Six months later, Singer Auto Salvage June 2002

The hot sun beat down on her as she leaned into the hood of the rusted Charger, her pink tongue stuck in the corner of her mouth as she tightened down the bolts to the carburetor. With a satisfied huff, she leaned her body out of the car, grabbed the dirty rag that was lying on the frame, wiping the sweat from her face.

"You've been out here all afternoon, thought you could using something cold."

Lily turned to the voice to see the old, grizzly bear of a man walk up to her, holding a beer in his hand. He scratched the scruff on his face as he handed Lily the ice, cold beer. He leaned into the chase of the car, examining her work. "How's she coming along?"

Lily took a swig of the beer, taking a moment to savor the icy coldness. "I think I'll have her running by the weekend." She leaned up against the front of the car as Bobby Singer took over the work.

Six months had passed since Sam and Dean once again walked out of her life, and she never looked back. Jody met a man, ended up getting married to him, so Lily once again found herself living with Bobby. She didn't mind the old man, heck, she even had grown to love him, even if he was a little different. To give her something to do, Bobby gave her the job of taking phone calls from different hunters, looking up lore, and doing research. When the Winchesters called, she would just pass the phone to Bobby, go outside, find the rusted hunk of the Charger and work away until sunset. She tried to keep herself busy, because if she didn't, her thoughts would drift to Dean. She was confused at the feelings he invoked in her whenever he crossed her mind, making her feel like a silly school girl lusting after her first crush.

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She was taken out of her thoughts by the sudden bark of the old Mastiff that had been sunning itself on the porch. Bobby lifted his head out from under the hood, his hand automatically reaching for the pistol he always kept tucked in the waistband of his jeans. He looked at Lily, who had a look of concern on her face. Bobby was a hermit, not interacting with anyone from town and the five years Lily had known him, he had never once invited anyone over for dinner. So when someone showed up uninvited, it raised all sorts of alarms.

"Stay here." Bobby grabbed the dirty rag that was lying on the frame, wiping his hands as he walked through the maze of cars, all in different stages of disrepair.

Lily let out a sigh as she leaned back under the car, trying to finish the job she had started. As she worked, the hot sun beat down on her back and she promised herself that after this was done, she would head on down the creek and take a nice swim. But the through of that cool creek water, also brought back a flood of memories of her and Sam sneaking down to the water, skinny dipping and having sex on the banks. Lily angrily shook the images from her head and went back to working on the car.

She had the radio cranked up that she didn't hear the crunch of boots on the gravel, or sense the person standing behind her, watching her.

He stood there, among the countless rows of cars, to see her bent inside the hood of the old car. The first thing that he noticed, was that tight ass of hers, crammed into a pair of faded denim jeans that clung to her like a second skin. She had on a white tank top that had slid up her back, showing him a tan strip of skin. He wanted so badly to walk up behind her, feel that ass pressed up against him. Six very long months he had fantasized about her and no matter how many girls he had been with, she had always been on his mind.

"Bobby said you're almost done with her."

Lily jumped as she heard the gruff voice behind her, hitting her head on top of the hood. "Son of bitch," She muttered as she rubbed her head. She straightened her body out of the frame, facing the owner of the voice, shocked to see him.


Dean did a quick sweep of her body with his eyes, very pleased with what he was seeing before him. In the six months since he had last seen her, she had changed. Her body was more muscular, but still slim. The tank top she was wearing strained against a pair of very large breasts that his hands ached to touch. He cleared his throat as he realized she was still looking at him.

"Sorry, I..uh..thought you heard me."

Lily shut the radio off, wiped the grease off her hands. She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, leaving behind a grease smear on her right cheek. 'What you guys doing here?"

"It's uh...just me..." Dean shifted on his feet, turned his head to look back towards the house, then back at Lily. She was studying him, her blue -green eyes wide with worry. "We need to talk...about Sam."

Lily swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling the fear rise. Being around Bobby, she knew the risks of being a hunter. She was there to take the calls when a hunter lost his life to the monster he had been hunting. But to have it happen to one of the Winchesters, was something she didn't think would ever happen. She knew how good they were, especially John. She was still afraid of the patriarch of the Winchesters, feeling his suspicions towards her. She knew he thought of her as a monster and was thankful she didn't have to deal with him very much.

"W...what about Sam?"

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Dean turned his head from the the car to see the concerned look on Lily's face, cursing himself for making her worry like that. He had the sudden urge to just take her into his arms, hold her, tell her that everything was going to be okay, and shield her from the evils of the world. Deep in his soul, Dean knew he couldn't do that, but he'd go to the ends of the earth to at least try.

"Why don't we take a little drive." He gestured with his head to where the Impala was parked in front of the sagging, two-story house.

Lily felt numb as all she could do was nod, watching Dean walk to where the classic car was parked. She turned to the Charger, leaned into the open passenger window, opened the glove box, and extracted a baggie. She quickly stuffed it in the pocket of her jeans, knowing she was going to need it with her talk with Dean. She was quiet as she slid into the passenger seat of the Impala, trying to ignore the smell that was purely Dean.

"I, uh, got us some hard stuff." His deep, husky voice vibrated in the close quarters of the car as he slid into the driver's side. Lily turned her head to see him holding up his famous silver flask, which she knew was always filled with his favorite drink.

She folded her arms across her chest as Dean brought the powerful car to life, not saying a word as he pulled out of the yard, the muscle car flying down the gravel road. Rocks pinged under the chaise as Dean urged the car on down the road, Lily not questioning where they were going. Instead, her mind was on what news Dean had to tell her about Sam. She was pretty certain that if he was dead, Dean wouldn't keep her guessing like this, that would just be too cruel.

Lily was taken out of her thoughts when she felt the car come to a stop, noticing her surroundings. Dean had taken her to the spot they had come to so many months before, the place where he taught her how to shoot. A mix of feelings overcame her as he opened the car door, shutting it behind him. She sat there for a moment, wondering if she should join him or not. She watched from inside of the car as he positioned himself up against the grill of the car, sipping on the silver flask. The metal gleamed off the moonlight as he brought it up to his lips, taking a huge sip.

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He didn't move as Lily slowly took her place next to him, keeping his gaze on the huge oak tree that was in front of them. Lily reached into her pocket, took out the baggie that she had brought, reached into the plastic, and selected a white rolled up-joint. She flicked her lighter, placed the joint to her lips and inhaled deeply. She turned her head to see that Dean was studying her, a curious look on his face.

She slowly let out the smoke, handing the lit joint to him. "Want some?"

Dean shook his head as he took another long sip of the flask. "I'm a booze kinda man."

Lily shrugged, took another hit off the joint, then threw it on the ground, squishing it with her boot. "So, what's the deal bringing me all the way out here Dean? What the hell happened with Sam?" She felt the buzz overtake her body, feeling the courage surge through her body. She closed her eyes, feeling her head becoming light headed.

Dean took a moment to choose his words carefully as he locked his gaze on the tree in front of him. It was a distraction, giving him something to look at other than the beautiful girl that was standing next to him. He could almost feel the warmth of her radiate to him, her smell wrapping around him like a lavender scented cloud.

Lily watched him out of the corner of her eye as he lifted the bottle to his lips again, noticing how damn sexy Dean Winchester made drinkng a simple bottle of beer look. She watched as his tongue snaked out to collect the alchohol from his lips, wondering how that tongue would feel on her. She was glad it was dark so he couldn't see her shiver at that mere thought.

"When...uh...Dad came to get us six months ago," Dean paused as he looked at the glass bottle in his hands, his thumb moving along the label. "He and Sam got in this huge argument."

"About what?" Lily felt coldness settle in the pit of her stomach as she knew the answer to that question. She hated to think that they fought over her, that Sam wanted to choose her instead of the hunting life.

"Sam wanted out of the business." Dean huffed out as he took another long pull of the bottle. Once that was empty, he took the flask from the hood of the car, unscrewed the cap and took another sip. He turned his head to see Lily focused on him, so he handed her the flask.

"That must have pissed your dad off." Lily took a sip of the flask, grimacing at the burn in her throat as she swallowed it.

Having known the brothers for several years now, she knew how devoted John Winchester was to the business, expecting his sons to follow in his footsteps. Dean was the one to conform to his fathers rules, but Sam, well, he was different. He was the one who had gone to school and found out what a normal life would be like. Countless hours she had spent in Sam's arms as they hashed out plans to just run away from this life. Start a new one somewhere far away. Hurt sliced through her as she realized Sam moved on with his life, without her.

Dean let out a sigh as he raked his hands through his short hair, making it stick up in the front. "Pissed was an understatement. Dad was on a job and he made me stay with Sam, watch him, made sure he didn't bolt. I, uh, had fallen asleep one night, and I, uh woke up to Dad screaming at me to wake up." Dean paused a moment as he felt his throat constrict with his emotions on the memory of that night. He wasn't the one to show any kind of emotion, but something about Lily was different. He knew she would stand there and listen, never judge. It felt good to have someone like that around him. Sometimes he needed to get something off his chest without people looking at him like he was weak. "Sam had left."

"Dean," Lily reached her hand between the empty space, placing a hand on his arm. For the first time since she knew Dean, he didn't flinch from her touch. "It wasn't your fault, you realize that right?"

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Dean snorted as he took the flask from Lily, taking a long pull. "Like hell it wasn't. Dad put me in charge of him Lily, he expected me to follow his orders and when I didn't..." He pursed his lips together as he felt the sting of unshed tears burn his eyes. He took a hand and angrily wiped them away, hoping Lily didn't see. He didn't want her to see him so vulnerable like this, but the memory of that night, brought him into a sea of depression that he didn't think he'd ever get out of. He turned his head away from Lily as he stared at the tree in front of them. "For two hours straight, I got the wraith of John Winchester."

"Dean," She tightened her grip on his arms, forcing him to look at her. She could see the sadness in his eyes as he gazed at her. He swallowed thickly as she reached up with her hand to wipe a tear that had collected on his cheek. "It wasn't your fault." She would keep repeating that until he believed it.

She kept her hand on his cheek, feeling the stubble underneath her palm. Dean reached up, placing his hand on hers, and she thought he was going to take it away, but instead, his thumb caressed the back of her hand, his calloused thumb feeling so good on her skin. With a shaky breath, Dean leaned forward to where his nose was just an inch from hers.

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His full lips lightly grazed hers, a light moan escaping them. Lily let out a sigh as he opened his mouth, his tongue snaking out into her mouth, kissing her with such fever it left her breathless. Her hand ran up to his hard chest, feeling the hard bulge of his muscles quiver as she touched him, her mouth surrendering to his. He angled his body to where he was facing hers, backing her into the grill of the car. His hard thigh slid in between his, feeling a tingle as it brushed against her heated core. When his hand ran up along her arm, brushing the side of her breast, he broke the kiss. He looked at her, her kiss swollen lips, wet from his kiss were half-open, her eyes were closed, the dark lashes a fan against her ivory colored skin, her cheeks were flushed. Damn, did she look so freakin sexy. Then, a punch in the heart, he realized he couldn't do this to his brother, no matter how pissed Sam might have been at him.

A few seconds passed before Lily realized that Dean was no longer kissing her. When his lips had touched hers, a shock ran through her body, sending a shiver of pleasure coursing through her. Her eyes fluttered open to see him staring at her, his full lips swollen from their heated kiss just a few seconds ago.

"I'm sorry." Dean let out a shaky breath as he pulled back from her. "I..I shouldn't have done that."

"Dean," Lily began but was cut off when Dean raised up his hand.

"I came to get you so we can go talk some sense into Sam." Dean screwed the cap back on the flask, stashing it into the inside pocket of his jacket. "Not take advantage of you."

Lily put a hand on her small hip, angled her head and looked up at him. "Hey, I kissed you back too, ya know."

Dean ignored her as he walked to the driver's side door, yanked it open and looked over at her. "I'm gonna take you to Bobby's. Pack a bag, I'm taking you with me because I know more than anyone, you can get Sam to come home."