
Giddy, childlike laughter filled the air of Gotham as The Clown Prince happily carried the passed out Harleen Quinzel out of Arkham Assylum, gunshots and screams still echoing off the walls of the building. Jonny Frost, at the moment - his favorite person in the world for helping him break loose from hell - lay Hadlynn Quinzel, Harleen's younger sister, in the back of the black car as Joker lay Harleen in the back as well. Hadlynn passed out from pure terror, well - trauma, at least. She could still see her sister thrashing from the high power of the ECT, that, along with the blood loss she experienced was too much. She was out of it within a couple of minutes of the "procedure".

But, that didn't bother Joker. Not. One. Bit. He was on fucking cloud nine. He only hoped the ECT got rid of Harley's "good" side, temporarily at least while he planned on how to get her to ACE Chemical Plant without her trying to run from him or kill him. He could go now, but he wanted to see if the shock therapy even managed to help a little bit.

Once they got to his very large estate, he carried his dear Doctor in and carried her to his room. He looked down at her form lying on his bed. White doctors coat, red button up blouse, black skirt, glasses. He sighed. Nope. He wasn't dealing with this moody bitch side of Harleen anymore. Her tossed the glasses aside and wretched her hair from its pony tail, He hummed as he unbuttoned her shirt and shredded her skirt with a knife. He smiled to himself, grabbing one of his nice button downs from his closet and putting it on her, as he was about to start buttoning the shirt, he looked down at her stomach. He suddenly felt a pang of nerves.

What if he did harm their child, his heir, more than he intended to?

He forced himself to say "fuck it" and the guilt and nervousness was washed away instantly at the disregard of his own kid. That didn't stop him from tracing his tattooed fingers over the woman's tummy, gently. The thought of his own little hell raiser around the house. . . he suddenly felt happier at the thought. The kid could be a very important asset to him and his girlfriend, indeed.


He didn't know where that came from. . . but he didn't feel revolted by the thought. The last time he was really "tied down" in a relationship, he was married to his high school sweetheart. Since his whole life did a complete 360, he didn't bother with titles or relationships. He didn't care to. He had Jonny Frost. The man was loyal as a golden retriever, he never once argued with him, the second Joker needed anything Jonny would always get it. Joker even considered him a friend. Not one memory of unleashing hell didn't involve his good ole' pal Jonny boy by his side. He pursed his lips in thought. He supposed now, he'd have to make room for his dear Harley Quinn. He loved her. Well, he didn't feel love all that much - he cared for her a little, her smile and laugh was contagious. Those were two of her best assets. He could tell they were gonna have fun.

Hadlynn on the other hand. . . he wondered how long it'd take for her to find out about her family. It was obvious! Both her parents, and her sister, had fair skin and blue eyes and blonde hair. Sure, Harleen bleached hers a little lighter, but he'd done his research and in childhood photo's, her hair was still blonde, just darker.

Hadlynn had black hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. Well, one brown, one green - so basically still brown because green is still a brown eyed gene.

He thought for a moment, perhaps he could just tell her himself, but that wouldn't be fun. He smiled, stepping the bathroom to shower when the blonde stirred on his bed. He snapped his attention to her, walking slowly to the bed.

Her blue eyes snapped open and looked at him, the first thing she did was scream a blood curdling scream.