Rose's P.O.V.

I grinned. I knew it wouldn't be long before they found us. I glance behind me at Zoro. He is also grinning wildly. Then his face and mine fell at the same time. They are here, which means that we don't have alone time anymore.

"Not a word, right?"

He nodded. I was about to walk further on the beach, when Zoro pulled me back and I felt something on the back of my neck and a soft smacking noise. I smiled fondly.

"You idiot, they can see us."

He raised his lips to my ear.

"Your hair smells good."

I shove him away playfully.

"Stop Zoro."

He just grinned.

"Should we gather our provisions? Ero-cook would hate if we wasted it."

I nodded in agreement.

"You grab the meat; I got the fruit."

We hurried to do our chores. We decided to leave the shelter still standing, just in case some other person got stranded and needed it. My little monkey friend crept out of the bushes, and I was able to say goodbye. Within two minutes we were ready to go, but the Sunny was still a ways off. I could barely see the people on the deck, but they were waving, so I knew they knew we were here.

I sat down in the sand. Zoro sat next to me, sighing.

"I wish we had a little more time to ourselves."

I chuckled.

"We had to get off this island eventually. Just because it is over, doesn't mean our relationship is."

He leaned over, trying to kiss my cheek, but I shove him back.

"Uh-uh, they can see us."

Instead I entwined my hand in his. He smiled and brought my hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

"Fine, I suppose I can restrain myself."

I glance the other way.

"What, am I like your princess or something?"

He cocked his head, before smirking.

"Only if you want to be my princess."

I fought hard with the blush on my face.

"No, because then you would protect me all the time. I want to be equal with you."

He leaned against me gently, reminding me of his solidness, his foundation, supporting me.

"I already consider you equal to me. Not all women, but you are definitely not just some woman."

I grin.

"Of course not. I am Rose, soon to be strongest female warrior on the seas. You are going to be Roronoa Zoro, strongest swordsman. I should hope we are not ordinary."

Zoro's eye softened.

"And I love you."

Again, just like the first time, the words rippled through me, setting my heart aflame. I smile brightly up at him.

"I love you so much Zoro."

He just smirked and faced the ocean again.

"I'm surprised Luffy hasn't rocketed over yet."

I place my hands over my eyes, looking out over the sea.

"I think they are bringing the Mini Merry to pick us up."

Zoro groaned.

"That thing is so slow though."

I haul myself to my feet.

"Well, how about we gather some more food then. I don't think they will complain about the extra supplies."

Zoro gave me a strained look.

"I think I would rather take a nap."

I sighed, holding out my hand.

"The fruit trees are off the beach, which means they won't be able to see us."

The spark relit in his eyes as he understand my intentions.

"Yeah, that's actually a good idea."

He allowed me to pull him to his feet. I followed him into the underbrush, hearing the shouts coming from the sea. I waved at the ship, and mimed eating, before walking away. I bet Robin saw that and knows we are going to get more food, so they won't have to worry.

Zoro's P.O.V.

I walked off, using my haki to gauge how long the Mini Merry was going to take to get to shore. My guess, about fifteen minutes. Plenty of alone time with Rose. I can deal with that.

I made my way to the tree and waited for Rose to catch up. She reached up, grabbing some fruit.

"Come on, we don't have much time."

No indeed. I grab her, trying not to be rough, but in my urgency I push her up against the tree. She looks startled, but the spark in her eyes isn't to be mistaken for something other than love. She raised her hands to push me away but I quickly grab her wrists, so thin and feminine, and pin them above her head.

I try to ignore the heat pulsing through my abdomen as I look her up and down. She gulps and smiles, but I can only think of how incredibly sexy she looks. She gives me a grin.

"You like what you see?"

I lean forward, near her ear.

"And if I said yes?"

She snorted with laughter.

"It would be hilarious, because I am not any sort of sexy."

I leaned back, a few inches from her face.

"And I would tell you that you are dead wrong."

She blinked, almost surprised. Typical Rose, always underestimating her abilities. She leaned forward, pressing her forehead against mine. I was about to lean back, when she looped her arms I around my neck, softly bringing her lips to mine before deepening the kiss. I couldn't take it any more as I pressed my lips fervently to hers, pulling her closer into a bone crushing embrace. I feel her hook her leg around mine, pulling me even closer. It was difficult, because I was so much taller than her, but with me bending down, and her curving upward, we could manage.

I felt her heart racing as her chest pushed against mine, and I could feel the slight curves. I brought one of my hand down to loop around her waist, trying to deepen the kiss even further. Her aura surrounded me, bathed me in pure essence of Rose. I wouldn't do anything without Rose's permission however. Any sign of discomfort and I would stop. But this might be the last time we do something like this, at least for a while.

Rose's P.O.V.

I fell limp against him as I felt his lips on mine. He surrounded me like a wall, a fortress, protecting me, and I realized how small I was, or how huge he was I was brought into his stocky frame. His lips engulfed me, and I felt myself burn like wildfire.

He was passionate, but gentle, and for a few seconds I couldn't think anything. I was just doing what my instincts were telling me to do. But then I realized, he was waiting for me to make the first move. He was so sweet, he wanted me to push us, not him. And people said chivalry was dead.

I was so nervous though, as far as kissing goes, I wasn't exactly experienced. I had no idea what to do, and to be quite honest, the whole putting tongues in other people's mouths disgusted me, but I don't need to think, I need to do, but I don't want to move too fast.

After about thirty seconds, where I thought I was going to suffocate, but not willing to pull back first, we separate, breathing hard. He didn't look upset, in fact he looked satisfied. He grinned.

"You are amazing you know that?"

I lean my head against his shoulder, and he leaned down to nuzzle in the crook of my neck.

"Not nearly as amazing as you. I love you."

"I love you too."

The words are getting easier to say, almost like I am getting used to it. It makes me so happy, as I hug Zoro to me. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I lean back, grabbing the fruit.

"Come on, they will start to be worried if we don't hurry."

I hate to be the one to cut this short, but I think Zoro runs more on emotions than smarts, so he would be the one to get us caught, if we weren't careful. He sighed, and took his katanas, slamming them into the tree trunk. After a second, fruit literally rained down on our heads. I laughed as I covered my head, trying to get out of dodge. The ground was covered with fruit. I sighed.

"How are we supposed to carry all of this?"

He shrugged.

"We can get the others to help us I suppose."

Almost on cue, something came whirling at us at top speed, shouting.

"Rose! Zoro!"

I hit the deck, managing to dodge the flying mass, and chuckled as it, or he, wrapped around the tree.

"Hi Luffy."

Luffy untangled himself as bounded over, giving me a huge hug.

"Hi Rose, I am so glad we found you."

He gave Zoro a look, and his first mate nodded. One of their silent conversations again.

"Rose! Zoro! Are you all injured?"

"Rose swan, I have come to rescue you my darling!"

I look down the stream to see Chopper and Sanji coming up the creek, Sanji with hearts in his eyes. I was about to answer, when Zoro called out.

"Rose has got a nasty gash on her arm Chopper. I am fine."

Chopper shrieked and rushed to my side, already throwing his bag down on the ground. I pulled my arm away.

"Relax Chopper, it can wait until we get on the ship."

Sanji spun at Zoro, kick flailing at the first mate's head.'

"You idiot marimo, you were supposed to protect her!"

I glided into to intervene, wrapping my uninjured arm around Sanji's.

"Oh please Sanji-kun, please don't hurt Zoro when it was my fault that I got injured."

Sanji dissolved into a minor nosebleed and pink hearts everywhere.

"Oh Rose-swan, you are too kind to a no good swordsman like him. He has no idea how to treat a lady."

I glanced at Zoro, expecting him to be holding back a chuckle, but was surprised to see his face darken. I narrow my eyes. Was he insulted by Sanji calling him out on not being able to take care of me? I follow his gaze to mine and Sanji's interlocked arms. Oh my gosh, was he…I think he is. Is he jealous? I raise my eyebrows at him, and when he looked away, pouting, I snorted with laughter. He totally was.

"Rose, stay still."

Chopper pulled me down to his level. He prodded at the bandages.

"This is actually decent. Did you do this?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, but Zoro did it yesterday."

He nodded his approval.

"It doesn't look too bad, but I need to take the bandage off it to see the full damage."

He pointed to my neck.

"What about that?"

I flinch inwardly. Forgot about that one. I lied easily.

"Ran into a tree branch. Really not that bad."

I could feel Zoro's gaze, but I refused to meet it. Chopper pointed to my face.

"And that?"

I touch my face. It was a little tender from being smacked, but not really noteworthy.

"Same tree branch, honestly not that big a deal."

Chopper nodded.

"Fine, let's get you back to the ship and get you treated."

I stood.

"Yeah, but let's get this fruit first."

I was about to pick some up, but realized that the entire ground was barren. Even the tree didn't have any left. Then I saw Luffy, with his cheeks bulged out like a chipmunks, running from an angry Sanji.

"Come back here Luffy, you weren't supposed to eat those."

"Shop Shanji."

Of course that happened. Zoro prodded me.

"How about we leave these two idiots?"

I smiled up at him.

"What a brilliant idea."

Chopper, Zoro, and I made our way back to the beach. We loaded the Mini Merry with the food, and eventually Sanji and Luffy came back, Luffy with several bumps on his head, and looking dejected, and Sanji just looking fed up with his captain. We loaded up, and with a push off, we were off.

I stared back at the island. That was an incredible adventure, and I actually had fun. So much had happened on that island where we made our home for a few days. I will miss it, and the perks that came with it.

"So how did you guys find us?"

I ask. Luffy pointed to Chopper.

"He sniffed you out."

As I thought. Sanji kicked Luffy lightly.

"Yeah, but Chopper was sick for a few days. Nami-swan stayed up long hours of the night trying to plot currents to predict where you all would go."

I smile fondly. Of course Nami would do that. She is such a kind person. I felt something against my leg. I glanced down to see Zoro casually resting his knee against mine. I smile inwardly as I drop my hand by my side, making sure it is resting beside my thigh, but also touching his. I see the ghost of a smirk, and I chuckle inwardly. I swear, he is needier than I am, and that is saying something.

We hopped back on the ship and it felt so good to be back home. I rolled around on the grass, cackling gleefully.

"Missed you Sunny."

I see Zoro head toward the kitchen, probably for a good strong, alcoholic drink. It's amazing how aware of him I am now. It's like my senses are heightened, just for finding and watching him specifically. Everyone else greeted me with hugs and joyful exclamations.


"We missed you Rose sis."

"Welcome back Rose."

"We should play tag together soon."

"Nope, not until I change that bandage Usopp."

Robin patted my back.

"Hi Rose."

I grinned.

"I missed all of you too."

Usopp asked quickly.

"How was it?"

Nami scoffed.

"You had to spend three days with Zoro. I'm sure that was a nightmare."

I shook my head.

"It was a lot of fun, and I've got some stories for you Usopp, probably better than your tall tales."

Sanji felt my arms, looking me up and down, and for once was completely serious.

"You need some proper nutrition. Did you get enough to eat?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes mom. There was plenty of food."

Robin, noticing my injuries asked.

"What else happened on the island?"

I shrugged.

"Nothing much, just exploring and survival."

Chopper grabbed my hand.

"Come on guys, let me get her taken care of."

He led me to the sick bay, ready to take care of my injuries. I followed him obediently. I should head back into the routines on the ship.

Zoro's P.O.V.

I grabbed a barrel of booze and retreated into the familiarity of my crow's nest. Yep, chug this down, take a little nap, and then go back to training. That sounds phenomenal.

Chopper was taking care of Rose, and knowing her, she will want to spend some time with each crewmember before coming to me. She did miss three days of quality time with them, and I shouldn't be too clingy. Girls don't like that right?

Luffy had already thanked me for taking care of her, and I of course said no problem. There was no reason why I wouldn't. But oh when she cozied up to Pirate A something boiled in me that I didn't like. I didn't understand. That had happened before, but I had never felt, whatever this feeling was, before. It was usually hilarious. And Rose had laughed! Laughed at me. She knew something I didn't I guess. Oh well, this sake isn't going to drink itself.

It was so good to have alcohol after a few days of sobriety, just to get even a little buzz. I sighed in contentment as my sense dulled slightly, letting the booze, carry me off to slight drunksville. After I drank the barrel, I sit up next to the wall. I see over in the corner my beloved katanas, not like those filthy pirates' that I stole. I kept them, but only because I could sell them, and maybe pay off my debt to that stupid debt collector. Somebody would like them.

It was some time later when I heard familiar laughter, like golden sunshine filtering through my mind. I yawned, and noticed by the light it was late afternoon. The second thing I noticed was the absence of Rose. After waking up with her in my arms several times, I hadn't realized it had become a habit. I shove away the feelings as I rub my eye, opening the window to look out over the deck.

Robin and Nami were sipping fruity drinks, spectating a game of tag by Rose, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper. I shake my head fondly. Of course she is winning too. She juked Luffy and sprinted around the deck, not even fazed that her arm was now swathed in more bandages. Of course Chopper gave her a thorough examination. I roll my eyes and decide to weight train a little. I did take a few days off.

I was almost done with my reps of sword swinging about five hundred pounds when there was a familiar thumping of the door opening. I turn to see a grinning Rose hauling herself through the hatch.

"Hi Zoro, mind if I join you?"

I smiled, handing off a smaller weight.

"Sure thing."

She almost dropped it, but lifted it up and started to work out with it.

"You want to spar later? Franky and Usopp told me they just finished fine tuning my weapon. I need swords for it though."

I froze, glancing over at her.

"How many?"

She shrugged.

"One would be perfectly fine. Do you still have those swords from those pirates?"

I gaped at her. She was going to use the same weapons that were used by the men to torture her? She grinned.

"A weapon is a weapon, and besides, I kind of like the idea of a souvenir."

I rolled my eyes. Of course Rose would. I hand over the swords without complaint. She studied them and sighed.

"Which would be the best one. You have more experience than I do."

I see an opportunity and seize it. I circle around behind her, looping my arms around her as I examine the swords, laying my head on her shoulder. She jerks, before smiling and sinking back into me. After a few seconds, and triple checking my choice, I point out the sharpest, and has the best temper.

"That one. I can clean and fix it up all nice for you if you want."

She winked.

"Oh, thank you Zoro."

I sit down by the window. My nap seemed to have make me even more tired. Rose sat down next to me, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"Somebody got super jealous when I pretended to flirt with Sanji."

I stiffened. Yeah, I guess that was the emotion I felt.

"I was not—"

"Were too."

She chuckled at the indignant look on my face. Maybe I was a little. Rose's grin was so big it filled her entire face as she wrapped her arms around mine. She rubbed her chest against me slowly, almost sexily.

"Aww, did you want what he had?"

That low purr was enticing. I glanced toward the trapdoor, still wide open and gulp.

"Don't tempt me."

She grinned.

"Big softie."

I looked down at her.

"Excuse me, who wants this hidden from the crew?"

Her face fell for a second, before she rolled her eyes.

"Fair enough."

We fell into silence. It was amazing how we still acted the exact same, yet things were different on the inside. I leaned back against the wood, closing my eye.

"You going to take a nap?"

I nodded.

"Just a short one, before dinner."

I felt her get up, like she wanted to leave, but I grabbed her hand.


Please, but I don't add that part. I felt her soft smile as she snuggled up against me, hand clasped in mine.

"Of course. I won't leave you."

I rubbed my cheek against her head, planting a soft kiss there, and she responded with a soft kiss on my collarbone. I smiled as I leaned back, and felt her warmth radiating from her.

The adventure was over, for sure, but as far as this relationship goes, it is only the beginning.

And that's all of it folks! Rebelleader1011 and I would like to thank every single one of you that followed and gave reviews to this fic.

Rebelleader1011, thank you so much for entrusting this one to me. It's really an honor! :)