Shego walked quietly into the bedroom; she had just gotten back from her date with Serina. She was really regretting the fact that she said YES and added her to favourites; what the fuck was she thinking?

She collapsed onto her bed sighing; she was wearing a black and green dress with heels. She kicked them off happily her face still buried in her bed.

"So how'd it go?" Drakken called casually as he walked in holding a cup of coffee. He had already figured out her mood by her angry stomps; the date had obviously been bad.

"Horrible" Shego muttered into her pillow.

"You seemed pretty keen on blondie before" Drakken said in a confused manner and placed the coffee on her bedside table.

Shego sat up slowly annoyance obvious in her face "She was cute sure; but turns out she only loves action movies with female stars and is all about female empowerment. When I mentioned I worked for you she went ape shit on our date" she explained crossly.

Drakken went quiet but connected the dots; despite being cute this girl was not what she seemed "Lemme guess feminazi?" he said sitting beside her on the bed.

"Yep" Shego sighed crossly. She had high hopes on this girl; but ultimately she was not what she wanted. The fact she called her weak and brainwashed for working as a henchwoman to an evil genius pissed her off. In the end Shego had blasted her with her plasma bolts and left her with the check.

Drakken patted her back sympathetically; he did feel bad for Shego he really did. But you had to go through some duds before you found the right one. "So you got two left right? What are these chicks like?" he asked curiously.

"Ones a blue haired bisexual part time self defence teacher with a love for anime, cartoons and role-playing..." Shego began casually taking her coffee and taking a long swig.

"She sounds fun" Drakken said hopefully. If she could fight and was interesting he wouldn't mind keeping her as a second henchwoman. Thus Shego would be happy and he would have an extra set of hands to kick Kim possible's ass.

"The other is a redhead who is a closeted bi girl; most likely her first same sex relationship. Looking for a relationship and lives in Middleton and is a high school student" Shego explained in an amused tone.

She was never going to tell Drakken she was going on a date with Kimmie; it was her precious secret and she could blackmail her for all it was worth. For the longest time she had been interested in her; but now she knew Kim liked girls.

Drakken smirked "That's the same area which Kim Possible lives" he said thoughtfully.

Shego jumped out of her skin; had he figured it out? If so he was smarter than he let on "Yeah so?" she said curiously trying not to give herself away.

"While on your date you could spy on miss possible; maybe learn a few juicy secrets" Drakken said slyly.

Shego internally sighed a breath of relief; no he was still dense as ever "Sure boss can do" she lied.

Drakken was glad he got Shego into this dating pool; it was turning out quite beneficial for the both of them. His henchwoman was getting dates and he was getting peace and quiet to work on his projects.

He then smirked casually a hint of playfulness to it; Shego didn't like the look he was giving her and slightly cowered away. "What's that look for?" she asked worriedly.

"You know what they say about redheads" He teased biting his lip and stifling a laugh. She guessed he was going to make some lame joke.

"What?" she said suspiciously still a little creeped out. Jesus ever since she came out and started dating he had been acting weird.

"They're crazy in bed" Drakken said smugly wiggling his eyebrows. Yes he had just made a dirty joke; he was possible of such things at his age.

Shego blinked then imagined a scenario of such things with Kimmie in her bedroom. A large smirk appeared on her face and her eyes became wicked. Oh the things she would do to that girl.

"I don't doubt it Dr D; I can't wait to test the theory" she said mischievously her smirk getting bigger.

Drakken smiled; he had accomplished his mission by cheering up Shego. She could now enjoy her coffee while having her own fantasies about future dates. Now she could forget her crap date earlier.

He quietly slipped out leaving Shego with her thoughts; now that she was distracted he could have peace working. That and she could make plans for both of her future dates should they go well.

A short while later

Shego stripped out of her date clothes quietly and tossed them in her wardrobe; she then pulled on a black vest and green cargo shorts. Afterwards she tied her hair into a messy bun and sat atop her bed.

She opened her laptop and gazed at her two future babes; Alice the kinky cutie and Kimmie her redheaded rival. God she hoped that there was a possibility of a threesome. She wiped the drool from her mouth as a very vivid image came to her head. She would save it for later when she was bored.

She typed a message to both girls but made sure that they were different so they would not catch on. While she was interested in both girls she was an open minded individual but a serial monogamist.

To Alice-"Hey cutie; I notice you love role playing and cosplay. Wanna have some fun with me?"

Shego smiled deviously; that would get her attention no problem. If she didn't take the bait the girl was obviously an idiot.

To Kim-"Hey Kimmie; didn't know you were into the sweeter side of the pool. Guess you really must love the bad girls" ;D

Shego bit her lip stifling a laugh; while having an intense crush on Kim she loved teasing her nonstop. It was one of her many methods of flirting; 9 times out of 10 it usually worked.

She waited for a while waiting for them to reply. She didn't know how long it would take so she started taking notes for date ideas. Eventually she got a reply from Alice.

Alice to Shego-"Do I ever; god you're so beautiful. I'd love to play maid and master with you any day"

Shego smirked...yes this Alice girl was definitely a keeper. Thank god the date crashed and burned with that crazy blonde.

Kim to Shego-"SHEGO?! What are you doing on here? Never mind! Please don't tell anyone!"

Shego stifled a laugh; Kim was just as adorable when she was messaging. She was definitely panicking but she wasn't going to back down.

Shego to Alice- "Sounds like fun baby doll; but Sensei wants an obedient pet. Are you sure you can handle being my toy?"

She guessed that this Alice girl wanted to play top; but she tended to go top first. Then she didn't mind bottoming once she had gotten her fun watching her partner.

Shego to Kim-"You know Kimmie; I've always thought you were a cutie; but I guess I'm not good enough to date little miss prim and proper"

She already knew that would piss off Kim; flirting with her while making her feel bad about backing out. After all they could be a match but she wasn't willing to find out.

As soon as she sent them 2 replies came; she was having fun with this. She was flirting and teasing both girls. Something told her the dates would be better than the last one.

Alice to Shego- "The question is can you handle me being your pet? I can be quite a troublesome pet ;D"

Shego smirked; yes this girl was a keeper. She was cute, cheeky, flirty and kinky. This made her glad things didn't work out with Blondie. She would have missed out on this gem.

Kim to Shego-"I never said that! Look I'm sorry I just...I'm still in the closet and I really want to just try dating someone my gender. My family and Ron would never understand; Please Shego?"

Shego felt bad after that message; she recalled coming out to her parents at Kim's age. They had thrown abuse at her and cried. Shortly after she moved out and got a place of her own; her parents had been assholes but she hoped Kimmie's weren't.

Coming out was never easy; there was pressure, fear, anxiety and sadness. Also the unpredictability of how the parents would react. She felt bad for Kim but at the same time she didn't want to let her go.

Shego to Alice-"Baby; I can handle anything. How about me; you Friday night?"

Shego to Kim-"Kimmie I aint gonna tell anyone; However I would like to see you in something cute this weekend"

She bit her lip anxiously; Alice was already good to go but Kim was being a bit more awkward. She really wanted this to go smoothly and as she wanted to fuck them both until they were sore.

She felt herself drooling at the thought of kinky sex with Alice and then watching Kim fall apart under her as she ate her out hard. Ugh she was spoilt for choice.

Alice to Shego-"It's a date :D"

Kim to Shego-"...I guess it's a date then"

Shego punched the air and made a eager "YEEESSS" sound. She had hit 2 birds with one stone and was going to finally go on a date with Kim. God things were finally going her way.

Eventually Drakken strolled by hearing her change in mood; quietly he poked his head in the door "I see things are going well" he said bluntly his tone positive.

Shego grinned at him "Got two dates this week Dr D; One with Alice on Friday and one with red this weekend" she said eagerly.

Drakken smiled "Somebody's getting laid" he teased in an amused tone. He had no doubt Shego would bring them back here so he would go stay with Monkey fist for the weekend.

"You betcha" Shego teased holding back a happy scream of joy.

"I'll make a call to Monty; I've been meaning to have drinks with him. Just don't make too much of a mess" Drakken said casually.

Shego leapt off the bed and hugged Drakken; he had accepted her sexuality. Found her dating sites and was now leaving her alone at the lair to bring home her dates. God he was the best boss ever...fuck what Serina said.

"You're the best Drakken" She said happily.

Drakken patted her back gently; despite being a hot headed violent villainess she was still human. She had her ok days but most were plain scary as hell.