An old fanfic I once started, but felt like returning to do try.

I'd like to mention, my writing is not perfect and it never will be. I will be happy to have a beta, if you really think it's that bad. Last time I checked, I have seen much worse writers than me. Aside from that, I don't need to hear it. I've heard it a hundred times and people fail to understand that I am deaf. I do everything in my ability to keep clear and keep the story at its pace.

This is taken place after Sirius had died and after Harry destroyed the headmaster's office. Where Harry was in the process of grieving, but this will continue from there.


The redhead shook and sighed at his best friend's behavior. If anything, he knew how upset the chosen one was going through and it was too much. Ron patted his mate's back in comfort and Harry's emptied life in his eyes showed that he had been through enough. It had hurt the Weasely to see him in such misery state, he could not stand it when Harry was force to go back to the Durselys in this state.

"Come on, last day for the feast. I bet they got your favorite food, mate." Ron smiled.

Harry cared less of his food, but he knew everyone would worry. He sighed and hidden his current emotions to become the ones everyone had recognized. However, not many people could have been easily fooled and they began to head downstairs to the hall. Everyone was cheerfully excited to return home for the long holiday off.

Ron was smiling at Harry and spotted Hermione at their usual spot for breakfast. Professor McGonagall walked up to the boy-who-lived and Harry immediately recognized her facial expression. He knew she would have something important to tell him and he waited.

"Ah, Potter," She stopped in front of him, "The headmaster would like to see you after breakfast. He says not to worry about the train ride since you will not be going back to your relative anymore. The password is the same last time."

Harry nodded, "Okay, thank you, Professor McGonagall."

She smiled once and headed to the staff table for breakfast. Ron and Hermione exchanged glances and they had to wonder what it could be about this time. Harry sat down across from them and he shrugged.

"This is far unusual for Dumbledore, you always ride with us back home." Hermione commented.

The redhead agreed, "Yeah, I wonder what he wants this time."

The emerald eyes checked at the headmaster shortly and shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe he's regretting too much."

The golden trio had no clue how else to take onto the situation they were in, but it wasn't something they had to expect as much. They eat their breakfast, chatted about their summer plan, and owl'ing each other in future hands. Harry agreed to write to them and they should receive it after the return destination happens. His friends didn't mind and decided to go forward to their dormitory after breakfast. Harry went his separate ways and trailed down to the familiar study room he knew too well. He found the gargoyle and memories drew back on the last time he was here. It was too fresh, violent, and vicious more than he has ever been in his entire life. Could the man simply regret allowing Sirius's death because he did not do anything?

"Ear Wax beans." Harry muttered.

The gargoyle moved and Harry stepped onto the stairs as he went on his way to the entered in and froze at his sight. He frowned at the man who was sitting in front of Albus. The long dark hair curtain turned around calmly and he acknowledge his presence. Albus smiled and waved him closer.

"Come in, Harry. Have a seat, my dear boy." He picked up a bowl, "Would you like some lemon drops?"

The chosen one shook his head, "No thank you, sir." He glanced once at Potion Master, "Why am I here? I have not done anything wrong." He knew that much.

The headmaster agreed, "Of course, you are not in trouble, Harry. As you can see, you are no longer returning to the Durselys due to a change circumstances. Dobby has brought your things to the new home you will be now placed in."

Harry blinked and pondered everything about this. This was not something he suspected or to comprehend a thing.

"Uh, sir…I don't understand. I thought I am supposed to be under the blood ward for protection at the Durselys?" His head tilted.

Albus nodded, "Originally, but something has changed. Severus will take you there and we all will talk more once I arrive as well. Harry, before either of you go, keep an open mind and understand we only try our best of everyone's interests." His eyes twinkled.

This turned out to be too puzzling and he trusted the man in front of him, but with Professor Snape involved had made him weary. Severus noticed the boy's cautiousness and disregarded it for now.

"I guess, sir…" He could not see what was truly necessary.

The headmaster shook his head, "Call me Albus, Harry."

Harry agreed along, not in the mood to argue, and Severus stood up. Albus smiled at both of them and the potion master offered his hand out to Harry. The Gryffindor stared at the man's hand and he knew the headmaster would be coming to explain. There was a strange feeling about everything that was happening right now, but he easily trusted them for now. He gathered himself from his chair and accepted his professor's hand. In two seconds later, the forced pull at his naval had signaled him to hang on tight and concentrated to stay together at the most. Everything had felt out of order and difficult to gain balance. The gripped on his hand has given him a sense of control.

"First time apparition?"Severus asked him directly.

Harry heard his voice and about to snap at him, until the question repeated in his head, and he held in his comments.

"Yes, sir." His emerald eyes glanced around everything, seeing this place was a home like, "Where are we?"

"Home. Albus should be here in a minute with his things." He cleared his thought and briefly glanced away.

Harry hasn't dared to move due to his professor within the room. He heard a sudden pop within the room and his head lifted up to see. Albus wore lighter wizarding robe in baby blue tone.

"Let's begin clearing a couple of things. We best find ourselves into the family room and carry on from there." He smiled.

The boy-who-lived kept quiet and went along with this, even if it was madness. They headed over to the family that was just down the hallway and helped themselves onto the sofa. He saw their exchanged glances were holding unheard communication among themselves and he had to wonder what was going on here. Albus nodded once to the professor and Severus turned to Harry.

"Forgive us for what we tell you, but we only did it in protection." Severus breathed in, "The Potters are not your family…biologically that is. I am your mum and your father is, well, Sirius."

Harry's eyes could almost pops out, but never in his life had that happen before! He stared right at Severus.

"Mum? I do not understand how you can be a mum if you are a-"

Severus sighed and Albus nodded. This was not easy or simple for a child of fifteen going onto sixteen later summer, yet, they knew too well. Albus pulled himself closer, almost off the couch, and soften his facial to show his concerns being addressed. Harry waited for what he would have to say.

"Harry, as you can see, in the wizard world, us males, can be pregnant. It is due to the magical cores and creatures' ability to reproduce and breeds like everyone else." The headmaster explained and folded his hands.

The emerald eyes bored at Severus, this man he had known for his entire Hogwarts years, was not the same man anymore. It was beyond surprising. Then, questions grew in his mind too heavily on the matter.

"Why is it protection's necessary? Why were you so upset at Sirius last year?" Harry jerked his head over to his biological mother, "Why didn't Sirius admit that he is my father? Or tell me sooner? Why did I have to go with those relatives for all those years?" His hands curled into a fist.

Albus and Severus exchanged looks and knowing what was to expect. The headmaster sighed and stood up to leave the room. Harry watched him go, but he was uncertain how to handle the potion masters within the room. He was struggling to grasp the new reality for himself. Severus observed the Gryffindor and concluded a few things.

"When your father, Sirius, was kicked out of the house and I was forcibly dragged into his parents' affair with you-know-who. He threatened to test my loyalty for double spy since I am the only one who has strong passion for Dark Art. He marked me and listed everything I should do or I'd lose and suffer by him immediately."

Harry blinked several times and couldn't wrap the whole thing on this discovery. Severus was not rushing, but his fingers curled to hold himself together.

"I immediately rushed to Dumbledore for help and told him that I was having you, but I haven't told Sirius because I wanted to surprise him." Harry saw his reasons and understood the complex matter, "Once Sirius found out, he was delighted, but at the same time, he was furious at his parents and you-know-who. Dumbledore helped us out, arranging with the Potters to be involved, and we used an illusion charm on Lily and myself. Everyone believed she's pregnant and no one was aware of myself in that condition. The Potters, Sirius, and I were living together at Godric's Hollow until I gave birth to you." Severus noticed the boy who was curious during that process, "Sirius and I named you Sevlien Harrison Black-Snape. The Potters chose to use your middle name, so you would still be familiar with your name biologically. After a month of your birthday, the prophecy began to be its known and you-know-who called me in immediately after it had taken place. I was strongly feared for your life and only gave him brief information of the prophecy and left the rest of it out. I had begged him not to hurt Lily, but I really meant you. He was unaware of you being my child. After he released me, Dumbledore found out after I told him and we arranged the plan into action. Sirius and I could not see you, but he was close to visit you and I was angry at him for attempting to put you at risk." He shook his head, "We argued to the point we hexed each other. We hadn't forgiven each other since. We ended our relationship and then, that's when he went to visit you. The day they had to die, but I knew Voldemort could not harm you due to the protection I had over you and you still have it on you." He took a deep breath, "Sirius and I did renew our relationship, but it was kept privately. He wanted his family together and we tried to see how to work this out…I had not expect he would be killed suddenly."

Harry felt the tears swelling up in his eyes and refused to let them fall. Unable to release his hands and it was beginning to feel too much for him. His lips quivered and he dashed out of his seat immediately. He was rushing out of the room bitterly-

He could not move and long arms surrounding him. He tried to get out of this with his strength and Severus held him closely to his chest. They haven't left the family room and the tension rose deeply. It was beginning to feel painful for Harry to handle all this and Severus refused to let this pain to go on.

"You lied to me! You hate me!" He snapped and struggled to push the man's arms away, "You never appreciated me! You never smiled at me! Why should I cared for you at all?!" The tears trickled down in his existing suffering.

Severus sighed, "I only lied to protect you, Harry…I never did. It was all an act to protect you. You-know-who would have killed me and he would be able to kill you due the protective spell would die down."

"LIES! You hate me! You hate me and there was never anything I could do to make your worthwhile!" He tried to fight his way out, but nothing had worked.

The potion master shushed to him softly, "I never hated you. I was forced to act like this. I was happy to see you constantly working hard. I was happy to see you frequently in my detention because you are my child. I wanted to be closer to you without risking you. I knew you purposely changed the house based on fear, you were meant to be in a Slytherin house. I couldn't smile for anyone, you know what could happen if anyone had gone against him. Albus here knew that I wanted to hold you again, raise you again, and have a family with you. We did not know what time was appropriate and safe for you."

Harry stopped moving and the words were beginning to become real to him. No one knew besides the sorting hat about the house placement. He was meant to be a Slytherin all those times?

"Wasn't Sirius in the Gryffindor's house?"

Severus softly smiled, "Yes, to rebel against his parents. He did admit that he was very proud for you land in this house, but he said if you had land in the Slytherin's house, he would have come sooner to make sure you are going through this well."

Harry hadn't seen him smile, but he noticed the tone in his voice was kinder and it was comforting him more than ever. With being in someone's arms who happens to be one of his parents, he was…content with the fact he has a family. A living family within the room and nothing could change that.

"Why now?"

The professor nodded, "Albus felt you need your family more than those Potters' relative. He figured you are old enough to protect yourself and you-know-who cannot harm or risk either of us anymore."

Harry turned his head and glanced up at Severus, "The battle at the Mystery Department proved it, didn't it?"

"Yes and I am glad Albus allowed it now. However, I have to keep allowing him to know that I am still on his side as a spy for him. Next year, it will be entirely different and I wish to help, but the castle has its ears within those walls. Here, you are entirely safe."

Harry understood the crypt messages within his biological…mother. He managed to turn around and hugged the man for once. He allowed the tears to fall, but it was a sign of happiness. Severus hugged him back, soothing the boy's head, and kissed the boy's head.

"If you do not mind, I would like to call you Sevlien." The professor asked.

Harry glanced up, "I suppose it would not hurt, but what about school? My friends? The rest of the world?" He frowned, "I don't think people are going to appreciate being lied about my names."

"We did not lie. Your middle name was used, it was based on protection and illusion. For now, when we come home here, you are called Sevlien. At school, you are Harry to them until he is defeated for good."

Severus allowed his son molded into his arms and Harry has longed for a family love. He couldn't believe it was happening, shocking, but happy at the same time. This was beginning to change his life.

"Er, do you mind that I have time to call you…mum?"

Severus nodded, "Of course, my child. I understand and besides, I would like to show you your home here. Your room is upstairs, Albus is next to yours, and I am across from yours." He explained.

The boy-who-lived was relaxing and accepts this new life now. He was very much curious on how his friends were going to react that he actually have a biological parent and alive! Yet, he understood there were consequences and risks involved for everyone. With Albus living with them, he hasn't understood why exactly. He tried to make connection, but he doubted he was related in any shape or form. For now, he has a tour of his home.