Author's note: This is an original story I'm working on that I realized could be adapted quite easily to fit Harry Potter. This takes place when they're all 21 and assumes they have become somewhat normal young adults that like to party and date. I know that in and of it self is a bit of a stretch but let me know what you think! Also, AU, Lavender is alive.

One Today

Years from now, I would look back on today and realize it was the day it all started. Today would be the day when he became more than just a friend; more than my ex-boyfriends best friend, more than my best friends ex-boyfriend. Today would be the day all the lines would start to blur, friendships would start to be strained and common sense would start to fly out the window.

Today would be the day that I became addicted to him.

I suppose I should give you some background before I tell you anymore. I was still getting over a year long relationship that I thought was absolutely perfect, only to be told by my boyfriend Ron that he didn't feel the same. Needless to say I was crushed. I spiraled into a deep depression and a year later I was finally feeling more like myself. Of course, the anti-depressants helped with that. But I was changed, the experience of loving someone so completely, and thinking you would spend forever with this person, only to have it ripped away from you, well, that has a way of leaving an imprint on you.

I know, slightly dramatic but I was 20 and in love for heavens sake, at the time I couldn't see otherwise. What made the breakup so damn difficult was that we were constantly around each other. We were part of the same group of friends, so every weekend, I was forced to be around him and see how absolutely unaffected he was. It was a living hell for a long time but it was getting better, I swear it was.

Now back to today. It was a rare occasion that my ex, Ron, wasn't out with us and I felt liberated. Free to have a good time without the constant pang in my heart. There was a group of us as always and we headed to a party. Now before I get to the juicy parts, let me fill you on who's at the party:

Hermione- that's me! I'm pretty but not gorgeous, a little too plain and depending on my mood I could be reserved and shy or completely outrageous (but I need a lot to drink).

Harry- HIM! Completely gorgeous, medium height and handsome, ladies man…all the warning signs are flashing DANGER! He has a girlfriend that he is constantly on the outs with (Ginny), plus he's got this weird 'friends with benefits' thing going on with Luna.

Lavender- fun, flirty, and voluptuous; since my breakup with Ron she's most often my partner in crime. I can admit I've gone off the deep end a bit, but I'm enjoying myself… anyway, Lavender is currently dating Dean.

Luna-annoys the hell out of most us but for some strange reason we still love her. She has a complicated relationship with Harry that is more than friends with benefits but less than boyfriend/girlfriend. It's not easily definable. She's pretty but odd.

Dean- A complete sweetie; He's cute and has that skateboarder style going for him. A past crush of mine, but is currently dating Lavender.

Padma - brutally honest. Petite. Likes to have a good time. We're not that close but Luna is close with her so we end up together a lot. She has a hopeless crush on Neville, who didn't come out with us tonight.

OK, now back to the party…we spent the first hour talking and binge drinking so that we had a buzz then we turned the radio up and got settled around a game that Padma brought. It was a drinking game that made you do silly ridiculous things. We hadn't played this particular game before, otherwise I would have been more hesitant to play or at least more cautious about where I sat. I sat next to Harry (a.k.a. HIM) and on his other side was Lavender. Across from us were Padma, Dean and Luna.

"Who's going first?" asked Padma

We all shrug and she huffs and rolls the dice, "six" she says moving her piece six places then reads, "pull your pants down and moon everyone or drink for one minute straight." It's still early in the night so she drinks.

Dean is next and he rolls, moves his piece, then reads, "Kiss the person to your right," he raises his eyes and glances at Lavender who for some reason isn't sitting next to him. She shrugs and he turns to Luna and makes out with her for a minute.

Shit! Now I'm starting to squirm, I didn't know I would have to make out with anybody! I'm so not making out with a girl and SHIT Harry is sitting next to me and is my ex's best friend…a big NO! Also, he's got this weird thing going on with Luna plus he's got a girlfriend (Ginny). I mean how much more complicated could it get? I'm panicking and before I realize it it's my turn. I have no idea what the others just did for their turn; I was so focused on my internal anxiety. I take a huge drink in the hopes that I suddenly become drunk enough that I'll stop thinking about all of this…I roll and move my piece 4 places, then read, "fill your cup, then chug the entire thing." I breathe a huge sigh of relief and thank the gods, happily chugging my drink.

By the time it's my turn again, I'm feeling a little drunk, so am much less anxious. Lavender just had to make out with Harry and it looked quite heated. Squirming in my seat, I roll, move my piece and read, "Make out with the person to your left for 5 minutes straight." FUCK ME! I'm no chicken so I take a huge gulp of my drink and turn to Harry, who's smirking like crazy. Lavender is laughing at me and Luna is giving me the evil eye while Padma looks disgusted and Dean looks amused.

"Someone has to time them," says Lavender laughing

I roll my eyes at her and before I can do anything Harry has his hands on my face and is kissing me. HOLY SHIT! I gasp slightly and we both open our eyes for a minute, each looking equally shocked, before we close them again and continue with our kiss. This feels amazing! Forget five minutes, I don't ever want to stop kissing him. His tongue is doing delicious things in my mouth and I'm pretty sure I just moaned a little. I can only describe it as electric; my body feels like its on fire and I'm completely aroused. We've moved closer together and his hands are still on my face, but they are more forceful than before, like he's demanding that I continue to kiss him. My arms are now around his neck and I keep trying to pull him closer but our knees are getting in the way. Just when I'm thinking of pushing him back on the bed so I can straddle him, something disturbs my thoughts…

"TIME!" shouts Luna

Harry and I pull apart, and I see the desire in his eyes but also a bit of awe and confusion. I shake my head and look to Luna who's obviously angry.

"Took you two long enough! We must have said time, like 10 times," said Lavender laughing and raising her eyebrows at us.

Harry just laughs and says, "What can I say, I'm that good."

I keep quiet, but my thoughts are bouncing around in my head like crazy. Holy shit, that was the best kiss I have ever had. I realize that we are sitting very close together still and our thighs are touching. As I'm looking down, Harry nudges his leg into mine and I look up surprised. He beams this heart-stopping smile at me and I know it right then, that I'm done for. I practically melt in that moment. I look away and grab my drink, chugging it quickly. I look at Dean and he's looking at me curiously. It's his turn now and somehow we've come to part of the game that I didn't realize was there…removing clothes. As Dean takes off his shirt, I internally hope that Harry has to do the same, but then I panic thinking I might also have to take off my shirt.

Six rounds later, I am definitely drunk and we have all lost our tops. I'm thankful I'm wearing one of my nicer bra's that pushes my B cups up and shows a fair amount of cleavage, especially since Lavender is much bigger than me. She's a big C cup so I'm feeling slightly inadequate right now. However, Luna, who's also a B cup doesn't have a bra that pushes her up or shows cleavage, so she looks much smaller than me. I feel inappropriately happy about this.

Luna and Dean have kissed a few more times, as have Harry and Lavender but I haven't gotten another chance at Harry yet. Padma has stopped playing, as she is somewhat disgusted with all of our incestuous kissing, which I find quite odd since she brought the game. Anyway, right now I'm really not thinking about anything other than how much I want to kiss Harry again. In fact, I'm a little worried that I'm going to jump his bones soon. I think he's feeling the same way because every now and then he rubs his hand against my thigh, making me take in a huge breath of air. The atmosphere is charged around us; we're so turned on.

How is it possible to feel this way from a single kiss?