*I couldn't find enough drama KotoUmi fanfics to satisfy myself so I decided to write my own. This is set 4 years after the LL movie. I'm not sure yet whether this will be a one-shot or a series but I suppose I'll see if anyone is interested in reading more first. This is my first story so reviews are welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Kotori's amber orbs were shimmering. Her smile was stunning. Her laugh made butterflies dance in Umi's stomach.

'If only she was like that when talking to me,' Umi thought to herself as a small sigh escaped her delicate lips. Her eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the ashen-haired woman sitting across from her as she talked animatedly to their childhood best friend, Honoka. The bluenette had her left elbow propped up on the table; resting her face on her palm as the other hand lazily twirled a straw through her drink. Her gaze lingering on Kotori's pink lips before sliding down to look at the creamy skin of her neck and partially exposed chest.

'The time apart after starting college did nothing to dampen my feelings for Kotori,' she thought idly, polishing off yet another drink. 'I feel more like a pervert than anything.'

Being in college meant all of the former Muse members had packed schedules, making it hard for them to spend time together like they did in high school. But for the first time in a few months, all of them were free and they eagerly decided to reunite and catch up with one another. And since they were now all of drinking age, Nozomi suggested meeting up at a trendy bar downtown.

Umi found herself seated with Maki and Nico to her left, and Eli and Nozomi to her right. Directly in front of her was Kotori, with Honoka to her right, and Hanayo and Rin to her left. At first, Umi was ecstatic to see Kotori after more than a month and a half of being apart. The two had barely even texted each other anymore. Needless to say, Umi was craving her attention. But watching the object of her affection act like a school girl in love made part of Umi wish she had declined the invitation. Made her wish she were somewhere- anywhere else.

Aside from greeting each other at the beginning of the night, the bluenette and ashen-haired woman had hardly spoken a word to one another. Instead, Kotori was focusing most of her attention on the ginger-haired woman beside her. She could never be mad or bitter at childhood friends, though. It wasn't anyone's fault that Kotori loved Honoka instead of her. Umi could never even properly confess to the woman she has always loved in fear of ruining their friendship. The only person she could blame was herself.

Umi had preferred to remain quiet throughout the night - save for some small conversations with Maki or Eli- as she watched the woman in front of her and knocked back a few more drinks than she was used to. She never noticed the concerned glances of Maki and Eli as she continued to focus on her beloved.

Feeling how flushed her face was, Umi decided to order a glass of water instead of another alcoholic drink. She still had to make it back to her apartment in one piece, after all. She gave the waiter a nod of appreciation as he set the glass in front of her and with another sigh, took a long drink in an attempt to sober up.

"Ahh everyone!" Honoka's unexpected exclamation startled Umi, causing her choke on her water. Everyone now had their attention on the pair, confused expressions on their faces.

"W-what is it, Honoka?" Umi questioned, slightly breathless from her coughing fit. She felt Eli pat her back comfortingly as she lifted her head to look at the excited ginger who was looking at her phone.

The woman was fidgeting in her seat, seemingly trying to calm herself despite how excited she clearly was. "Hehe I didn't want to tell you guys until stuff was actually happening... but Tsubasa-chan and I are going out now!" she happily declared.

Umi's head immediately snapped to Kotori who was now looking wide-eyed at the table in front of her. 'Kotori...'

"We've been in contact ever since high school and we hangout whenever she isn't busy with A-RISE. After spending all of that time getting to know each other it was impossible not to fall for her" she scratched the back of her neck with an embarrassed laugh.

She didn't even hear the last part of what Honoka had said, gazing worriedly at the woman in front of her. Everyone but Kotori and Umi offered her their congratulations but spared some concerned glances at the two. The trio of childhood best friends may have been oblivious to each other's feelings, but the rest of the group certainly wasn't. Umi just continued to watch as Kotori sunk further into her seat.

"I hope you guys don't mind but she just texted me saying that she's back into town so I'm going to go meet her! Sorry Umi-chan, I'm in a hurry so can you pay for my drinks? I'll pay you back! Bye everyone!" she shouted as she ran out of the bar. Umi didn't even acknowledge Honoka's departure.

After a few tense moments of silence between the remaining women, Umi hesitantly called out to her beloved "...K-Kotori?"

The amber orbed woman seemed to have been snapped out of her trance at the sound of her name. She looked up with a strained smile, tear-filled eyes meeting Umi's. Seeing the one she loved looked so dejected made her heart constrict painfully. "Ah... I-I just need to use restroom. Excuse me..." Kotori muttered quietly as she got up from the table. Umi was quick to follow her, nearly knocking her seat over in her haste.

Maki and Eli sighed as the rest of the women watched them go. "Umi has been miserable all night," Eli commented. "She never drinks that much."

"Who can blame her?" Maki responded with a bland expression as she reached over to straighten Umi's seat. "She's been watching Kotori fawn over Honoka the entire time."

"I-I just hope Kotori-chan will be fine..." Hanayo added in.

"Yeah..." the rest of the group added in.

Umi caught up to Kotori, softly placing her right hand on Kotori's left shoulder as they stood in the narrow hallway where the restrooms were located. Small sniffles could be heard from Kotori but she continued to face her back to her blue-haired friend.

"Kotori... a-are you okay?" But Umi already knew the answer to that. 'Of course she isn't okay... stupid Umi' she thought glumly.

The woman in front of her turned around slowly, tear stained cheeks coming into view. "Haha... sorry you have to see me like this Umi-chan. I know that Honoka-chan has only seen me as a friend... but I still-" Kotori paused for a moment. "It's pathetic, right?"

Umi's heart sank at Kotori's words. She firmly gripped the other's shoulders, making sure Kotori's met Umi's determined eyes. "No! I-it's not pathetic... you could never be pathetic, Kotori. You're absolutely amazing!" the bluenette all but shouted.

Kotori simply blinked in surprise from the outburst of her normally composed friend. Umi immediately ducked her head to stare at the ground between them, still holding Kotori's shoulders.

'Great! Just great. She was crying and now I've just yelled at her! I'm such an idiot. I'm-'

But her thoughts were cutoff by a soft giggle. Umi slowly picked her head up with a questioning look. Kotori was wearing a gentle smile and was gazing warmly at Umi.

"Thank you... Umi-chan. I already feel a lot better." Despite saying that, Kotori let out a small sigh and turned her eyes away from the other woman. "I never could gather the courage to confess to Honoka-chan so I suppose I only have myself to blame."

'I suppose we're the same in that aspect'

"What was that, Umi-chan?" Kotori asked, tilting her head to the side.

The bluenette blushed furiously 'Did I just say that out loud?'

Kotori was wearing an amused and slightly mischievous expression now. "Oh my, does Umi-chan have a crush on someone?"

Umi's face turned a few shades darker and her heart was beating so loudly that it was drowning out everything but the woman in front of her. 'Should I finally confess?'

"A-ah... I u-um..."

Kotori giggled again. "Ah if only I could fall in love with someone like Umi-chan."

Umi's heart sank. '...if only, huh?'

Kotori's expression turned somber again, a forced smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Then maybe I wouldn't get my heart broken like this. But... I've never been able get over Honoka-chan" she sighed.

The blush from Umi's face had faded, Kotori's words effectively sobering her up. 'Yes... if only.' She straightened herself and let her hands fall from the ashen-haired woman's shoulders.

"I understand how you feel," she said almost too quietly to hear before sending her friend a gut-wrenchingly sad smile "but anyone would be lucky to have you, Kotori. Please never think otherwise, okay? While Honoka certainly can't help how she feels... she's still missing out," she finished.

Kotori could do nothing but look at the woman in front of her 'Why does she look like she's in pain?' she asked herself.


But she was cut off as Umi quickly spun around so that they were no longer facing each other. "If you're feeling better, shall we head back?"

"Y-yeah..." Kotori answered. She started to follow her blue-haired friend back to the table. 'What was that expression...?'

But before she could ponder further, the rest of their friends came into view. Nico saw them and shot the pair an impatient look. She was obviously intoxicated.

"Geez what took you guys so long?" she drawled. "I finished your drink and Honoka's drink" Nico said, aiming the last part at Kotori.

Maki just pinched the bridge of her nose, dreading having to take care of a drunken Nico.

"Sorry," Umi answered "I drank a bit too much so Kotori was assisting me." Umi calmly retook her seat, not looking up to meet Kotori's curious eyes.

The rest of the night continued fairly normally- Umi even participated in conversations more and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. But Kotori couldn't help but notice that the smile never seemed to reach Umi's eyes.

"Well," Maki said as she was getting up from her seat "it's getting pretty late so the two of us are going to head home now." She placed a hand on Nico's shoulder, urging the intoxicated woman to get up.

"Ahaha such a kid. Nicocchi still can't hold her liquor" Nozomi chuckled.

"Nico-chan is so drunk nya!" Rin exclaimed.

Eli clapped once to draw everyone's attention. "Perhaps it's time to call it a night?" She asked, ever the voice of reason.

"I think that's a good idea, Eli-chan" Kotori added in "It is getting pretty late."

After making sure the bill was taken care of everyone was saying their goodbyes and promising to see each other soon. Maki and Nico were the first to make their exit as Maki half carried the smaller woman outside.

Umi chuckled lightly as she watched the pair go. The rest of the group was chatting idly so she made her way to the door. She stepped outside and was greeted by the refreshing evening air. 'It's as nice a night to walk as any' Umi thought as she began heading in the direction of her apartment.

But a few short steps later she was stopped by a gentle hand on her arm. She turned toward it and was greeted by the lovely amber eyes she adored so much. 'Kotori.'

"Shall we head home together, Umi-chan? I'll call a taxi for us!" offered happily, smiling at the other woman.

Umi did her best to return the smile "S-sure..."

Kotori finished calling the taxi service and the two waited shoulder-to-shoulder in silence. Umi seemed to be lost in her thoughts and Kotori was sending her uneasy glances.

"I meant what I said to you earlier" Umi said suddenly, still facing forward.

"...e-earlier?" Kotori asked, caught off guard by Umi's statement.

The bluenette turned towards her with a serious expression. But despite how serious she looked, her voice was tender and full of affection for the other woman. "It's everyone else who is missing out. The next person who you end up falling for will be the luckiest person in the world, Kotori." She wanted to respond but Umi quickly faced forward again. She was clearly lost in her thoughts again so Kotori was hesitant to initiate conversation.

After a silent ride they finally reached Kotori's apartment. Umi asked the driver to wait for her as she climbed out of the car. She offered a hand to Kotori and helped the woman out and onto the curb. Kotori mumbled a "thank you" and Umi just gave her a polite nod. The walk to Kotori's front door was quiet yet again and Kotori was panicking. 'What's going on in Umi-chan's head?' she kept asking herself.

But Umi looked as calm and composed as ever. She simply gave Kotori a questioning look when the other woman seemed to be hesitant about going inside. "Kotori, the taxi is still waiting..." she stated.

"A-ah! Right... um... I'll call you tomorrow, okay? Thanks for walking me to my door." Kotori was concerned for her friend but they would talk about this another time. She didn't even know what she wanted to ask the bluenette in the first place and the taxi was still waiting.

Umi smiled at her friend "Yeah that sounds good. Good night, Kotori." She turned and walked gracefully back to the waiting car. She gave a final wave as she entered the taxi, signaling Kotori to go inside. After Kotori reluctantly did so, Umi let loose and long, deep sigh and leaned her head against the window.

'I'm strict but Honoka is laidback. I'm disciplined but Honoka is spontaneous. If only I was more like Honoka. Perhaps then Kotori would look my way... But I can't be anyone other than myself. All I can be is the straight-edged best friend... the one who will comfort Kotori when she needs it.'