The search for true happiness is a deceiving journey. As Emma travels to the underworld with Regina and Rumple she has to uncover her real motivations for trying to be a savior again and she must discover what truly lies in her heart. Story picks up after winter finale when leaving for the underworld. This is my version of how I wish the story would play out. SwanQueen is endgame. Story will progress to M rating.

Hi guys! So I feel somewhat disappointed with the direction the winter finale storyline is headed towards. I've been debating for some time now whether or not I would write what I think should happen. Thus, here is a little snip bit of where I would love to see the story go. It is ultimately a SwanQueen pairing and if I continue to write this it will be a slow burn. I will keep canon at the beginning because I am basically just writing my idea of how I wish the story would continue. These first chapters will likely be rated T but future chapters will definitely jump to rating M. Let me know if you guys think I should continue writing this? If you love it or hate it? Reviews, comments, and pm's are always welcome and greatly appreciated. If you guys like it and wish me to continue with my kooky idea I will probably have a beta to make sure I don't make a thousand mistakes.

Disclaimer: The characters of Once Upon a Time unfortunately do not belong to me nor do I have any legal affiliation to the show. I am simply borrowing these awesome characters to create a fictional story for entertainment purposes only. Thank you!

The Quest for True Happiness


Emma Speaks:

For a second I sensed magic. It always begins the same. I feel it pulse in my gut like a scratching rat, the same way I feel a lie. It then takes over all of me, directly springing from my solar plexus out towards my extremities; descending all at once through my spine as if crawling through my veins until it pools at the tips of my fingers where I can feel a spark. A crack that begs for release like a firecracker being held back from the sky. I felt magic for a second. I involuntarily squinted my eyes and felt my body tense as I braced myself for the rage of the wind. I heard the violent howl and the sound of bodies hitting the ground. I half opened my eyes wondering why I was still standing in the lake looking into the fog. Selfishly taking a sigh of relief for as many times as I've been thrown by magic, I will never get used to being hauled through the air like a rag doll.

My father is trying to stand while simultaneously helping my mother. Robin Hood and Henry are down by the shore looking disoriented. The only people standing are Regina, myself and Rumplestiltskin. Regina immediately runs to Henry. The only emotion I am capable of feeling lately is anger. I'm not even trying to control it.

"What happened?" I direct said anger at Gold.

"I'm not sure. It seems only those who possess magic are granted access."

"Well then do something!"

"I cant." Gold fires back at me.

I don't believe him. I will never believe him ever again. Lie detector or not I know what it is to be the dark one. I was him yesterday. That intoxicating feeling that you can do whatever, whenever, and however with whomever you want in order to achieve your endgame is riveting and because you know you are the dark one, justifying. It was a constant scheming and manipulation to get what you want; never having to explain yourself to anyone because you are the great and mighty. No one calls the shots but you. Who could possibly stop you? There is no confession to be had, for no one will ever imagine what runs through your mind. None will ever have to know what you know. You can do anything with anyone at anytime practically anywhere and any which way you choose and it dies with you, if that is what pleases you. The thoughts that raged through me every minute of everyday would drive a normal person insane. Undoubtedly would destroy me now. But... I remember. I can still taste the power. This force albeit evil, made me feel like a god. Gold has felt like a god for who knows how many decades. If there is one thing I have learned, never trust a demi-god.

"What's your game Gold?" I see red; I begin to charge him.

He offers that sneaky smug smile of his, "I have no game dearie. But the boat is almost here and I can promise you death waits for no one."

"Emma!" My mother grabs my arms turning me to look at her. She has tears in her eyes and I see so much pain. "Go Emma. Save him. If this is who you want its alright."

She lets her tears freely fall as she pulls me into a crushing embrace. I feel my father wrap his strong arms around both of us. My mother whispers so only he and I can hear her, "Just come back to me."

My eyes are now stinging with unshed tears I am trying to control. It seems only when I'm about to die or turn to darkness that I can find it within myself to say how I feel. "I love you, both."

I turn my attention to Henry realizing Regina is having words with him.

"But I can help you guys. I am the author."

"Who turned in his pen." I interrupt. "And for a good reason."

"But Ma!"

"Henry I'm running out of time. I would love nothing more than to have you by my side but its just not possible." Inwardly, I rejoice that Henry will be in Storybrooke and hopefully out of harms way.

"Besides, I feel much better knowing my son is amongst the living and not in the underworld with us." Regina half smiles at him trying to make him feel better.

He turns back to her, "But when we went to the Enchanted Forest..."

She interrupts him, "You were my hero! Without you we would have all been lost. That's why I'm leaving you in charge of the town." She locks eyes with Mary Margaret who gives her a look of understanding. "Henry you have seen me run this place since you were born. Help your grandparents. Keep this place sane for me. Can you do that?"

He jumps in Regina's arms, "Yes mom. Take care of each other." He looks at me when he says this.

"Thank you for understanding kid." I quickly embrace him as I see Regina and Robin exchange a strange look. He looks down with his hands in his pockets and tells us to, "Stay safe."

Gold is waiting on half route to the boat as Regina and I start to make our way.

"Regina you don't have to do this."

"I know." She gives me her signature look that says 'don't question me any further' as she tries to hide the kindness in her eyes. I always feel braver knowing Regina is on my team. Especially now, where we are headed, it eases my mind having her with me. I feel confident because of my trust in her. I'm not sure when I made the transformation from giving her a true chance for Henry's sake to coming to rely on her; trusting her wholeheartedly. It's ironic how Regina and I slipped into a friendship after so much animosity. We have been through so much together. We have hit so many emotional levels in our relationship; somehow always being the unyielding presence in each other's lives. The dark and the light, the right and the wrong and back again. Reversing our own circumstance and bringing the other a direct balance even when that balance required opposition. Its always been difficult for me to believe in other people. Yet here I walk with my former sworn enemy in awe at the realization that I trust her with my life. We have a unique relationship. We've never had to "save face" or pretend with one another. Perhaps it is this fine balance that has created our mutual trust. I almost smile, almost.

My father hands me his sword and looks at Regina, "Take care of each other."

We both nod our heads like obedient children and make our way into the cold lake again; walking carefully and trying not to fall as we approach the dark boat.

The fog is lifting as we tepidly approach the skiff. The closer we get the more I can smell a stench I barely recognize. The air feels colder, sharply hitting my face, and it smells of infected wound. I can make out a dark figure at the front of the rusted skiff wearing a moth eaten cloak. It appears to be holding a scythe. I can't make out eyes nor a mouth
but the stench grows stronger as we approach it. I hear Regina's breath hitch as we catch our first glimpse of who I believe may be the grim reaper.