Hi! Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement! I have decided that I want to fix up this story, so please bear with me. If any of the events in this chapter seem confusing, please let me know so I can do my best to explain/fix it. Reviews are always appreciated, and as always: I do not own either of these franchises. Naruto and Madoka Magica do not belong to me.

Is this a dream? Homura wondered. She was no longer in her bedroom. Instead, she was somewhere that resembled outer space. Something's not right here, she thought.

"Homura Akemi." Homura quickly turned her head toward the sound.

"Incubator," she responded coldly.

"It seems that your power grants you the ability to travel between timelines, so it makes sense that you would be able to travel between realities as very interesting," Kyubey continued.

"Between realities?" Homura paused. She had not reset the timeline again, so why would reality be changing? "What are you playing at, Incubator?"

"You are no longer the only magical girl to have wished to change reality in such a drastic way."

"What do you mean?" She asked. Something was very wrong, and she feared it would make it all that much harder to save Madoka.

"My newest contract made a wish to change reality so that it matches that of the shinobi world. I am not entirely sure what the shinobi world is, but the contract was completed."

Homura vaguely remembered reading a manga with shinobi in it back when she was still in the hospital. What was it called… Naruto? She wondered. However, she had not read much of it. She had started the series just a few weeks prior to attending Mitakihara. She had quickly lost interest in the concept when she discovered the existence of magical girls. Seeing that there were people with real powers fighting all around her made the whole concept seem very boring and almost insulting, in a way.

"That's insane! Why would someone trade their soul just to poke around in some story?"

"That is none of my concern. She will eventually turn into a witch regardless of what she wished for."

"What was the exact wording of her wish?" Homura asked with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

"She wished that everyone who fights witches be transported into the shinobi world."

Homura was so focused on trying to figure out the nature of this wish that one could practically see the gears turning in her head.People who fight wishes were not necessarily magical girls. Technically speaking, anyone who has helped a magical girl fight would be included in this… reality jump… "Which means that Madoka is affected," Homura finished aloud.

Kyubey simply nodded, confirming her suspicions.

"However…" She continued as her violet eyes stared intensely into red ones, "Couldn't it be said, Incubator, that your ultimate goal is to create witches, and not to fight them?" Although Kyubey's face remained as impassive as ever, it was easy to tell that the same conclusion Homura had come to. "And couldn't it be said that because of this, you are not actually included in this wish? It would have been wise to think of this before you granted such a request," Homura said with what could only be a smirk.

For a creature with no emotions, Kyubey sure seemed pissed.


Homura awoke to find that she was in a bed that was not her own. The dream I had last night was definitely real. However, I have no idea where I landed within this universe. Surveying the apartment she was in, Homura looked for signs of where and who she was within the shinobi world. However, she found that it was more useful to notice what she did not have. She rummaged through all the drawers there, but did not find any weapons or battle-ready clothing. From what she could tell, Homura was a civilian and not a shinobi. Good, thought Homura, It will be easier for me to find Madoka if I don't have anyone I have to report back to. The other thing that was lacking was any sort of identification, or even just photos of family and friends. It seems that even here, I'm alone. The lack of identification papers for myself could be a problem… I'll have to figure out a solution for that soon, especially if I need to leave the area. Speaking of, what area exactly am I talking about?

Although Homura had thoroughly inspected what was presumably her apartment, she still did not know what village or even what nation she was in. After putting on the plain black tee shirt, gray pants and blue sandals, Homura felt that she could blend right in with a crowd. Just the look I'm going for, she mused. Feeling confident she wouldn't draw attention to herself, Homura then grabbed some of the money she had found in her dresser and walked out of her apartment into the new world around her.

Figuring that she was going to end up doing at least a little traveling in search of Madoka, Homura decided that it would be a good idea to stock up on supplies for the road.

While she wasn't normally one to invade other people's privacy, Homura needed all the information she could get. So while she was shopping, she made it a point to eavesdrop on the people surrounding her. Most of what she heard wasn't all that useful, however, she eventually landed on a conversation of much interest.

"Did you see where that medic with the pink hair went? I was hoping I could get the chance to thank her before she left," she heard a woman ask her friend.

"She took off along the main road a few hours ago. She seemed to be in quite the hurry to get back before the afternoon," another woman replied. "I wish she had stuck around a little longer, I didn't even catch her name."

Pink haired medic? Could it be her? Kohona sounds like less than a day's journey. If I hurry, I can make it there before sunset, especially with my abilities. It's not much to go on, but it's a start.


After a long day of walking, Homura had finally made it to Konoha. She was almost in view of the main gate when she heard a shout.

"You have to let me in!" The voice exclaimed. "I swear I'm just here to buy a few things! I'm just civilian!"

Another person responded, presumably whoever was guarding the entrance. "No papers, no entry. Simple as that."

Well, shit. I'm not going to be able to get in without some kind of ID, and I can only stop time for so long. If I go to the hospital to look for that pink haired medic, I'm going to have to be able to talk to her. If I just appear out of nowhere and start talking, there's no way I won't get attacked for being an intruder. Besides, even if it is Madoka in there, I'm not going to be able to stay for long if I'm not supposed to be there.

The only option was for Homura to be brought willingly into Konoha, or better yet for Homura to be brought into the hospital.

If I appear to have a life threatening injury, They'll bring me in for treatment. Even better, I can fake amnesia once I get there. That way it won't look too suspicious when I have no explanation for who I am or what I'm doing in Konoha.

Homura knew that the guards at the gate were most likely ninja, and would therefore be able to tell a real injury from a fake one. That meant that her seemingly life threatening injury would have to actually be life threatening to a civilian. Good thing I'm not a civilian, Homura mused to herself, although in reality she definitely wasn't looking forward to what she was about to do.

After checking her surroundings to make sure no one would see her, she summoned her shield. Time had to be stopped while doing this or else someone might hear. Reluctantly, Homura turned her shield and watch the world meld into shades of gray.

Luckily for her, Homura had learned how to block out pain completely long ago. While it was dangerous to do in battle, it was definitely a useful skill to have in other situations. Of the things she remembered from the Naruto manga, they didn't have guns in this world. If I use a gun for this, it'll look very suspicious, seeing as guns don't exist here.

She fished around in her arsenal, looking for something that wasn't a gun or bomb. After much digging, she found an old golf club from her early days as a magical girl, as well as a pocket knife she kept in there for convenience purposes. Not my witch hunting gear, but it'll work for what I have in mind. Besides, I can always heal myself up later.

After she had heavily injured herself, Homura decided it would be a good idea to tear a few holes in her clothing to really make it look convincing. She lowered her shield and let time start again, and then started staggering to the gate. For once in her life, Homura was grateful that her consciousness was separate from her body. While she didn't have a mirror to see what she looked like, she knew she had done quite a bit of damage, which would cause quite a bit of pain if she had to feel it. As she got closer to the gate, she made sure to let out a few groans, and overall have a look of extreme pain on her face. Homura knew she wasn't the best actor, but she hoped it would be enough to get her inside.

Once the guards began shouting and running toward her, Homura stumbled to the ground, pretending to fall unconscious.


When Homura regained consciousness, she found that she was laying in a hospital bed. Wait. Why am I waking up? When did I actually lose consciousness? That wasn't supposed to happen!

Homura's thought's were quickly interrupted, however, when her eyes landed on the other person in the room. As they turned towards her, Homura was surprised to see she recognized the face. It was not who she was looking for, but Homura still felt a sense of relief as her eyes met with a pair of all-too-familiar blue ones.

Well, That covers what I had written up to this point. As you can see, I've changed some of the basic plot, mainly the fact that Kyubey is no longer in the picture. Does my writing for that make sense? Reviews are always very appreciated!