Alois turned the page in his book and sighed contentedly. It had been three years since he's contract with Hannah had been fulfilled, instead of eating the boy's soul however, She gave him life as a demon. The week after the transformation was difficult for Alois. He missed Luca and to a small extent Claude.
Hannah surprised him one afternoon by giving him a second chance at being a big brother. Alois had spent the morning crying in his bed when the door creaked open and a small hand touched his shoulder.
"Brother...please don't cry anymore, I still love you very much." The familiar voice said gently. Alois' head shot up and his eyes widened.
"Luca?' He slid off the bed , kneeling in front of the younger boy.
"Yes your highness." Luca smiled up at him.
"This is just a dream, it can't be real." He thought out loud.
"I'm as real as you are, don't you want me to be with you anymore?" Luca frowned as Alois reached out a shaky hand to touch the boy. When he realized that the figure in front of him was solid and truly there, he had pulled him into a tight hug.
"Of course I want you, I've missed you so much, I just had to be sure. I dreamed so many times about you coming back but i- I love you Luca and I'm so sorry."
"Don't have anything to be sorry for. I love you too and I'm glad Hannah loves us so much that she let us be together." Luca said happily.
"Where is she?" Alois asked as the realization that she wasn't in sight came to him.
"Resting, I don't know exactly how I got here and she says we shouldn't ask so I didn't. " Alois smiled, he had Hannah and Luca, his life was perfect. At least until the day he crossed paths with Ciel Phantomhive once more.
"Can't you do something about this?" Ciel's voice reached Alois' ears one evening as his family was walking in the moonlight.
"I suggest that we find a place for the night, You're going to feel tired until you get used to your new life. This is one of the very few situations when a demon does need to rest or sleep. I can carry you to the next town and -"
"I can walk. Let's just go." Ciel had indeed sounded tired.
"Yes my Lord." Sebastian replied clearly unhappy. Alois stopped to watch, his eyes were fixed on Ciel. A smile crept onto his face.
Ciel was stunning in the moonlit setting, his eyes glowing brilliantly in the night.
"Your highness, we mustn't stop here, you know what would happen if he sees you." Hannah said quietly. Alois wasn't listening, before he could stop himself, the blonde demon was standing in full view of his enemies.
"Ciel?" He called quietly.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Ciel narrowed his eyes but stopped Sebastian from acting.
"Not yet.' He had said.
"I see you're having trouble with your carriage there, we were passing by and my house isn't far. I thought maybe you'd like to stay the night until it can be fix." Ciel stepped forward causing Hannah to try blocking him.
"No, it's alright, Hannah. Whatever Ciel will do, I deserve it for what I've done to him." Alois said calmly.
"After all that,you think I'd stay with you, not if was the only place on earth, Trancy." Ciel suddenly felt fatigued and could no longer stand. He knew nothing else until the following afternoon when he opened his eyes to find himself lying in a large bed with Sebastian beside him and Alois knocking at the open door.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Would it matter if I said no?" Ciel replied.
"Not unless you want to send Sebastian after me. I just wanted to see how you're feeling." Alois said honestly.
"shall I get rid of him Master?"
"No. Get started on the carriage." Sebastian was surprised by obeyed the command, leaving Alois alone with Ciel.
"Are you still angry at me about the taking over your body incident?" Ciel glared but sat up shakily.
" no, don't push yourself." Alois sat on the edge of the bed.
"I've felt like this before, you should take it easy now. It'll pass soon and then you're on your way."
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because -" what could Alois say?
"Because what?" Alois looked into Ciel's blue eyes sincerely.
"Because I love you." He said, surprising his guest.
"You're mad, if you think I could ever-"
"I can't expect you to. I'm no stranger to disappointment and one sided love. I know it's funny but I feel differently about you than I did Claude, you make my heart feel funny. Ciel, not in a bad way but I know you can't feel it for me. It's okay."
"You gave me a place to stay for the night, what is it that you want from me in return?"
"Find your happiness somehow, you're beautiful Ciel, and I bet you're more so when you truly smile. Though I would like to see if there's something there if you wouldn't-" Before Ciel could reply, Alois had pressed his lips to his.
Ciel sat in shock and both demon's faces turned red.
"I know I'm taking a big chance and the answer won't be what I want it to be but...stay here, you and Sebastian for as long as you want." Alois leaned in again, this time he kissed Ciel more passionately, leaning him back onto the pillows and Ciel didn't fight.
It didn't take long for the decision to be made for a trial period. There had been many fights between the two and Luca would run to Hannah. The good times pushed the two together and now they had been a family for nearly a year and a half.
The arrangement hadn't set well with Sebastian and Hannah but the demons did their best to get along as they were ordered.
Alois heard the door to the library open and lifted his head, he had lost his interest in the book.
"What's wrong Love?" He asked as Ciel wandered in, his skin was pale and he was walking slower than usual.
"I'm not feeling well, that's all." He said sitting down on the sofa next to the blonde demon. He sat sideways and leaned against Alois,who wrapped an arm around him.
"Ciel, I think you should ask Sebastian about this, or if its better for you, I'll ask Hannah, but you're worrying me." Alois kissed the top of his head.
"Don't worry,I'll be fine, I just need -"
"The. Only time you want cuddled like this is when you're really upset or something else is really wrong. I know you better than that."
"maybe I just feel like it today."
"You've been ill for a couple days now, does your belly still hurt?"
"Not as bad,but it could be better." Alois lowered his hand and began rubbing Ciel's stomach gently the heat from Alois 'hand always seemed to ease Ciel's pain.
"Just relax now, will you talk to Sebastian or let me ask Hannah how to help you get better?"
"I'm fine it's just a little -" Ciel whimpered as a strong wave of pain hit his abdomen. He grabbed onto the edge of the sofa.
"Ciel!" Alois cried holding him close.
"Hannah!" Alois shouted , he could hear footsteps approaching.
"What is it you're highness, what's the matter?"
"I need you to help me with Ciel, he's in a lot of pain and I don't know what to do."
Hannah knelt down.
"Young master, I think it's a good idea to have one of our doctors examine you, can I take you back to your bed?" Ciel shook his head.
"I don't think I can move right now, Last time I did that -"
"Ciel, how many times has this happened?" Alois asked.
"twice, it just started today." Alois reached down and took Ciel's hand, he was surprised by the strength of Ciel's grip.
"Why didn't you say anything, I would've sat with you."
"Does it really matter?"
"It does to me, I love you very much." The slightly older demon said.
"Hannah, go get a doctor and then tell Sebastian to come here, maybe he can help." Hannah stood up and rushed to her task.