Here's a Christmas special for all you Teen Titans fans out there! Takes place after Tokyo. Teen Titans is owned by Glen Murakami, DC comics, and Cartoon Network. Enjoy! :)

Raven's dark violet eyes watched the night stars twinkling in the sky as frost began building up on the windows from the temperature drop. The bright lights of the city looked absolutely stunning from the Titans Tower. She took another sip from her herbal tea, which was warming her insides delightfully. The atmosphere was simply peaceful and calming to be in. She continued to stare out of the giant glass windows of the tower where the common room was currently basked in silence. Her lips curved upward in a small smile as she took in the view. Yes, everything was just—

SLAM! "Dudes!"

Raven's brow twitched in irritation as her grip on the mug tightened, a frown etched onto her face. She calmly turned around with her cape caressing the ground as it did so. Her eyes took in on the cause of the sudden noise to fill the room. There was Beast Boy wearing a purple sweater and green scarf, looking as though he was ready for snow to start falling. He was grinning widely, his fang glinting under the light. His emerald eyes spotted her, much to Raven's displeasure, and his grin widened if that was even possible.

"Hey, Rae! Get Robin and Starfire! You guys have gotta see what Cy and I picked out!" His animated voice echoed throughout the room.

Raven sighed. Right. She forgot that Beast Boy and Cyborg had recently went out to buy a tree for this Christmas. How could she possibly forget? One minute she was actually enjoying herself for once and now… what did Beast Boy just call her?

"First off, my name is Raven, not Rae. I've told you that a million times. Second, with the noise you just caused I'm sure Robin and Starfire are already on their way." Her usual monotone voice was layered with annoyance.

No sooner had she said it, Robin and Starfire entered the room holding hands. Raven could only guess what those two had just been up to.

"What's going on?" Robin asked, obviously annoyed that the noise had just disrupted whatever he and Starfire were doing.

Beast Boy hopped around excitedly like the child he was and Raven nearly smacked him. He suddenly stood up tall and proud with one arm across his chest and his other waving around much like a magician would when opening an act.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Dudes and Dudettes! I present to you the greatest tree of all the trees in the entire world! Our one and only ultimate Christmas tree!" Beast Boy opened the sliding doors and cupped his hands over his mouth.

"Okay, Cy! Bring her in!"

As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth, the tip of the tree crashed through the door and sent Beast Boy flying aside, yelping from the needles piercing his face. She didn't know why, but Raven found this highly amusing to her and nearly chuckled, but she composed herself.

What she didn't expect was how huge the tree actually was. It had to be at least fifteen feet tall and five feet wide. It hardly fit through the door. The tree emerged, Cyborg coming out of the end of it with an award winning smile at his purchase. He was practically crying at how proud he was to be the owner of such a monstrous plant. He was wearing a light blue parka and black mittens, a Santa hat dangled off the top of his head.

"Alright, yall! Let's get this party started!"

Starfire laughed joyfully and grabbed the end of the tree. With her alien strength, she lifted it off the ground easily and flew over to the center of the room to set it up. Robin, mask failing to show his surprise, coughed into his hand.

"Uh, Cyborg, how much was this?"

Cyborg, helping Starfire out with setting it up, glanced back at his leader and said, "Enough to appreciate it, Rob! Now c'mon! Let's start decoratin' it! Christmas only comes once a year!"

Robin, not entirely satisfied with the answer he got, decided to push it aside and shrugged. He happily went to go help out. Meanwhile, Beast Boy was on the floor grumbling over the wounds on his face he had received from the pine needles. He felt a dark presence near him and looked up to see that Raven had drifted over to him. She sipped her tea and quirked a brow at him. He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck habitually.

"Uh, hey, Raven. What's up?"

Without a word, and much to Beast Boy's surprise, she knelt down to his level until she was looking directly at him. Beast Boy blushed at their proximity. She reached out a hand towards his face and he panicked.

"Uh, what are you—?"

"Shut up and stay still," she commanded lowly, her expression concentrated. He did as he was told and could feel the small wounds on his face begin to heal until the pinpricks on his face were gone. She drew back her hand once she was done and stood back up, acting as if nothing happened.

Beast Boy touched his face and grinned up at her. "Thanks, Rae."

She rolled her eyes and muttered, "It's Raven and don't mention it." Then she made her way over to the enormous tree to help decorate it. Beast Boy shook off the confusion he was feeling at her reaction and jumped up to also help decorate, chatting away the rest of the evening.

"Remember, team," Robin said as he set the empty Christmas boxes aside, "even though we may be on vacation doesn't mean that the crooks and villains we face are also on vacation. We have to be ready for action even if they strike on Christmas morning."

Beast Boy groaned. "Aw, man, I swear if we end up fighting on Christmas I'm seriously going to kick butt on whoever would want to ruin our fun."

"I heard that," Cyborg agreed, giving Beast Boy a high five on their pact.

Robin opened his mouth to say something but Starfire beat him to it with a giggle and a clap of her hands.

"Friends! Let us light up this tree we have so wonderfully decorated in balls of glass and string of corn! I am most eager to see it!" With that she quickly finished flying around the tree to put on the finishing touches.

Cyborg picked up the plug and outlet. "Here goes!" He announced before plugging in the lights. The tree lit up brightly with a start and everyone stood in awe at how magnificent it looked in the common room. The entire room sparkled and glistened as if a mighty force of beauty bore upon it. There were whoops and cheers from Beast Boy and Cyborg; Starfire giggled as she wrapped her arms around Robin who smiled. Raven also gave a small smile and took notice in the delighted atmosphere that were radiating from her friends.

"It's certainly bigger than last years," she commented.

Everyone nodded until Beast Boy at last noticed something off about the tree. His eyes widened comically and he pointed at the top of the tree.

"Dude! We forgot to put on the star!"

Everyone looked up and noticed that he was right. It was at that moment that Raven knew what was going to happen next.

"Okay, cool, let me go ahead and put it on then," Cyborg said as he made his way to grab the star. Another hand stopped him by grabbing onto the other half of the star. Cyborg glared at the green changeling.

"No, way! You put it on last year!" Beast Boy stated angrily.

Cyborg tugged. "Yeah, well, guess who put it on the year before that? You did!"

An argument broke out over the two as they began to tug back and forth. Robin sighed and plucked the star out of their hands before a brawl could start. "Alright, enough. I'll go ahead and put on the star." Two sets of eyes glared his way and Robin blanched.

Cyborg crossed his arms. "I recall you putting the star on the tree our first Christmas here, Rob. What makes you think you can put it on?"

A series of shouting broke out as the three men began to fight over who should put it on. Starfire watched with uncertainty and slowly backed up before hiding behind Raven from the words being thrown around. Raven, with her headache slowly increasing, decided that enough was enough.

With a wave of her hand, the star was surrounded by a black aura and was ripped out of the hands of the boys tugging on it. It flew up over them as it gently landed on the top of the tree to shine with everything else. The boys looked over at an irritated Raven who merely went back to sipping her tea.

"Boys," she muttered before going back to looking out at the city once more. After collecting themselves to their natural state, everyone went back to what they were doing before, which was discussing Christmas and any plans they had for that day. The topic happened to have been on presents at the moment as Raven listened in.

"Beast Boy, what is it you require for Christmas?" Starfire asked the green boy who was rummaging for something to eat in the kitchen. Beast Boy shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Whatever you get me for Christmas will be awesome, Star. Don't worry about it." He smiled back at her. Starfire gushed more on what to get her friends while Raven silently watched in confusion.

Usually Beast Boy would be yapping about wanting a moped or videogames or something like that like he did every year, but he didn't really seem to care this year, which struck Raven as downright odd. She begrudgingly admitted that this bugged her a little bit. She glanced at him to see him laughing with Cyborg, who was practically drooling at the feast he would prepare for the holidays. However, the usual happy glint in his eye wasn't there and something seemed to be puzzling him. She had stared for so long that she didn't realize someone sitting next to her on the couch.

"You okay? You've been kind of spacing out the past ten minutes."

She looked over to see Robin looking concerned like always. She sighed and set her tea down on the table in front of the couch.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about what gifts to get all of you. It's not exactly easy getting the right gift."

He smiled and chuckled. "I know what you mean. Out of everyone here Starfire is going to be the hardest to shop for in my opinion."

Raven gave him a quizzical look. "Why? Anything you get Starfire will make her happy, Robin."

Robin sighed. "I know, it's just that I want this year to be special, you know? It's our first Christmas as a couple." Robin couldn't help but blush when mentioning it. Raven knew it was never easy for Robin to openly share his relationship with the Tamaranian princess, and ever since the Tokyo incident that happened over summer he seemed even more reserved.

"If I were you, Robin, I would get her something simple, yet, meaningful. Oh, and I wouldn't exactly go running to Cyborg or Beast Boy for advice if you were ever thinking of asking them." Raven leaned back into the couch and looked at him.

"Yeah, you got a point there," Robin laughed before standing up.

"You might want to start shopping soon. Christmas is next week and items are going to start selling out," he added to Raven with a smile before walking over to Starfire.

Raven sighed once more and stood to also join her companions on this relaxing night.

Days went by and thankfully the alarm in the tower only went off twice. One dealing with a minor robbery and the other was putting Control Freak back in jail. Luckily no one was seriously injured other than scratches and bruises and as Christmas was approaching, there was havoc running amuck within the tower.

The amount of mistletoe Starfire was stringing up was becoming ridiculous, and Raven had somewhat of an idea that she just wanted an excuse to kiss her boyfriend whenever the chance sprang up. Robin knew better and avoided the romantic plant as much as possible, including everyone else in the tower. They made sure to enter one at a time rather than together so as to avoid awkwardness. Starfire seemed a bit disappointed at this, but it was soon forgotten.

Raven, for some reason, was still bothered by Beast Boy's behavior since the night they put up the tree and had been observing him from afar. The results weren't all too satisfying. He was frequently looking nervous or distraught and whenever he caught her eye, he would blush before going to keep himself busy with either videogames or talking with Cyborg. Raven found this to be really weird considering he was never the antsy type. Still, she was sure that it would wear off soon once Christmas was over. He probably was just getting worked up about getting gifts much like everyone else was.

Raven went out shopping and purchased a few gifts for her friends. For Cyborg she bought a state of the art BBQ pit knowing that the old one was beginning to fall apart. For Starfire she decided to just get her some clothes and many hair accessories for her to try on, especially when it came to going on dates with Robin. She purchased a sleek utility belt and hair gel for her spiky haired leader and for Beast Boy… She stared at the things she bought that were now hidden away in her closet.

She hadn't gotten anything for him yet. Her brows furrowed. She would have thought that he would have been the easiest to shop for. She sat down on her bed trying to think about what he would like. It was two days before Christmas and she needed to get something for him fast. Videogames? Like he needed more of those. Comic books? She got those for him last year. Pet toys? No, why would she even think of that? A moped? She paused and then glared at her wall. No way. Too expensive and why would she even consider buying the most energetic person she knew a moped? That spelt chaos.

Still, what else was there to get him? He didn't say much about what he wanted this year. Should she go ask him? Raven considered this for a moment before deciding that he wouldn't bother telling her. Stumped, she decided to go make some tea.

Before she reached the common room, she heard a pair of voices on the other side of the door. She couldn't help but stop and listen in.

"I'm dying here, Cy! Christmas is in two days and I still don't know what to get her!"

That was Beast Boy's panicked voice Raven all too well recognized.

"I told you, B, just get her something nice. Something she'll appreciate."

Cyborg sounded frustrated and she was sure the green boy had brought this up several times.

"I know, it's just… I want to get her something special. Something that'll make her Christmas meaningful."

Raven, knowing that this eavesdropping had gone on far enough, allowed the door to open and she stepped through. Beast Boy, who was sitting on the counter looking downtrodden, suddenly snapped his head up to see her there. He shrieked in surprise with a heavy blush and jumped, causing him to fall to the ground. Cyborg bust up laughing at this.

"R-Raven! What…what are you doing here?" Beast Boy stammered as he scrambled off the ground when she approached.

Raven kept her neutral façade and brushed passed him to make some tea. She didn't know why, but she was feeling extra irritated by their conversation. It really wasn't a big deal…

"Tea. I happen to live here, too," she snapped, using her hands to levitate objects towards her way. Beast Boy maneuvered out of the way of the flying objects and went to stand next to Cyborg who was still snickering uncontrollably. Raven kept her attention on what she was doing and proceeded to boil the water.

Beast Boy, after kicking Cyborg a few times to get him to quiet down, noticed Raven's snappy attitude and frowned. He cautiously approached the counter and sat down so as not to disturb her focus.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly and flinched slightly when a crack appeared with a sharp noise on a nearby glass cup. She poured her tea without turning to look at him.

"Fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Raven was not at all comfortable with being confused about her emotions and right now she was feeling just that. Aggravated and confused, they were a horrible mix for her to handle. It was going to take more than just tea to calm her thoughts. But why was she feeling this way? Nothing about their conversation should have triggered it so why—


Raven nearly dropped her cup of tea and snapped her head up to see Beast Boy and Cyborg staring at her as if she had just grown another head.

"What?" She bit out.

Beast Boy shrank back a bit. "Oh. Uh…"

He gestured to the stove counter beside her and she saw that many of the items on it had either shattered or been damaged in some way. Now embarrassed by what her thoughts had caused, she brought her hood up and excused herself, rushing out of the room. Beast Boy called her name, but she was gone by the time he had said it.

Pointy ears drooping, Beast Boy sighed and slumped against the counter. He felt a metallic hand lay on his shoulder, but he refused to look up.

"Maybe you should go talk to her."

Beast Boy gave Cyborg a skeptical look. "She's not gunna talk to me, Cy, I've already tried."

"That doesn't mean she doesn't need somebody to talk to," Cyborg gently said with a smile. He then left Beast Boy to his thoughts as he went to go work on the T-car.

Beast Boy looked at the mess Raven had accidentally caused and realized that Cyborg just basically left it for him to clean it up. Grumbling, Beast Boy decided to take some responsibilities for once and began cleaning up what Raven's emotions obliterated.

Raven paced around her room for five minutes as she forced herself to calm down. What the heck happened back there? Why was she becoming so upset? Her emotions were running wild within her and she was still confused. She sighed and took a seat on her bed while massaging her temples. She needed to meditate somewhere where she could feel at peace. She most certainly was not feeling peace within her room.

Standing, she grabbed a warm coat and headed for the roof of the tower.

I wish I had a pocket sized Beast Boy for me to carry around. I love exploring between his and Raven's relationship. It's interesting and I've always had a thing for polar opposite characters. Next chapter coming up soon!

Cyborg: Ooh! You know what would be great? Let's go get some waffles! Raaaveeeen, you like waffles, don't ya!?

Raven: More than life itself.