Her breathing was slow, deep, and the covers rose with her as she slept. Gray watched her from across the room, his own sleep elusive. Her back was to him, bare except for the thin strip of cloth she called her pajamas gracing her lush skin.

He had been sorely tempted to wake her up again, to make her remember she was his, both in body and in heart. But he wore her out enough already, so for now all he did was slide is arm around her, pulling her close to him. She murmured softly and snuggled closer, and he kissed her ear as she fell still again. Snow was falling silently outside, and a dying fire sputtered its last breaths in the stone fireplace further in the room.

Juvia's hair spilled like liquid sapphires over her shoulders, and he buried his face in it, breathing in the scent of jasmine and ocean water, a whiff of the sea in her very essence.

"She's hot."

Gray rolled his eyes as the shade of his father shimmered into view, sitting on the chair next to the bed. "Pops, I'm trying to sleep here."

"Mm, or just trying to keep yourself from jumping her, it seems." Silver crossed his legs and smirked as his son just shook his head, the black bangs dancing. "We're MARRIED, for Mavis' sake."

"I know. I was just like this when Mika and I were wed. Man, you should thank the higher powers for that, or you wouldn't be here."

Gray snorted. Silver smiled and rested his chin in his hands. "Hey. You could be a father someday too. Don't pretend it won't happen."

"I'm not." Gray turned over, staring at the ceiling thoughtfully. "It's just that the thought of having a child kind of…I dunno, makes me think more, I guess."

"What does?" Silver asked. "The thought of making one?"

"No. Sheesh, get your mind out of the gutter." Gray glared at his father, and Silver just put on an innocent face. "I know what you mean, kiddo. Your mother and I talked about it when we found out she was pregnant with you."

"What did you talk about?" Gray was suddenly curious. He could barely remember his mother, and the thought of her talking about him sent a tingle up his spine. From what, he didn't know.

"Nothing too profound. We discussed your name, guessing at what you would look like, and what we wanted to raise you to be. Things like that. Honestly, we could never have predicted that you would become a Wizard."

"Do you think…" Here Gray hesitated. "That Mother would've been proud of how I turned out?"

Silver looked at his son thoughtfully. Gray's eyes were dark but proud, his hair falling in bangs over them, masking the sparkle of life that shone in them. His chiseled body told volumes of the hours he put into physical training, as well as Magical training. And most prominent of all, his Fairy Tail guild mark stood out on his breast, testifying to the world that he belonged to one of the most powerful guild in the kingdom.

"I think she would've been more than satisfied with what you became, son." Silver finally said, his voice warm. "I know I am."

"Aw, thanks, Pops." Gray smirked in return, ruining any sort of warm and fuzzy feeling going on. "Gee, thanks for interrupting the moment there, boy." Silver huffed. The two men laughed together a bit before falling back silent again.

"You take care of yourself, kid." Silver finally commented. Gray raised an eyebrow. "You too, Father."

As Silver slowly faded from view, Juvia made a soft noise and turned over a bit. "Gray-sama…?"She murmured sleepily. "Shh." Gray stroked her hair as she snuggled closer to him. "Just go back to sleep."

"Juvia heard voices."

"It's nothing. I'll tell you in the morning, 'kay love?"


"Good night to you too."

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