I recently watched this anime, Lord Marksman and Vanadis, and I found i really enjoyed it. I hope you all come to enjoy reading about my new OC almost as much as I enjoyed writing about her. This introduction to this new story is short but please be patient and anticipate the upcoming chapters.

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The tree leaves rustled prompting Tigre to glance up, slanting his eyes in search of prey. Twigs snapped and the forest slowly came alive around him. It was especially odd, usually the forest was silent and yet today it was bursting with life all around him. The hunter moved through the trees and almost had his head removed from a flock of birds who raced at him. He was tense now, everything seemed off.

As Tigre made advancements into the woods, more of its inhabitants attacked him out of nowhere. Various types of rodents were scurrying between him, clawing at his boots and pant legs. A herd of deer set their sights on him as well, trying to get him to turn and run. It was clear that he should turn but something compelled him to move on. He was curious to know what the forest was hiding so desperately. As he ran past the herd, he came to a section where the trees began to space out and the ground shook to the pattern of a heartbeat. An unnatural red glow came from a small burrow in the ground. Tigre crouched low, trying to peer into the hole. He could make out moss and twigs surrounding the source of the red light. He made his way closer and felt an intense heat radiate from it.

As he got closer, a loud growl emitted from behind him. Tigre slowly turned around while reaching for his arrows. A wolf stood in front of him with its fangs bared. Several other growls erupted around him. Birds cried from above and other animals chimed in as well. The hunter drew his bow and shifted only to lose his footing and fall backwards. He was forced to crawl back in order to escape the pack of wolves who advanced closer. Suddenly, he felt an intense burn on his back and realized he hit the source of light.

The entire forest went wild and the pace of the heartbeat of the ground increased. Tigre turned his head and his eyes widened as he saw that the heat came from a large egg. It was various shades of red with golden shimmer along the top. The moss covered the majority of it and the twigs formed a partial nest for it.

Tigre was entranced with it. He reached out and right after he placed a single finger on the egg, a crack formed. The forest went silent and the heartbeat stopped. The crack spread and created a spider web design along the egg. Bits and pieces of it chipped away and fell to the ground, burning and disappearing right before his eyes.

Without warning the entire area lit up in bright flames. As the fire whipped around him, Tigre's screams mixed in with a thunderous roar. This alerted his companions and Elenora also known as Elen was the first to dash into the woods in search of him.

Ludmila raced after her, concerned by the loud noise and the rising fire that could be seen in the woods. Both war maidens came to the ring of fire, unable to get any closer despite their power.

The flames peeled back to reveal Tigre in the arms of a young girl. This girl with bright red hair, shining emerald eyes and dragon horns sprouting from her head held Tigre tightly. His right arm was bleeding and had a design etched into his skin. It looked like fire was crawling up his arm, only it was drawn and mixed in with his blood.

"I am Kaida, the dragon gear of flame." The girl smiled and bent her head to kiss Tigre.