
Game of Thrones is owned by George R.R. Martin

Fallout: New Vegas is owned by Bethesda

Their army moved unimpeded, only coming across a few warm-bloods who were quickly raised as new soldiers. Their 'scouts' had told them of the ones who didn't reside behind the Wall's safety, yet they were absent. It didn't matter. They would join the fold, as all would. Eventually they reached their destination, the bastion that defended the world from their advance. He stared at the Wall from his position at the rear of the army.

Soon… soon the world will-

A flash green appears at the front of the army, and he felt the loss of several thralls. The green light spread, quickly absorbing the forest in flame the same color. He started pulling his forces back-


Explosions take out the thralls not in the forest, leaving him a few hundred instead of thousands. He felt dragonglass striking through several more of his troops, and while it didn't instantly destroy them, they had no hope of reaching of the Wall. He saw something fly over the Wall, and he fled. They would not take the world this era, but that was fine.

The world forgot them before. They would do so again. And then, they would be prepared…

He watched the forest as it burned green, and he wondered if this is what it was like to watch the very first nuke go off. He watched the flames as they eventually died out, and stared at was once a forest, now ash or blackened earth. He could feel something worm its way into his heart, and for the first in… he couldn't even remember, tears poured from his eyes. His hands shook, and he choked back a sob. A hand, smaller than his own, grasped his fingers and squeezed lightly.

"…Few others would weep for the forest…"

He doubled-over, "Haaaaaaah…"

"…Yet you almost seem… injured."


"You have been through this before?"


Leaf stared at the man… at the thing before her as it curled in on itself. The Raven had told them they would bring a new peace within the world, but at a terrible cost. But if the loss of their trees could end their mistake once and for all, then it was worth it…

Leaf suddenly found herself pressed a cold metal plate, two strong arms wrapping around her.


…Huh. This is what awkwardness feels like. She reached around and patted him on the back, and when he pulled away he looked her in the eyes.

"I swear to you, I will find a way to make this up to you."

…She wanted to tell him about all the others that made such a promise. Of how they failed, or lied. But those eyes, so different from… anything… it felt…

…it almost felt like she was looking into her own…

The lords and leaders sat around a map of everything north of the Wall, arguing over their next move.

"The Night's King is defeated for now. We should focus on rebuilding our lands and gathering supplies for winter." Ned looked to the other lords, Renly, Mance, and Margaery nodding.

"We should be pursuing the Night's King. His army is shattered! It's the perfect opportunity to strike." Stannis rebutted, Melisandre nodding beside him.

"Damned if you do, damned if you don't." They looked to the doorway where the Courier entered with Leaf, "Gonna have to really think on this one."

Renly scoffed, "The one who manipulated a continent from another can't decide on a plan?"

"Ain't that easy, doe-boy," The Courier paused, "…huh, that was not one of my better ones. Look, we've got zero intel on the enemy. Did they blow their load on this attack, or are they just waiting for their second wind? If they're coming back, do they have something worse with them?"

"The Raven may know more." Leaf chimed in, "It may take some time to contact him, though."

The Courier nodded, "Better than nothing. Anything else…?" The Courier looked around, shrugging when no one spoke up, "Right, guess I'll see you all tomorrow?"

They gave various noises of assent, and the each set off to their own chambers.

"Okay, just… gotta call her… just… gotta…"

The Courier's hand shakily hovered over the communicator he had given Liberty-One. With a deep breath, he grabbed the grabbed the microphone.

"Hey, Dany."


He jerked his head from the mic, wincing as his helmet amplified the shout.

"I just borrowed him for a bit!"

"You don't think you should have told me!?"

"You would've said no!"

"Of course I would have said no!"

"LOOK!" The Courier shouted, and Daenerys was silent. He sighed, dragging his hand down his mask, "I know you're upset, but I needed Drogon here. I can count the total number of people I can trust here on one hand. Drogon will keep the rest too afraid to try anything. More than that, I don't have as many assets here as in Essos. And I need every advantage against the White Walkers as I can get."

There was silence until a sigh came over.

"They are truly a threat, then."

"Yep," he drummed his fingers on the table, "Though they aren't exactly what I thought they were. I was expecting ghouls with frost powers. According to the scouts, only a few figures actually matched for a ghoul."

"So they've already attacked?" She nervously asked.

"We won the fight, no deaths, too. Turns out, your… granddad, I think, stored a metric fuck-ton of barrels of something called 'wildfire' in the capitol. Don't know why anyone wouldn't move that shit out afterwards, but it worked out in our favor. Torched the troops, with some barrels left to spare. Made some dragonglass mines, which helped… The blast stuff mines, not digging mines."

She sighed on relief, "So you will be returning soon, then?"

"Mmph, 'fraid not."

"…You defeated the White Walkers, have you not?" He could hear the shock in her voice.

"…It's complicated. According to our little information, their main command is still up North, and considering it's literally cold enough to freeze balls off here, we aren't gonna be able to attack anytime soon… Wait…" He put his thumb and index finger to his mask.


"Time… Huh…"

"What does time have to do with anything?"

"…Something to talk to the lord's about later. How's everything on your end?"

"Some believe I've sent you to conquer Westeros for me, others are questioning who truly leads, seeing as you were able to tame my dragons and flew off with them."

He scratched the back of his helmet, "To be fair, they've been questioning that long before I took Drogon."

She sighed, and he could feel her trying to calm down, "The way you act, does not help. You expect me to rule, yet you insist on acting like some, some, childish fool, making it seem like you aren't under control."

He held the mic in his hands before slowly raising it to his face, "Dany. We are going to have a talk when I get back. And I am going to make it very clear where we stand."

He shut down the machine as she tried to protest, and he left the room. He looked to Liberty-One, who was standing next to the door with his hands behind his back.

"Thank you, Liberty, and sorry for taking up your room for a moment."

"It is no problem, sir." He bowed at the waist, and the Courier snorted a laugh before heading off.

Melisandre smiled as she practically glided through the shadows. The birth of the Targaryen dragons gave her more power, but it was the Courier bringing one of them here that allowed her to become as powerful as she currently was. Her smile grew as she reached his room. She knocked, and the door opened to reveal the Courier without his helmet.


…Not quite the greeting she expected, but she would not question the will of R'hllor.

"Hello, Courier. Might I come in?"

He shrugged and stepped aside, closing the door after she entered. She looked around, castle plans on the walls, a jar of wildfire and a jar of dragonglass shards on a shelf. On his desk was several papers, and he stacked them into a folded piece of paper before turning back to her.

"So, what did I do to annoy Stannis this time?"

"I assure you, I do not come here on Stannis' orders." He tilted his head, and she continued, "I come here to bear witness to the one that could bring dragons back to the world, and brought one here."

"…Oh yeah, your one of the red women. S'pose a dragon would be a huge deal to you lot."

She kept her excitement from showing just barely, "How? How did you bring them back, and how did you tame them?"

"Like I tell everyone else, that first part was all Dany's work. The second was just luck on my part."

She gave a small laugh, "So humble."

He shrugged, "Trust me lady, luck has gotten me out of more bullshit than I care to admit. Only reason Drogon follows me is that he passed out first."

"You fought it?"

"Yep, whole reason he has that burn on his snout."

'Fire that can harm even a dragon…'

"Where are you from? The rumors claim you are of Lhazar, others that you are not even of this world…"

"My personal life is personal. Can tell you I grew up in a desert, though."

"…Tell me, do you know of the prophecy of Azor Ahai?" She couldn't wait any longer, she had to do this.

"Kind of. Wielded-slash-will wield a flaming sword… sorry, I really don't do the whole 'destiny' thing, so I'm not sure about the rest."

She swayed her hips as she started walking towards him, "He would be born among salt and smoke, arriving when the stars bleed red and darkness gathers," she stopped a few steps away from him, "And he would wake dragons from stone…" She prostrated herself before him, "And here you are, Azor Ahai."

She heard a slapping sound, and she looked up to see the Courier drag his hand down his face, "Zion's never gonna leave me alone, is it?"

She got into a kneeling position, her smile turning sultry, "Forgive me for following Stannis, my lord. I had foolishly believed he was R'hllor's destined champion, but I hope I can… convince you to forgive me…" She reached up to the hem of her dress-

"Two things: first, I ain't into old ladies. Second, I would sooner let a cazadore and a deathclaw near my junk than you."

Melisandre felt fear jolt through her, "You… see me as, as an old woman?" He nodded, and she quickly stood up, "Apologies, my lord, but I must go." She didn't wait for a response, rushing out of his room and heading to her own.

'Fool, of course R'hllor's chosen would see through such tricks. I'll have to try another way…'

Ned sat alone in the room given to him. He had his hands crossed in front of his face, knowing what he had to do, but not looking forward to it in the slightest. He gave a long sigh before standing and heading out into the hall.

He had to have a long overdue talk with his nephew about Lyanna…

AN: Sorry this took so long, I sort of conked out on how the hell I was going to continue this, then I started writing other stories until I figured everything out. Still, story is ending soon, possibly a sequel in the works. For those wondering about how the conversation with Leaf ended: Child at Heart perk. It's a stretch, but I making it.