I had to take a break from Forbidden to write something much less exciting and emotionally taxing. Enjoy!

It was a birthmark, he finally realized after spending an alarming amount of time scrutinizing the spot on her bare back. It was a small birthmark with no discernible shape to it, sitting just below her left shoulder blade, and was only visible when she had gathered her hair together to redress the bun atop her head. Truthfully, it wasn't the birthmark that had caught his attention at first, though. It was that bubbling laugh of hers that had managed to float its way across the room to his secluded little corner. Next, he had noticed her hair, that striking bubblegum shade that reminded him of a flower in bloom. Then, he couldn't help it when his eyes fell to her exposed back, the sharp plunge of her dress providing an alluring, but elegant display for him.

A socialite, he thought, probably around his age. With looks like that and a gown to match, she had to be.

Well, he decided, it was about fifteen minutes of the evening spent. With nothing more to occupy his time and a cap on the 'open bar,' Sasuke pushed off from the wall he'd been leaning against and stepped out of the large French doors that led to the lush garden behind the Uchiha family residence. There was a soft, chilling breeze disturbing the static heat that had oppressed him for most of the day. He felt it was difficult enough to try and survive the summers without having to dress for a black tie event such as the one he found himself at that evening. Needless to say, the night air was alleviating his discomfort somewhat. Though, there wasn't much he could do about the people surrounding him.

He leaned over the stone balustrade of the porch as partygoers filtered in and out of the house, traversing up and down the stairs that led to the sprawling garden. It was a stunning composition of exotic plants and trees that stretched for an acre, surrounding a small pond lined by a stone pathway. Itachi had been responsible for most of its curation, a fact that had made his parents particularly proud of showing it off. When they had agreed to sponsor the evening's event, since it was one of the Uchiha's many charitable foundations, they had jumped at the chance to host it at their lavish home.

Sasuke had never particularly cared for large gatherings or strangers in his house or being in the public eye, but he understood what it meant to his parents and so he obliged to making an appearance. He only wished that Itachi could be there to suffer through the night with him. In fact, he was supposed to be. It was more Itachi's philanthropic venture than their parents' and it was one of Itachi's doctors being honored that night for her charity work. But Itachi had been too busy, off on another entrepreneurial endeavor, so it had fallen on Sasuke to present the award instead. He had begrudgingly acquiesced, despite his distaste for being seen at such events. It was a well known fact, both in and outside of their social circles, that the youngest Uchiha rarely strayed into the spotlight. It was troublesome enough when people learned his name, but to have his face plastered on newspapers and tabloids, well, he couldn't imagine a worse hell. Still, he knew he couldn't avoid it forever.

He had hoped to invite his usual crowd to provide some levity for the evening, but they had all turned him down, even his best friend. Apparently everyone had "better things to do."

He didn't doubt it. He couldn't wait until the whole thing was over.

"It doesn't seem like much of a party out here."

Sasuke started, pulling himself upright, and found the girl with the birthmark smiling at him. He could see that she had managed to wrangle her pink curls back into a sophisticated bun that allowed the delicate drop of her earrings to compliment the soft curve of her neck. What's more, the cut of her collarbone was entirely revealed by the generous decollete of her floor-length gown. He definitely wasn't complaining; she was the only thing that had managed to catch his attention since the event had begun.

"Hn," he stuffed his hands in his pockets, "It's quiet out here."

She nodded, her jade eyes looking past him to the foliage of the garden. Small bulbs hung from the trees, lighting the pathway softly.

"And very beautiful," she looked back to him, "I take it you've been to a lot of these things?"

"What makes you say that?" He furrowed his brows.

"You were bored enough to come out here," she shrugged, then said with a smirk, "And it doesn't seem like you're that terrible at making conversation."

Sasuke chuckled and nodded.

"I've been to a few."

She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the cool stone and setting her hands beneath her chin to gaze out over the garden. Her back curved into an enticing arch and the low cut of her dress came dangerously close to giving him a peek at her backside.

"This is my first one," though she wasn't looking at him, he was watching her intently, "I was so nervous. I was planning what to wear for weeks, but," she laughed at herself and twirled her left ankle. She paused and repeated the action with her right ankle, as if she were trying to shake something off. Or maybe, he thought, those shockingly high heels were causing her some discomfort, "What I was worried about the most was how to act when I got here. It's like being in a different world. I was worried I wouldn't know how to talk to people. I've definitely never been to something this fancy."

"I still don't know how to act at these things," he said gruffly. She blinked her green eyes at him, breaking her captivation with the garden.

"I'm glad I'm not alone," she smiled again and Sasuke found himself faltering even as he stood still. Whatever thought had been waiting for his purview had dissipated at the sight of her blinding cheer, "If I had a backyard like this, I'd be out here every day."

Sasuke surmised that he'd probably spent less than a week in that backyard since summer had begun. Occasionally he would give it a cursory glance from his bedroom window, but he tried not to spend much of his free time confined to the house. He wasn't oblivious to the fact that he took many aspects of his life for granted. As one of the heirs to a prominent fortune, there had been little in his life not within reach as far back as his childhood.

"Doing what?"

"Reading," she shrugged, "Planting more things."

"You don't think there's enough already?" He glanced at the trees and hedges that had been meticulously and methodically placed by an expert landscaper, one that had come highly recommended, to display a sense of symmetry wherever one happened to look.

"No, see, look over there," she straightened herself and pointed, "You could put a planter there for some vegetables, something easy like cucumbers or tomatoes. Gardens should be for gardening, there's no point in planting something that's just going to sit there until it dies. Over there, there's plenty of room for some lilies. They look so beautiful when they bloom. I would put a cherry blossom tree right there, just for some more color," Sasuke smirked as he watched her vision unfold before him, "There as well. And the pond could use some lotus flowers. You can grow them inside quite easily and when they've matured, you just move them out here."

"They should have hired you instead," he said with a smirk.

"It's very beautiful and I'm sure very expensive," she straightened herself and shook her head with a laugh, "I'm glad they can't hear me insulting their garden."

Did she not know who he was?

"Everything can be improved upon," he shrugged.

"Some things are sacred," she mused and crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing her shoulders as a breeze rolled by.

"Here," Sasuke unbuttoned his jacket and started to slide it off.

"Oh, no, it's okay," she looked back at the house, to the people visible through the doorway with apprehension, "I should go back inside."

One of them turned and waved at her. She waved back with a soft smile.

"Did you come with him?" He knew he shouldn't have asked, but he couldn't have stopped the question from coming out even if he had wanted to try. It was obvious that she was absolutely gorgeous, anyone would be lucky to have her on their arm. He just wanted to know whose arm that was.

"No," she shook her head, "I know him through the foundation, we were at the same hospital for our residency."

"So you're a doctor as well?"

"I am," she turned back to Sasuke, smiling proudly, "I specialize in physical trauma, surgeries and the like."

"That's - ,"

"Boring, I know," she shook her head, "One of my friends is an actress. She started out modeling when we were in high school. When she was scouted, she dropped everything to move overseas, but - ,"

"Impressive," Sasuke interjected, "Your profession is impressive."

"Oh," she quieted suddenly, as though she were stunned by his interest, "Thank you," she bowed her head. He supposed she was trying to hide that pretty blush that kissed her cheeks; maybe he should compliment her again.

"You know, the ceremony doesn't start for almost two hours," he said, peeking at his watch. She looked up at him, chewing her lip pensively. It was clear she didn't want to return to the party and even though he hadn't wanted to before, he was finding he was even less compelled to since they had begun talking. Her poor, plump bottom lip was turning more red with every passing second. His fingers were twitching to release it from her torment when she finally reached for his outstretched jacket.

"I guess I can stay out here a bit longer," she slipped it on, the arms comically wide and the hem falling so long on her that it could almost have been a short dress. She folded it tight around her and nodded her head towards the garden, "Would you like to take a walk?"

Sasuke smiled and followed her to the stairs. She started taking slow, shaky steps, so he held his arm out to steady her. Placing her hand on his bicep, she gave him a grateful squeeze. It was a long way down, he thought, and he didn't want her to fall. But even at the bottom of the stairs, she kept a hold on him as she bent down to unbuckle one of her heels. She peeled it off with a groan, then did the same with the other shoe.

"I'm sorry," she grumbled, flexing her feet in front of her, "I'm not used to dressing like this."

"It suits you," as soon as the words left his mouth, he felt himself flush scarlet. He turned his head, cursing inwardly, but she didn't seem to mind the comment.

"Thank you," she laughed, "I was worried I didn't own anything pretty enough for this."


"If I'm not at work, I'm usually at home in my sweatpants," she appeared to wince as soon as the words left her mouth. That was not sexy at all, she thought.

On stable footing, she released his arm and dangled her shoes from her index finger. She stepped onto the soft, cool grass and gave a contented sigh. Closing her eyes, she turned her head to the sky and inhaled deeply. He watched her curiously as what appeared to be an intimate moment unfolded before him.

"I don't get out much. I spend most of my time at the hospital, so this is nice," she opened her eyes to the pool of stars above her that twinkled along the black waves of the night sky. Sasuke averted his gaze from her before she looked back to him and asked, "Shall we?"

He nodded and matched her pace to walk beside her on the stone path, his hands stuffed in his pockets for lack of a better use of them.

"So what do you do?" She asked, peering up at him through thick, dark lashes, emerald eyes shimmering in the moonlight.

"I'm figuring it out," he said with an apathetic shrug. Sasuke had spent the last four years of his life furthering an education that his parents didn't exactly approve of. It was assumed, after all, that he and Itachi would inherit and ascend the thrones of the Uchiha conglomerate. Sasuke wasn't entirely opposed, but he had always been particularly interested in things that didn't bore him the way meetings with shareholders did. They were a unique form of torment that he was almost certain he'd have to endure for the rest of his life. Itachi, on the other hand, had managed to find a balance and passion in both the field and the bureaucracy of it all.

"Your parents don't approve?" She asked bluntly. Sasuke was taken aback; had she inferred that merely from looking at the expression on his face? "My parents weren't exactly thrilled at my career choice either. They always said they'd feel better if I had chosen something 'safer.' I'm not really sure what that would be, though."

"But you did it anyways," he marveled as he looked down at her. She smiled and nodded.

"They're my parents, they'll love me no matter wh - ," she slipped on a muddy patch of grass, the loud squelch and her subsequent yelp alerting Sasuke to catch her mid-fall. His arms darted out, one hand grabbing her wrist and the other supporting her back. He pulled her upright.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thank you," she laughed at herself as he set her on her feet. She looked up at him with a grateful smile, "My friend would kill me if I ruined her dress."

"I'll do my best to keep it in tact," he said with a smirk. Her cheeks flushed and he realized just how much could be insinuated from his words. He released her slowly, the fabric of his jacket crinkling from where his fingers had been clutching her.

"I guess it wasn't that smart of me to come out here," she said with a grin, peering down at her mud covered toes.

"There's a bathroom just inside," he gestured back to the house where the glaring lights and booming sound were simply a dull buzz from where they stood.

"Um, in a bit," she nodded, "I don't think I'm ready to rejoin civilization just yet."

Neither was he. Sasuke held his hand out to her. Confusion furrowed her brows, but she seemed to shrug it off and locked her fingers with his.

"If you fall again, I can catch you," he said, feeling the need to clarify his action both to her and himself.

"Or I could take you down with me," she giggled and he couldn't help but smile at the sound.

"I've got plenty of suits," he said wryly.

"I like this one," she said looking him up and down. Her free hand reached forward to touch the crimson tie tucked into his black vest. He was attentive to her, the movement feeling so natural that it was a solid moment before they realized what she was doing. She retracted her fingers quickly and turned her head upward, "I think it's a full moon tonight."

"Yeah," his keen eyes were still fixed on her, "I think so."

Though they held each others hands, neither had made any further progress along the walkway. They were content to remain stationary beneath the open sky, gazing into the wide expanse of it all.

"I spent all this time preparing for this party and I've spent barely five minutes at it," she balked at herself.

"You're not missing anything," he promised, thinking that he didn't want to miss that moment with her.

"I guess not," she peered over at him and caught his studious black eyes boring into hers, "What do you do?"

"I'm studying criminal defense."

"Really?" Her brows flew up.

"Yeah, I'm a few years into it."

"What are you doing here?" She asked, almost accusingly, "I mean, if you're not in the medical field."

Sasuke hesitated. He wanted to be honest with her, but there was something very appealing about the anonymity they shared. He worried that if they exchanged names it might shatter this fragile veneer that sheltered them from the evening's festivities, that if he disturbed this illusion they would have no reason to speak further with each other. It was irrational and silly, he thought, but that didn't stop him from trying to preserve their secrecy.

"I'm close with the Uchihas."

"Oh, wow," she seemed starstruck for a moment, "What's that like?"

"Overrated," he said frankly. She burst into a fit of laughter.



"I don't know," she scrunched her brows, but smiled nonetheless, "I've never met Itachi, but I've seen how much he does for our hospital. It's incredible. He seems so sweet."

"I guess so," Sasuke shrugged. He thought very highly of his brother and admired him above all else, but she didn't need to know that.

"I was so disappointed when I heard he wouldn't be here tonight," she said with a frown and a soft shake of her head that caused a wild curl to fall free from her bun, "I was really looking forward to - ,"

Sasuke froze, his fingers touching the shell of her ear where he had just tucked that unruly strand away. Her mouth was agape, whatever words she was about to utter falling off the tip of her tongue into oblivion. Her shoes dropped with a soft thud into the grass. Before he could pull his hand away, she reached up to grab it, holding it in place. Her green eyes were glowing with the possibility of what they might do with that opportunity.

Would she think it was weird that he wanted to kiss a woman he hadn't known for more than an hour? Or was there a chance she was feeling what he was feeling? Was she aware of the tension that crackled between them? Was she paying as much attention to the little details that he was? Had she noticed how he kept looking at her, how he studied those cupid's bow lips of hers or how he had stolen a peek at her back as they stood on the porch?

Maybe she had been looking at him across the room when he had dropped his eyes. Maybe she had been studying the lines of his jaw. Maybe she had stolen a peek or two at him.

He slipped out of her grasp, letting his fingers fall to the curve of her smooth neck. His thumb brushed under her chin, to her throat, where he tilted her towards him.

Her heart sped as she realized what he was asking for. This handsome man that had caught her attention as soon as she set foot in that splendid house was inching his lips closer to hers. Her lids fluttered, ready to shut and bask in that moment, when they heard voices approaching.

" - was a suggestion. He thought he could just come in and do the surgery. I was like, man, do you unders - "

They sprang apart, hands snapping to their sides, as a few partygoers approached, laughing at the story they were regaled with. Hastily, but with an attempt to appear inconspicuous, Sasuke scooped up her shoes and the couple made their way back to the house. When they reached the steps, he took her hand without a look and hurried her up them. Before she even had time to question what he was doing, he was leading her past the guests, behind the open bar, and down a long hallway to an unoccupied bathroom. He slammed the door shut and locked it before dropping her shoes with a clatter.

He backed her against the sink and crashed his lips against hers. She gripped the edge of the porcelain behind her and inclined her head towards him. She brought her other hand up to slip under the shoulder of his vest, pulling him closer. His fingers slid under his jacket to rest on the small of her back where he felt her skin pimple under his touch. Determined, she ran her tongue along the seam of his mouth and he opened to her eagerly.

Sasuke reached a hand up to shove his coat off her shoulders. She gave a small shake of her arms to assist him and it fell in the sink behind her. Then her fingers were back on him, weaving through his thick, untamed locks, tangling to the point of a near painful tug, like a silent demand. They probed and clashed in a pervasive desire to prove whose ambition was stronger. He gripped her thighs, widening her stance so that he could step between them, and she felt it, that stiff bulge pushing against the fabric of his pants in an effort to get to her. She almost choked in surprise, breaking away for a breath and he released her suddenly, as though she had burned him or he, her. She, on the other hand, could not loosen her hold on the sink nor keep the smile from her lips.

She hadn't been expecting such a reaction from him, but what was even more astonishing was how desperately she realized she wanted him then. His cheeks were flushed as he regarded her with furrowed brows.

"I'm sorry, I just - ," he floundered for an excuse to his behavior.

"It's okay," she reassured him with a sultry grin, "I think we're both at fault."

He chuckled and nodded, but to her dismay, he didn't seem willing or capable of engaging in another round of heated lip lock with her.

"Well, while I'm in here, I might as well clean up," she shrugged awkwardly and turned to face the sink. She set his jacket on the back of the toilet and turned the water on.

"Here," Sasuke, spurred into action, grabbed the hand towel hanging beside the mirror above the sink and ran it under some warm water, "Sit on the edge of the tub."

She followed his instruction, but eyed him dubiously.

"That's white," she commented, pulling the hem of her skirt up.


"I'm not going to ruin their white towel just because I was clumsy," she protested.

"They can afford to buy another one," he shut off the faucet and came to kneel before her. With some reluctance, she lifted a muddy foot into his waiting hand. Her toes twitched as he ran the cloth over them. He raised a brow at her.

"Sorry," she said impishly, "I'm extremely ticklish."

"Hn," he chuckled.

"Thank you."

Once he'd finished, he tossed the soiled rag in the trash and reached for one of her shoes. He slipped them on her feet one by one and fastened the dainty clasps around her slim ankles. Her breath hitched as his fingers lingered on her skin. He let his hands slide up her calf until he met the backs of her knees. The bottom of her skirt was riding dangerously high now, gathering in bunches at his wrists. Her pulse quickened as she peeked down, into his darkened gaze. She'd never seen eyes so black, nor been looked at with such an intensity before. His hands moved up further, thumbing the skin of her inner thighs, and her heart stopped.

"I'm not wearing any underwear," she blurted out. Sasuke froze; was that an invitation? "I mean," she stammered, "I can't - I couldn't with this dress," her cheeks were bright red when she finally shut her lips tight. He smirked and got to his feet. He grabbed his coat and slid it back on, then held his hand out to her.

"Do you want to go somewhere more private?"

"Yes," she took it in a second, rising from the tub. Fingers laced, they bolted out of the bathroom, rejoining the crowd only so that Sasuke could lead her to the other side of the house where he knew the library remained unattended.

"Hey!" A woman with starkly blonde hair shot out of a cluster of guests and grabbed the girl with the birthmark's hand, "I've been looking for you everywhere. Tsunade-sama has somebody she wants you to meet."

"Oh, I," she looked back to Sasuke sheepishly, releasing his hand. She called out to him as she was being pulled away, "I'll only be a moment."

His shoulders slumped, dejected. He stood dumbly in the middle of the room for longer than a minute, growing increasingly frustrated and uncomfortable. He caught her eye as she threw a look over her shoulder. A smile spread over her lips, those same full, velvety lips he had just been kissing. He checked his watch; they didn't have all night and every second she spent talking was another second spent away from him.

He turned on his heel and rushed back down the hall, then up the stairs to the second level. He practically ran to his bedroom, ripping the top drawer of his nightstand open to retrieve a single condom packet. He stashed it in his back pocket and barreled back down the stairs. His eyes scanned the large room and found her still with the same group of partygoers. His palms were sweaty as he curled his fingers into fists in anticipation.

"Sasuke-san," one of the event organizers approached him, "I'm so glad I found you. Your father made some adjustments to his closing speech so we had to move yours up by a half hour."

"I'm presenting in an hour?" He snapped.

"Fifty-one minutes," the man was apologetic, but Sasuke knew it was out of his control; he shouldn't blame it on him. In less than an hour he'd have to get up to the podium and present that award. His heart sank; then she'd know who he was and he wouldn't even know her name! This could be his only chance. He looked back over to the girl, catching her wandering eye and stormed a determined path towards her. Taking hold of her elbow, he said without preamble,

"Pardon me, I need to borrow her for a moment."

"Sorry, excuse me," she apologized, but laced her fingers in his hand as soon as she turned away. Under her breath, she muttered, "Good thinking."

"We don't have a lot of time," he was cutting their way through the large room to a hallway on the other side.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

They turned down the long hall and raced to the door at the end. He flung it open and pulled her inside, shutting it just as quickly. The chatter of the guests and the cadence of the music fell muffled into the background.

"Wow," she breathed, looking around at the walls of shelves that held more books than the library in her hometown. It was a cozy study with a large desk in front of the shuttered windows and a plush couch beside a fireplace. In the middle was a thick, ornate rug that covered most of the dark wood floors, "How'd you know about this room?"

"I spend a lot of time here."

She turned her eyes on him, mischief and skepticism warring for dominance within them.

"You know, I don't normally do this," she said softly, then laughed at herself, "I know that sounds like I do it a lot, but I really don't."
"Do what exactly?" He asked with a smirk. There had been no explicit agreement between them - sure, he knew what was going on, he wasn't stupid, but that pretty flush of her cheeks as he backed her into a corner, encouraging her to commit to what would likely be a crude fuck with a person she'd barely met, was too perfect a sight to miss. Although, he might as well have taken a match, lit a fire, then thrown some lighter fluid on it for good measure with the bluntness of his question.

"Talk to strangers," she said glibly, turning her back on him to wander around the meticulously kept room. Even as she ran her fingers along the shelves, admiring the collections kept there, she found no residue of negligence, no dust nor evidence of a cobweb in sight. Somebody was picking them up regularly, or maybe they just had a really good maid. She paused at the desk, running her fingers along the mahogany until she met the back of a picture frame. Sasuke blanched and rushed forward; it was the family photo they had taken when they vacationed overseas a few years ago. His fingers closed around her slight wrist and he spun her around.

"Or follow them into secluded rooms," his eyes narrowed, heating her skin under his onyx gaze.

"How else am I supposed to get him alone?" A twisted little smirk played on her lips; it quickened the pace of his heart.

"You could ask nicely."

"Is that all?" She leaned towards him, her wide green eyes closing in expectation. But instead, he lifted his thumb to pull at her bottom lip. She looked up at him, confused.

"What is it?"

"Nothing," he shook his head and kissed her roughly, nudging her until her back hit the shelf. He pulled her legs up around his waist, grinding his clothed erection against her, and she broke away with a sharp gasp. She'd always seen that done in the movies, but no guy had ever actually done it to her. She moaned and kissed him again, her hands dropping to his waistband to hastily unbuckle his belt. She could feel him hardening further before she stuck her hand down his pants to grip his length. He groaned against her mouth and shoved her dress up around her hips. A cool draft slipped between them, hitting her exposed opening, drawing attention to her arousal that dripped copiously.

His mouth dropped to her neck, his tongue laving on her skin before he sucked a low moan from her.

"In my back pocket," he nipped at her shoulder, causing her thighs to tense around him, "There's a condom."

She fished around his rear pocket and came away with the foil package.

"You just," her voice was breathless as he continued to work her neck; how did he know that was her favorite spot? "Carry this around in case of emergencies?"

He bit her skin and she yelped; such a smart-ass.

"I found it," he hissed as she pulled him free and tore at the wrapper with her teeth.

"You just," he cut her off with a quick kiss and bucked into her hand as she started rolling it over the broad head of his cock. She circled him with a few quick pumps, getting a feel for his thick and heavy size, "Mm, happen to know where the Uchihas keep their condoms?"

He didn't bother responding, instead pinning her wrist to the shelf behind her and driving in to the hilt in a single, stinging thrust. Something between a gasp and a cry was wrung from her lungs as she felt her walls convulse to accommodate him. She struggled to fortify her hold on his hips as he stretched her with his girth, so he secured his fingers on her backside for support as he slid slowly out of her. She had almost caught her breath when he slammed forward, books rattling from the force and the shelf biting into her exposed skin. He pushed her thighs back, knees touching the walls, and deepened his strokes.

She was so tight, so hot - he groaned into her neck; if only he didn't have to wear the fucking condom, then he could feel how slick and wet she was around him. Instead, the sick squelching sounds as he pushed into her drove him to near madness. That and the way she clung to him as her broken screams filled the room. She fisted the cloth of his jacket, knuckles whiting from the pressure and her voice already raw. She tries to meet him thrust for thrust, but can barely shift herself pinned between him and the shelf. She registers the pain of the wood in her back, but it is an insignificant price to pay to watch this man become unhinged by her doing.

There was nothing but the sound of their labored breaths and slapping skin to fill the thickening air, so, faintly, he wondered whose name he should be calling out in carnal bliss.

She buried roughened sobs into his shoulder, pleasure burning from her core and spreading outward in waves. Her eyes rolled up as he adopted swifter movements, cock following the curve of her passage, the head stroking against her upper walls and striking her cervix on every plunge. She whimpered as she struggled to squeak out her words, but his brutal thrusts popped every syllable that bubbled in her throat.

He felt his sack tightening, the tension of his orgasm coiling in his abdomen, when she finally eked out,

"Cou - ah - ch."

His eyes snapped to hers, slowing his hips as he became captivated by the unhindered lust that alighted her glassy orbs. He was so close! She bit her lip as he slipped leisurely in and out of her, bottling an obscene little moan, a silent plea.

"Fuck," he cursed and pulled out of her. Gently, he lowered her to her feet where she wobbled and gripped his shoulders for support. Even with her heels on, he noted that he had a good few inches on her. She simpered and took his hand, leading him over to the plush leather couch. She guided him to sit down, his throbbing member bobbing from the opening of his trousers. She shimmied her dress up and set her knees on either side of his lap. Gripping the base of him, she slid slowly down his length. Sasuke fought to keep his head upright so that he could watch the salacious expression on her face as she took him fully.

Placing her hands on the back of the couch, she raised her hips and rocked them softly, only allowing the first couple inches inside. An animalistic growl rumbled in his chest as she worked the most sensitive part of his cock in quick motions, but denied him the feeling of being seated to the hilt within her. His hands flew under her gown, fingers sinking into the flesh of her waist, and he shoved her down, ripping a sharp mewl from her throat. He raised his hips, bouncing her in his lap until she countered him with her own rhythm.

Eyes locked in a furious battle for dominance, Sasuke pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders to expose her pert breasts that jolted with every movement. He urged her forward, catching a nipple in his mouth to suck sharply. She shook in his arms, faltering in her pace for a moment as she moaned at the sensation. He bit down and she clenched around him.

"How are you so - ah - fucking - mm, fuck - ," she whimpered, lips trembling around the question. He barely heard the last word as she forced it out with a moan, "Big?" His cock twitched at her words and it spurred him to release her breast so that he could match her thrusts. He had been thinking much the same. How could she feel so taut and perfect? How had sex never felt so fucking incredible before? How could he fit so snug inside of her that the contours of her walls caressed every inch of him?

His breathing became short and sharp as that coil threatened to snap. He wished it would; he was so on edge, sweat starting to gather beneath the many layers of his suit, hips beginning to bruise from their forceful smacking, head clouded and dizzied from the height of their pleasure. He was so fucking close and though he could see how swiftly she bounced in his lap, he felt like he couldn't move fast enough, couldn't thrust hard enough, but that didn't stop him from trying.

She blurted suddenly, her eyes screwing shut, "Oh, fuck!" He watched her expression change, saw the realization, the overwhelming sensation shifting her features into one of pure ecstasy, "Don't stop!"

Never, he thought, swearing to himself. He knew he'd have to eventually, somewhere in the back of his mind, but that was far away. The end was inconsequential, because right now he was driving into her, his very sanity, depending on achieving completion. He knew she was close, felt her contracting around him, and he was chasing her to the edge.

She became unintelligible, a disrupted string of affirmations and pleads ringing in his ears. Her walls clamped around him, nails scraping against the couch and her back bowing, head falling as she cried through her release. Sasuke could only appreciate it for a moment, taking in every detail that he could until watching her break as her orgasm ravaged her became too sinful a sight. With a strangled groan, he dropped forward, pumping into her, lips against her sweaty skin as he came. His hips jerked through the aftershocks, earning him a sweet moan from the woman in his arms.

He felt her heart racing through her chest, her harsh breaths fanning over him. He was still pulsating within her and it caused her to squeeze her thighs, tightening around him as she clung to every last sensation of her orgasm.

But when they abated, she was the first to move, untangling herself from him with quieted grumbles about how sore she was. Disoriented, his gaze followed her across the room as she turned away to fix her dress. She pulled the straps back onto her shoulders and his eyes fell to her birthmark.

His brows furrowed as he examined it again and the gravity of their actions crushed him like a tumbling boulder. Pulling the condom off, he tied the end and tucked himself back into his pants, buckling his belt in the process. He dropped his eyes from her as he walked to the desk to retrieve a tissue. Carefully, he wrapped it around the condom and threw the contraband in the trash. He stared down at it as he buttoned his coat and straightened his sleeves, scrutinizing it like it was an anomalous object, something that wasn't supposed to be. He straightened his tie and glanced over to her.

He felt. . . dirty.

Had he really just taken this stranger to the library for a quickie when there was a party going on just down the hall?

She didn't seem to mind it at all, though, as she calmly smoothed out every crease he had created in the fabric of her gown, and went about tucking any stray strands of hair into her updo. With a carefree giggle, she sauntered over to a book that had fallen to the ground. She tossed a knowing look at him before picking it up and returning it to the shelf.

Should he say something to her?

She walked towards him, skin radiating from foregone pleasure, and a sweet smile on her face.

Should he apologize for this one night stand?

She eyed him carefully and somewhat expectantly.

Could they even call it that?

Should he ask for her name?

"I should go," she pushed up on her toes to peck his cheek, then turned away from him, "I think the ceremony is about to start."

She was gone before he could open his mouth, but her words had prompted him to check his watch.

Shit. He was expected to present in four minutes. He ran out of the room, racing down the hall back to the party. He pushed through the crowd of guests that had gathered before the podium that stood on the transportable wooden stage, the backdrop of which hung banners touting the Uchiha's annual Humanitarians in Medicine Awards.

He waited by the steps until a crew member rushed upon him.

"There you are, we were getting worried," he didn't give Sasuke time to respond or even apologize, thrusting the award he would be presenting into his hands, "Wait right here, we'll call you up in just a moment."

Sasuke nodded, clutching the statue. It was a meticulously crafted tear drop shaped piece of thick glass. Carefully engraved on its surface was the name of the award and its awardee, followed by the year, and then by the Uchiha family crest. He admired it briefly, never having looked at it up close. His thumb brushed over the recipient's name, but then was signaled to come on stage.

The lights around the room dimmed and a lone spotlight illuminated the stage. The music quieted and the partygoers cheered as he approached the podium. Sasuke ignored the thump in his chest as his eyes found the teleprompter and he set the award down before him; he had presented in front of large groups of people before, but it remained one of his least favorite activities.

"Good evening," he began, assuming a deep, steady rumble to his voice, "And thank you for joining us this year for another celebration of humanitarian efforts in the field of medicine."

He waited for the applause to subside, taking the time to search the crowd for her, but it was difficult to see with the light shining directly on him.

"As many of you may or may not know, my brother started this foundation six years ago to support and supply underdeveloped areas with efficient and safe access to medical research, hospitals, and doctors."

Another round of applause and another sweep of his eyes across the room. She knew who he was now, what did she think?

"Though he could not be here tonight, he wanted me to express his gratitude to every person in this room for the efforts they put forth every day that make our collective mission possible."

Where was she? Why couldn't he find her? He caught the blonde woman from earlier whispering something into another guest's ear, but there was no sign of her pink hair anywhere.

"As always, we like to call attention to those of you who go above and beyond for this cause. This year, we want to recognize the success of a truly exceptional woman. Not only is she the youngest doctor at her hospital, surpassing her graduating class, she spent the majority of last year on the frontlines of a deadly war, caring for and successfully treating those affected by it."

He saw somebody approaching the stage out of the corner of his eye.

"Please join me in congratulating the Humanitarians in Medicine's Doctor of the Year, Haruno Sakura."

He stepped back from the podium, as the crowd roared, drowning out the steady clack of heels on wood. He turned to face the recipient and nearly dropped the statue right there.

A red blemish marred the skin over her collarbone and she had missed a curl or two of hair that dangled past her ear, tickling her shoulder. That bubbling laugh greeted him before his eyes met hers. There was a distinct veil of humor shimmering in her orbs as he mechanically grabbed the award to present it to her. She bit her lip, cheeks flushing as if she were nervous, but then the girl with the birthmark smiled brightly at him. He grit his jaw before it could drop open in surprise.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Uchiha," her fingers twitched towards him.

With the heat of hundreds of eyes on him, he took her hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you, Sakura."