Hello everyone, this is another special Episode of Kamen Knight..
Kamen Knight : Special Episode 2
Kamen Knight x Zodiac Knight / Arceus & Draco : Chou Movie Taisen Legender
Part 2
Get Ready for an Epicly Split Battle!
Everyone was sitting at the table, the Kamen Knights and Zodiac Knights that were left were standing. "Alright everyone.. We should split up into multiple teams.." Robin tossed everyone a communicator, "Me, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Jinx, & Blackfire are heading out north.. Kai, PJ, and Sekichi will go east.. While Draco & Shadow go after that ship." Robin explained.
Everyone nodded to the plan, putting on their communicators.
"TITANS GO!" Robin was the last to put his communicator on.
Kaito was walking up a mountain, PJ & Sekichi following. "Gaiken has to be up here.." Kaito said, "How?" PJ asked, "It's Gaia Mountain.. This is where Jump City gets it's Gaia Energy." Kaito explained.
He was right.
Gaiken turned to the sound of Kaito's foot tapping the top of the mountain, "Oh.. So you guys came?" Gaiken asked, "I don't remember giving out invitations.. But.." Gaiken blasted toward the three, "Henshin!" they all transformed before they were hit.
Arceus slashed at Gaiken, while Kravius and Rintios punched at it. Soon Gaiken glew bright red and he launched out an aura tornado, Arceus was sparking up, while Kravius & Rintios faced explosions on their armor. Arceus then slammed the buckle,
= Burst : ARUCEUSSU! =
Arceus charged toward the others, smacking them out, then charged toward Gaiken and he used a self destruct type of move. Arceus backed up once the tornado cleared, Gaiken laughing, "You thought that would stop me?!" Gaiken punched into Arceus' stomach and threw him back.
Draco and Shadow were battling against a white and gold dragon snake thing, it shot a blast from it's horns and Draco rolled out of the way, Shadow being hit, but he used Guard Vent.
Draco caught the two blades and he jumped up, slashing at the beast violently, until it blasted Draco back and he fell. Shadow walking up to him,
Draco and Shadow gained clones and they all attacked the creature, no luck, it used it's tail to smack them back, they hit a tree. "Darn.. This thing's tough.." Draco stood, pulling out one of Pluto's cards, "I'll have to.." Shadow looked to the card and widened his eyes, "How did you get that?!" he questioned. "Pluto gave it to me.." Draco explained, "Well.. Don't just stand there!" Draco nodded and placed the card into place.
A loud Dragon roar came from Draco's blades, the thing screeched in pain, giving Shadow the chance to do an attack.
" Nasty Vent - ACID SPRAY! "
Shadow shot some Acid onto the creature from his sceptor, then Draco jumped up,
" Final Vent - COMBUSTION KICK! "
Draco kicked toward the beast, but it wasn't enough, he was smacked back into a tree and he fell. "Alright, Shadow.. If we attack with twice our strengths now.." Draco started, "Then we'll be able to match it.." Shadow got the gist and they both changed to Survive form.
They changed, except Draco gained Pluto's Survive Armor, "Ikuzo!" Draco jumped up and pulled out the next card,
" Final Vent - TWIN CRUSHER!"
The two kicked toward the Snake Dragon, it glew bright white, the two gained a golden aura, "HAAAAAAA!" the two gave it all they had,
" Sword Vent - DRAGON FLAME SABER! "
" Guard Vent - COBRA SHIELD! "
The said weapons went to their feet, now they were kicking them through the Dragon, they came out holding the weapons and the Snake Dragon exploded, it losing it's glow as it fell.
"Now it's time I finished this!" Arceus opened the buckle, this time pressing the button and slamming it shut.
= Hissatsu : FULL THROTTLE! =
= Aruceussu : MAXIMUM RIDE! =
Arceus glew bright red as he charged toward Gaiken, they both kicked into each other, Kravius trying to get up, but he can't from the Density Shift they casted upon them. "This is what I call power!" Gaiken glew even brighter, "Sasuke! / Kai-ken!" the two threw to him a Key, which he placed into the buckle,
= Tiya Koukan : ROKAME~N! =
Arceus slamming at the buckle four times,
= BURST! =
= Kyurin : ROKAMEN!
Arceus' eyes glew brightly, Gaiken summoning more aura, soon Arceus gained the aura bodies of Arceus Mark II and Horror Arceus, all three kicking into Gaiken and the explosion knocked him back. Arceus landing on the ground with one knee touching the floor, one knee up, while crouched, Arceus panted a bit, before the belt sparking, he lost the suit and fell to the ground. The Density Shift wore off and the two Kamen Knights ran to their friend, "Oi! Sasuke! Tsukaishiro!" Kravius shook Kaito a bit, waking him up, "I might as well be dead if you keep doing that.." he gave Kravius the key back, standing up. "Gaiken's probably looking for another way to get stronger.."
"GRAH!" Gaiken blasted Draco and Shadow back, then he landed in front of the Dragon Snake creature, it purred while looking at Gaiken, he then grabbed the creature by the horn and absorbed it completely, the horns becoming blades on his gauntlets, "HA!" he unleashed a white aura as his bodysuit turned said color. His eyes then turned blue as he charged toward the Zodiac Knights in Light Speed.
"GUAH!" The two were bounced around in a pinball effect as Gaiken ran in such speed. Then Draco and Shadow were knocked back, hitting a tree and falling out of form, soon they dropped their decks and Gaiken laughed. "You are weak.. Learn your place!" Gaiken charged and tried to punch at Leo, but a golden light smacked it back.
The light orb landed into a golden version of Arceus's bodysuit, the belt looking something alike to the Genesis Driver, wearing the Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed and Arms armor. "Kamen.. Rider?" Leo looked toward him, "No.. Kamen Knight.. Gaia." the new warrior introduced himself. "Gaia?" Ichijyo was confused, but Gaia charged and punched at Gaiken (Ultimate), then jumped and grabbed it by the back of the neck and threw him into the air, Gaiken was falling, Gaia pushed in the lever once,
Gaia kicked Gaiken back and caused sparks to fly all around, "Don't underestimate my awesomeness!" Gaia charged and flipped over Gaiken. "Kamen Knight Gaia is gonna make his Cameo special!" Gaia pushed in the lever twice more,
Gaia jumped up and punched into Gaiken and he sparked up, he then pushed in the lever thrice more,
Gaia glew in Rainbow Colors before jumping up and kicking into Gaiken, knocking him back and the said Knight landed, soon he glew bright red and flew through the air, "Ja ne." the two Zodiac Knights stood, looking to Gaiken's direction. The ship flying back and an orb flying out into Gaiken, his aura bursting out uncontrollably.
" Zodiac Force! "
" SNAKE! "
Draco and Shadow slashed through the minions that appeared from Gaiken's aura, both Mirror Monsters and Hollows, "This is starting to get out of control!" Draco said, then he was slashed back by a Hollow. "We've got to take this to another thought!" Shadow said, slashing another back,
" Add Vent - Summon Darkraider! "
" Add Vent - Summon Dragonrizer! "
Said Familiars came to their side and the two charged, the beasts stroke through the minions while the two charged toward Gaiken, but they were punched back, being caught by their summoned creatures.
"Knight Punch!" Arceus punched back Gaiken, looking around and getting the gist, "Let's take care of this!" he slashed at his opponent with the Arcalibur appearing from flame. Arceus charged and slashed violently at Gaiken, "You killed Chief.. Yurusenai..!" he slashed even more faster, "I'm going to end your terror.. Once and for all!" he placed the Arceus Memory into the sword's handle,
= Hissatsu : FULL THROTTLE! =
= Aruceussu : MAXIMUM RIDE! =
Arceus growled and pulled the trigger on the sword,
= 1,000,000 : FULL DRIVE =
Arceus charged forward and slashed through Gaiken's chestplate, but Gaiken was still standing, he unleashed more aura and his eyes turned white, glowing brightly, "Draco!" Arceus threw the sword, "Right!" Arceus slammed Shift Titan into the buckle, pressing the button,
= Full Throttle : TITAN! =
Draco and Arceus jumped and both kicked toward Gaiken, closing in on him with their new attack.
Draco and Arceus glew bright red, causing sparks to fly all around, until Gaiken absorbed their aura and shot the two back. Arceus soon dehenshined while falling to the ground, Kaito couldn't move from too much pain from the belt breaking. "Kaito!" Leo tried to stand, but fell, "GET UP!" he tried to warn him, while Gaiken was holding a blast at Kaito. "Sasuke!" Kravius took the hit for Kaito, sparking up and being blown back, falling to the ground and losing his armor.
Kaito got up in a forest, he looked around, still having his torn clothes and bruises, he then turned to see the man from before who completely wore white clothes. "Kamen Knight Arceus.. You can't give up.." He said to Kaito, "Who are you?!" he asked, "Ore wa.. King.. Advino King, Drignas." the man answered, "Advino.. King?" Kaito was confused, "Tell me.. What am I supposed to do?" he asked. "Don't worry.. I've created a power just perfect for you.." He tossed Kaito a Sengoku Driver, also the Banana Lockseed, "Arigatou.. Drigna-san." Kaito nodded. "Now.. Do what you think is right.. No one is your commander." Drignas said, Kaito nodded again and he awoke.
Kaito was standing in reality holding the Sengoku Driver, "Chief.. He died in a painful way.. I won't let his death aside.. I will fight.. For the future he fought for!" Kaito placed the Sengoku Driver on his waist, "Remember.. Whenever you need power.. I'll suply you.. Don't be afraid to ask me.. You've protected the world long enough to deserve the power of a god." he remembered Drignas' words, "I will fight.. FOR EVERYTHING!" he unlocked the Lockseed, placing the Sengoku Driver on his waist, he got a silver strap instead of yellow.
He placed the Lock on the buckle, it glowing once touching it. Kaito then placed the lock down and it was now submitted on the buckle,
= LOCK ON! =
Kaito kicked a few minions out of his way as the belt sent out a tune, "Henshin!" he immediately sliced it with the blade module.
= COME ON! =
As the banana model came on his head, he gained the body suit of Arceus Mark II, the armor opening and Kaito became Arceus Mark III, Arceus Shin.
= Banana Arms : KNIGHT OF SURUPEAR! =
Arceus held the Banaspear close, slashing through minions as Gaiken used his aura to create more. Arceus charged and slashed at them violently, "Draco! Get up!" Arceus said to said Zodiac Knight, Leo stood and pulled out his Zodiac Deck, placing it into the belt and transforming.
" Add Vent - Summon Dragonrizer! "
Arceus was riding on the Arcler, as Draco was on the Dragonrizer in motorcycle state, they used Gaiken's blast wave as a ramp to the Dragon like ship, slashing it down. "Ah mou.. Where's the others when you actually need them.." Arceus asked, then the Red Robin flew by, "Hey! Kai! Leo! Get ready!" Robin said from his communicator, "Hai." Draco said, as Arceus just rode forward.
Draco rode faster as flame aura plus Jinx's hex, the other Titans jumped from the Red Robin, "Yosh!" Arceus flew through through the air, soon the Red Robin's cockpit reformed, the Arcler connecting and it becoming the Birdler. "Eh?!" Arceus looked at what he was controlling now, "Arceus! IKUZO!" Draco revved the motorcycle, the wheels turning to arms, it now flying through the air.
" Final Vent - COMBUSTION KICK! "
Arceus and Draco jumped up and kicked toward the ship, Gaiken jumping up and getting in the way, shooting an aura blast. "YOUR OPPONENT IS ME!" Gaiken blasted more toward them, Arceus then pulled out the Banaspear and threw it into Gaiken, causing him to spark. Arceus and Draco took this chance to pulse a more powerful kick into Gaiken and cause a large explosion. Gaiken was launched into the ship and exploded, knocking it down.
Soon the warrior from before that had the Rider powers jumped out, "So you found a way to defeat even Gaiken?" he glew brightly and charged toward the two. " Wizard! " He jumped and slashed at the two, his eyes glowing, he charged and slashed through the line of warriors. Blasting toward the Titans other than the armored five, "Oi! Draco! Do your best!" a voiceover that was Pluto's said to Draco, "Alright then.. It's time!" Draco charged and turned to Survive form, kicking toward the warrior,
Draco's foot hit into the man, but he was knocked back by his aura, Draco fell out of Survive Form and he was emitting smoke from his armor. "Draco!" Arceus ran to him, a Signal Bike flew by, it had Arceus' faceplate logo on it, it soon created a copy of Arceus Mark II, "Eh?!" Arceus stood, looking at.. Himself?!
Mark II walked up to PJ and helped him up, "Daijobu?" it spoke in a robotic tone, "What the hell's going on, PJ?!" Arceus questioned, "I've created a copy of the Mark II with a Signal Bike.." PJ explained, "What about Shift Titan?" Arceus asked, PJ pointed to where the Mark II Driver's broken parts were, there was a broken Shift Titan. "Yosh! Ikuze! Ore!" Arceus was about to charge in, "Matte." Mark II threw a Card with the symbols of Kuuga-Decade, then he pulled out a Signal Bike with the symbol of W-Ghost in a crumbled up way.
"Eh?" Arceus looked up to see the orbs that had said Rider symbols on them, each symbol for their own orb.
The said orbs came to said two, Arceus confused, but the other two charged and began to fight through minions. Arceus confident, "Yosh! Then I'm after the big fry!" he charged and punched into the Rider powered warrior. " Den-O! " The blade in the man's sword flew out and knocked Arceus back, sparks flying around, until Arceus stood and a golden light appeared at his side, he looked to see a new Lockseed.
= KIWI! =
"My own new form!" He placed it on the buckle, slamming the lock down and slicing it.
Arceus gained a new arms and slashed at the warrior in front of him with it, gaining more power in aura each strike. "Oi! You wasted a lot of precious data! I'm going to lay waste with ya!" Arceus threw the Kiwi Gekirin at the warrior in front of him, causing some of his orbs to fly out, then he sliced the Lockseed thrice more,
Arceus charged, "HA!" he caught the Gekirin and slashed at him, the last orbs flying out and they all became the Riders, Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, Decade, W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive, & Ghost.
Ghost was Boost Damashii.
Drive was Type Wild.
Gaim was Jimba Lemon Arms.
Wizard was Flame Dragon Style.
Fourze was Elec States.
OOO was Tajador.
W was FangJoker.
Decade stood in classic state.
Kiva was Garulu State.
Den-O was Super Climax Form.
Kabuto was Rider Form.
Hibiki was Kurenai.
Blade was Jack.
Faiz was Axel.
Ryuki classic.
Agito Burning.
Kuuga was Amazing Mighty Form.
"Oi.. Narrator.. That was long.. As well as boring!" Den-O (Momotaros) said, slashing at the warrior, now weakened from losing the Rider abilities.
I know.
"Well.. Ikoze! KAMEN RIDERS!" Arceus said loudly, they all nodded and Kuuga jumped, the other Riders charging and punching or slashing through minions. The man soon glew bright red, blasting toward them and a spark flew all around, the Riders disappearing back to their worlds.
"That little.. Special effect.." The man was sparking up, "IS OVER!" he shouted loudly, but soon Draco and Mark II kicked into him, soon a large explosion came as Mark II disappeared.
Hehehe.. My legacy will never die!
Arceus and Draco looked up, Rintios and Shadowcobra arriving, Kravius was smacked back by the Dragon ship as it flew up. "Yamero!" Arceus pulled out the Orange Lockseed,
= BUDOU! =
+ Budou Arms : RYUHOU, HA! HA! HA! +
Arceus pulled out the Ryudou Gun and fired at the ship, one of it's thrusters being hit. "Yosh! Draco, ikuze!" Arceus and Draco jumped toward it, while the others fought against minions left on the planet.
Arceus and Draco landed in the ship, Draco Survive Mode, and Arceus Banana Arms. Draco and Arceus ran forward and slashed through minions in the ship, they soon were met by a clone of.. "Pluto?!" Draco couldn't fight, but Arceus charged and slashed through minions, soon Pluto dodged a minion and slashed it in half. "I may be a clone.. But I still have the real deal's data.. Draco.. Go.. I'll take care of this." Draco realized what would happen if he defeated them, "Pluto.. If I do that.. You'll.." Pluto placed a hand in front of him, signalling him to not say another word. "I know the risk.. If you want to keep your promise.. Then you'll save the world.. No matter who has to be sacrificed.." Pluto said, Arceus slashing a minion apart and running for the control room. "Alright.. Sayonara.. Takada." Draco left, Pluto kicking a minion and slashing another back, "Good luck.. Zodiac Knight Draco." Pluto placed a new card in.
" Final Vent - Self Destruct.. "
Pluto stabbed the ground and everything in the room he was in exploded, "PLUTO!" Arceus was pulling Draco along. "If you don't defeat these guys.. Pluto would've died for nothing.. Would you want that?!" Arceus questioned, "I.. I.." Draco looked down, "Ikuzo.. Leo." Arceus said, running for the control room. "Wakatta.. Pluto." Draco followed, both of them slashing through minions.
Arceus was punched back by the black armored warrior at the front, Black Baron. "You.. You are intriguing.. But not enough!" B. Baron was about to slash at Arceus, but a blast came from the right, "Yamero!" B. Baron was knocked back by Zodiac Knight.. "Copycat?!" Draco looked.
B. Baron and Arceus clashed blades, both emitting a large aura, knocking the surrounding warriors back. Arceus threw B. Baron's weapon to the air, slashing through him and the Sengoku Driver he wore flew off, being caught by the man who wore the Rider powered armor. He placed it on his waist and the Maja title plate appeared on him, he pulled out the Maja Lockseed, submitting it and becoming Maja.
Maja and Arceus battled, but soon he was overwhelmed and Arceus was slashed back, turning back to Kaito when hitting the ground. "Kat.. You know what to do.." Draco said, Copycat nodded and gained her claws, battling against Maja and loud explosions were formed.
" Final Vent - COMBUSTION KICK! "
Draco kicked toward Maja, causing him to spark, then Kaito got up and pulled out the Matsubokkuri Lockseed, "I'll use the powers of all Armored Riders.. Henshin!" he unlocked it and placed it on his belt.
= Matsubokkuri Arms : ICHIGEKI, IN.. THE.. SHADOW! =
Arceus charged and stabbed into the Lockseed on Maja's belt, stabbing Maja completely, "Sayonara.. Riokama.." Arceus pulled the weapon out and Maja exploded. Now what was left was the control panel, then to destroy the ship completely. "HA!" Copycat and Arceus slashed the machine, being sucked out of the ship. "M-Minna.. IKUZO!" Draco shouted, they all nodded and pulled out their trump cards,
The three kicked into the ship, being brought down to Earth, the ship hit ground and a large explosion was made. "It's.. Over.." Arceus panted, closing the Lockseed and dismissing his armor, "Yeah.." Leo fell, passing out. "Arigatou.. Copycat." Kaito said, Copycat soon walked off to who knows where while the flames blurred. Kaito layed down, the other Titans, Zodiac & Kamen Knights running to them, "You guys really did it." PJ admit. "That's why I'm the ultimate Kamen Knight." Kaito laughed as everyone helped the two up. "Arigatou.. Draco." Kaito said, "Thanks.. Arceus." Leo said, they both smiled, both passing each other. "We'll meet again, right?" Kaito asked, "Of course.. But first.. A duel." Leo said, pulling out his Zodiac Deck, "I accept." Kaito pulled out his Sengoku Driver.
" Zodiac Force - DRAGON! "
= Banana Arms : KNIGHT OF SURUPEAR! =
Yo, everyone.. Kamen Knight X Zodiac Knight.. Arceus & Draco.. Part 2.. Complete! Enjoy this..