I was shocked to discover that while there are hundreds of stories with Luke going back to episode 3, and a couple with Rey doing so, there were none with them going back together. So here is my first real attempt at a multi-chapter Star Wars story. Tell me what you think! It's all written, so I'll be updating once a day for for the next 3 weeks as it's 20 chapters plus an epilogue. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Anakin Skywalker was his mother's child. There was only one thing he, and his decedents, inherited from the force-a disregard for logic and rules. To put it simply, the Force, like the Skywalkers, did what it wanted. And, because of that, everything fell apart.
Anakin walked through the Room of a Thousand Fountains, trying to process everything. He had killed Count Dooku, in cold blood. It was wrong, but he'd enjoyed it. He's enjoyed the power. He'd enjoyed the Dark Side.
As if that wasn't enough to fill the young Jedi's mind, Padmé's news would be. She was pregnant! He was to be a father! If anyone found out they would both be disgraced, and yet Anakin couldn't be happier. He was to be a father; everything looked different in light of the news. Stars burned brighter in the sky. Laughter cut deeper. The water, trickling from the fountains, seemed to hold all the Universe's potential. The Force flowed stronger, swirling around Anakin in a tangible way. He closed his eyes, taking in the gentle feeling, the loving comfort ,of the essence which bound all things.
Anakin felt a jolt. His eyes flew open, and everything around him had changed, literally this time. A young man, of about twenty-five sat on the ground, as if just stirred from a deep meditation. Beside him was a girl, not old enough to be considered a woman really, who held out a lightsaber, as if handing it to someone. Her face bore a startling resemblance to that of Padmé, and Anakin got the sudden ridiculous idea that perhaps this girl was his unborn daughter. Ridiculous.
He didn't think on it long though, because the third man set everything into a whirl of chaos. He wore dark robes, and had a fresh scar across his face. In his hands was a red lightsaber which slashed through the air with raging fury, cutting apart some invisible foe.
All four looked horribly confused, but it was Kylo Ren who acted first. All he knew was that Rey, the woman who scarred him, who beat him, who disgraced him, was standing right there, and so he acted. With a guttural growl, he swung his lightsaber at her. Any other person would have been cut to ribbons, unable to respond in time, but the Force flowed through Rey. She didn't have to have time to think about what she was doing. Her lightsaber ignited anyway.
The battle they began weeks ago, and long in the future, begun once again. The Corusant air was warm, but both Rey and Kylo Ren were cold. They felt the biting air of the Starkiller base whipping around them. All the time that had passed since they last met disappeared, and it was as if the base never crumbled. Rey felt Finn lying unconscious behind her, and Kylo's face burned from his new scar.
Luke and Anakin Skywalker were horribly confused. Luke had no idea where he was. Last thing he remembered was meditating on Endor, feeling the presence of his father, Yoda, and Obi-Wan's ghosts. Now one of those ghosts, now the young version of his father, was standing before Luke, not a ghost at all. Luke could feel his father's Force presence. It burned bright, brighter than Darth Vader's ever had. There was certainly darkness there, but it wasn't in control yet. This was Anakin as Luke had never known him. This was Anakin before he was Darth Vader. But how could that be possible when Anakin's fall happened a quarter of a century before the Battle of Endor? The Battle in which Luke fought. The Battle in which the man who stood before Luke, had died?
No, it certainly didn't make sense to Luke all. And, for that matter, neither did the young girl and vicious fighter before him. Anakin was as equally confused as his son, but neither took the time to question the world around them. Kylo Ren was fighting ferociously with a red lightsaber, and that was all Luke and Anakin cared about. If the man had a red lightsaber he had to be a Sith, and Sith had to be destroyed.
And so, without even knowing her name, Luke and Anakin Skywalker jumped to the defense of Rey. Kylo Ren was good, but against Luke or Anakin he would have lost, never mind them and Rey together.
Once Luke and Anakin's lightsaber's joined the fray it was all over. Anakin Force-pushed Kylo back, and the man slammed his head against a fountain, falling unconscious. It was pretty pitiful actually, and Anakin found himself disturbed by that. A Sith, even a Sith apprentice, should not go down so easily.
It was that realization that made Anakin look closely at his fallen enemy. The man was clearly surrounded by the Dark Side, but there was light there that hadn't been distinguished. There was probably the same amount of light in the fallen 'Sith' as there was darkness in Anakin, and that disturbed the Jedi Knight greatly.
Still, he had more important things to consider. The girl was panting, her fear flaring rapidly. Luke, at least, had a suspicion as to what had happened. He knew who Anakin was, even if it was an Anakin unlike the man Luke had watched die. Rey, Rey had no idea who either Luke or Anakin was. All she knew was that once minute she'd finally found the Jedi Temple, and was holding out the lightsaber, pleading with the Luke Skywalker to save the galaxy one last time, and then… and then she was in a room full of glistening fountains, with more water than she'd ever seen before, and Kylo Ren was attacking her. She'd fought back of course, but his wound from Chewie apparently had healed, because he was far more ferocious than the first time. Or perhaps he now just wanted her dead, and then had wanted to train her. It didn't matter. All that mattered was Kylo trying to kill her, and Rey fighting back.
She'd been grateful when the other two, Jedi apparently, had stepped in to help. Rey was untrained. The Force had guided her enough for her to escape on the Starkiller base, but, at his prime, Kylo Ren was as dangerous as they came. Rey would not have won alone.
"Thank… thank you," Rey stuttered out, assessing her odd companions. They looked similar, one a bit older than the other, but similar enough to be brothers definitely. They didn't act like brothers though. No, the distance between them implied to Rey that they didn't know each other at all. "You just saved my life."
Luke opened his mouth, but closed it without saying anything. Anakin, on the other hand, was never at a loss for words. "Right, um. I think we should all just turn off our lightsabers, put them on the ground, and kick them away. That way we can talk without any danger."
Rey hadn't even realized that she was still holding the lightsaber, and, after fumbling with the switch, turned it off, but didn't toss it away. "What's the point in tossing it when any of us could just call it with the Force?"
It was a good point, and one Anakin hadn't thought of, so he didn't press it. Instead he just turned his own off, and Luke did the same. With the weapons in a slightly less deadly state, the three breathed easier, but not for long. All three were aware of the crowd gathering about, and none knew what their explanation would be.
"You should lock him up," Rey finally spoke again, pointing to Kylo. "And if you have anything that can like block the Force within him or something you should do that because he will try to kill you when he wakes up…"
Even Luke, who didn't know nearly as much as a Jedi should, recognized that this girl knew nothing of the Force. And yet she yielded it well, and it flowed within her. It was, like everything else going on, remarkably odd.
"Okay," Anakin replied. Even if he didn't feel ready to trust the girl, which wasn't the case, he'd still have locked up Kylo. Red lightsaber did equal evil after all. Perhaps they should use more normal colors, they'd blend in better. Anakin mused despite it being what Obi-Wan would call an "inappropriate time".
Speaking of Obi-Wan… "Anakin!" His former master called breaking through the crowd of mostly younglings and padawans. "What is going on?"
"Ben," Rey heard Luke breathe out and she looked at the man oddly. Ben wasn't a common name, and yet this strange man knew it. But why was he looking at the newcomer and not the Sith who lie on the ground?
"Ben's right there, unconscious, remember?" Rey told the older man eyeing him. He looked vaguely familiar, but she didn't know how. Perhaps it was just those blue eyes, many people had to have those same, warm, eyes. "And how do you know his name's Ben Solo anyway? I didn't think anyone knew that?"
Luke's eyes practically bulged out of his head. "Ben, Ben Solo? But that would mean… Who are you?"
"That is what we'd like to know," Obi-Wan interrupted as a few of the Jedi Knights dragged Kylo away. "And what you will explain before the council, immediately."