(A/N Hey guys! My first fanfic so let me know how it goes! Enjoy :)

DISCLAIMER-I don't own any of Seraph of the End

"Sir this one is still alive." Damn. The wound from Yu had been to great, now I can't even move.

"Then bring him in." He laid helplessly as a human bound his wrists then dragged him into a cage. Footsteps rapidly approached and the man from earlier spoke.

"Solider, this vampire doesn't have red eyes like the rest of them, any idea why?"

"No sir!" Out of the corner of his eye, a man resembling the one known as Guren stood smirking.

"Now, this is an interesting case indeed."

One Week Later

"Now then, vampire, you ready to answer some questions?" His head was pounding. His throat burned. And his heart ached for the spilt blood in front of him. First day he'd arrived at the facility, the man introduced himself as Kureto Hiragi, Lieutenant General for the Japanese Imperial Demon Company. And the six days after that included various amounts of torture. He smirked at Kureto. Did he really think he was really that weak? He spent four years resisting the urge to drink human blood and he wasn't going to start now. Kureto's eyes flickered in annoyance, he responded-as he always did-by smashing his head against the table.

"I'll ask you again, why are your eyes not red? Is it because you're a half-vampire?" No response. The door creaked open drawing his attention. In the doorway stood a blonde woman who held a clipboard. Taking a step forward the woman handed the clipboard over to Kureto then said,

"Took a while but found out who he is, Mikaela Hyakuya. Another surviving member of the Hyakuya orphanage." He bit his lip and stared at the floor. I hope they don't drag Yu into this.

"Hey now, will you look at that. You can go." The woman nodded before closing the door quietly behind her. "I've got great things in store for you my friend."


The wind ruffled through his raven hair as he stood on the rooftop. Memories came flooding back in the dead silence.

Blood covered the floor as another member of his family fell dead to the ground. Shakily, he lifted up the gun to fire. But the vampire appeared before him smacking it out of his hands. The silverhaired vampire lifted up his bloodstained hand with a smile on his face and brought it down for the kill.

He sat frozen on the ground, eyes wide with fear. He couldn't move, he was going to die-"Yu!"

The sound of his best friends voice brought him back from insanity. But what he saw next almost pushed him over the edge. A blonde-haired boy jumping in front of the deadly hand, taking the hit.

"Mika!" Blood spattered across his face painting it a crimson red. The vampire stopped attacking and now stood laughing at the sight of them. Tears sprang into his eyes as he saw the state his friend was in; a long, jagged cut that left his arm hanging by a thread and reached all the way to his throat. Blood gushed out quickly making a pool under him.

"You idiot! Why did you do that?!" He shouted eyes squeezed shut.

"Hah, couldn't let another member of my family die now could I?" He slowly opened his eyes to see a smile on the face of his, dying, friend. "Here," His eyes widened in surprise as Mika dropped the gun in his lap. "Use this to slow him down, then run."

"I'm not leaving without you!" He harshly whispered.

"Yes-" With the last bit of strength, Mika pushed him away. "you are."

"You boys about done yet? All this fighting made me hungry-"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He pulled the trigger over and over until all of the bullets were gone. He watched in satisfaction as the vampire dropped to the ground.

"Now come on Mika-" He froze. His friend had stopped breathing. Running over he kneeled down shaking the motionless form of his friend. "Mika!"

"I swear I heard voices coming from over here."

"Probably just your imagination. After all you're pretty old." Fear flooded into his veins and he clutched Mika's wrist. He knew what he had to do. And he hated the thought of it. Once again, tears trailed down his face as he slowly backed away from the dead bodies, most of all, from Mika.

The walking turned into running, before he finally stumbled out into a white world of snow.

"Yu! Earth to Yuchiro! Yu!" A singsongy voice broke him out of his daze. Shinoa stood there a worried expression on her face. But once she saw the life return to his eyes the worry was replaced with a smile.

"Ever since Shinjuku you've been spacing out a lot. You sure you're okay?"

His own smile dropped the slightest. "Yeah, I've just been think about Mika."

"The blonde one?" Her voice had been piqued with interest.

"Yes," A laugh escaped his lips. "The blonde one." 'There was something he never got to ask her after Shinjuku…' "Hey Shinoa, after the battle what happened to Mika? One of you guys must've seen." Deep down, he already knew what the answer was. 'He went with the vampires.'

Next to him, Shinoa stiffened and turned towards the stairs. "Better ask Guren that one." And without another word, she walked to the door and slammed it shut.

"That was weird." He said under his breath. 'Couldn't hurt to ask. Where could he be at this time of day?'

Time Lapse

The door opened quietly, revealing the Lieutenant Colonel who sat in his chair legs stretched out on his desk.

"Hey Yu! Haven't seen you in a long time! If I didn't know better I'd say you were avoiding me." Guren gave him a sly smile and leaned further back in his chair. "So, what do I owe the honor of this visit?"

"I need you to answer a question. It's about Shinjuku." His voice came out loud and clear.

"Shinjuku eh? What's this about?" Guren removed his feet from their resting place and faced him with serious eyes.

"It's about Mika, my family." He faintly heard Guren chuckle.

"Your family? So what, you getting all cozy with a vampire?" His hand curled into a fist by his side.

"Mika didn't want to become a vampire! It's my fault that I left him there that night!" Guren raised an eyebrow then sighed.

"Look kid, after you "passed out", the Hiragi family came to help. Kureto Hiragi gave his team orders to capture the vamps alive. Guess your friend wasn't too lucky. He's probably locked up somewhere under the watch of Kureto Hiragi. And he's not somebody you wanna mess with." His fist grew tighter. All this time…Mika was right under my nose! And nobody bothered to tell me about it! Who knows what they could be doing to him!

"Where is he?" He asked trying to keep his voice sounding calm as possible.

"You're not going to be able to help much." Guren paused seeing his gaze harden. "But, there is a facility somewhere down this road. Shinoa know where it is, she can get you in too." He nodded and turned back around heading out the door when Guren called out, "And don't do anything that'll come back and bite me in the butt all right?!" He lifted up his hand and gave a small wave before entering the staircase and running down.

Time Lapse

Shinoa stood next to him at the foot of a tall building. "You sure you want to do this?"

"I'm sure." Shinoa pushed open the doors and entered.

A half an hour ago

"You're going to do what?!"

"You heard me." He put his hands on his hips and stared at them seeing if anyone would try and stop him.

"B-but I've heard that Kureto Hiragi is a scary guy. You sure you don't want any help other then just Shinoa?" Yoichi asked.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" An innocent sounding Shinoa asked.


"That's what I thought. Now," Shinoa faced him. "If we do manage to get your friend out, where will he go?" Silence.

"I can't worry about that now. Come on, we're wasting time."


"Identification?" Five guards stood at a massive gate. Shinoa pulled out a badge-at least it looks like one-and handed it to the guard who afterwards gave a warm smile, but faced him with cold eyes.

"Miss Hiragi, this man with you?"

"Yes." That one word must've been magic for the guard also seemed more friendly. As the giant door opened, he expected a grinding noise, or screeching. But it was silent and more sooner than later they were walking down a metal platform.

"This way." Shinoa took him by surprise as they took a sharp corner into the wall which turned out to be a small pathway. At the end was another platform, they walked on it for a bit before descending a long flight of stairs.

It got darker and darker, and he had the feeling they were underground by now. Shinoa suddenly stopped almost making him collide with her. "Hey what's up?"

"Your friend should be in one of these cages." Cages? He let his eyes adjust to the darkness and saw that there were cages lined and stacked against the wall. And in those cages were none other than vampires. Some of them were lying on the floor motionless, others sat and acted as if nothing was wrong, but what really sent shivers up his spine was the ones who were lively. Those ones had black eyes with red veins bulging and blueish colored skin. They banged against their cages calling out insults or just screaming at the top of their lungs.

"W-what happened to them?" He stuttered.

"That, is what happens when vampires don't feed over a period of time. They turn into demons." Mika. His eyes searched the cages over and over, take a step, search. Take a step, search. At the last cage, he found it empty yet bloodstained.

"Yu! Hide!" Shinoa hissed. Voices were coming from down the hall getting louder and louder by the second. Spotting a large garbage can, he grabbed Shinoa's hand and pulled her along until they were safe behind it.

"I don't understand why we had to bring it back to it's cage."

"Come on now, wouldn't want the Hiragi family to have it out for you just because of a single vamp." The cage clicked shut.

"No, but I don't get why he's so interested in this one. I mean sure he has blue eyes while the rest have red. But shouldn't he be asking more important questions?" A vampire with blue eyes… Shinoa squeezed his arm.

"Wait till they leave." He nodded and waited until the voices faded away then bursted out and ran to the cage.

In it lay a boy, with blonde hair and shocked blue eyes. His eyes widened also, at the sight of his childhood friend. His body was soaked in blood, clothes tattered, and all over his body were cuts that had begun to heal.

