A/N: I don't own this, but some of J.K.'s lines are in here. I've put them in italics. This isn't my first story, but the first one I've put on here.

Chapter 1 - The Sorting Hat's Choice

'Hmm,' said a small voice in his ear. 'Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh my goodness, yes – and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting ... So where shall I put you?'

Harry gripped the edges of the stool and thought, 'Not Slytherin, not Slytherin.'

'Not Slytherin, eh?' said the small voice. 'Are you sure? You could do great, you know, it's all here in your head , and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that.'

'Please, not Slytherin.' Harry thought.

'You know, this misconception that you have about Slytherin will not help you at Hogwarts. I know you don't want to be in a dark house, but Slytherin really is the only place for you.'

With a sinking feeling, Harry sat through the hat's rant.

'I'll have to stick with SLYTHERIN!"

The hall was silent as Professor McGonagall took the hat from Harry's head. He stood and made his way over to the Slytherin table. When he was almost there, McGonagall called the next name (Turpin, Lisa) and the Ravenclaw table clapped at their new addition.

Harry was sitting next to Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini when Dumbledore stood up. The voices and whispered died down as he began to speak.

'Welcome!' he said. 'Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!'

Harry was confused, to say the least, but seeing that most of the older students around him didn't seem surprised, he kept his thoughts on how sane Albus Dumbledore was or wasn't to himself.

There wasn't much talking at the Slytherin table, and Harry had a feeling that it was because of him. Across from Harry was Malfoy, and on either side of him was Crabbe and Goyle. Harry was quite uncomfortable, and slightly queasy. He had just snubbed this boy because of his bad attitude and now he had to share a room with him for the next seven years?

Just then, a ghost floated up next to Malfoy.

'Ah, the new Slytherin first years,' he said in a raspy voice.

'Hello, Baron,' said an older girl from Harry's left. 'What did you get up to this summer? Have any trouble with Peeves?'

'Hmm.' Baron then looked around at the new first years and paused when his gaze came to Harry. 'Mister Potter. Many things are changing. Not all of them are good, but many of them are. Keep your eyes, and your mind open.'

With that, Baron floated off, leaving the table of Slytherins gaping after him.

Harry Potter knew that he was going to have a difficult year ahead of him. Keeping his head down, he ate his food and followed the rest of the first years to the dungeons.

Entering the common room, Harry could see a tall man, wearing all black, standing by the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Their eyes met, and Harry could tell that not only was this man not to be messed with, it seemed that he absolutely hated him. There was something about the look in his eyes.

Keeping his face blank, just like he did with Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, Harry made sure that nothing he was thinking showed on his face.

If this man was anything like his uncle, he wouldn't appreciate any cheek.

"Hello," he said once everyone was standing in the room, and although his voice was quiet, everyone stopped talking. "Welcome to Slytherin House, whether you are new or returning. There are some rules that need to be gone over. The most important I will tell you, other than that, if you have any inquiries on what to do, ask one of the Prefects. Now, I am Professor Severus Snape. Not only am I your Head of House, but I am the resident Potions Master. You will treat me with respect or suffer the consequences."

Professor Snape's eyes bore into Harry's for the last part of the sentence, as if he knew that Harry would be trouble.

"You will not argue with each other in public. If you have a disagreement, deal with it in the Common Room. Do not parade your problems in open air. To the other Houses, we represent a unified front, and any skirmishes in the public eye will be dealt with by myself. If it happens more than once, you will suffer my... displeasure. The other Houses like to think that being in Slytherin means that you are a Dark witch or wizard. That is not so. Those of Gryffindor House are most likely to confront any of you on this matter. That being said, make sure that you always have a group of at least three if you are going to wander the halls."

Murmurs throughout the room sounded at this statement.

"Not everyone in this school is a good person, and while most think that only the most evil and vile go to Slytherin, there are those in other Houses that think that they are better than you. Some might try to harm you, and they will think that they have the right to do so. If there are any problems with this, bring it to the attention to the Prefects, and they will notify me. Notice that the groups of three are for your safety. The Prefects will tell you the rest tomorrow morning. All of you will be at breakfast, no excuses."

With that, Professor Snape stalked out of the room, his cloak billowing behind him impressively. Harry watched him leave, dread filling his heart at the thought of what he had gotten himself into.