Fairy Basket chapter 8

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or Fruits Basket

I'm boning to start putting thoughts as italics, just thought I'd better let you know.

Levy's POV:

I narrowly dodged another onslaught of ninja stars from the enemy and ran towards the strange man. I flew up and kneed him in the face. Gildarts came up behind me and shoved me out of the way of more ninja stars as he took the brunt of the attack. He brought his fist up and punched the man in the head. Maybe a bit too hard. He crumpled to the ground instantly and had an obvious broken cheek. "Gildarts, you overdid it." I said bluntly. He chuckled and gently lowered himself to the ground. "Hey are you ok?" I went round to his front and gasped. Gildarts had several ninja stars sticking out of his shirt.

"Just a few cuts," He winced. I could just make out crimson red on his grey shirt. "I'll be fine. Go help the others."

I paused, "...Sure."

Gray's POV:

Monsieur Sol was fast. I'll give him that. But, after the many attacks I received, I finally managed to beat the annoying guy. I heard a smash from upstairs and launched myself up the staircase. "Are you guys alright!?" I shouted as I reached the third floor.

"We're fine Gray. There is no reason to shout." Erza calmly said. I blew out a sigh of relief, if Jellal or Erza fell out of that window I could never forgive myself for not being able to protect the people I care about again.

"So, was it the enemy that just fell out of a third story window?" I asked.

"Yes." Jellal said in a monotone voice. "But don't worry, I sent a mattress out first." Ok... He was scary calm about sending someone out a window with nothing but a mattress and possibly killing someone. Levy yelled out wait and soon joined us and explained what had happen to Gildarts.

Natsu's POV:

"That's what you get for hurting Lucy." I growled back.

I brandished the knife, now crimson with Gajeel's blood and jumped forward in a rage-filled attack. I aimed for his limbs with the knife in an effort to slow him down while trying to hit his weak spots and defend myself with my other hand. And let me tell you, it wasn't even remotely easy. He was as agile as he was strong and I've fought him before so he knew some of my attempts to immobilise him. "You've gotten better since last time I went up against you," I said with a smirk.

"Too bad for you." Gajeel said as he threw an extra hard kick to the gut at me, sending me back a few meters. I fell to the ground and coughed up blood.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelled. Tears were flowing freely from her face as she struggled to get to me.

'Damn it,' I thought, 'That hurt, how could I not see that coming? Now she's crying. I need to get up. Come on. I need to get up now.'

Lucy's POV:

"Lucy, Natsu, are you ok?" Erza called out. Gray, Levy, Erza and Jellal burst through the doors and I instantly relaxed. Now that they were here, Natsu could stop fighting. They saw us beaten and lying on the floor and Erza, Gray and Jellal didn't hesitate in beating Gajeel to a pulp. Levy called the police and ambulance and did her best to perform first aid. My world slowly faded to black, but not before I said, "Natsu." Although I didn't know why since there wasn't really a reason.

I awoke to find my father menacingly standing above me with hatred set into his cold features. I turned my aching head to see both Levy and Natsu sprawled out against the floor, knocked out with beautifully coloured pottery scattering the area surrounding them. How could I let this happen? Please, someone help us! I screamed in my mind.

Crash! Gajeel was thrown up the stairs and hit a cabinet full-force. My other friends, save Gildarts, practically flew up to the top of the stairs and into my view. Each one was sporting injuries clearly made by Gajeel and the man in question was covered in bruises but still somehow found the strength to move. Why the hell does Erza have a sword and Jellal have a staff, I thought as I stared dumbfounded and confused as to where they acquired such items. Gray charged at their enemy and punched him hard enough to finally knock him out by the looks of things.

My friends looked around at their surroundings, no doubt looking for Natsu, Levy and me. Three pairs of enraged eyes locked onto my own plain brown ones filled with swirling emotions, we had an understanding of sorts about what was to come reflected in our eyes. Gray pulled out ninja stars and struck Jude with them, Erza delivered a swift kick to the side which Jude crumpled into while Jellal checked on Levy and Natsu.

I heard the faint screaming of sirens in the distance and red and blue lights flashing one after the other. Erza rushed over to me, "Lucy, I was so worried about you," She said while grabbing me in a crushing hug.

"We all were," Gray added, standing off awkwardly to the side, and for a while I thought it was weird until I realised he can't get close to or hug people. Stupid Lucy, I scolded myself.

"Natsu and Levy should be fine," Jellal said, "I think, at least they would be if that's the ambulance I hear." He added.

The ambulance and police showed up a few seconds after Jellal mentioned them. It was a scary and confusing experience for me, Erza gave the police and paramedics a brief story of what had happened and they immediately got to work. Gajeel, Levy, Natsu, Jude (he had no right to be recognised as my father anymore) and I were all whisked away on stretchers and were assigned two (Levy and Gajeel and you can guess the other pair) to a car and Jude in one.

I slowly let oblivion take over as I slipped over into the world of my dreams as sirens were screaming and people rushing about in an ambulance car.

Hello, I am back with a new chapter to inform you that I am not dead. I've had a lot of trouble with this chapter and had next to no motivation. I'd like to thank the guest who reviewed some time ago. I checked my emails for the first time in forever today and your review gave me a bit of motivation to finally finish this chapter. Also, thank you to the other two people who reviewed. Anyway, I don't know when I'll update next but I'll try.