
Written as part of an assignment for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Challenges & Assignments)

Task: Write about someone who cannot see their own beauty, be it inner beauty or outer beauty.

Extra Prompt: Mirror

Hopscotch: wax (word), case (word), flying (action), Marlene Mckinnon (Character)

What Does He See In Me?

"Look at me though, I mean really, what does he see in me?" Marlene asked as she turned in front of oak framed mirror. "Flat hair, fat thighs, wax-like skin, and have you seen how fat I am? I must have put on at least two stones in the last few weeks with all the stress eating I've been doing."

Marlene turned around on the spot to look for any more of her many noticeable imperfections.

"Sirius Black could have any girl in the school, so why me?" the self conscious girl whispered. "Look at me Lils, I'm ugly."

"In case you hadn't realised Marlene you are the most gorgeous girl in this school, both inside and out," Lily sighed, placing down the book that she had been enjoying to give her best friend her full attention. "The only boy that's not falling over themselves to impress you is Potter, and heaven knows I wish you could take that moronic imbecile off my hands."

The worried Gryffidor's eyes never left the mirror as she let out a laugh at her best friends words.

Lily Evans may have had the rest of the school convinced where James was concerned, but she wasn't fooling her.

Marlene picked up the nearest cushion and threw it over her head at her best friend. "Lils, you're going to have to try harder than that if you want me to believe you don't fancy the pants off him."

"Seriously Marlene, that's what you took from what I said," Lily exclaimed, noticing that Marlene was grasping at the non-existent fat on her stomach. "That I'm head over heels in love with Potter and want to have his babies."

"Well aren't you?" Marlene snorted. "Wait you want to have his babies?"

"That's not the point Marlene and you know it. Put your shoes on, we're going for a walk," Lily told her with a look that simply said 'don't even think about arguing.'

10 Minutes Later

Ten minutes later found the two Gryffindor's strolling arm in arm towards the Quidditch Pitch, where several of the other girls in their year were flying around on their broomsticks and playing a friendly game of Quidditch.

"Lils I really don't see how this is going to help," Marlene said, making to turn around on the spot and head back to the dorm room

Lily raised her right hand into the air and called out to the group of girls who sped to the ground and landed gracefully at their side.

"Girls, will you please tell Marlene there is nothing wrong with the way she looks because she won't listen to me," Lily requested, thrusting her into the middle of the circle they had formed to give her a much needed confidence boost.


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