book. Thanks for your reviews, you're so sweet! I love you, and if I could give you a hug, I would!

Sabrichi. C. Brus:
I can already tell you that Lucy's going to be a daddy's girl. I never knew Harley actually had a daughter in the comics named Lucy until you asked me about it, I was already thinking about naming her Lucifer, but then you told me about that and I was like "yep. this has to happen." so thank you so much for telling me that:) And yes, another book is to come. Thank you!

***Alright, so last night I was wondering why FanFiction has an MA rating on its ratings page but only goes as far as M on its stories. And after researching out of curiosity, I found that they had an MA rating option, but eliminated it back in the early 2000's, along with all the MA rated stories. Deleted people's stories without any warning. Now, the MA allowed EVERYTHING like very descriptive sexual situations and very descriptive violence and very strong explicit language (everything this book consists of) because it was only meant for adults, but to prevent children from reading such things, they got rid of that rating and the M rating only allows certain things because the rating itself is for 16+ so it shouldn't be flat out descriptive porn and "fuck this" and "fuck that" and "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck". . .oops, me and so many other authors have already violated the rules regarding the M rating. So, incase decides to do another story sweep and get rid of all the stories, like mine, that have explicit descriptive violence and explicit descriptive sexual situations and highly explicit language, I'm putting all my stories on another fan fiction site/app called Wattpad, pretty sure most of you have heard of it. So, if my stories ever get deleted (I know I'm being paranoid, I just don't know what I would do if all my hard work was deleted with no warning) you can find it on Wattpad. Same name and everything under the name donnajossee. Wicked Re-loaded and this book are now on there.

Thanks to my followers:







My Name Is Oliver Queen

Sabrichi. C. Brus.









Believe in Bowties




Sabrichi. C. Brus




Sabrichi. C. Brus




Harley Quite



Thank you to all the guests who also reviewed! Every single one of you keep me writing. It's something I love to do, and the fact that so people enjoy my writing as well makes me extremely happy. You all inspire me in the most amazing way and your support has been incredible. There will be another book, I'm trying to keep myself and others entertained until August. Once again, thank you all for being super sweet, but also not scared to voice your opinions/ask questions. I love your reviews, I love writing for you guys, and I love you guys. I literally do the two things I love; write and make people feel affected by it in someway. Thanks for being with me the past 5 months through both my stories:)